Would bringing him back be a good idea?

I'm a little conflicted.

>it's without a doubt the greatest villain Star Wars has ever had
>it panders heavily to both OT and PT fans alike
>Ian McDiarmid is probably the best actor this series has ever seen in terms of raw talent

>there are probably no lengths they can go to that don't make this feel shallow and desperate
>it completely negates the emotional ending of the OT and Anakin's entire arc
>unless this movie is 8 hours long, they aren't going to have enough time to explain and expand upon the Emperor's motives, reasons or build him up properly at all

What does Yea Forums think?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Terrible attempt to pander to OT fags. Still not interested and there’s nothing that can be done to change that really.
>am hyped for sheev posting however

>making any decisions that are good
You give credit where none is earend OP.

I unironically agree with you. Treason-fagging will be ripe once more.

>he died for our spins

Sheev was singlehandedly the best part of the prequels.

He will be the best part of the sequels too.

It's pretty funny how every new movie in the Disneyverse just keeps contradicting the ones that came before it. Especially the Sequel Trilogy, with none of the movies having any story between each other, except for the existence of the same characters.
No recurring themes, no development, no nothing.

The rules of Star Wars in general are so contrived that you don't know if a character is really there or a force ghost or astral projecting or or actual projection of doing that intergalactic Skype space call.

Star Wars is dead.

It's a dumb idea but not like anything's going to hurt it further.

It would be a naked sign of how desperate these writer room hacks and money grubbing producers are to try to stuff any sort of fan appeal into the film in an effort to try to get people to come back

It had better only be a holocron. It would make sense to reincorporate the idea that Sheev was building these giant lasers for the sake of fending off an alien invasion, and it would be best narratively if he just says that. But what's the point in speculating, we all know it's going to be something horrible.

>Let the past die. We're grown-ups now. Also, here's a yo mama joke. But seriously bro, let the past die, nothing in Star Wars actually matters lmao.

In my book the only way they can make this work is if they manage to tie (based) Sheev to Snoke somehow. Like they might be able to force my sense of disbelief to accepting it on SOME levels if they manage to tie it to Snoke.

If this is just a "le emperor is back xD" (and you know it fucking will be) kinda deal it's going to slurp semen through a straw.

>mfw officially done with Star Wars after the Solo movie
Somewhere around E7 I stopped caring what Star Wars does. Now I'll just buy a copy on blu-ray used for 3 bucks or something. I'm not going to be a seat in your cinema Disney. It's over.

It was a desperate action, and probably a rushed decision, but bringing him again should work to ensure an above-average box office income.

But im very impressed how the sequels are lacking on story-line, lore, and....soul, there is not a bit of honest creativity at all, everything was done for the sole marketing purposes.

Seriously I'm impressed, they have there writers earning millon dollars, and they cant manage to write a decent story?

What if the great more-evil-than-me Sheev was building the lasers to fight was Snoke.
>thanks for the heads up grandpa but we beat him already

See that'd fall into the latter category. At that point they just bought Sheev back as fan-bait.

I'd rather it be something like Snoke being an attempt to "re-grown" the Sheev's body through cloning (like in EU) but he didn't get it right and that's why it was so weak and deformed. There IS an angle here somewhere that could link these two characters in an effective manner, but I doubt they're going to pull it off.

The only way that this is going to work is if Palpaptine kills Rey and her friends 30 minutes into the movie and spends the remaining two hours being delightfully evil.

Attached: Star Wars Plan 9.jpg (540x360, 15K)

I would genuinely watch and enjoy an E9 where Sheev kills Rey and The Minority Gang and spends the last 2 hours rebuilding his empire.

Right. And the holocron is Vader's helmet. So when Kylo thought his grandfather was talking to him, it was Palpatine the whole time.

That could actually kinda work. It would explain why Vader (despite having turned good at the end of the OT) keeps trying to mind-fuck Kylo into following the path of the Sith (no it's not "dark-side user" Disney, it's fucking "Sith", I'm never letting that go).

Of course why it's in Vaders helmet, why Vaders helmet survived the Death Star's explosion and a billion other underlying plotholes would rape the film apart.

>Seriously I'm impressed, they have there writers earning millon dollars, and they cant manage to write a decent story?

You really would think so, right? I mean, Yea Forums is an autistic looneybin but I swear I've read way more interesting and unique ideas that would have worked amazingly compared to the schlock we're actually given. What we actually get is so meaninglessly nonsensical that it borders on parody-tier.

The helmet was burned on Endor. Luke took it and Vader/Anakin's body. Sheev would have to have "entered" the helmet before the DS blew and Luke left. Maybe the explosion when Sheev feel down the shaft forced his spirit into the helmet there.

Just rewatched that ROTJ scene again. The blowback form the shaft engulfs Vader, who's leaning over the shaft against the rail. Quite possible that'll be the explanation.

jesus, why do these details matter when the entire point of the OT is bringing balance to the force and actually kill the emperor. They basically substituted snoke with Palpatine again, simultaneously shitting on their own sequels and the OT.

>People thinking SW is bringing back living, breathing Emperor Sheev Palpatine.

He'll be back but his physical form died at the end of RotJ. Think more like Sauron from Lord of the Rings. I think it will be revealed that he's the one who has been influencing Kylo. I think it will also be used to explain why Luke was not acting like himself in TLJ and why he shut himself off from the force. They'll probably say Snoke was his apprentice and killing him made Rey / Kylo that much closer to fulfilling their destiny as his new apprentice (whichever one would kill the other).

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It's not a "good" idea to randomly pull a dead villian out of mothballs in the last quarter, but functionally they can't redeem Kylo Ren without a more menacing villain being around.

I gave a logical explanation, which means there's no fucking way they'll do that. They'll blame it on force dust or some other nonsense.

I have a feeling this movie's going to be the biggest shitshow yet. Now, they not only have to try to come back from E8 but also make this an ending worth the wait. I would be very surprised if anyone, on or off camera, is leaving this movie with their career even marginally salvageable.

When I was little I used to daydream a lot and I daydreamed this ongoing sci-fi war story for years from elementary school to adulthood, and from age 10 on it followed the son of the original main character who died along with his wife. The new main character was almost like my alter ego and he did all the great heroic feats of the story. Then when I was 19 he "died" in this battle I'd been building up to for years and I planned to continue the story with his children just like I had with him from his father except I didn't like his children much so I had him "resurrected" by some ancient nanotechnology so now there is no tension bevause he basically cannot die, and the sanctity of death has been breached. It ruined the story. Which was autistic garbage anyway, but it was one of the only things i had left from my childhood and had a lot of meaning to me. Completely ruined. I don't imagine it anymore and that's not cause I'm not autistic enough to do so. So overall I would say resurrection is a godawful plot mechanic and rarely works. Stupid idea.

>>unless this movie is 8 hours long, they aren't going to have enough time to explain and expand upon the Emperor's motives, reasons or build him up properly at all
Dont worry, you can buy the dozens of comic books and novelos that will explayin all the holes left in the movie.

Adam Driver seems to be trying at least, already had one movie in between the sequels

>not taking the story into multiple branching directions after key plot points

Granted you might never finish it this way or have a single satisfying conclusive end but the possibilities are more interesting than the canon.

>Rey fights Palpatine with all she can muster but it proves fruitless. Sidious closes in on her, about to strike her down with his saber.
>Rey braces to become one with the Force but as Sidious' saber slashes down at her, his weapon clashes with a lightsaber of pure Force energy. Sidious is taken aback and looks to the wielder of this weapon.
>It's Anakin's Force ghost, suddenly materialized. Anakin's spirit, imbued with light side energy is able to engage Sidious for a second time.
>The old master and apprentice battle it out, with Anakin landing some powerful blows on Sidious but he will soon be overpowered and struck down by Sidious, Anakin's spirit vanishes.
>It will be at this moment when Sidious regains his composure, laments what came of his former pupil and turns his attention to Rey
>It is in this moment Yoda, Luke and Obi-Wan's ghosts materialize and they call forth all the ghosts of the Jedi who had fallen during the Clone Wars through to the extermination of the Jedi under Sidious, from Kit Fisto to Qui-Gon Jinn
>Anakin's spirit reappears again at this point and they all realize the only way to defeat Sidious at this point would be to channel all of their Force energies in to Rey and enable her to finally destroy Sidious
>She is empowered with their combined energies and defeats Sidious but at the cost of her own connection to the Force, her connection has been completely severed
>Eventually, there will be a timeskip to many years in the future which shows her tutoring a youngling to lift a small stone with the Force
>She has become a Jedi master and has established a new academy on Jakku, she is slowly regaining her connection to the Force.
>Roll credits

I actually did something similar but in my head the protagonist was a knight-in-training (I was more of a fantasy-autist than a scifi-autist). It ended for me around the age of 16 when my head kinda snapped back into reality and I concluded that no one except me actually did shit like daydream this much anymore.

Mine didn't have any cool conclusion like yours did though sadly, and it just kinda faded away when I started getting more into girls and other normalfag hobbies.

I think nu-wars was a mistake and this shit trilogy should have never been made.

>sheev posting
That would be the only good thing about nuwars, and I'm ok with this.

Sheevposting is back on the menu

this is so anime

I agree. After Rian Johnson was confirmed to be away from the director spot, I had some hope that JJ might be capable of salvaging some bit of something. Then I realized there's really nothing to salvage. It's either going to be absolute shit, or completely forgettable.

Same, except mine was more like a shonen anime. I'm glad I'm not the only one who did this.

He IS trying, I agree. And though not by a lot he is marginally more interesting than Daisy's character (not by much, but at least he's trying). Such a little sentiment can't save this monstrous shit though.

I remember not liking the PT much, but I never knew it was going to get this bad. Fuck, bring back Jar Jar, those goofy pod races and the senate scenes.

they can't salvage anything because Snoke is dead and there is no time to build up the knights of Ren.

>literally "The Power of Friendship"-tier

Of course it was a fucking mistake, but it looked so good on paper. George had obviously lost his mind before PT, and now we'd get new Start Wars movies without him behind the wheel to drive us into crazy-town, and with a larger budget than ever. It LOOKED like the stars were lining up.

Oh how foolish men are.

I also daydream on this level (though never one story for that long) I ended up becoming a writer. Usually an imagination of that caliber means you’re suited for that type of career.

I did that while his children were growing up. I think that's part of what ruined it for me. No true main character to identify with and now he and his son and daughter all compete for the spotlight. As well as tons of other side characters. Like his dad's friend and his wife and daughter who actually had satisfying storylines pay off. And the main characters wife who died in a firefight and I wrote music about it, so now there's even less reason for the main character to live.

Fuck, all the stories I love went to shit. This one, star wars, the walking dead, falling skies, I'm sure there are more. Why does everything have to turn to shit ? It's depressing.

>Snoke was the first clone of Sheev but gone wrong
>that's why he was killed off so easily
>Sheevs second clone is a perfect replica and becomes the nuEmperor

>It's either going to be absolute shit, or completely forgettable.
That's actually a FAR more interesting point.

Realistically, it's going to be one of these. It's either going to be E7-tier garbage or E8-tier boring schlock. It's either forgettable or garbage and the only real factor that hasn't been decided yet is which one. At this point I think the chances of it being "good" are so infinitely tiny that they might as well not exist at all. Star Wars has somehow manage to corner a position WORSE than capeshit.

How about we just never mention snoke again. Pretend it didn’t happen

I wrote 300k words over the years, just scenes from throughout it. Would have been millions of words if id covered the whole plot a there was 15+ years of material in there. I remember most of it from memory. I have other story ideas but I'm not as motivates to write those as I am my garbage-tier autism that is unpublishable.

Anyway I won't post more I don't want to derail the thread.

>Why does everything have to turn to shit ?
We're too old for this user. New stories are a young-man's game. I'm sure a lot of zoomers out there genuinely like nu-SW and we're just too dead inside to appreciate it.

Of course your personal hollowness may vary but I'm content just raveling in nostalgia for now.

if they created him then they better own up to it, it's amateur shit to create a character then realize he's a mistake later on

Under different circumstances and in defter hands, I’d be excited. As it stands, I’m completely apathetic.

Oh yes, because one thing we can all agree on is that the plot and characters of the new Star Wars movies has been anything but amateurish.

I kinda agree with you. You're talking to someone who genuinely liked Dark Empire a fucking lot and if that kinda autistic magic could have been re-created I'd be all about it.

As it stands though, we both know it's not happening.

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I'd agree with you if most of it weren't so objectively bad.
But maybe you're right. I loved attack of the clones when it came out and I can barely watch it now.

The 3rd trilogy should have been about bringing true balance to the force with an order based on fuller understanding of the force. Not Jedi and sith. But that will never happen because muh toys.

I am not filling this board with another fucking Star Wars thread so I'll just ask here: what the fuck happened to John Williams? I cannot think of a single fucking memorable track from the ST. Not. Fucking. One.

Say what you want about the PT but the man was at the top of his game when Lucas was cracking the whip:

You just don't find this shit in the ST.

If you're the kind of person who wants the sequel trilogy to be any good then it's an absolutely awful idea. However that ship sailed when TFA completely undermined the original trilogy and TLJ was unrelenting shit. Really the choice boils down to
>shit movie
>shit movie but you might get a kick out of Ian McDiarmid playing Sheev before he's killed off by Reyjitsu
So sure, go ahead and throw him in because it really can't be saved anyway.

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Pretty much this. You can't save it at this point anyway, and one of the VERY few things both the fans of the OT and the fans of the PT agree on is that Sheev was cool and Ian did a fantastic job with him. I know people who consider themselves very critically-thinking adults who WILL go watch this movie solely to see Ian dawn the Palpetine role again.

God in heaven I hope he's a fucking 10-second clip like Luke was in the end of E7. Just a great big "fuck you we have your money" from Disney.

It's utterly shameless pandering and typical Abrams film making. Zero new ides, zero risks, just bring back what people liked.

It's going to be Into Darkness kind of disaster.

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Yeah this trilogy is completely fucked.

The only hope is that everybody involved with ST gets kicked out and after few years of nothing they make a new trilogy completely unrelated to old SW films.

This, I'm only excited for fellow prequel memers.
Actually are they thinking people are gonna be cheering for Ray and diversity squad now ? Sheev will steal the audience with his charisma

>The only hope is that everybody involved with ST gets kicked out and after few years of nothing they make a new trilogy completely unrelated to old SW films.

See that's the problem: that won't work. The only way they can salvage the Star Wars universe as a concept at this point is to render the entire ST completely non-canon. Or make alternate timelines or something.

As long as characters like Rey, who pretty much picked up the Force in a day exist, there can be no real tension here. And if they DO in fact bring back Sheev in any physical way, then death will now have no consequence.

It will suffer from "Dragon Ball Syndrom" where death is nothing but a meaningless detour from the main plot and you can hype up each fight as much as you want but no one important can actually die anyway.

They only introduced time travel in canon comics and animated series I believe

Star Wars is a clusterfuck and we don't give a shit anymore. Sheev is just a meme.

I remember when the allure of Star Wars for me was melee-scifi. Lasers, blasters, space ships and aliens and they somehow managed to work swords into this mix? Sign my younger self the fuck up.

I do not recognize it anymore.

>would x be a good idea?
nurwars is way past the point where these things would've mattered

This is retarded all the way. Just shows how Disney has no idea what they're doing with the franchise and only follows charts and taking things people liked from the OT and shoving it back in their face for the sake of nostalgia. As terrible as the prequels were, at least George tried to do something different.

He's going to run for Chancellor again, his slogan will be "make the republic great again" and Kylo and Rey will have to unite to defeat him.

>What does Yea Forums think?
stopped reading there

The First Order nuked the republic in TFA

The prequels did a lot, A LOT, wrong but honestly I find myself looking back at them more fondly in retrospect. And no, they're not amazing, but they're a fucking lot better than this shit is.

Well I mean, that's pretty much where I wanted you to stop.

that would be the biggest and most delightful fuck you to disney cucks

How do you think JJ Abrams feels about Rian Johnson killing off Snoke?

this, although the 'been influencing kylo' part would negate his character traits and development in the first two films, which were one of the rare good parts of the movies so far

they may have nuked the Republic planets, but not the SENATE

Probably doesn't give a shit because he's a studio director that will do whatever they say.

I think after the carefully calculated think-tank Force Awakens it is painfully obvious that there was no overarching direction set from the beginning, but I guess JJ reckoned that Rian would understand the main roles for the characters and write/direct a movie that expands upon them, adds to the main characters and sets up a final confrontation

I think Rian understood that this was expected from him by JJ and I think this was the point when he said 'you know what? fuck you, I'm going to take every single point of your expectations and twist them as much as I can', and he did, but he's either this grossly incompetent, or it was plainly out of spite / trolling. I still can't decide which one.

so I think Abrams feels immensely fucked about having to salvage what was left to him to work with

This is going to be Star Wars version of Khhaaaaannnnnnn!!!

Anyone hyped for this is retarded.

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Oh wow, yet another original and cool idea by JJ!

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>>Ian McDiarmid is probably the best actor this series has ever seen in terms of raw talent
who is alec guiness

>Would bringing him back be a good idea?

No because it ruins the ending of RotJ and Vader's sacrifice.

Vader's sacrifice was more about turning against his own nature to save his son and returning to the light than simply killing Sheev

>I know people who consider themselves very critically-thinking adults who WILL go watch this movie solely to see Ian dawn the Palpetine role again.
Jesus they should just wait for somebody to upload the relevant clips online

The emotional ending of the OT came from Vader's redemption.

This, the emperor being thrown in a hole was secondary to the return of the jedi, and Luke's pacifism winning out.

Probably mad because he couldn't 1-to-1 copy ROJ anymore. Now he has to bring the emperor back so he can.

I don't like it. The Skywalker saga already ended decades ago. The new cast has practically zero personal connection to the plotline now. They feel like side characters in their own story

The fact that they decided that Snoke was just ANOTHER one of Palpatine's great keikaku is yet another sell out. I had hoped that for this last one they'd focus on tying up the First Order, explaining a little more about the current galaxy and generally acting as damage control for whatever the fuck TLJ was supposed to be. Instead its a return to form OT pandering which has been the most damaging thing to the sequelverse to begin with.

This would sincerely be the best thing they could do

>Sheev's head in a giant battle mech with giant spinning lightsabers on 8 arms
>"How do you hope to win, Jedi?"
>"I am no Jedi. I am a Skywalker"
>"So be it...Skywalker."

very reddit centrist understanding of the force, in the OT and PT it is explicit that the dark side is the corruption. just because kotor had gray jedi doesn't mean that's what the film saga goes by.

Why are you so obsessed with reddit?

I hate the whole concept of gray jedi

Its 2019, not one single percent of risk is going to be taken for about anything that exists but that would indeed be kino.

>Villain built up for six movies is going to get wrecked by Rey five minutes after meeting her.

This is going to be so painful to watch.

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They are going to have him comeback as an Ewok. I swear to god. To subvert your expectations.

It is a terrible idea. There’s nothing physically stopping the Mouse from coming up with its own impactful villains. Just the wrong people in the wrong positions. Rehashing Sheev is a horrendous idea. Vader’s sacrifice at the end of RotJ is the capstone moment of the OT, and Sheev’s death is an integral part of that scene. This isn’t just lazy writing, it’s damaging to the IP. But the Mouse clearly doesn’t give a fuck about anything but today’s dollar. Lucas was right to call them slavers.

Seems like a desperate attempt to gain favor again with people who have had enough of nu-Star Wars. And with how many characters this movie has to balance out, I doubt he’ll be around long enough to justify his return. Like a 20-second cameo.

digitz confirm great idea
I would go to the theater to see it
>nu characters are in his throne room under water with scuba gear
>Sheev's ghost pulls their masks off
>they drown while he listens to classical music and dances

If there are many scenes of force ghosts fighting him, Anakin, Luke, Obi-Wan, and Yoda then yes
If Rey does the majority of the work in beating him then no

Why is the old EU artwork so kino? The aesthetics are fantastic

Attached: DFII.jpg (1522x2162, 509K)

I'm sorry, I don't speak meme. Could you explain?

Yes, go back to www.reddit.com for the answer.

To be fair, that same villain was built up for 3 movies only to get rekt in 5 minutes before.

kino is german IIRC for cinema. Im saying the artwork is beautiful and nuwars artwork is shallow by those standards
Pic related is another good example of old artwork

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>have no plan
>just throw in random legacy characters
>entire plot is based around building off what other writers did with those characters
It will be awful no matter what they do.

Yeah but his first demise is brought about by Anakin's redemption and Luke's unyielding faith in his father. They don't have that angle AT ALL between the emperor and the current cast, so it's guaranteed to be stupid bullshit like Rey casting bigger force lightning or nonsensical ghost fistfights.

It's going to bomb! Just like Captain Marvehahaha

The real question is what kind of big hit it will be: major or fucking huge.

>it's without a doubt the greatest villain Star Wars has ever had
Darth Vader, sorry.

Attached: 1522602993846.jpg (1024x691, 68K)

>goes from villain in one movie to loving Father of the Year in the next two

>Sheev shows up
>Declares he survived his assasination attempt and is the rightful ruler of the Galactic federation
>Everyone goes along with it and things are settled amicably, Sheev institutes progressive policies to cater to the Resistance and Jedi
>Final clip is Sheev and Rey shaking hands and smiling
This is the only acceptable option: Debate me

>Final clip is Sheev and Rey shaking hands and smiling
I would forgive everything if this is how it ends

He's literally the evilest prick alive in Empire.

I said I don't speak meme. Can you explain what you mean by "reddit"?

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It means you're a faggot.

Vader was clearly regretted joining the emperor.
>Plotted to overthrow him
>Abused/killed mofs in power whenever he could find an excuse
>In the end sacrificed himself to destroy sheev
I wouldn't say Vader was completely redeemable, but he was far from the evilist guy in the empire


Just because he plotted against the Emperor doesn't mean he was good in any way.
He relentlessly kills his own men, blows up the Rebel base, tortures Han and his friends, beats Luke's ass, cuts off his hand, and tries to convert him to the dark side.

He's a fekking horcrux, 10 bucks

Goddamn, you tards! why dont you fuckers had those written down? How do you think novels and books are made? There are some post fixes that publishers does, but its basically core austism.

You guys should be printing those stories instead of self depracating yourselves

>What we actually get is so meaninglessly nonsensical that it borders on parody-tier.
>when the original series becomes the parody

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I hate the name Sheev. His name Emperor Palpatine.


>Can't wake up

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was talking to my one friend about it and he kept calling him Darth Sidious. i never liked that name

Cos Palpatine pre-1998.

It goes deeper than that. youtube.com/watch?v=pdb8Vxo2roE

tl;dw KK just may think Spaceballs is the original Star Wars and did indeed influence R1 and TLJ.



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That's the point. It sounds retarded and just makes him funnier to look at.

>best actor this series has ever seen
alec guinness?
christopher lee?

fuck off faggot this isnt legend of korra

Literally kenshiro vs rao

I think his scenes were all green screen which is why it didn't leak so he might be a sentinel or possessing sith artefacts

If they'd seeded the idea initially, MAYBE it'd be fine, but this is an asspull.

user, the entire sequel trilogy continuing the story of the OT was a bad fucking idea.

Not saying they couldnt make more Star Wars movies, but they seriously fucked up the canon and made the previous 6 movies more or less pointless.

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>ruins the entire point of the OT
>people still try to defend it
Why? This fucking trilogy has gone out of its way to burn everything Star Wars to the fucking ground. Bringing him back is just pouring salt in the wound.

I can't stand this guy's tone on space balls. "Ugh *sigh*... it's soo not funny. Okay it actually is funny, but I need to pretend like it isn't and that I'm above this. *sigh*" Goes on and on about this for like 5 minutes, fucking obnoxious.

Nah it's like being on a plane hopelessly plummeting toward the earth but taking solace in the fact that you might manage to wank yourself before you die.

It is the natural thing to do though. I mean you're going down with a very short amount of time left to live. Might as well fill your brain with dopamine one more time before it all ends.

There is no way this ends well.

1) Sheev is a flashback : shite
2) Rey Kills Sheev : shite
3) Rey brings Anakin back to life who kills sheev again (with reys help of course) : Shite

There is now way this can either not
A) totally ruin the OT and PT
B) totally ruin the OT, PT and ST

Fucking hilarious.

You phrase this in a way that makes me think you actually think the PT is still salvageable. Which is a delightful optimism I'd like to hear more about.

How do you figure this?

What would have been a better name for the new film?

There is nothing the movie could do with him that would make actually good storytelling. However I am sure he will still be the best part of the movie just by being delightfully devilish.
Also sheev posting

>the only jedi luke ever knew wanted to use him to emotionally distract vader so that luke could more easily kill his own father
the only thing TLJ got right is that the light doesn't belong to the jedi

Good endings always go back to the beginning in some way. Makes perfect sense for the character who set the entire saga in motion to be referenced or appear. Add that George was pro bringing Sheev back and there's really nothing left to debate

>she then realizes she doesn't know how to teach others about the force how to build a lightsaber

>or how to build a lightsaber

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>>unless this movie is 8 hours long, they aren't going to have enough time to explain and expand upon the Emperor's motives, reasons or build him up properly at all

Plageus learned and developed clone tech and how to transfer your soul into another body.

Snoke was a failed clone, and underling of Sheev. Either went rogue or was temporarily in charge until Sheev got a new body.

Now Sheev has a new body, and he's the baddie.


sheev as a force ghost taking over Rey's body and killing all the minorities and then the children
all the children
and becoming the new empress would be 10/10 ending

Imagine having to make this thread five times a day for the next eight months?

They HAVE to play it back to the Darth Plageus story. Somehow Palpey must have pulled some life-force transference bullshit he learned form DP during his last moments alive.

It has to be something that ties together with Plagues. It's the only (canon) straw they have yet to pull. If it's cloning then they'll piss of EU fans. If it's fucking anime magic they'll piss off everyone. But, if they pull a Plageus they can still come out with some semblance of dignity.

Just say that Snoke was Treason 1.5 and that nu-Sheev is Treason 2.0 thanks to Plageus. It's the only way this won't turn into a complete shit show.

Damn, even I agree with you guys and I am gen Z.
Does the internet have some artificial accelerated aging, just Yea Forums, or is it seeing something you enjoy turn to shit?

Not him but born 2000 here. I think Yea Forums somehow carves you out a little. No matter what board you go to you develop this hyper-cynicism and criticality that most normalfags just don't get. I can feel myself appreciating less and less every day.

The oldfags of this board must be completely souleless at this point.

I like it. Palpatine is actually the funniest character in all of Star Wars. Being named "Sheev" just adds to that.

Sometimes the line between retarded and brilliant is a thin one.

You kids should really get out of here. And I'm not saying that because you're not welcome, but you shouldn't be here. It does not make you a healthy person.

Hayden Christensen?

i saw this coming since the force awakens after seeing snokes crippled body.

kylo ren is sheevs new body, just like in the EU

Have they brought back a character they haven't ruined?



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I guess, since they barely used him. Anyone else? They ruined everyone important that I can think of.

dogshit movie with Sheev >>> dogshit movie without Sheev

evidence: the prequels. there are no cons.

That's actually a hilarious potential backfire. The audience isn't excited because these characters we care about are going to face the evil Emperor, but Disney thinks that's where the excitement is coming from. The audience is hoping these no name characters that have hijacked the series are finally going to get put against a character the fans have grown to love over 6 previous films and countless other sources and that he might finally be powerful enough to kill/defeat all of them since Luke, Han, and any of the other characters failed to make them likable and in some cases did the opposite. If the series just pivoted and became about Sheev from here on out and the 9 films are now a story of his ascent to victory culminating with defeating Rey, Finn, Poe, Kylo and so on, it might actually redeem the whole series.

That's about the only thing that can fix this. Sheev just fucking shit up just for laughs.

>Not liking PT
Take that ridiculous mask off Sequelcuck.

palpatine is gonna be quipping left and right, let that sink in for a second.

>calls it an attempt to pander to OT nostalgia
>only retarded prequel shitters are excited about it BECAUSE MUH MEMES

Bringing him back is shitting on the OT, not pandering to the nostalgia of real fans, only manchildren like you.


Also, I bet Sheev actually tried to possess Snoke to be alive and flesh again, which would explain his powers. Or maybe, since Palpatine is Dark Side user, he couldn't become a true force Ghost, but yet, he wouldn't die either. Stuck between our plane of existence, and the force-ghost's one. His only way was to attach himself to another individual like a parasite, and that individual was Snoke.

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This is nostalgia baiting at its finest like they did with the force awakens

Nu-wars is worth existing for Rogue One alone. Best and most Star Wars movie since the OT ended.

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If they're desperate enough to bring back Sheev, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they brought back fucking clone troopers, hell maybe have that clone who got put in a carbon freezing chamber show up.

Everything about the trailer looked awful, but I have to admit hearing that laugh did pique my interest. If they just tease him and don’t axtually bring him back, fans will be mad. But I guess they’re already mad.
But if they suddenly bring back the old villain in the third act, it’s a pretty hack move, especially since you can tell it wasn’t planned.

Nu Wars should've been just Spinoff films desu.

>caring this deeply about space wars
Greetings my fellow kekistani. Who do you hate more, black people or women? Haha, I sure love blaming other people for my problems!

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>the red arm was a Phantom Pain easter egg
Still baffles me that JJ did that.

Rogue one was a snoozefest

To be fair, Christiansen did a great job copying JEJ speech patterns.

the old lore was no sith ghosts, but sheev was the embodiment of the dark side by the time of his death.

its more like sheev replaced the son from the mortis clone wars arc.

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It’s the only way they will get me to watch the movie. Palpatine is literally the only character in Star Wars I give a shit about. I still haven’t even seen The Force Awakens but I will have to watch it AND TLJ to have context for this film if Sidious is in it

snoke was palpatine all along. he just looked and sounded different because he was in a different body.

it's incredible how Disney is failing
TLJ is all about "Killing the past" and subverting our expectations
but then they recycle Darth Maul for Solo and now Palpatine for ep 9

Ian McDiarmid is an excellent actor and the only one who looked good in the prequel
but even Mark Hamill couldn't save Luke's character from bad directing and writing


As a force ghost? No problem. Palpatine pulling strings as an angry spirit fits fine and would be easy to write in. Disney Wars lacks a credible villain anyway. As a clone like Dark Empire or just alive out of nowhere? Hell no. There just hasn't been any build up to allow for it. That said, it is incredibly pathetic that they are scraping so hard for nostalgia gold because their OCs aren't catching support the way Han, Leia and Luke did.

He’s coming back, whether he’s a force ghost or even just a presence. This shouldn’t speculative. It’s like speculating whether or not Luke will make an appearance.

Fuck it. Just go ahead and reveal all of Star Wars has been the result of Darth Jar Jar's plot slowly coming to fruition.

What did sheev do in the original 6 movies that were so funny? I didn't know he was so popular

Also con: it makes no fucking sense that he survived being thrown into the engine of the Death Star.

what DIDNT sheev do in the PT? dude took over a government and started a galactic war.

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>snoke was palpatine all along.

Personalities are a lot different. Sheev is more laid back. Smug. Snoke is cartoon villain yelling at everyone all the time.

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getting tossed into a reactor core and losing your galactic empire does that to a guy.

>Using his Disney-canon name instead of Palpatine or Sidious.

Maybe he comes back as a force ghost that can only command and interact with people indirectly.

>he didn't get it right and that's why it was so weak and deformed
Except Snoke wasn't weak, and was potentially more powerful than Luke, he can link minds between systems repeatedly like it's nothing and without dying,


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He wasn't even hinted in the previous two episodes. If you've seen A New Hope, you've already seen a superior version of The Force Awakens. Ep8 is just Empire rearamged, with some idiotic breaking of the lore. The whole thing is tainted with late 2010s feminism and agenda pushing. Honestly, you're better off waiting for an 'Episode 9: Emperor supercut' to drop on youtube a few months after the film comes out for some Sheev goodness.

A badly executed trilogy that was planned from the start to show Palpatines rise >>>> A badly handled corporate cash grab that throws Palpatine in the third film a desperate attempt gain relevance.

They'll probably do this, though it will ruin watching the Opera scene in RotS by association with the sequel trilogy.


yes it should be nothing but force ghosts now until a generation with a high soyy tolerance comes along

This would be the only plot I would spend money for

>reintroduce emperor just so rey can kill him in the very same movie he's introduced in
The only way this could work is if he wins and kills everyone. Not gonna happen in Disney's Onions Wars.

cringe and bluepilled

its a good idea, but they will fuck it up, just like every character from the OT so far

im not watching ep9 to preserve whatever memories I have left of the OT and PT

I haven't seen ep8 either

Sheev is love, Sheev is life.

Nuff said.

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I loe sheev

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>Would bringing him back be a good idea?


Because the movie is going to be shit regardless; there is no saving the franchise at this point. At least this way we can have some fun with Emperor memes and bring back Sheevposting.

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>Disney starts his SW run publishing Tarkin, beginning the era of Sheevposting
>Ends the saga(?) by reviving Sheevposting once more

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That's why there will be a surprise episode X

>>it panders heavily to both OT and PT fans alike
It most certainly does not. It makes OT completely pointless

My feeling is that the characters they bought are seen as assets, and don't really get used effectively...because Star Wars 1-6 already finished. I don't think that Disney understands that Star Wars was over at Revenge of the Sith.

This is a pretty common mentality with jap properties, you see any anime or video game that blows up in popularity get spinoffs and drama CDs and unnecessary redux releases with waifus tacked on.

Sequel trilogy is the prequel to its equivalent of original trilogy, Episode 9 will end like 3 with Rey dark side and Ben restoring the Jedi order, thus:
>The Rise of Skywalker
Screencap this when I'm proven right.

>kino is german IIRC for cinema
Correct, but it is actually term for Nazi/German Theatre/Cinema. "kino" aligns with Yea Forums culture very well because Yea Forums is place for many racist nazi-loving bigots.

I'll admit, i'm not a fan of the Star Wars universe, but I know who the Emperor was and I'd buy a ticket to see how this plays out.

Actually... i'm cautiously hype? I skipped the last 2 movies, but I'll go watch them now

wtf i love tlj now

>manipulative genius that mainly uses the force and rarely ever uses his lightsaber
>put him in a giant mech with 8 lightsabers making him a thick skulled "smash it until it can't move" villain
this is so out of character that it might actually happen

>easter egg
that implies that its hidden and you have to search for it
the game is in one of the biggest game series of all time and the red arm is on the main character. Then C3PO literally goes into the camera and practically breaks the 4th wall by mentioning you probably didn't recognize him because of the red arm.

You've summerised it well, OP. It's shit already.

>Palpatine never died
>he was reincarnated as a Porg
>and thanks Millennium Falcon he's escaped
>uses to get back to his "" ""Secret Lab"" ""
>and snaps his fingers and orders the First Order to change him back.

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Yeah, it's going to be pandering as all hell. The only reason why he's coming back is because Rian killed off the main villain too early and JJ isn't creative enough to asspull another villain for one movie.

Kino is just German for movie theater, maybe the rest of what you said is true I'll give you that.

>They HAVE to play it back to the Darth Plageus story
>hinking that Jar Jar Abrams even know who the fuck Plagues is

>Luke inherited his callsign from an Asian who is terrible at driving.
How could Gareth Edwards be so based?

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>it completely negates the emotional ending of the OT and Anakin's entire arc

This con alone is worse than any of the fucking pros. They shouldnt be bringing his ass back. Sadly enough JJ doesnt have a creative bone in his body, so he has to constantly pull shit created by other people.

Also implying that they are going to at all expand on Palpatine. They are going to bring him in towards the end, and he will be the unanswered problem that they will use to launch the next trilogy. Gotta keep people hooked after this shit show somehow.

>EU is non canon it had too much dumb stuff like Palpatine coming back to life
>let the past die kill it if you have to
>Solo flops and people shit all over Star Wars

>not pirating it,

Damn son

I feel like none of these new directors know what to do with Williams. Lucas had an understanding of operatic music at the very least, and I feel like he was able to communicate just what he wanted from the score down to leitmotifs and shit that made the old soundtracks so perfect. These new guys just kinda slap some placeholder music over a scene, then look at Williams and shrug and tell him to make it sound like that. Like everything else in this trilogy, they're half-assing it and Williams is just along for the ride, and that's a real shame. I don't think he's lost touch, I just feel like he's not being directed well.

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The prequels feel like shitty star wars
The sequels feel like shit

It’s what happens when you spend ALL your time here, just develop other interests, and use Yea Forums sparingly. Eventually you’ll stop using it, it’s what happened to me and certain boards. Don’t waste your time online zoomers, there’s much cooler stuff out there.

Sheevposting will be back in the menu.


Honestly I have not paid to watch the other movies,but sheev being back makes me just want to get wasted and laugh my ass off watching this train wreck.

I'm sad that he's obviously going to lose to fucking Rey and Kylo. Sheev deserves to win this time.

>its a good idea

The correct way to bring him back is to not portray him as the main villain who rey and company defeat after a long struggle. That's too easy.

Instead, Sheev should be used as a plot device.

They did it in the EU and it was absolutely reviled by the fans. I don't see why a group of people who have proven to be far less competent than your average EU writer would be capable of doing any better.

Sheev should live in a holocron that Rey takes with her. He can pipe up with advice and derisive commentary at appropriate moments.

His end in episode VI was pretty lame. He gets thrown into a little hole?

He excelled in the prequels. Hopefully he does in this sequel.

>Sheeve kills Rey in the climax. It's a quick death without much time for the audience to process.
>Kylo gets pissed and attacks Sheeve, both die.
>Only force users left are the plebs.


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So are you retarded or pretending? I can’t tell anymore

I loved it when Star Wars had fun moments when it didn't take itself seriously

We both know that is not even close to what's actually going to happen.

Unless you are blinded by nostalgia though: Mark Hamill is a cool person with a cool role in a cool universe but no acting god. He's okay, but if you've seen him in anything that isn't Star Wars you'll realize that he's "okay" at best.


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One thing ST have shown is that they don't give a FUCK about PT.

Yeah but at least in Japshit all the spinnofs and reduxes are ALL non-canon fan-bait. It's way worse here because all this shit is actually happening in the main lore.

>Actually... i'm cautiously hype? I skipped the last 2 movies, but I'll go watch them now
Enjoy. Once you've seen them you'll be joining us on the cynicism charts.

>implying anyone at Disney has seen the non-ST Star Wars movies
Der Maus does not not allow such insolence.

This is a worrying but surprisingly accurate point.

Do you guys think Lucas is sitting on his comfy retirement money, laughing at every new trailer to every new Star Wars movie?

If I was in his shoes I probably would.

Not him, but I think it was because John and Lucas were friends IRL. They became friends during the filming of E4 and essentially never stopped chatting and hanging out after that. I'm sure that led to them communicating very well in their work too.

>"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to!"
I will remind you that this line was followed up by JJ and Der Disney Reich doing tons of interviews telling oldfags to go fuck themselves and that "Star Wars is no longer for you".

Then they pull this shit. The Mouse is not a subtle creature.

>Kylo gets pissed and attacks Sheeve, both die.
>Sheev knows how to do it now so he pulls more anime-magic out of his ass and transfers his life to another creature last-second
>Sheev is now the only Force-user in the galaxy
The way it has to be.


The guy caught a LOT of flack for the PT. On some levels I am sure he's enjoying watching the Mouse burn his kingdom to the ground.

Zoomer here, was Star Wars ALWAYS about subverting our expectations?

My dad told me about seeing the Star Wars movies in the theaters and there was never all this crazy theorizing there is now. Everything was about the universe and the characters, not what grand twist was around the corner next. Is he lying to me?

>Best and most Star Wars movie since the OT ended.

Only if you cut out all the boring filler and just make it so it starts at the space battle and showing just some random rebels get the plans and beam it up before getting nuked.

The only part of nu-SW I actually like is how no one alive gives a nanoshit about the new cast. Seriously, go to YouTube and search for "Star Wars Episode 9". Or fuck, just google it. No one is talking about the spic, or KANGZ or Marry Sue: no, the only aspect people even remotely care about is Sheev.

It is almost transcendent in how unlikable they have managed to make the main cast, considering not a single person out there is talking about them or gives a fraction of a shit what they'll be doing in E9. You're either talking about Sheev, or you're not talking about E9.

If Disney and Jar Jar had the balls for it, this would be the perfect time to pull a "Rey Palpetine" out of their ass, and have her be the big bad getting killed by Kylo.

Of course they would no longer be able to push their agenda with this mindset and wouldn't be able to sell toys of Rey as the good girl anymore so it probably won't happen. Would have been cool though. Would have been cool...

Obviously they didn't destroy the Senate, because he's coming back next movie.

I could see how the prequels could be fixed but with the sequels the only possible option I can see is scrapping the lot of them and starting over.

>Ben is from the Skywalker family but chose the darkside
>Rey is from the Palpetine family and wants to be a jedi
>Both are having trouble over what to do and if they should change sides because they have their doubts

faggot retard

I think the problem is they didn't make be care about any of the characters enough. I knew they were gonna all die in the end but they should have given me a reason to be sad about it. Everyone seemed like a boring copy and paste of a stereotypical rebel.

Where did Sheev come from? Is it canon or EU?

It's mentioned in scripts from the PT but is never actually said in the movies so do with that what you will.

>Rey has to essentially be saved by a bunch of dead people that she didn't even know existed (but the audience sure did!)
I guess no one's ever really gone, huh.

It's turbogay.

>Would bringing him back be a good idea?
No. They would need a REALLY good reason to bring him back, and we all know that coherent writing and proper explanations are something that does not exists in sequels. Furthermore, this decision shits on previous works (again), by subverting the "Anakin will bring balance to the force" theme and making the finale of the original trilogy fruitless. Also, judging from the performance until now, there is a very high chance that sequels will simply utterly ruin Palpatine. The only positive I see, is an opportunity to finally provide some explanation for things going so far south after Empire's defeat.
Honestly, considering how directionless the sequels are, this decision seems like a desperate attempt to gain some attention, since with old characters ruined and new ones being dull and unlikable, there isn't really much to look forward to. Palpatine's laugh was literally the only interesting thing in the trailer. You could remove first 105 seconds and nothing of value would be lost.

I guess at this point we can only be glad that it wasn't Darth Vader that they decided to dig up from the grave.

It's not Vader *yet*. Give them a few more movies after the ST saga """ends""" and we'll see how good they are at leaving well enough alone.


Your idea is far better than anything they could come up with.

> sheev comes back
> darth jar jar is his sword killing off the nuwars characters

this would redeem the trilogy for me

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THat would be the best star wars, then he would execute everyone for the lulz

That's why am gonna go see it, for having a hell of a fun time.