When will it end?
When will it end?
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If you go to see this movie chances are you are already in favor of it.
I can just sense an overturning of Roe v Wade on the horizon. I can just sense it. Bwahahaha libs are going to scream.
hmm, not really and argument though is it? More like a fantasy.
Fuck abortions
More like what actually happens literally all the fucking time.
Pro-life positions from rightists are nothing but false flag concern trolling. No rightwing asshole has ever given a flying shit about abortion or children.
so now the critics somehow count?
What I don't get is why they care so much before the kid is born but not as much after
>People who don't want to kill fetuses definitely don't care about children.
You know I never thought of it like this.
Most of you incel fucks would have been aborted had there no restrictions on abortion.
Because pro-life is actually about turning women back into chattel slaves and to get votes from old white women who think every fucking kid is their "grandbaby". What you've mentioned along with killing literally millions of kids through for-profit war shows that rightists don't give a flying fuck about children. And that's before you get to school shootings.
They don't. Correct.
>I'm a faggot who thinks sluts who got drunk and had unprotected sex have the moral right to kill babies
>I don't actually care about babies, but I love baby gore and controlling women and this little performance art of mine allows me to engage in both!
We know.
>it's bad if men to decide the fate of women
>but it's good if women decide the fate of babies
This is your brain on leftism.
Wow!!! It must be true !! Based baby killers !!!
i love killing babies unironically, fuck this movie
>user talking about morals
have sex.
Is any man legitimately pro-choice ? Seems so phony when a guy supports abortions
post body
>If a woman is raped, that makes her a whore! Stone her!
Using "based" as an adjective is the surest sign of a double-digit IQ.
I’m not a republican and I’m pro life you are gay to dilate
>pro-life is actually about turning women back into chattel slaves
wtf i'm pro-life now
Save hex.
>saying something makes it true
All liberals have gay sex.
Have sex.
There’s not a religion that is pro abortion. No matter the culture it’s considered the lowest thing a human can spiritually do. Don’t know why the tranny spammers care so much about it not like they can impregnate a woman or give birth with their wound.
if a woman is stupid enough to get herself pregnant by accident when condoms, the pill, morning after pill and other forms of contraception exist, she's not fit to raise a child who will probably end up as stupid as her
Guys who don't want to pay child support or be tied to some batshit insane mother for 18 years.
>>If a woman is raped, that makes her a whore! Stone her!
What % of abortions occur as a result of rape?
Why should women get to decide the fate of babies?
>What % of abortions occur as a result of rape?
What difference does it make? If you want to ban all abortion, you're literally a fucking psychopath.
>Why should women get to decide the fate of babies?
Why should rapists be allowed to reproduce?
You reek of millennial.
Go grow old elsewhere.
But rightists like that, which kind of proves the point really.
Donald Trump married his mistress and raised their retarded daughter when she got pregnant
What now libtards?
>I'm retarded and proud
Lol an entire generation of retards.
Creepy incel
>concern trolling
Oh boy, the millennials have arrived with their political buzzwords.
No one born between 1985 and 1995 should be allowed to vote, or have a say or an opinion on any matter.
Concern trolling isn't a buzzword. It's literally the entirety of modern republican politics. They constantly pretend to care about shit they don't, because they know democrats are weak and will take it for good faith argumentation when it never was.
Noone should vote. Voting should be illegal. Humans are too stupid to self-govern.
Retarded for what, for laughing at a generation of autistic manchildren who have spent 10 years pretending playing videogames and watching movies is political activism?
The only purpose of a millennial is to laugh at him.
If the world was a classroom and generations were students, millennials would be that smelly, autistic, glass wearing fatty who wears the same clothes every day.
Almost everywhere on earth is facing a baby shortage. We're not just running out of new Germans or Brits or Swedes - we're running out of Mexicans, Iranians, Koreans.
Babies are made in only one place on earth right now, that doesn't bode well for anybody's future.
It's pretty amazing how fucking triggered dumbshit neonazis always get on the issue of abortion, yet none of them can ever explain why except to scream at women calling them whores. Then when you point out that blaming someone for being raped and encouraging rapists to breed is insane, they act like they can't grasp it.
It's possible to be pissed when you see a gay pride parade and also pissed when you see some ragheads throw a gay guy off a roof. It's not hypocritical.
Based retards. Every pro lifer cares about what happens after the child is born it's just an entirely separate issue. And since politicians having no convictions these stories means nothing
>all the time
>convictionless puppets
Ya you convinced me
Anti-abortion is perhaps the dumbest position of the American Right. Why would you want to stop something that is literally killing your enemy's future voterbase?
Its bad cause murder is bad. What kind of lefty cope is this loo
It'll probably correct to a sensible population equilibrium if we stay the course.
This is the way the world has of balacing the population.
The world doesn't have enough resources to sustain endless population growth.
If we ever become a space fairing species? Then the birth rates should go back up, but who knows if we'll even achieve that.
>wastes resources on 3rd world nations
>we just dont have enough resources!!!
This would be a valid point if the "equilibrium was being maintained" but instead every lever of business and government all over the world is telling us "wtf open your borders now or your pensions are never going to be paid"
Then simply remove the traitors.
And dismantle the EU, it's becoming the 4th Reich anyway.
Except for Melania he has really terrible taste.
Ojedas cool as fuck. I really hope he gets picked as vice president. Hes just a regular guy from southern WV. I regularly see him out.
>inb4 liberal
He supported trump when he first ran, saying we should all give him a chance. He gave him a chance and concluded he hated him.
Those warriors of Israel deserve nothing.
They should be glad we waste so much money on "veterans".
It's not a bug, it's a feature. Note in Ireland they legalized abortion and announced the intent to bring in 1 million migrants by 2030 during the same fucking week.
And have you seen the thinkpieces about Japan and South Korea? They are still insular countries with low birthrates and shrinking populations but what do you know, they function, armageddon hasn't hit them and every pundit is just shrieking "BRING IN THE FUCKING MIGRANTS NOW YOUR COUNTRY IS DOOMED AND YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE UNLESS MILLIONS OF MIGRANTS ARE BROUGHT IN INSTANTLY YOU FUCKING RETARDS"
I would be pro-choice if the judicial system didn't favor women.
If she gets to choose what to do with my kid I get to fuck off and not pay a dime if I disagree.
I’m conservative but quite frankly we need abortion to keep the nog population in check
I think abortion should be a legal practice, but any woman who chooses to have one is a scum bag.
And not a choice like "you can have this baby and blow out your insides and maybe die" I'm talking about "the condom popped and adoption is too hard"
If one is "pro-life" shouldn't the other be "pro-death"?
Allow abortions, no, in fact, FORCE abortions, but only for millennials.
Last thing we need is these retarded fucks educating the next-generation.
Exactly, fuck babies. Little crying shit factories should all be gassed.
>R v W
Roe V Wade, the supreme court case that somehow invented the right of a woman to abort her child
I’m a man and I’m pro-choice because nearly 60% of the people choosing to have abortions in the U.S. are Black and Latino. This is despite being only 29% of the female population.
Abortions are performed overwhelmingly on minority babies and that’s A-OK with me!
If anything the conservatives constantly threaten Roe v. Wade simply to promote abortion use amongst young liberal mothers. The less liberals having children the less little libs being indoctrinated.
Why is it rated R?
So most republicans continuing to be pro-life means most of them don't have mistresses.
red pill is
>abortion should be ok only on case of rape
how fucked in the head do you have to be to be on Yea Forums and also pro-life
Everybody is a little guilty of being hypocritical about that. A lot of lefties seem to infer "I'm a progressive, diversity-loving antiracist and that's why we need more abortions to keep the number of undesirable coloreds in my Starbucks from going too high"
I think it's because fascists ruined the idea of membership-limited socialism. A system of social and economic brotherhood, but not one of the entire fucking world because you aren't going to slave away to support THOSE assholes. Instead we're left with a false dichotomy of every man for himself vs. every man works together to support a bunch of monkeys that hate them
That's because only retarded Republican soccer moms bother with watching this piece of shit
Republicans never change.
>propaganda is good when the right does it
Both sides ignore that human beings are animals that must occasionally be culled. There is no magical sky wizard judging you for chopping up a fetus and women do not have special fierce as hell girl power that makes them strong and independent. You're all retarded.
Yknow the pill and others do fail?
Ask your mother!
The amount of people in this thread talking about breeding and have never even touched a woman is astounding!
>talking about careless drunk sex
Too bad your mother didn't abort you.
>removing an unwanted lump of cells from your body is """killing"""
>labeling a collection of biomass that mother earth will invariably and magically turn into a human in less than a year as just a "lump of cells"
tell me what your crystal ball says about the next set of lottery numbers
>kills baby
>"im the moral one u evil nazi ur on the wrong side of history waaaaaah"
>it's another thinly veiled political bait thread inhabited entirely by incels and false flaggers
Toppest of keks
Mother nature will invariably and magically turn a lump of biomass into something malignant in a lot of cases, just ask your mother or a cancer patient.
I say let the libnazis kill their babies if they want to. Liberal genetics need to be weeded out of the genome. To disallow undesirable people killing their own babbies is to allow undesirable people to continue reproducing,
apples are not oranges
Lumps of cells incapable of sustaining on their own are not people. Again, ask your mother.
As such, we can conclude that Americans are, indeed, not people.
sounds like you should get in line with all the other infants and toddlers and children incapable of sustaining themselves
I know you know an abortion takes place long before it's reached the fetus state. It's just a glob of tissue at the point when they are done, so why do pro-lifers always insist on being dishonest and calling it a fetus? Is it just to trick the dumb soccer moms and grandmas?
More single mothers! More violent criminals! Yay!
is a miscarriage a death in the family?
because it's not meaningfully different from a fetus.
>literal "no u's"
Conservative brainlets really can't meme can they
it often treated as is. forced miscarriage is considered murder even
If life begins at conception why is your birthday the anniversary of the day you fell out of your mother's cunt and not the day she got knocked up in a dive bar bathroom
I hope whit*oids primitive practices die with them.
Fucking savages, they deserve to be culturally enriched.
but not always. early enough and it's just an exceptionally bloody period. so allow abortion up until you can decipher arms legs and head
what is it right wingers and daytime soap level movies with writing on par with internet copypasta
if abortion was illegalised what should be the punishment for women doing it to themselves?
laws and some instances of morality aren't universal, so what?
so why should it be treated the same?
The bible doesn't consider a baby human until 1 month after birth.
Isn't this the movie Google lists as propaganda? But when you look up the 1915 Birth of a Nation, Google lists that as a drama or some shit.
it shouldn't.
mummy's in charge
>daytime soap level movies with writing on par with internet copypasta
That's pretty much all burgerclap media, really.
Have you watched those Marvel movies?
Coincidentally religion is also the most primitive and unscientific systematic way of approaching the world.
that's because religion serves a primitive function to protect and sustain the species
when human beings were likely to die of various things we now consider harmless it was a disadvantage to pursue the killing of your own kind.
now not so much. so euthanasia and abortion can be adopted
But it is, because there's no logical argument to refer to it as an independent being at that point. It's literally just a glob inside a womans stomach. At later stages it's logical to start thinking about it as a separate being as the brain and senses start to develop.
>2 people
this confirms it!
>What difference does it make
You tell us, you opted to use a rape hypothetical to add emotional weight to your argument
The equilibrium is about the total human population, not individual countries. The Green Revolution and advances in medicine, mostly antibiotics and vaccinations, have greatly increased the “sustainable” human population as within the past 100 years. Hence the baby boom.
Incidentally, I think that’s why the Matrix has Smith talking about humans being a virus growing out of control and not reaching equilibrium. Humans *do* do that, but in 1999, we were still growing to that new point. As countries reach first-world status, their populations level out.
>being responsible and keeping dicks out of you is absolutely out of the question
Yeah yeah, everyone you don't like is a nazi.
Abortions can legally occur up to 3 weeks prior to the age at which they will survive outside of the womb with care 95% of the time. At which point does it magically become a human and not a glob of tissue?
Yes! For the women who would benefit the most from safe, affordable abortions the answer is always yes.
And yet you're likely entirely subsidised by your parents or receiving multiple forms of welfare, or owing large amounts of debt in one form of the other. But i'm sure you're very self sustaining
silly user. you haven't learned the art of the flip-flop
>Person forced to not murder her baby
lol just beat her til she miscarries lmao
Google also produced an algorithm that misidentified black people as gorillas so this should come as no surprise.
Either abortion is murder or it isnt. The fact that you're so uncomfortable addressing the instances of rape and incest betray the lack of thought you've put into you've put into your position.
>cucked (((veteran))) #2482
sure have been a lot of these based moderate huwite males emerging for the Democrats these past few months
I wonder (((why)))
So Google is literally always right
Is that why the vast majority of abortions are carried out by democrats?
holy fucking CRINGE you need a lynching
>more literal "no u's"
Does Roe v Wade cover retroactive abortions for braindead conservative idiots? Try coming up with something on your own you embarrassing dunce.
I'm not uncomfortable at all, I think it is killing a person. Now, would you be totally okay with abortion being legal only in the case rape/incest and illegal for all other cases? If not why did you even bring it up if not to add a little emotional gloss to your argument
>brainlet left 'male' cites the most brainlet and unconstitutional scotus decision in american history
whoda thunk
So you just made that up or what? In most countries of the world where abortion is even a thing, the legal window is usually 10-14 weeks, which can be extended if it's either the product of rape or the mothers life is threatened.
time to dilate, tranny clown
>Democrats are pro illegal immigration until those illegals come to live in their cities
Could it be that the target audience for the movie is lapping it up? These kinds of religious movies don't really draw in people from any other groups, so while they are meant to be preachy, they preach to already converted.
Trump wasn't a Republican until many years later.
Check mate.
>more literal
why are you people incapable of producing sentences without hyperbole or prefacing with 'literally' or any of its variations
>He gave him a chance and concluded he hated him.
shows his judgement is shit
>brainlet and unconstitutional scotus decision in american history
One, Roe v Wade isn't the standard for abortion law anymore, it's Planned Parenthood v Casey. For someone who throws out the word brainlet so much, you sure are one yourself. And two, is this judgment of yours coming from your years of experience interpreting constitutional law? No, bullshit, you're just calling anything that makes you uncomfortable unconstitutional.
The whole point is to make money off Christians.
Abortion will never go away is the sad but true pill that pro lifers refuse to swallow, the entire pro life movement is just to filter money into the Republican party.
Courts routinely authorize abortions beyond 20 weeks in the US, 20 weeks is permitted on paper as standard. so a 23 week old abortion is 3 weeks short of a 90% survival rate
looks like the reddit rash is flaring up again today
>all this seething replies to a joke
When general audiences become less fucking retarded
I used to be pro life until I dropped acid and realized God and morals are man made
Because the fact that many conservatives claim to be against abortion except in the case of rape or incest demonstrates how flawed the "abortion is murder" position is. Either its murder or it isnt, and if you believe it is murder, either murder is wrong or it isnt. We make legal distinctions with regard to killing, but murder is unequivocally "unlawful killing". So either abortion as defined by the law is morally permissible or morally impermissible. There is no middle ground.
>Planned Parenthood v. Casey
>The Court's plurality opinion reaffirmed the central holding of Roe v. Wade
>reaffirmed the central holding of Roe v. Wade
>Roe v. Wade
based brainlet
Being pro-abortion doesn't mean you want all the coloured people to be using it constantly, only that they have the choice to do so if they want to
Is that Lexi Belle? She finally got knocked up after her 100th gang bang?
Who here is saying with the exception of incest/rape cases? Not me, you actually began with it.
Probably critics are right on this one. Audiences always overrating manipulative emotional schlock. They lack taste.
Not that guy but your post didn't counter what was being said. Parent vs Parenthood v Casey has (even by own post) superseded RvW as THE pro-abortion ruiling and the new standard
only so he could fuck her
>Moving the goalposts
The overwhelming majority of abortions take place inside that legal window, and as you said yourself you need special court permission to extend it. That obviously means it's a small majority. In most countries you can extend to 19 weeks in case of rape and 23/24 if the mothers life is threatened.
Hot take: reincarnation is real and more people are being reincarnated as diseased African babies because of the bad karma they accumulated in life and they’ll need to learn important lessons and build good karma to gradually level back up through the castes
You're moving the goalposts. I said "many conservatives", not "many people in this thread" or you specifically. But to be clear, if your mother or sister was raped and impregnated and the decision was left up to you whether she should carry the baby to term, you would force her to because abortion is murder and murder is wrong?
lmao this.
>join the military because you are a retarded high school dropout
>server Israel for 40 years
>lose an arm and a leg for nothing
Abortion is logically indefensible and morally wrong. There are no good arguments justifying the killing of an unborn baby as being generally allowed.
I don't get the whole abortion topic. Its your baby lmao having the government come in and tell you if you can or cannot have it is so laughable even more the fact its Republicans who are like this but yet hate government meddling almost everywhere else. Not to mention if you don't even want the baby in the first place (then don't have sex amirite?)
My, Sarah, that hooked nose is so becoming on you
without abortion, there would be 30 million more niggers running around the US
no one can defend against this
>incel wants to claim moral superiority
>has 3 trap threads open at the moment
>killing of an unborn baby
Do you have any idea how retarded you sound user
don't be such a prude and a murderer
The real trick to abortion is that it's been turned into a political issue in such a way that you are empowering yourself and fighting the patriarchy by aborting your child. Aborting your child is a political statement. It's stunning and brave.
It's almost as if someone planned all of this...
>Abortion is wrong
>Sending migrants from war torn countries back to die is okay
why are right wing filth so unaware of their dissonance?
planned parenthood was started by ex-nazi party members who just wanted to kill negros
Why the fuck do I care?
It's not my problem.
Are you implying muslims would take in westerners as refugees?
If anything, we should be sending all these refugees to America, to the ones who destroyed their countries.
last i checked, it was the eurotards who cut apart the ottoman empire and reignited the millennia of tribal conflict endemic to the middle east
Last I checked it was the loyal lapdog of Israel the one who has spent the last 30 years burning down the middle east.
I sound about as dumb as medical doctors at the Cleveland Clinic: my.clevelandclinic.org
>"your developing baby is called a fetus."
because white babies are better and smarter than shit tier brown low IQ apes...have you seen white birth rates lately? regardless abortion isn’t even that bad considering it keeps the black birth rate artificially suppressed
i bet u thought u fuckin owned those ben shapiro conservatards with this little post user
>Being allowed to murder innocent individuals is the same as enforcing immigration laws
Amazing logic you have there. 10/10
Abortion as a form of birth control is inherently immature. Keeping the option available, despite the numerous alternative preventatives, is essentially enabling. A cultural mindset of "choice good in case needed" makes irresponsibility an acceptable trait. Also, lost in all the rhetoric is a startling lack of concern for the psychological impact an invasive procedure can have on young women.
My logic is that "the sanctity of life" is a terrible argument from people who have no idea what that even means
How do you "kill" something that isnt alive?
>that somehow invented the right of a woman to abort her child
That's how all rights come about. A powerful body people usually heed declares that right X should be afforded to people Y
Have sex
>The developing human being inside the woman isn't alive
user, stop. You're fucking retarded.
Make it illegal for whites only. Mandatory for blacks
It’s thinly veiled and right on the cover st least and not jammed into random aspects of what are supposed to be “works of art”
It's more of a "you're not allowed to kill other innocent human beings" argument. "Sanctity of life" only comes up when people acknowledge that the unborn child is obviously human life, but the selfishness of the mother means that she gets to kill the human life out of convenience for herself.
argentinians are the most fucking degenerates of the american continent only surpased by brazilians.
Explain to me why that is?
Because they are retards who think they are saving the world by watching superhero movies.
They are literal kids.
Millennials shouldn't be able to vote for the same reason we don't let 5 year olds vote.
You t_D tards sure are out in full force today. What’s it like to ruin everything you touch?
Abortion should be allowed but the price should be a murder charge
You need another dose
Kid outside on the street - kill it and get charger with murder
Kid in a comfy room - kill it and ???
>implying I go on Reddit or even voted for Trump
You cannot logically argue for abortion. There are no good arguments that support it.
It will never end, because shitty movies like this will always be desired by some portion of the population and always spit out money.
>that one WebM of the baby getting sucked out into the blender
Yeah I totally believe the artists rendition of the abortion (who is him/herself pro-life) which depicts a few week old fetus as trying to hold on to the moms womb as it’s sucked out lmao.
You conservatives just don’t seem to get it. If you want small government policies and people to leave you the fuck alone, you also need to leave people be. That’s all.
Unless you are quaking daily with the thought that hundreds of babies are aborted on the reg in the US then just shut the fuck up. You don’t actually give a shit. We fundamentally disagree on what is and what isn’t a life. The Supreme Court has said you are wrong for the past half century. End of story. Quit pushing your ass backwards moral code on me. The virtue signaling coming from you is just disgusting in the context of what you criticize the left for.
>If you want small government policies, you just have to allow people to murder innocent people lmao
>There are no good arguments that support it.
it kills niglets, that's good enough
You know what? I will cede that the only people who have a legitimate argument for abortion are racists who want to see lots of dead black babies. It is effective at that.
Now, liberals, progressives, leftists, and lolbertarians who pretend to not be racist while supporting abortion have no legitimate/logical arguments for it.
this desu
get a load of this faggot lol
>Democrats are anti-wall until their third summer home gets built
Wow Argentinians need to vote Republicans out of office right away
I’ve already told you it is not a person, it’s a fetus. We fundamentally disagree on that. The Supreme Court ruled in my favor. Get over it.
>Get a load of this person to whom I have no answer
>and argument
phoneposting faggot
The Court didn't rule on "personhood" in either Roe v. Wade or Planned Parenthood, you uneducated dumbfuck.
"Personhood" is arbitrary. You could determine that I'm not a "person" and demand the right to kill me. Whether something is human life is what determines whether it has the right to life. It's scientifically, undeniably true that the human life cycle begins at conception, and being a fetus is part of our development just like being a baby, child, teenager, adult, and elder are parts as well.
The SCOTUS allows states to ban abortion after viability. Magically passing through the birth canal doesn't make you a "person." Fuck, you're retarded, and I hate you.
>Guttmacher whining about fewer abortions
What a bunch of ghouls.
is it over 9000?
where does it say that?
Same could normally be said of all the retarded capeshit, except those movies literally have several 10s of millions of US$ dedicated to marketing and shilling on places like Yea Forums. By contrast, major TV networks actually refused to play trailers for this abortion movie because they are bigots.
Baby killers are evil. Yet back in the day they were all "hey it should be legal but shameful and secret" and I believe most would only allow it up to a specific point
Now baby killers want fucking born babies to be up for abortion. Or up literal days before birth. Hollywood cunts and articles telling women to "Shout your abortion. Love your abortion. Have many abortions"
The slippery slope is always right. Always. You went from gays being able to marry to now slowly trying to nornalize pedos and trans children.
We went from abortion being a shameful mistake that you keep secret and hopefully never need to ABORT IT LADIES FUCK THAT SHIT GO WHORE
Pro choice. You are part of an industy that kills babies. Loves it. Celebrates it and now is trying to let near new borns up for it
How long until you can legally have your child sent to special doctors to put them down like dogs?
baby blood
>reddit spacing
>wanting to ban something that kills minorities
Yikes and cringe
All Democrats are pro choice until their pregnant wife gets a divorce and aborts the child
Get over yourself, faggot. There's nothing noble about killing babies, and the reduced birth rate of Blacks and Spics from abortion would hardly outweigh the influx from immigration.
>Buh buh buh user thats silly
If i told you at least 2 states would legalize full term abortions and have senators to celebrate it you would probably call me ridiculous too. Yet its the reality
If the culture and moral war doesnt turn around overall you will see legal pedophia. Legal trans children promoted to kids. You will see legal child murder and worse
Don't lie. You know the same people who love abortions are the same people who will be pushing the age of consent to go down or for pedophiles to be seen as a poor victom class who need children to molest.
Remember that desmon kid? The left LOVED him stripping for old gay men. They wanted more of it
People are fucking sick. Yet thankfully its usually (((holywood))) and ((((small small amount of people who somehow have thier opinions spread wide))))
48% surprises me. I thought it would be way lower, considering...
Somebody post the webm of the baby getting vacuumed. It's funny as fuck.
Whatever it takes, faggot. As long as there's less minorities, then I'm fine with it.
what does Alita have to do with this, user?
Saw the movie last week. It was okay, more of a rental or a view on Netflix than a must see. The crowd loved the lawyer's jokes, and the giving birth scene where Abby is ranting about two centimeters.
tl:dr - 6.5/10, I liked the Gosnell movie more
Baby killing Satanist jews like you unironically think that they can get super powers from killing enough babies LOL! How retarded do you have to be? Overdosed on MCU flicks, huh?
>libtards kill their babies
>less libtards that want to kill their babies
>huh??? how could this happen???
The world would be an even worse place with abortion being outlawed.
1) abortion is outlawed
2) edgy satanists try to get illegal abortions
3) edgy satanists die
Sounds fine to me.
thats what happens when you rely on a crutch for too long
>edgy satanists
Great narrow worldview there simpleton, easier that was I guess eh
Literally the only reason they want abortions is because they think they'll get super powers.
How come pro choice people can't admit that abortion is barbaric? You can think something is awful and also believe that the government shouldn't get involved. I'm pro choice but I also acknowledge that abortion is disgusting. Why defend it? Fucking blows my mind that you're taking the position of defending fetus killing.
It's moral because uhhhh drumpf haha
the feminism aspect of it
lel time for some retard to pretend to be a liberal and shitpost in the thread, oh wait.
>believing the government shouldn't get involved with murder
This. The baby has rights too.
The way to win is to come up with an even more absurd theory than they do and then sneedpost them to death. Say they want to abort babies to eat them since they think it's an easy way to lose weight or something.
If men could get pregnant there would be a portable abortion machine installed in every home.
Men have done the same to every other desire, be it porn, escort services, drugs or violence.
just say that planned parenthood sells the body parts for money, because they literally do
I'm pro choice because I think the kids are better off dead then being raised by these subhumans, but I imagine a lot of the way they act about ti is do the fact that if they actually take what they're doing seriously it will start bothering them.
They won't care if they're pretending to be liberals. Just say that they're using stem cells to make a virus that will destroy humanity.
This is actually debatable. It sounds silly but an argument can be made that a fetus is a citizen and can be protected by the same laws that protect other citizens.
men aren't real you retard
In the US, even non-citizens have rights. In this case, it's someone preventing someone else from becoming a citizen by murdering him. It's like shooting a legal alien who is seconds away from becoming a citizen.
it’s illegal to kill non-citizens anyway
The fetus is seeking asylum in the outside world
Beats me. I guess I'm pro-choice in the sense I'm not going to be actively anti-abortion plus the social eugenics aspect of it. On the other hand I can only imagine the level of decadence of those adamant in its favor, and I masturbate to anime.
The fetus has a contract with the mother and legally cannot get evicted unless it has a 1-year notice.
>Meanwhile post birth abortion is being legalized around the country
Slippery slopes don't exist guys.
New York and South Carolina or something. Also starting on the west coast. Talk of it really died down when people actually started reading the legislation. In essence, a child is not a human until the mother gives it a name and the doctor signs some paperwork. So what they do is they tell the mother that the baby is disfigured and whisk it away.
can i get this at 31?
Sorry you have a social security number, the one thing that means you're human.
too good to be true.
>New York’s new law also removes protections for babies born alive after an abortion — meaning they could be left to die after birth — by rescinding a portion of New York’s public-health law. Let me be clear: New York has legalized infanticide.
>New York’s law reveals the extremism of the US Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy in this country and stripped states of their right to ban abortion completely.
When did this board become filled with post-menopausal ignored Christian mothers who spend too much time believing literally everything they read on Facebook?
>"Lila Rose is the president and founder of the national pro-life organization Live Action."
Interesting how the woman who wrote this article is in that position. I doubt that would cause her to spread misinformation.
It is law. You can read it. It is legal to kill your baby after birth now because it's not human. It is also legal to give yourself a coat hanger abortion now.
Read the law then, oh wait you wont.
Babies aren't human anymore by law.
Force women to watch abortion footage in high school
>. A health care practitioner licensed, certi-
>14 fied, or authorized under title eight of the education law, acting with-
>15 in his or her lawful scope of practice, may perform an abortion when,
>16 according to the practitioner's reasonable and good faith professional
>17 judgment based on the facts of the patient's case: the patient is within
>18 twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an
>19 absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the
>20 patient's life or health.
This legalizes full term abortion, that means from conception to birth.
I read the new parts. None of that shit says "only a person when their name is on a birth certificate". In fact this part actually says you're completely fucking wrong:
' "Person," when referring to the victim of a homicide, means a human being who has been born and is alive.'
The new parts state that the doctor makes the decision based on a case-by-case basis in concern for the mother's health. If the baby is born and alive, it's a person, and therefore homicide.
Did you even read this?
Homicide means conduct which causes the death of a person [or an
33 unborn child with which a female has been pregnant for more than twen-
34 ty-four weeks]
The even tried to make babies under 6 months old not even qualify for homicide if you kill them.
turning republican later in life isn't uncommon
That is a gross simplification on what that actually means. I swear this entire board is fucking bonkers. You're literally ignored, middle-aged wives.
is it good besides appealing to peoples political views?
36 negligent homicide[, abortion in the first degree or self-abortion in
37 the first degree]
>"Person," when referring to the victim of a homicide, means a
>45 human being who has been born and is alive.
You are not human until you are born
abortion is still murder
(not totally against it tough)
>Unplanned will only reinforce the feelings of viewers on either side of the issue
What's the point of posting a critics' consensus for political movies if all you can write is noncommittal bullshit like that?
Did you know that if doctors think you could get postpartum depression (15% of all mother gets this) you qualify for a post birth abortion?
they also induce labor in late term anyway, which makes the idea of the mother’s life being in danger a moot point
We all have to die some day.
C sections exist but I guess everybody forgot about them.
That's actually funny.
>Democrats are pro-choice unless it's israel Jews
Chuck "abortion up to 9 months,gun control and open boarders with Mexico" Schumer is part of pic releated.
"Schumer is pro-choice, and has been given a 100 percent rating by NARAL Pro-Choice America, though he received some criticism for attending a gala in 2007 hosted by Efrat— an organization that seeks to reduce abortion among Israeli Jews.He was voiced much concern about Trump's choice for the Supreme Court to replace Anthony Kennedy, a position he believes would likely try to overturn Roe vs. Wade"
This guy was such a failure in the army. Nobody in the office liked him. He was ALWAYS "that guy" and that's why he couldn't cut it as a major and had to leave. It bothers me that he plays a caricature of what an army guy is to get votes.
>abortion is ba-
>killing literally millions of kids through for-profit war shows that rightists don't give a flying fuck about children.
Obama was literally drone bombing the most peacefully middle eastern tribes killing thousands. Hilerly and the frog president killed gadafi,ruined libya and caused the current migrant crisis. The majority of democrats supported the iraq war.
Sometimes it's due to your mother asking a doctor to crack open your skull while you're still in her womb.
Yeah that's great. Do you not see the arguments being posed in the thread? Have you even read the thread. The argument isn't if abortion is bad anymore. The argument is if post birth and full term abortion is bad when the child is perfectly viable.
Here's Northam talking about killing a baby after it's born:
The crazy thing is is it's considered animal cruelty to take a baby away from its mother and slowly let it starve to death while harvesting out its hear and brain. It's also illegal under human rights. But since they've made it so that babies are neither human nor animal they can do whatever they want to them.
The argument is that we should just kill all blacks and make abortion illegal again
I thought it was okay to be gay? I guess only if you also support killing kids.
based and tradpilled.
democrats would have you believe otherwise.
>liberals think killing unborn children is caring for them
Hahah holy shit
women > babies
>but what if the baby is female
how the fuck a bunch of virgin ass nerds care about pre-babies being ripped out of women's stomachs? i don't believe it. i think this is how you incel faggots rationalize your alienation from the world by picking the losing side in stupid battles you don't have any investment in. i guess being /pol/ gives you an identity and sense of activity on the world stage. but it's illusory. it will leave you nothing. please reconsider
t. mom
What if the baby is pregnant? Checkmate atheists.
>"Let's bring all these illegal immigrants in! I see a doctor, a scientist, a mathematician..."
>"What about the countless native babies that get aborted? They could be helpful to society, too."
If killing babies is the winning side then the game is rigged
Literally being steadily outlawed throughout liberal europe
>escort services
Anti-Prostitution laws were made up by jealous suffregettes. There are multiple counties were being a prostitute is legal but paying for one isn't
>a woman justifying her horrible belief by casting aspersions and name-calling
This is what happens when they're confronted with the gruesome reality of their beliefs.
This, women are the only hurdle when it comes to these things. Probably because that's where they've made their home politically because otherwise if they're not dead weight they're nothing.
why? we kill every other age of human. if a child is not going to have proper parents a proper home or a proper life why let it mature? i see absolutely nothing wrong with abortion unless you posit the sanctity of all life in spirit but that's never an anti abortionist's true stance because most of you call for the death of muslims or jews or maybe just leftists or communists or in general the weak.
death is part of life. don't be so sensitive when it comes to some pre-formed bean man.
I support it, who gives a shit? Are you gonna take care of that baby?
>dude abortions are just le clump of cells
>evidence posted that they can be performed on 100% viable and developed babies
>reeeee muh goalposts!
Fuck you
friendly that the immigration to the US is approximately equal to the number of babies aborted since Roe v. Wade
>it's legal to kill people
it is when the state or medical community does it
This right here is a massive redpill. This information needs to be spread.
Why do they have the right to kill people and harvest their organs when that's a huge part of why we hate latin america?
Apparently this movie was funded by a cult:
You don't actually need special court permission everywhere. Places like New York and Colorado allow abortion at any time up until point of birth for any reason. Why should that be legal? Why should killing a healthy baby one hour before it is going to exit a healthy mother for nothing more than the sake of convenience be acceptable?
The Virginia governor was literally on air explaining that a live birth could be "dealt with" if the doctors and mother "had a discussion" while refusing to elaborate on what that meant. In the legislation it stated that a baby at any age and at any stage of pregnancy (including birth) is liable to be aborted for any reason.
Stop fucking gaslighting by oscillating between
>wow wtf post-birth abortions could never happen, conspiracy theorist!!
>yes they're happening, and here's why it's a good thing for a woman to have that choice!
Ephesians 1:3-4 English Standard Version (ESV)
>Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.
God's knowledge of you predates the existence of the universe according to the Bible, along with many, many passages about how God knows you in the womb and has a direct hand in your creation.
I don't hate latin america. i'm not really concerned with rights.
if someone's life is going to be burdened by a mature child and if that child is going to have no life waiting for them in this world why put either party through the pain of birth?
now the notion that this child has a unique spirit and a unique and living consciousness which we are cutting short never to bring into existence again tugs at my heart strings but only about as much as the factory farming of pigs or the bombing of syria. we have no real claims to universal morality. anything short of complete pacifism feels like a weak argument against abortion on the basis of principles.
think about the mother.
How many times has this happened? Because I remember it only happening ONCE a decade ago and it was all over the news.
kek you brainlet satanist you won't get superpowers by eating fetus brains
how autistic do you have to be to unironically believe PP propaganda
>i'm not really concerned with rights.
Then why are you here talking about them?
Lol, literally every argument against abortion is an emotional appeal
I would rather have abortions be safe, discreet and legal than see an even-larger horde of mystery meats rampaging across the country.
But it's legal now, how has it NOT happened when they made it legal?
The ultimate redpill on abortion.
>every argument against abortion is an emotional appeal
>killing viable offspring and selling its bodyparts
Are you Chinese perchance?
>fug this baby is gonna be inconvenient
>we should kill it
Thanks for proving my point dipshit
Why would we argue for or against others? Fuck babies, murder them all. Any child under 14 who isn't fuckable
I bet you hate welfare too huh?
Your point is that having no emotions is good? You're certainly not white.
Always the same arguments with you brain dead leftists.
>you don't want a baby killed? Well than give me free money!
Its almost like all people should be held accountable for their actions, but I know thats a hard concept to understand when you don't have a soul
>You're certainly not white
Literally am, but I'm sure you know me better than I do retard
>In the year 3000
Lol the galaxy brains have a cartoon picture that says something that never happened in human history will happen, guess their right!
>give money to my church so they can stock a soup kitchen and prevent people from starving
>government takes money from me to pay themselves half and use the other half to pay the bills of people who don't want to work
Truly I am the evil one for not wanting babies to be murdered
Because a mother waddling into the hospital demanding they carve out her screaming baby and bash it against the wall is insane. Just because it’s technically legal doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.
Well gratz on being a sociopath then? Nobody cares.
Gonna be an oof on that from me, I was endowed with my rights by my creator. It’s powerful bodies that take them away
>Its almost like all people should be held accountable for their actions, but I know thats a hard concept to understand when you don't have a soul
>Force mother to have child they either can’t afford or don’t want
>Now mother and child suffer
>Child grows up delinquent
>Doesn’t achieve anything in life or even gets involved in petty crime
>Minor medical procedure with only one “person” that “suffers” becomes as many as 20
>because it’s technically legal
>technically legal
It's legal watch
Obviously it happens if some dipshit senator or whoever knows the complete process.
>can't afford to have child
>have unprotected sex anyway
>lmao the government will pay for my kid or pay to kill it