She's Batshit Crazy!
She's Batshit Crazy!
What does Brad know?
This is of utmost importance for you to understand right here and right now: women are literally biologically and psychologically incapable of leaving a man they deem as the best they can get.
They’re constantly testing men to answer that question.
This is why when the doubt overwhelms them or the men they’re with display weakness to the point of freaking them out and drying their pussy, they’ll go for the kill and try to absolutely destroy the life of the man in an attempt to finally answer to themselves if they can get someone better, which is what Angelina Jolie did.
The problem for her is that she failed.
You see, Brad Pitt didn’t curl up into a ball to cry after the witch filled for a divorce and attempted to destroy his life. He rose above the initial shock and stood strong, and continued living. He moved on. He has a social life, he keeps working.
Tldr: If you only care about yourself women will care and love you. If you care about women they won't care about you.
This! If you care only about yourself women will see you as the man who will take care of them. That's what all the chads are doing right!
why is he running?
>You see, Brad Pitt didn’t curl up into a ball to cry after the witch filled for a divorce and attempted to destroy his life. He rose above the initial shock and stood strong, and continued living. He moved on. He has a social life, he keeps working.
Based Ocean
Guys. How would you feel when one day your wife hands you divorce papers?
adopts bunch of niggers, acts degenerate & promotes it. "man up in so single guise"
"uhh brad should come back"
jesus fucking christ
Well she adopted like 8 kids from Africa/Asia, says that she doesn't like her 7-year old biological son because he's "privileged", and is currently trying to raise him as a girl. I can understand why Brad doesn't want any part of it.
>Tldr: If you only care about yourself women will care and love you. If you care about women they won't care about you.
based. Dont fall for whatever else they want you to think in media, its not true.
snap her neck especially if I was dumb enough to get a chink poo pregnant (Aus here)
this would be enough of a reason for me, really. prefering some random kid instead of your own. absolutely should not be allowed to vote.
Plus she cut off her tits
>owns a knife collection when she was a teenager
>kisses her brother live during her Oscars acceptance speech
>actually married Billy Bob Thorton, another crazy fucker
What you think she was acting in Girl Interrupted? She was crazy all along
Reminder that there is an alternate universe where Brad made the right choice while filming Mr and Mrs Smith.
there is an alternate universe where he never made that shitty movie in the first place
White knight faggots won't like it but this user speaks the truth
who cares, Aniston though hot and aged much better, was barren
laugh because you don't get married without a prenup, and all my property is technically my brother's on paper.
Precautions, my guy.
>another incel women expert that has never had a gf
Why are incels like this?
I've been in 4 serious relationships until I learned that women don't care.
sex is child's play, brosef.
Have sex.
why did they break up?
t. incel
So? Jolie only birthed a tranny. That's even worse.
Because 13% of his children commit 50% of the tantrums.
why you think brad hates weinstein
Saw this post before and I'd just like to say thank you
T. Virgin
Women are literally clowning around
lmao seethe harder roastie, and get back to work - no rich Chad is swooping in to take care of some bitch that can't even poach an egg
I would add to that the fact that Angelina Jolie went from 10/10 global superstar sex symbol, to 5/10 pretentious tit-less hag.
That fucks with women alot. She didnt handle her slide from center of the world, to literal who-gives-a-shit. Women rarely do, which is why they grasp at any straws they can and listen to their plastic surgeons. 10/10 women have a window from 15-35, where they are literally the most valuable commodity on the planet. Once that window is gone, their entire existance is put to the test, if they havent started a family and learned to enjoy raising children. If they hog the limelight into their 30s without kids, there will be a massive hole in their "souls" within the decade.
Scarlett Johanson is headed for catastrophe.
Women, we've really only got compassion for the merciless™
>even Brad got cucked by a faceless fat man with a huge dick
based family. By brother would’ve ran with the money, lel
Women being opportunists is very common knowledge, user.
Betrayed and enraged. But fifteen years later, I'm still fucking girls in their 20s while my ex-wife has become a fat, nasty hag, so turns out she did me a favor
>"Despite being 50% of our marriage..."
>somehow lock down THE Brad
>hit the wall harder than the unification of Germany
>she's the one who dumped him and filed for divorce
literally what the FUCK was she thinking
Why did she even divorce him in the first place tho and why the fuck did Brad not abort that shit when she started adopting a gorillion niggerbabies
Because she has a fridge body
She's in a cult and wants to trannerise all their kids and he doesn't.
she had a breast cancer scare
exactly so why wasn't it Brad who initiated the divorce also all her bio kids becoming trannies is highly suspect
Yea Forums does better memes
She scooped out her uterus preemptively as well. She's a husk of a human being.
You forgot to mention the part where the reason they got divorced, is because Brad was getting really frustrated with all those adopted kids. Apparently the Cambodian one and Brad had a bit of a Oedipal thing going, where the Cambodian kid wanted to sleep in the same bed as Angie every night. Apparently they kept getting into arguments, that eventually escalated into a physical altrecation between the teenaged kid and Brad. Angelina choose the kid's side and handed him divorce papers.
>Cambodian kid wanted to sleep in the same bed as Angie every night.
Well he knows incest is on the table for angie
Where's the pic of Brad on the bike?
Not to mention he was clearly in puberty already, when this was going down.
they're not related, so it's really just a wild negro hitting puberty and trying to tap that white milf ass
How’s Brad doing ?
I know they're not related but didn't she adopt him as a baby. It's basically like incest breh.
Yeah, if I were Brad I'd be ticked off too since the kid will be sleeping on the same bed as you
It's cute that you pretend to be an expert on women on a Chinese cartoon image board even though no woman has ever wanted to be with you
they look like brother and sister.
michelle pfeiffer exists though
+1 on the titles thing as soon as she went sticc she went nuts as it fucks with their hormone balance
>tfw you will never be good looking enough to make wearing baggy sweatpants with bright blue sneakers and a flat cap while riding a beat up mountain bike look stylish
Absolutely and objectively true in my experience as well
>it's basically like incest
except they're literally not biologically related
>Cambodian negro
Inseki then. damn senpai
based user putting these incels in their place
pls don't shoot up your school, whincel (white incel)
sortof normie with a job and gf here, he is totally fucking right roastie
delicious tasting pasta you greasy fuck.
is this the one with the two black kids, one being trans?
good luck
>delicious tasting pasta you greasy fuck.
But Scarjo has a kid though.
Because she's a fucking nutcase who sticks eggs up her cunt