Name 3 good nonpozzed shows made in the last 3 years. You can't.
Name 3 good nonpozzed shows made in the last 3 years. You can't
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>Twin Peaks season 3
Fuck, you're right, I can't.
conservative hivemind shows are just as bad as liberal hivemind shows, they only fuel and exacerbate the sociopolitical divide in society
Yes that's right family values are just as bad as children strip dancing in drag.
Pozzed? Name 3 shows that explains this word?
Pozzed: terminally infected with liberal aids
>let's vote for the guy fucking pornstars while his wife is home with his 3 month old baby
Liberal aids? How old are you 14? L
Better than killary
I mean I'd be mad to if I didn't get laid as much as Trump.
yeah keep ignoring how shit you people have made everything
you missed the point of my post, probably deliberately
the_donald defense force to the rescue!
I didn't even vote. You can't accept how terrible you faggots are that's why you keep deflecting onto something else.
Idk why people always make it out to be such a politically conservative show. I can only remember like 2-3 political episodes.
Most of it is just incidental old people vs young people shit like one of the kids wanting to join the army, or whether or not they should put the grandkid on ADD medication, or whether it’s right to spank a kid.
Same storylines sitcoms have been doing for 30 years
Tim Allen hunting isn’t even conservative, that’s just middle America.
Original oldest daughter was the hottest though
>kids today can't watch a television show and enjoy it without finding some political issue with it
Zoomers truly are unhappy faggots.
>liberals today can't make a television show without injecting some political issue into it
Compared to the left this show is hard right. If you asked your average college liberal about Tim Allen they break down and start literally shaking.
There is no political injection, you are just a sexless faggot who can stop obsessing about politics.
sure thing you crazy liberal
>didn't vote
You have no right talking about politics at all go kill yourself.
I'm sick of every show having to shove liberal talking points in. Its ruined pretty much 90% of every new show and movie. I'd rather there be zero hamfisted bullshit. Does every fucking show need a BM/WF couple?
We can go back and forth about stupid shit or you can explain yourself and try to make your thread more than just a political shit post.
but if I did vote you would accuse me of racism and bigotry so it looks like you people are the problem
I watched one episode and it was about how everyone found the hispanic soccer teacher of one of the daughters super hot and everyone tried to do the best to attract him
>butthurt faggot missing out on kino
Jesus Christ. Are you mentally ill or what?
You sound like such a little bitch.
Sharp Objects
no that's you people, incapable of accepting anything other than submission to the liberal hivemind
It's some stupid white kid bitching about politics on a television and film board....what do you think?
The worst example of this is Shameless. They had probably the only good gay character i’ve ever seen on TV. They didn’t turn it into a pride parade, and it was like a legit obstacle for him.
Fast forward to Season 8 and he’s dating a tranny who literally takes three minutes to explain to viewers about the proper use of pronouns.
you ok there bud? you sound a bit upset
>he voted and lost
maybe you should've cried harder about r/the_donald then you would've won
As opposed to you the free-thinking proud rightwing real non-soja-eating MAN.
What a little bitch you are I bet you're not even 16 years old.
How does one get terminally infected with conservative aids?
There you go again deflecting onto something else when you are faced with your own terrible ideology.
You will always lose this argument. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Just look whose on your side.
>a bloo bloo I did not vote because liberals wouldve accused me of being a racist so now I spend my time complaining about them instead of actualy making a change when I had the chance.
>thinking I'dd support shillary
The average age in this thread is probably 12 by reading these bitchass replies.
so you voted trump?
The free market didn't work out for you incels. Sorry.
You still have your redpilled youtubers. That Crowder guy is a hoot!
>average age is 12
>still hanging around here and arguing
what does that say about you?
Have sex.
you should probably take a break from posting because it has clearly gotten you angry
I voted pvdd
t. slut who doesn't know promiscuous women are also sexual failures like virgin men, only irreparably so
and i just had a pork sandwich
you lose
Lmao, imagine believing this in your heart of hearts. Is this the process of how incel work themselves into a frenzy then kill themselves?
>No, let’s vote for the wife who knew her husband was cigarfucking an intern and let him get away with it so she could kill American citizens in Benghazi
Ooooh that’s a shaky fucking high ground up there, isn’t it?
No rebuttal
>alt right zoomers makes a bait thread
>Gets verbally raped by logic
>/pol/ has to pretend this isn't fucking garbage just because there's the odd line about muh libdumbs XDD
Found the fucking boomer.
Your Judaism is showing, Moshe...
no one is saying it is good, it is just one of the few shows that isnt completely filled with leftwing propaganda
Millennial, actually.
>Not recognising my dubs
You belong on the fucking cross.
I actually have no clue what that reference is. I don't follow any relgions. I'm not an idiot.
Weird how nobody gave a fuck about this show until Infowars made up some dumb shit about it being cancelled for political reasons.
A-are you even reading this board? The fucking fantasy land your egos concoct is mind-blowing...
Also know as cooties.
calling people "incel" is not a logical argument
t. room temp IQ
It is when you are replying to incels.
Only went and answered my own post, didn’t I? Silly bastard.
>Them trips tho...
>Following religious movements
Also cringe
Found the pinko, America-hating libtard
>my name calling trumps your logic, no, it IS logic
good luck in 2020
Name calling got Trump elected...
yes it did but not in the way you think
oh yes normal looking families are so toxic
What exactly happened in 2018 that made children hyper political and extremely retarded?
making people hysterical became a profitable line for the unscrupulous media
also, i think there may be an agenda to sow the seeds of chaos in the west
yuri bezmenov's words are looking increasingly accurate
>imagine unironically watching a wagecuck fox news boomer aimed tv show.
>TV? No thanks I don't want to get pozzed
>Implying this is the result of anything other than Citizens United Vs The FEC.
Can't vote because you're not a citizen? Have your one vote already but want more power and influence? Just support your party of choice through your company, undermining democracy while smearing free market capitalism at the same time.
>Implying this is the result of anything other than Citizens United Vs The FEC.
Literally not. Go read the case. It was decided properly. If you think Citizens United significantly changed things, you are wrong.
>let him get away with it so she could kill American citizens in Benghazi
take it easy on the fox news retard
>not knowing a lick about modern religions
based sheltered fedora autist