Mentions occupied tibet

>mentions occupied tibet
>...but not occupied palestine
what did he mean by this?

Attached: reddit the show.jpg (480x360, 13K)

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you can't occupy something that doesn't exist

>yugoslavia still exists

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but i didn't say occupied israel

i know that feel bro

It was another time. When you could make film/television without worrying about pissing off the chinks

>Africa is perfectly rendered
>Europe is a mess of shrinking coasts and missing pieces

aaaaand Gaza was decimated again
they cant even take care of their Zoo anymore.

It's funny because their map is more accurate to real life.

I just accopied your sex life

>Czechoslovakia doesn't

Attached: Rabbit Pondering Life.jpg (960x716, 93K)

USSR still exists

>Scotland and England separate
lol they wish

just guess who produces the show

literally guess

whoa, real life sucks

Palestine isn't a real political state, it's just a disorganised area, you can't occupy what doesn't exist

they forgot Wales


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wtf i want to drop phosphorous gas on gaza now

Israel is illegitimate. Turkey owns the deed to the territory.

That explains why youre eliminating the locals and annexing it

Well there's a certain tribe that has a lot of influence on American media and they're not very fond of Palestine.

Look again


he says palestine toward the end

>and palestine

>no Wales

Attached: 9150.jpg (600x854, 76K)

>thirty years later
>song naming all the genders is 2 minutes long

Attached: 1551001593517.png (2176x1676, 1.22M)

>and germany now want peace
lol, is the guy who made this video retarded?

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Tbh most of those 5 year+ lyric videos are made by children

>they don't know about Animaniacs
Fucking zoomers I swear

hello reddιt

Palestine has never existed as an independent state. In 1948 Gaza was occupied by Egypt and the West Bank was occupied by Jordan.

neither iraq, syria etc. ever existed as an independant state

They're still native to the region

>he says palestine toward the end

shut up kike

Tibet was part of china before the communist revolution. It's like saying the american south is still under occupation because they weren't part of the US for a couple years.


Seething mudshits

Can't prosecute me for war crimes when there was no war

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>Spielberg created/produced cartoon
>implying that sheeny fuck would ever mention Palestine
he took advantage of the situation to brainwash them into believing it doesn't exist

Why would a kike support israel, you fucking tourist


FUCK kikes
i'm anti semitic and proud

Attached: cutie.jpg (600x600, 33K)

stop this


best post

can you (not) stop being so based!?

this is 4channel
opinions like yours belong on Yea Forums

enjoy your migration and new work force


the jews fear this man

well more specifically, Steven Spielberg


Nailed it.

king of the based