>Race Realist
>Thinks hispanic is a race
Yeah keep blaming Spanish bloods for indio blood shit
Stupid fucking faggot who fucks kikes
I hope the ghost of Cortez fucks him in the ass
>Race Realist
>Thinks hispanic is a race
Yeah keep blaming Spanish bloods for indio blood shit
Stupid fucking faggot who fucks kikes
I hope the ghost of Cortez fucks him in the ass
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine being this assblasted about something that doesn't concern you. Very homosexual.
>b-b-but Spaniards are white
ok Moorish rape baby. Tell your Berber grandpa I said hi.
I don't fucking care if Spaniards aren't gay aryan cupcake faggots
Spaniards shouldn't be blamed for indio shit
If Taylor said "hispanic is a race" like a retard to my face, I'd spit at his stupid fat face
Stupid old fucking fart
Go to any human biodiversity forum and say "Hispanic"
You'll look like a retard for saying a geographical term is a race
I'm not taking chances when the stormfags kill everyone with a z in their last name regardless if they are spanish or indio because old evil satanic kike farts like Taylor are physically too lazy and retarded to understand the spanish caste system
I hope Jared Taylor's mother is happy in hell realizing her son is so stupid and gay he didn't understand how the spanish caste system worked in history class
Dumb old fucking fart
You are so dumb. JT is a nice guy and has nothing to do with stormblablabla
No he's fucking evil and satanic
He needs to apologize for blaming non mestizos for mestizo crimes
>Angry mestizo boy yells into the wins about nothing.
kino for this feel?
What has this got to do with Yea Forums?
Yes, just like you can create new dog breeds you can create new human breeds/races by racemixing
Jared Taylor is comfy kino
>spends 30 min giving a lecture at some nigger-infested college
>talking about how all races should be allowed to form groups
>despite this the only questions he gets from niggers are why he's a white supremacists and why he hates niggers
No you're the mestizo
The white hispanic spanish man doesn't want to be blamed for your mestizo shit
Hispanic is a retarded word that lumps different races together
Brown mestizos and white spaniards are not friends
So no more "Hispanic"
You are a butthurt mestizo because whenever the spanish man wakes up, you shit on him because you love him taking the blame for your mestizo shit
There's a Jared Taylor thread right now and I want to share the message of his evil ways before Yea Forums turns into his NPCs
...That's not a movie title. I checked IMDB.
>mystery meat AA students literally chimp screaming at him
>he stays competely composed
He is like a buddhist monk or something.
No one cares. You still look like a dumb spic to anyone who matters, cry more.
Imagine him trying to justify thinking hispanic is a race
He'd shit himself and cry
stupid faggot
Italians, Spaniards and Portugese aren't white
>The rugged man "interview"
Always with the calm "No no no.. Listen", it's great.
no one cares
retarded spic chimps out nothing new
Looking at most pure Irish and Anglo people
I think the Southern Europeans are better than white
if you're borwnish and either you or your parents speak spanish natively you're hispanic.
Hispanics LITERALLY are a complete different fucking genetic group than normal Spaniards. It's defined by the admixture of native and Spanish blood. Hell, the Rh- blood type was thought to originate in the Basque region of the Iberian peninsula. You're just a butthurt Spaniard mutt who can't face facts.
>Thinks hispanic is a race
Hispanic does not = Spanish, you fucking moron. Calm down.
>human biodiversity forum
Most likely neither are ((you))
What is brownish though because pol doesn't make up their mind. Is anyone without blonde hair and blue eyes brown to you?
Alot of whites are born with blonde hair but it gets darker as we age and spend less time outside. But if you have brown eyes that's a dead give away you are not white.
white people have brown eyes too you larp.
Is America the ultimate proof that muttification is a mistake? Even their "white" people are trash
Out of the three why do Italians like pretending they're white so much?
Thank god that removes most Europeans
>maximum larp
>hispanic is a race
This is the kind of misinformation you get when analyzing races scientifically is a taboo that gets you exiled from academia. Expect it to get worse until the taboo is lifted.
Do you not understand his post brainlet? Yes, many Hispanics are a mix of indie and Spanish blood ( Generally Most of Mexico and Central America ). However, The ones who have remained pure are still lumped into the same universal brown "Hispanic" term regardless if they have no indio blood in them.
Why do race realists make brown people so mad. White people have no problem admitting that East Asians and jews have high iq but brown people on the other hand...
MESTIZO means mixed you fucking retard
Hispanic means lineage from spanish speaking country regardless of race
Stop seething like a faggot over someone you’ll never meet or has any real affect in your life
because if whites rise up they lose their gibs and just a general hatred of whites.
Someone post brown eyed vs nordcuck accomplishment pic
lmao neither of those are true retard
>remained pure
lol no
>The more we delve into this matter the more evident the hypocrisy associated with guilt by association becomes, as one of the main forms of political control. To get back to our original instance, John Sharpe is being demonized by the character assassins at the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-Semite because he attended an American Renaissance conference. Yet, if we log on to the SPLC website and type American Renaissance into their search engine, we find that the SPLC has good things to say about that racist organization. In fact, a quick search of the SPLC web site informs us that AR president Jared Taylor is “an opponent of anti-Semitism.” Shawn Mercer, the man in charge of the American Renaissance’s web discussion group, we are told, “deletes most postings excoriating the Jews.” This only confirms what we have learned from other sources. In an obit on Sam Francis which appeared in the American Conservative, we were told that Jared Taylor wanted to do for white nationalism what William F. Buckley did for conservatism. And what is that? Well, to subvert it in the interests of the Jews. One of the entries at the SPLC site claims that “It is well-known that the American Renaissance does not allow anti-Semitism; it is uptown, 100% clean WN [white nationalism]. Call it a first step if you like, but it is a very important first step, and Jared Taylor has had success.”
What did he mean by this?
Racializing hispanic should be scary for hispanics who aren't brown
Brown spics will always have their stupid fucking gangs to unite in the race war
But what the Spanish blooded hispanics suppose to do if old fat wasps like Jared Taylor hate them so much?