Remember when American media were anti-communist? What happened now and they turned pro-communist?

Remember when American media were anti-communist? What happened now and they turned pro-communist?

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College's (((education))) happened.

If you think american media, that is owned by extremely rich people is pro-communist you are an absolute retard.

Commies at American colleges were always a thing. That didn't stopped American system from being anti-communist, including mainstream Hollywood movies.

And spotted the commie

are you suggesting actual commies aren't exploitative rich folk?
ooh boy.

rich people want some socialism/communism, it means they work with the government. How prisons work is an example.

peoples opinions changed, and the media has to follow suit. it's really not any deeper than that.

people don't like communists dude

They realized communism is based and redpilled

I wonder...

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You got that so backwards

communism is just capitalism on steroids, retard, it just does away with the false pretense of upward social mobility.

Sounds pretty based and redpilled.

try talking to people outside of your social circle. it's not the 70's anymore, much of the stigma is gone, and people are more likely than ever to explore different political theories.

I forgot for a second that Yea Forums was /pol/ lite with capeshit. Imagine actually believing commies run corporations.

I'm a slav, bro.

Thanks, Democrats

complete kill of gold standard, thanks fed

Might as well blame Obama for this while you're at it. Makes as much sense.

>"Muh negative stigma!"
Shut up, commie! Communism has never worked and it never will. A good communist is a dead communism. Why you keep embracing an ideology that has killed much more people than Nazism?

What does that have to do with wages not keeping pace with productivity?

not really, no. people who assert that the media is simply a tool for mind-control are generally just crackpots –reality is much more pragmatic. the media is a business, and people won't consume it if the subject matter doesn't interest them. hence the media has to mirror the zeitgeist; it doesn't create it.

I won't deny that there exists tons of propagandic media however, for each niche on the political spectrum.

not a commie my good dude

>people who assert that the media is simply a tool for mind-control are generally just crackpots
>I won't deny that there exists tons of propagandic media however
crackpot detected. Opinion disregarded

Remember when USA was anti fascist?

>actually believes communism is about equality and not power

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The bad thing became a good thing

Right at the moment women and immigrants entered the workforce in massive numbers.

If it was in any way fascist, you obnoxious spoiled millenial fucktards would keep your mouth shut and not run around in pussy hats.

Media personalities openly brag about their responsability in shaping people's attitudes.
Gay marriage is one of many things they rammered nonstop for a decade until people were too afraid to be against, for example.
Same with Middle East wars and other elite projects.

Women and Immigrants have been working in America since 1776. What does that have to do with wages being suppressed while productivity increased?

>Remember when American media were anti-communist?
Give an example that isn't a joke played for laughs like your pic. They used to make fun of anti-communist hysteria not communism itself.


Reminder that communism was never tried

Unironically this, at least of the Marxist variety. Marx specifically wrote that 3rd world countries would have to transition to capitalism, then communism when the opposite was attempted in reality.

Thanks welfare state and massive third world immigration and feminism

Yes it was. Several countries have implemented it. Socialism has never been fully implemented.

Capitalists have more power under capitalism than communism.

How does welfare suppress wages? Third world immigration has also been happening long before 1975.

Not just any immigrants, but larger than ever waves of third world immigrants. And sure, women have been working since that time, but not in the numbers that they began to in the 1970s. Women almost entirely did specific jobs (nurse, schoolteacher, etc.) even though there was the rare example of a woman in another field, it was very uncommon.

People don’t demand higher wages because the government is subsidizing their housing loans and various other parts of life. It’s pretty obvious, I thought.

What’s your explanation for stagnating wages? Because if it’s the “free market run amok” then why exactly did wages continue to rise as long as the market was free, and when the state grew much larger during the seventies, why did wages stagnate?

>taking fiction seriously
based brainlet

There is also another factor at play. Corporate taxes increased by a huge amount meaning business owners could no longer afford to continue increasing salaries.