Star Wars

>Star Wars

Attached: star wars.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

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blacked scene edit when?

missed the party, can I get a link

>man enjoying things and showing emotion

Absolutely, enjoy

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i cant imagine feeling this way about anything let alone current star wars

The only way I could ever show that much emotion is if my father came back to life.

There is no way this shit isn't staged.

Jesus christ. Dunno if I should mock him or envy him for still feeling something.

You show these emotions when you become a parent, when you get married, when you kill a kike, NOT when you watch a trailer for a star wars movie

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How old were you when he died, how old are you now? How did he die?

all reaction videos are, how are you this stupid and can't tell if it's staged or not?

He shot himself in the head with a gun right after my 13th birthday. I'm 30 now.

>man putting up a facade to get more clicks

fixed that for you.

these people should be killed on sight

He died when I was shut the fuck up years old.

Grow up pussy.
"waa waa my daddy died"
Fucking lol. Think it's time to change your tampon.

>when I was shut the fuck up years old
Damn, that's a tough age to go through something like that

>Grown men who are this emotionally invested in children's science fiction genuinely need to be castrated

Attached: 1rJTjh.jpg (665x681, 54K)


I'm so sorry user.

>Ooh muy bien, Lando
>La estrella de la muerte!

Open up the borders already!

His eyes look like he looked at the monsters from birdbox.

I think he already is.

disney hire this man

I can understand being moved by incredible music or a compelling performance but i just cant grasp why hes so emotional over a trailer, excited sure tears rolling ...ummm

Its for the reaction you retard. If he just had his mouth agape we wouldn't even be discussing this nigger. But because he can act, we are, and he gets more exposure.

Is this a false flag? I mean if I wanted to create some bad PR to a franchise, this is exactly what I would do

Task returned with status 3.

>idk how to reply so ima say dumb shit lol
Glad he's dead. His oozing brains from his dead carcass siphons life in me. Hope you pull the same stunt. ;)

Sweat and onions.

Didn't he say his gf or wife or whatever was out at the spa fucking chad? Pretty sure I heard him say that.

Why did the uploader like this comment? Is this a way of confirming everything is staged?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-13 REACTION Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker - Teaser Trailer #1 - Dais (815x141, 13K)


oooooh edgy
I like it !

Rent free ;)
You'll remember this years from now. Because I said so. ;)
Fuck your dad ;)
Glad he's dead ;)
Bye ;) bye ;) daddy ;)


If it's not fake then I'm happy for the guy. I mean it's pathetic as fuck but good on him for getting show out of something the rest of us feel nothing but disdain for. I'm a little bit envious because I've not felt that way about anything since I was a kid. But at the same time it's fucking tragic. That's if it is real.

This. If it's played, then he memed us well. If it is sincere, then he's been able to hold on to something all of us here have lost.

i thought people were memeing. Watched it and its a genuine onions freak

YouTube and Twitter have taught me that stereotypes are normally very accurate.

I FUCKING love star wars

that s*yboy needs a good old fashioned whirring

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>Soya Wars

Attached: he came from the planet of soy.png (558x356, 85K)

>I have tissues on standby
What did he mean by this?

Sorry user, may your dad R.I.P.

Revenge of the S*y

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Even he's too embarrassed for that. He just wants zoomerbux

Junji ito tier

Did he forget to drink his pills?
Even pony fans don't react like that.

>showing emotion
>over acting and crying for nothing like some hysterical woman or child at christmas
You leftards I swear.

ah yes share the link so he can make even more money doing what you hate

can't all be myserable cunts like you now can we.

Are there people who actually care about what this movie is about? Are there people who actually thought that trailer was interesting? I'm amazed.
Also, why didn't that vehicle that Rey was jumping over just shoot at her instead of trying to run her?

So you're either a onions riddled feminized faggot (like you and your favorite youtuber here) or you're miserable. Kek kill yourself lefty.

fucking aliens

>those dislikes and comments
I just realized that we are basically internet bullies. Which made me reconsider bullying as a whole, maybe it exists for a reason.
These people will have to learn at some point that living like a child in your late 20's is plain wrong.

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wew looks like one of your favorite buzzwords got filtered.

What the FUCK is this?

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How can any long time fan of star wars be excited for anything star wars at this point

Lord almighty would you look at that peak whiteoid.

Essential part of Star Wars culture is hating on it and being a bitter autist who will argue about anything

>These people will have to learn at some point that living like a child in your late 20's is plain wrong.
he's 39 years old

ITT: seething virgins
Reminder this man has a wife and your still a virgin lmfao

Kek, I hope more people like this get BTFO.

>white people


Liking some movie series is one thing,
even loving some series and getting i vested in it is alright, but this kind of reaction is ridiculous, kind of disturbing actually.

If losing my virginity means I have to act like that then I want to stay alone.


>Reminder this man has a wife

That he shares with Tyrone probably.

Being married in the current year just means you're into cuckoldry and cock cages.

trying just a liiiiitle bit too hard, I wasn't the guy you were talking to btw
I still enjoyed it tho

That is legit sad to watch. These movies are not even good, how is he being moved to tears by /action scenes/? He needs a therapist.

Based psycho poster

More like How NOT to act as a man

lolling at this faggot

This is pretty good acting honestly.

Underage b&

Physically revolted by this lads reaction.

It's hysteria, happens throughout history when people without real identities or leadership within their communities are dragged along for the ride. Shameful thing is that marketing departments and shill companies are probably going to say their "work" is valuable because of easily influenced retards in the OP, in all reality the world would be better off if we banned companies like this because they skew the public perception so hard.

is he reduced to tears too when his wife is fucked by jamal?

This guy must be exaggerating his reaction for views, all these reaction people do. I hope he is.

Same thing applies to Game of Thrones and Capeshit.

>inb4 hurr but GoT is BASED AND REDPILLED
No Game of Soi is just as bad as Star Wars.

>these people are extremely fucking retarded and tell you which movie has good acting or not
oof, kys, fags.

Cringe yikes yall

>still can't tell that I'm just acting like a twitter cunt
again, kill yourself


You should definetily mock him for being such a huge corporate slave.

>I'm pretending I'm retarded why can't you tell!

I really thought you were retarded, good job.

you're just projecting your own retardation, who posted this
>Cringe yikes yall
again,how brain dead retarded are you? still wondering if a reaction video is a genuine reaction or not, you brainlet?

But you're retarded tho


you're a retard

>girlfriend cant join as shes ''''busy'''' at the spa

Ohhhh nnnooooo......

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>still giving a shit about star wars

Attached: SW-fans.png (400x326, 140K)

Imagine who makes 20 star wars threads on /tv every hour

How do we solve this problem and save our board?


When the onions hits.

Its switching the narrative from "i so love Star Wars, look how big of a fan i am!" to "it was just a joke, i was ironic! I'm not such a pathetic looser"

There is something wrong with these people

They don't have father figures in their life

This shit is .. tragic? There's clearly an issue with Western man
How many times does he have to tell everyone he loves his wife?
It's like he is already apologizing, and worst of all, she's probably happy of having that type of relationship
What in the fuck

>mfw every time I get called an incel, it's probably someone like this

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its all so tiresome...

Yet he isn't an incel and you are.

>he fucks a hamplanet, he's so accomplished! he's having sex!
kys fag

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but funny