So who was he again?

So who was he again?

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A good story, for another time.


and he was a good friend

Um... well.... he's...uh.

he was rian johnson

Should’ve just wrote him as a order 66 survivor that lost his way in the force

mace windu


what movie?

just turn your brain off you dumb incel


He's palpatine but shit

If you have to ask this question you're probably a racist


Palpatine clone that failed and started falling apart whilst he waited for another host (Kylo) to mature.


Dark Play Gus

And Sheev is the returning JJ kek.

A red herring. The force is trans.

the bad guy?

>i love gooooooold!

He looks like that creepy brainlet meme

Based quads of truth

Eh, let the EU deal with it is the new eh, fix it in post


Mary Berry

Well? Who is he?!

Palpatines first unfinished clone

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He truly was The Last Jedi.

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I'll tell ya, okay?! Just give me a moment!

*entire theater of impatient people tapping their feet*

I was actually trying to come up with my own backstory to make him interesting. I thought he might be the same, a jedi that was on the run for decades. He might've even become disfigured by Darth Vader himself. after RotJ he is joined and helped form a new order under Luke Skywalker. He eventually had enough of Luke (I'm sure him going on on how great Annakin/Vader was didn't help) and thus preyed on Kylo's insecurities to destroy the new order. He then offered his services to the first order (the FO being one of many factions left of the empire, as explained in the new EU).

with this however you couldn't have Kylo Ren be a Vader fanboy, he might also have a nicer relationship with snoke. He might even use a Blue Saber to indicate that snoke thinks he's the true jedi leader.

He was nobody lol.

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He got filthy rich selling weapons to the Rebellion and the Empire and made a hobby of collecting dark side artifacts. What we know seems to imply he was betrayed by the Rebellion and that's what disfigured him.

>should've just wrote him


>those behind the scenes footage
>it's all crystal clear
>they were trying to make star wars as a zoomer nicklelodeon comedy

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oh shit my expectations were subverted, just like game of thrones! cause they're always doign the unexpected! thats why that shows great right? unexpected is good cause the internet cant guess it on youtube!

>The Last Jedi.
Actually, would have been interesting if he was the last old school jedi.

This is the one truth.
Search your heart, you know it to be true.