What is it about star wars that attracts these "people"?

what is it about star wars that attracts these "people"?

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Other urls found in this thread:


dunno lol

You mean “nerds”?

star wars = for childs
this person = manchild

This is the average American man. It’s an American problem.

you tell me, you are stalking them apparently

Our food supply is contaminated with s-oy.

you mean men?

>3buck theater
Let's see if he's better than THE Eric Butts.

reddit told them how good it was so they obey their false god reddit

>spend a year shitting on Star Wars for being cash grab Jew she shillbait
>immediately jump up and down like giddy onions faggots at the first trailer.


Flouride and Goitrogens

boulder bitch should unironically be beaten to death (in minecraft)

matt's still alive? wtf

What’s worse these people or the hundreds of thousands of the people watching theee videos

this whole thread should have sex

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does anyone notice we’re witnessing the emergence of a new class of people? the consumer class
>unmarried or cucked
>no kids of their own
>wagies, or podcaster / you tuber
>gets excited about the latest capeshit or nerd vidya

what do we do with these people?

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Easy clicks.

This needs to be explained?

wipe them out. all of them.

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>all white
the problem was never star wars

Uh 'the consumer class' is nothing new or distinct.

Anyways... actually, weirdly, this variety of hyperconsumeristic, democrat-leaning geek in question tends to be married usually. And the cuck thing is pure presumption, although of course it might be the case with some of them, as anyone can get cheated on. The whole 'embracing being a cuckold' thing is more of a left-leaning thing though, as if it's progressive or something, and given this variety of geek is democrat or socialist, I guess it might apply in that way.

Watch out you might get flagged OP.

>this man started gamergate

All their efforts to entice minorities were for naught. They merely catered to bluepilled soya boyas who want to get rid of their white guilt.

I thought he was photoshopped into an ISIS beheading video at first

Matt is the reason /pol/ and Yea Forums is the way it is now. Is he the origin of meme magic?

has boogie1488 had to have his legs amputated yet

Attached: 3 cucks.jpg (1200x900, 162K)

Zoe Quinn started GamerGate you retarded fuck.

how many channels does the boulder king have?

i suppose your right. but they’re growing in number and they’re essentially a useless class of people

By flagging a video mundanematt made


Literally sõy wars.

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Wasn't it some baked potatonigger who started it?

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Actually she started it by sleeping around for exposure/good reviews and her boyfriend posting the details online.

Sargon. The thinnest of the fatsos.

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>Actually she started it by sleeping around for exposure/good reviews
Many girls do that but only she got harassed for it because muh reeeing incels and some troll from Web 1.0.

Attached: ROqt2Pk.jpg (500x781, 113K)

Gamergate was a mistake.

>excusing reprehensible behavior because muh incels

these are people who's tastes never developed past childhood
thehre are two versions of people who's tastes never developed. autistic obsessive cynics who wanted their shows to never change but at the same time grow up with them so they always shit on the new stuff. but never really move onto more complex things. think of worldclassbullshitters

and then guys like ops pic. we'll be focusing on them
ever see how these people act? they're always so passive and dismissive when it comes to any criticism, and blindly follow fandom despite never having anything to talk about. its like they think being a nerd makes them popular or something/

You got trolled, incel. It was never about ethics in video game journalism.

Men that never faced adversity in their life and remained perpetual children bound to whatever pop culture garbage they were exposed to growing up.

Of course not, it was about virgin white nationalists that were freaking out over the possibility of having strong female leads in their computer entertainment toys.

they probably faced some sort of adversity but their answer was escapism and ignorance. they never tried to fix things or ever felt that they should
it goes inline on how they never want to criticise anything except people who want things to be better

What is it with this sentient thumb?

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remember all of those over the top "if I had a kid and it was a gamer I'd drown it in the bathtub" tweets that autists took 100% literally

I also remember the absolute failure that was Gamergate.

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Your water supply is contaminated with medicine remnants, birth control, plastics and your information supply with lies.

I'm Matt Jarbo and I hate the jews.

>this thread

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Did these retards really think they would change an industry bigger than Hollywood?

Same thing as everything superhero.
All capeshit = bad and cringe

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>/pol/ey the polar bear

>Uh Anyways... actually, weirdly,

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>Many girls do that

[citation needed]

What other female developers were literally sucking dick for good reviews?

>I only made 30 or 40 videos about her.
>I bet she doesn't even own a suit.

Attached: SargonOfAkkad-800x458.jpg (800x458, 34K)

Well, actresses do that shit, we can only assume devs do it as well.

Don't speak her name or you'll make her relevaahahahahahaha ahah

Attached: Femfreq-viewcount.png (1306x856, 1016K)

>What other female developers were literally sucking dick for good reviews?
how do you think any actress gets roles user?

>she got harassed

People called her a slut on the Internet?
The poor little fucking daffodil. Truly she is the modern-day Anne Frank. I'm literally crying.

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Gamergate was literally manufactured outrage that several e-celebs (Mundane Matt, Mister Metokur, and Sargon of Akkad along with Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian) monetized for profit.

I can't be bothered with people who treat me like this.

>What other female developers were literally sucking dick for good reviews?
Oh my sweet summer child.

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>People called her a slut on the Internet?
Among other things. If you think it isn't a big deal, let's hope you go through what she went through.

Bet you wouldn't be able to monetize it at all like she did.

>Countless fence-sitters got redpilled and the consumers are now more hostile to political agendas in gaming than ever before.

Yeah, what a massive failure.
If there's a name that came out of GamerGate smelling like roses, it's "Zoe Quinn" and "Anita Sarkeesian". Those are two names that just command popular respect and admiration and totally aren't laughing-stocks with no audience.

how many twitter accounts is carl going to have banned before he takes the hint and stops going on a website that doesn't want him

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Were you also whining when "incels" "harassed" the people behind Driver 3? Or the people that ran GameSpot during the Kane & Lynch scandal?

It's funny how backlash is only "harassment" if you have a vagina.
I guess women just aren't as strong as men, huh?

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People way more extreme are able to remain on twitter. Sargon of Blackdad just can't contain his spergery.

>Were you also whining when "incels" "harassed" the people behind Driver 3?
Pretty sure I laugh at incels whenever they "REEEEE" even before REEEEing became a meme. Gamer manchildren are the butt of any joke.

You are acting like a bunch of niggers, just so you know.

Gamergate blew up because it highlighted a latent double standard that the media and it's friends would not be held accountable. People say it was part of the culture war but it was really a class conflict between plebs and elitists. The media had constantly dragged up peoples personal drama for clicks but when it was someone they were friends it was suddenly off limits, anyone with half a brain could smell the shit.

And yet if your opposition posts shit like that you whine about how it's "psychotic hate-speech" and "no wonder people hate you".

I'm always impressed with SJW tolerance-levels. They fluctuate according not to what people say, but who says it. Almost as if they are massive hypocrites operating on bias or something.

Ironically Boogie weighs 275lbs now which makes him the thinnest of the bunch.

>If you think it isn't a big deal

It literally isn't, fatty.

You see this? This is why you get called "snowflakes". You're literally crying about people telling the truth on the Internet.

>whining about someone falseflagging him
>falseflags people constantly

Are all the people in Gamergate huge hypocrites?

Attached: DvS_d00WkAAXvIR.jpg (566x679, 58K)

Probably once you faggots admit that Twitter censors people for wrongthink.

Wow for someone who was the left's darling for years that's the worst engagement I've ever seen. Mundane Fatt gets more views than that.

There is a reason why jim jimped the ship so quickly.

>It literally isn't, fatty.
I bet you a million dollars you'd be out of the Internet bitching out like the bitch that you are if you went through what she did.

>ad-hom deflection

Whatever makes you feel better, faggot.

It's Chanology but instead of Epic Beard Guys we got Soi Goys.

Stop posting facts.

There are fat Feminists ITT. If they see you posting actual logical points they'll call you a "pencil" or something.
You don't want that to happen, do you?

>calling an involuntary celibate an involuntary celibate is ad hominem
Look up what that means first and then come back to me.


he got the diabeetus. now his kidneys are failing

>baseless projection

Whatever you have to tell yourself.
Speaking of which, keep telling yourself Zoe Quinn is some kind of amazing fucking heroine because she had to deal with people calling her a "slut" and "fat" after she got exposed as a lying fat slut.

*wh*te niggers

Dont know who this one is, but he surely has no clout in anything, being nothing more than a maggot consumer of bottom line corporate garbage.

Baseless name-calling is what an "Ad-Hom" is.
Stay seething.

the fucking soundbyte of sargon saying that is burned into my brain

was Moot right the whole time?

lol there are unironic gamergators in this thread in 2019?

depends. the "kill all gamers" tweets were pretty non-specific. if Movieblob or that Dan Olson pedo had made 30 videos and countless tweets specifically about Carl Benjamin or Ethan Ralph or (insert eceleb here), that would be just as psychotic as still making videos about Anita in (CURRENT YEAR).

I'm surprised Arthur Chu or Geordie Tait didn't shoot up a gamestop or something though

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Says user posting in an anonymous board bravely.

>an incel being insulted by being exposed as such
loving every laugh

>Are all the people in Gamergate huge hypocrites?

No, that was the anti-Gamergate side.

The side that claimed to be male-feminist allies and called their opposition "rapists" turned out to be a bunch of rapists, child-molesters or general criminals.


That's a lot worse than ONE fat YouTuber flagging videos made to antagonize him.

>It's about ethics in videogame journalism

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>what do we do with these people?
Mandatory testosterone injections.

>No, that was the anti-Gamergate side.
Pretty sure Jarbo the Hutt was pro-Gamergate.

>this hypocrisy is objectively of higher magnitude than this other hypocrisy

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What the fuck
Not even literal children behave like this over their IP of choice
I get that it's all for show, but jesus christ

>SJW posts "if I had a kid and it was a gamer I'd drown it in the bathtub"
>"LOL! excellent trolling! u mad, gamers?"

>some random troll sends Zoe Quinn or Brianna Wu the fucking Navy Seal copypasta

What did the fat, pink-haired goblins mean by this?
Why the double-standard?

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>That's a lot worse than ONE fat YouTuber flagging videos made to antagonize him.

Didn't Quarterpoundering go on a personal vendetta on Hasbro trying to gather Gamergators as his personal army?

Didn't Milo turn out to be pro-pedo?

Didn't Big Chungus end up killing a dog by doxxing and swatting someone?

Isn't Sargon a never-ending dumpster fire?

Attached: milo sargon.png (912x580, 957K)

>depends. the "kill all gamers" tweets were pretty non-specific.

OK so you came up with an arbitrary measure that means nothing to justify your double-standard?
Cool. Just wanted to make sure.

Is it weird that I'm a socialist because I've worked blue collar jobs my whole life and don't have money? I am super resentful of my bosses and people who make tons of money, but I also don't identify with these weird soft onions people either. I'm pretty strong and have worked with my hands my whole life. I also think polyamory is weird and don't fully understand all this weird genderqueer shit people talk about all the time.

I feel like I'm in between worlds or some shit

The "pro"-Gamergate side merely used the outrage from gators to monetize their channels and use them as their paypigs.

>being pro-Gamergate in 2019

>Posts video of me stabbing shit and shooting guns and driving like a Lunatic saying I'm on my way while posting some sluts address online threatening to kill the bitch
>Some limp dick 4channer covers for my psychopath "It's about the media! Not about the sluts!
>Meanwhile known liars and agenda driven news outlet Breitbart grooms my impressionable mind to distrust all media because vidya is serious bidness
>Trump attacks the media calling them liars
>This Trump guy really gets what I'm upset about, how serious is he as a candidate?
And here we are...

>this hypocrisy is objectively of higher magnitude than this other hypocrisy

It literally is, you shit-smeared faggot.

+30 different vocal "male feminist" anti-GG faggots being exposed as LITERAL rapists and/or child-molesters is measurably worse than ONE fat guy flagging a video, and you're being a disingenuous blob by denying that.

>It literally is, you shit-smeared faggot.
see Or are you going to justify the fact that e-celebs used your outrage to make money off of you like the useful idiot that you are?

I don't think she was ever the left's darling

>being anti-Gamergate, ever

Attached: SJW Girl.png (444x368, 169K)

Notice how this type of thing is most common with marvel and star wars.
It's pure disneyfaggotry.

>Posts video of me stabbing shit and shooting guns and driving like a Lunatic saying I'm on my way while posting some sluts address online threatening to kill the bitch
Damn this is a pretty big claim, you got a link to this? It seems like the kind of thing that would make the news

>the other side is worse!
>but when we're hypocrites, please ignore us and please keep supporting big chungus

Imagine being a GAMER who's RiSING UP in CURRENT YEAR.

>look, a guy posted some irrelevant opinions

Let me know when he has some actual facts or something.

aka The Shazam crowd

Sums it up when it comes to all Yea Forums cancer. SW, capeshit, GoT, it's all smirk and snark until a new one is on the horizon and they pump themselves up like kids on Christmas Eve, willingly slurping up liquid shit in the form of teasers, trailers, stills and leaks.

Oh man, you mean the guy serving jail time for it that YouTube took down needs to be presented? If only the media weren't such liars, amiright?

>not his constant giggling

>someone said something mean about a hashtag. I feel personally attacked.

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You didn't actually link a news article, for someone with no evidence you seem pretty sure of yourself

Are you still hoping Trump will retweet Gamergate tweets so that you can launch Gamergate 2.0? How is Kotaku in Action back in Plebbit?

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Like with Gamergate, they're monetizing outrage fully knowing that people will still watch Goy Wars immediately after in its next installment.

>irrelevant opinions
Is that your damage control over being used by Mundane Fat and Sargoy to monetize their channels because you're REEEEing at muh SJWs?

Are you me? I fucking hate what the "alt-right" represents. And yet I'm disgusted by what the democratic party has become. A bunch of soft ass virtue signaling ass holes looking for outrage.

Yuo are awaer.. we live in a society

>Didn't Quarterpoundering go on a personal vendetta on Hasbro trying to gather Gamergators as his personal army?
Zero idea what you're talking about.
From what you're describing, though, it sounds more like he highlighted a shitty business-practice Hasbro was doing for his audience, and that makes you butthurt for some reason because you constantly look for inane shit to be outraged over.

>Didn't Milo turn out to be pro-pedo?
Milo was always a gay degenerate and everyone already knew that.

>Didn't Big Chungus end up killing a dog by doxxing and swatting someone?
Literally no idea who "Big Chungus" is. Since his name comes from a late-2018 meme he's probably a nobody even if you didn't make him up.

>Isn't Sargon a never-ending dumpster fire?
Why? Because you don't like him?

I'm impressed if this was the best you could do.
Again, between 30 or 40 prominent male-feminists that took center-stage to virtue-signal about Gamergate being evil turned out to be actual pedophiles, rapists, perverts and criminals.
If you don't have anything that compares to that, you don't have any real arguments and are instead an SJW trying to run damage-control by spreading meaningless noise.

>someone said something mean about Zoe Quinn. I feel personally attacked and engraged.

>literally damage controlling the people who spearheaded Gamergate to hide the fact that he's been duped and used as a fool over fake outrage

Yeah, great movement you got there. RISE UP, GAMERS.

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>Is it weird that I'm a socialist because I've worked blue collar jobs my whole life and don't have money?

No. "Socialist" is just what Welfare Queen NEET's call themselves when they decide they don't want to work for a living and instead want to get money for doing nothing.

>all these people who made money out of your "consumer revolt"
>still believing in the "consumer revolt" narrative in 2019


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Simplistic power fantasies appeal to manchildren, since all the mary sues are self-insert blank slate characters, this is their only gateway to experiencing being someone of worth.

>he's probably a nobody
Ian Miles Cheong is literally one of the major goys in Gamergoys. You've obviously hid under a rock since 2014 if you think Gamers Ate is still a thing.

One minute apart ahahaha maximum damage control

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>You see, it was all a conspiracy to make money.

Ah yes, of course. No ACTUAL scandal.
Everybody go home: Just go back to trusting corporate media-sources and out-of-touch SJW bloggers.

Jesus fuck, no one cares about your politics bullshit, faggots.

t. spoonfed basement dweller

>Why? Because you don't like him?

lmao we have a Sargoy in this thread. So are you going to do damage control over him losing his audience, losing his Patreon, and losing his Twitter in the course of two months?

>It's the fault of a BrietBart conspiracy that people don't trust the media!

Holy shit, I didn't think it was possible to be this much of an NPC.
Yes, it was all a conspiracy by those evil wrongthinkers. Not the constant lying for fucking YEARS on end you faggots did.

Attached: Liberal Media Lying About Kids in Cages.jpg (1024x557, 121K)

>muh samefag
The paypig is unaware and willingly wastes his money as he's fleeced by his e-celeb.

Attached: Discord Money.png (1293x115, 11K)

Imagine having no actual arguments and just posting dismissive memes.

thequartering harassed a cosplayer so hard she quit magic the gathering, so hasbro banned him from official events. then he sperged about anita being at gencon or whatever so hard a tranny punched him.

there's audio floating around of Ian Miles Cheong admitting that he called the cops on that Andy Warski guy and told them that he had drugs and illegal guns at his house. Ian can weasel his way out of it being a swatting because he didn't say Andy had killed anybody or was holding anybody hostage, just that he was armed and mentally unstable.

Attached: m'lady.png (500x365, 106K)

>gamergate thread
every time someone uses the word "literally," take a drink
if they use it incorrectly, drain your glass

>projecting this hard

No. I just like mocking corporate-slave SJW's like you.

This might be the dumbest attempt at a "counter-argument" I have ever seen.

"Some YouTube channels puppeteered the entire thing for click-money."

No, idiot. You leftist faggots got caught doing something underhanded, got the whistle blown on you, and when you tried to run damage-control you just made it worse for all yourselves.
And you're STILL running damage-control.

All together now...


Attached: roflbotnet.jpg (930x960, 142K)

Where were you when based Gavin McFaggot pissed off everyone involved in this shitshow?

Those r/gamerriseup tards are cringe as fuck garnering all their self worth from not being some hyperbolic gamer parody. Shit is mad pathetic.

That would imply I'm following an e-celeb and giving him money and exposure over a "consumer revolt" made to fleece useful idiots like yourself.

how exactly are these people obsessed with gamergate better than manchildren?

>Posts video of me stabbing shit and shooting guns and driving like a Lunatic saying I'm on my way

>Some nobody did something crazy

See this shit? This is why people don't take you seriously in arguments.

why can't they meme?

Imagine being such a huge NPC that when you're told someone is using your outrage to make money off of you, you tell them "REEEEE! To spite you, I'll give them more money! MUH SJW!"

No, what you're doing instead is shilling (for free) for some confirmed SJW slut and the the corrupt media that tried to back her. And it's something literally everyone is laughing at at this point.

>thequartering harassed a cosplayer so hard she quit magic the gathering

Posting opinions that trigger you isn't "harassment", snowflake.

You faggots really just need to retreat back to your safespace. You're STILL posting SJW arguments that were debunked 4 or 5 years ago.
Just shut off your computer. Then the "cyberbullies" can't hurt you.

Lose weight.

>triggered by Gamers Rise Up
>unironically wants to rise up

They aren't. That's what makes them funny.

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>if i keep posting the same inane meme-shit over and over and over again, it will become true

Keep going.
I'm SURE Zoe Quinn will fuck you at this rate.

>No, what you're doing instead is shilling (for free) for some confirmed SJW slut
No, I've been making fun of Gamergators being used by e-celebs to make money off of you. Never even mentioned the SJW slut lol.

Imagine being such an NPC that when he's informed that his fave e-celebs are using him, he turns off his brain and says people are just posting opinions.

Attached: 1554306357011.png (640x644, 393K)

>thequartering harassed a cosplayer so hard she quit magic the gathering

OK so you're admitting she's a snowflake that quit the Internet because someone bantzed her online?

Really fighting that stereotype of SJW's being censorious faggots that literally cry over the Internet.

its a political forced meme. Like that onions shit.

Have you risen up yet?

>muh Zoe Quinn
It's pretty sad how hard you're being played by your e-celebs that up until 2019 you're still talking about Literally Who.

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>losing his Patreon, and losing his Twitter in the course of two months

Platforms censoring users and claiming they broke the rules when they didn't break the rules isn't something you should be defending, faggot.
It makes you look like an impotent, censor-happy brat.

Mundane matt is a fat faggot, and sargon is a fat faggot and actual cuckold who lies about being a quadroon

>she's a snowflake
lmao you're literally so obsessed with Gamergate that you're defending Quarterpounder and serving as his literal personal army over something you just heard just now?

Attached: T9bCWCQ.jpg (888x499, 84K)

>labeling anyone posting an opinion as "being used"

The anti-GG crowd really amazes me sometimes. This is the shit they tell themselves to justify their actions.

Say it a few more times: Anyone who saw a scandal and knew it was a scandal was "being used" by these supposed YouTube charlatans that trigger you so fucking hard.

>Sargon breaking the ToS and calling people niggers is muh censorship

Attached: Patreon TOS.jpg (722x1200, 139K)

>gamergate's pet porn star turned out to be a pedo

Attached: yikes.jpg (464x555, 52K)

>posting an opinion
How about you research that issue you've just been informed before whiteknighting this guy?

Attached: index.jpg (275x183, 11K)

You seem to be obsessed with this delusion that I have given anyone money recently.

Not only do I not subscribe to any Patreons for political YouTubers, but I have been using AdBlock for the past 6 fucking years straight.

You really need to get this lie about where and when I spend my money out of your head, schizo.
It's also becoming very clear it's the only argument you have.

Ssssshh. It will ruin their narrative that they won. They totes weren't used by e-celebs as paypigs.

>people obsessed with gamergate

You mean the samefags ITT posting the same non-arguments and cringe-worthy memes over and over again?

Actually I'm being logical.
I'm smart enough to know "cyberbullying" isn't a real thing and only fags whine about it.

It's pretty hilarious really. The whole gamer rise up shit was meant to satirise people that took gaming too seriously but now you have ideologues who base their whole identity around it repeating it ad nauseum trying to win some culture war. Just look at that dude repeating it over and over in this thread lmao. Ironically they're taking it way more seriously than any of the original memes they attempted to satirise.

Ian is the weirdest fucking guy. He was also in a stream with Eric Striker and some other TRS guys defending national socialism.

>don't have harassed or buillied anyone at any time during your life or we'll ban you if we feel like it
i really hope dick masterson's alternative to patreon site takes off
he was promising 0% fees/commission on payments and guaranteed artistic freedom (within the law)
he said he'd coded it all up or whatever but hasn't mentioned it in a long time so it might be dead in the water

>the one guy ITT posting GAMURS RISE UP over and over again like it means anything

I can't imagine being reduced to only being able to communicate with memes.
What a sad, sorry existence.

>y-you're obsessed
Says the guy who was triggered when it was pointed out that e-celebs used a manufactured outrage movement to fleece useful idiots off of their money.

Attached: 1411746845045.jpg (693x697, 67K)

>They aren't. That's what makes them funny.
By actually knowing who these people are you arent much better than then discord tranny-kun.

you shouldn't be spending any time watching fat retards on youtube full stop.

>ambiguous rules that are selectively enforced

So Patreon's going to also deplatform that ContraPoints tranny for doing the same shit, right? Or better yet, the literal Antifa page?

>SJW's literally defending ideology-motivated censorship

Tell that to Quaterpoundering saying he's being cyberbullied by Hasbro.

>i really hope dick masterson's alternative to patreon site takes off
>literally just told him e-celebs were using him for money
>literally wishing that an e-celeb will use him for money

lmao keep posting his is great

Attached: DrwrOX_XgAART_5.jpg (500x375, 45K)

>don't use the N-word and other hatespeech is ambiguous

t. sargon

Literally who?

I followed this shit since 2014 and never heard of this "pet porn star".

Also anti-Gamergate was full of literal high-profile pedophiles.
See: SJW's unironically ARE the real sex predators and it's been proven over the past several years.
Keep denying it/running damage-control though.

>if I just keep saying it over and over again it becomes true

>manufactured outrage
>useful idiots

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>I-I don't subscribe to PatREEEEons but literally here I'm hoping Dick Masterson's Patreon alternative would take off so that I can support muh e-celebs

I wish I could make money off of you like the e-celebs you love are, user.

Left can't meme. It's the golden rule.
Meme shit will always, ALWAYS go over their heads.

>implying modern socialists are actually pro-working class
it's not that weird, most sane and middle class people are pro-working class. but the socialist today is upper class and a purely ideologically socialist, thus they only protect the ideologically oppressed classes (lgbtqia, black people etc) not the actual oppressed classes. if anything, they're pawns of corporations

at least hontrapoints videos have some production values instead of being a still image while a fat british man yells about how laci green made elliot rodger go on a rampage

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>being logical
>by whiteknighting e-celebs and saying it's okay for them to fleece you because you're outraged by SJWs

>he believes that Gamergate wasn't a movement used by e-celebs to make money out of useful idiots
>ironically uses the NPC meme

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>all these posts that don't explain the true reason
Because millennials were brought up in the 90s and very early 2000's aka the greatest point in Western civilization to grow up, and they are trying to experience that feeling again, hence the shitty eating habits and obsession with shit like Star Wars

>hate-speech is banned
>BTW our SJW board defines "hate-speech"

Keep shilling for them.

Attached: SJW Captain Marvel.jpg (849x676, 26K)

>I followed this shit since 2014
Did you suddenly stop and not saw the garbage fire afterwards where everyone involved, from Anita to Sargon, got Patreons, influence, and YouTube money out of the whole thing?

I still dont understand the s.oy shit.
Nu-male already existed, why force another meme?

>people who make content start Patreons to fund making more content

Wow. What a scandal.

>he literally believes Patreon, an SJW platform, would allow people saying nigger to keep using their services

You're as retarded as Sargoy.

>Captain Fungus pic
How hard are you REEEEing at that making a billion dollars, by the way?

Because nu-males unironically get spotted obsessing over onions and consuming mass quantities of it on a regular basis?

Are you mad at people noticing things or something?

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>hurr durr make more money off of me
Damn, I should've gotten into this Gamergate scam. Even if you talk to the marks/sheep, they still willingly want you to make money off of them.

Not that user your arguing with but why do you keep repeating this? over and over. Claiming e-celebs fleece their followers out of cash is a fine criticism if that's how you feel but it's hardly partisan and a huge proportion of people on the SJW / progressive side function exactly the same. I mean that was Sarkessians whole business model.


Schizos really need to be barred from politics. This shit is embarrassing and also kind of unnerving.

It is. They're in this thread right now, and when you tell them they're acting retarded, they give you the "i-it's just your opinion, man".

A fool and his money after all.

>I followed this shit since 2014
>and never heard of this "pet porn star".

pick one.

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i've never donated a penny to any artist or "content provider" in my life except that one time i bought a dan carlin podcast series
but i don't hold it against others if they want to fund content they enjoy or think is important, nor do i begrudge someone making a living providing content people are willing to pay for
without it there might not be as much content i enjoy
some of them make outrageous sums (for example dick masterson makes 20k a month i think) but hey that's supply and demand
having said all that, if i was going to donate to someone i'd like to think i'd use a site that passed on as much of my money to the artist as possible and didn't threaten to censor them based on political views, hence i support one paywall site over another

Didn't realize Yea Forums was so full of Chads

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>Your opinion is that Sargon deserves to get paid to make gamurs rise up in 2019

Yes, you are a paypig. Unironically so.


They get paid to make reaction videos that no one asks for

>people unironically falling for shit bait

>but it's hardly partisan and a huge proportion of people on the SJW / progressive side function exactly the same

EXACTLY. The heroes of Gamergate are no better than the muh SJWs they criticize. They BOTH fleeced the outraged left and right. That's why as a "consumer revolt" Gamergate was a failure but as a scam to monetize autism by e-celebs, it's a huge success.

almost no numales touch this gay internet only product. It was literally a forced meme by autistic offsite redditors. Much like the jokers rise up thing.

You give them attention and you unironically believe that their intentions were not to make money off of Gamergate. The fact that you participated and continue to defend Gamergate means you're still one of their marks.

Wait, wait.

You UNIRONICALLY believe that Gamers will RISE UP and Gamergate is still alive and well?

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It's a series built on the idea of standing up to an evil government with the power of pew fantasy katanas. Only soi would eat that shit.

He probably followed the spergout until 2014 only and slept in a rock afterwards, thinking Gamergate was successful.

Sargon will save the west with his 20 year plan

lot of mind reading going on here
where did i say i have an opinion on gamergate?
how do you logically infer from what i said that i believe "they" didn't set out to make money?
either you're confusing me with another user or you're delusional, possibly from some kind of indoctrination, which would make you quite a hypocrite

>Sargon will save the west with his 20 year plan

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Not reading your mind it's going by your responses in regards to you defending e-celebs thinking they're better than the SJWs when both were fleecing the useful idiots perpetuating Gamergate back in 2014.

100% true.

But the grain of sand that the shit-pearl that was GG formed around was game journalists acting shittily.

But everyone already knew that journos were sleazy. EVERY e-celeb were as sleazy as the journos.

everybody knew that, but they claimed otherwise at the time.

>streamer tries to politely debate with Metokur
Wasn't surprised when he was revealed to be a boomer leeching off his stripper gf.

This guy must've been a special ed student.

>defending e-celebs thinking they're better than the SJWs
i have no problem with ANYONE making money from patreon or kickstarter or donations of any kind
SJWs, e-celebs, even those women who flash their knickers on twitch for thousands of dollars a time
yes, some of it is clearly exploitative and divisive and it's probably unhealthy the way they feed off outrage and thus are motivated to generate more of it
but i support the free market first and foremost, that's been my entire position here, not SJWs vs Gamers or whatever tribal game you claim to not be playing (even as you accuse everyone you think is on the wrong side of being a useful idiot for the leaders of their side)
i think you should take a step back and look at yourself user, you're getting all fired up and it's affecting your judgement

Why is Jarbo the Hutt still relevant?

>i have no problem with ANYONE making money from patreon or kickstarter or donations of any kind
t. paypig

guy's entire schtick seems to be reading ED articles on youtube.

In fairness a lot of the less extreme Gamergate heroes noticed that the whole thing was turning into a shitshow and some even promptly deleted and/or privated all the videos they could and then went on with their lives.

TotalBiscuit had some of the most even handed crtiques/coverage of it but shortly before his death he privated all of it. Thunderfoot was a big name but in 2017 he pretty much said, "Sod this," to the skeptic community and went back to making science videos. Johnny Fox turned into a weirdo christian and deleted most of his gamergate content, Internet Aristocrat nuked his channel and came back ages later as Metokur, etc.

Basically it means all you're left with are fools and grifters like Sargon and MundaneFat, whose pockets got so full from being at the internet they've been chasing after the outrage ever since.

>Reeeing that muh anti-gamergate side was more hypocritical than the muh gamergate side
>points out 100% of muh gamergate side turned out to be an e-celeb faggot
>being this triggered over this

Ayy lmao.

see my post here i know it was 20 minutes ago but even someone as emotional as you should be able to retain information for longer that

Defending Gamergate in 2019 is the equivalent of being a Ponyfag in 2019. Or being a Chanologist in 2019.

What are you doing with your lives?

you have me confused with a different user

If you're helping perpetuate Gamergate and believe it's a success to the point that you're going "muh anti-GG is worse than the faggots who made money off of me" then you are a paypig and shill of those e-celebs and deserve ridicule.

This didn't age well.

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I'm not fucking defending it. The whole thing was a massive waste of time and energy and turned nearly everyone involved into a massive faggot if they weren't one to begin with.

Have you risen up yet, Yea Forums?

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>I'm not fucking defending it.
Then why are you reacting to my posts making fun of those who do, user?

>muh anti-GG is worse than the faggots who made money off of me
where did i say anything like that?
i wouldn't say anything like that because the only content creator that has made any money off me (barring advertising revenue) is dan carlin
yeah you probably forgot that all those ads you watch generate revenue for the channels you watch so they're making plenty of money off you as well
you're clearly very invested in this so i reckon you've probably watched a lot more youtube drama nonsense than i have, therefore they've made more money off you than they have off me
don't you feel silly for spending 20 minutes gloating about how stupid everyone but you is for funding e-celebs when you've been doing it unwittingly for the last 5 years?

Acceptance, tolerance, apathy and senseless progress don't stop at the end of your personal comfort zone.
Keep voting for a borderless world, gibs for all brown people and addicts and pushing for gay rights, you're going to get all the human trafficking, illiterate high school graduates, overburdened ERs, kids being taught about the magic of genders and all the extra attention they can get, corrupt institutions, poverty, and rampant mental illness that comes along with it.

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>where did i say anything like that?
If that's not you, then that user ""mysteriously disappeared" and you started replying to me even though I was mostly replying to his retardation.

I'm the guy who wrote this: And that's it. I have no idea what everyone else is arguing about... Well gamergate but caring about it in 2019 is just a bit embarrassing. It's over.

I was making fun of this goy because I won't find another opportunity to make fun of an user who still believes in GG in 2019 since everyone moved on from there loooong ago.

Ooof. All of them save Adam Baldwin shot themselves in the foot and sperged out.

I don't lurk in SW threads, but no one is actually excited for GoT. We watch it to shitpost and see how much further it will fall.
Also anyone with more than 3 brain cells is going to pirate it so it's not like we're giving these fags money

my conversation with you started with you replying to my first post here: you can follow the whole reply chain from there, in which you repeatedly claim i'm defending gamergate when all i did was criticise patreon for censoring it's customers and hope for a better alternative
if you're going to start from the position that i'm arguing in bad faith then no good can come of this discussion, it's a waste of time, because you'll just accuse me of lying when i say something that contradicts you

lol what happened to the other guy
he stopped posting all of a sudden?

That is not Adam Baldwin

He named it but he didn't start it.
It's this ebin troll.

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i don't know, i wasn't part of that conversation although it looked very exciting from what i read
lots of abusive language and finger pointing

>i don't know, i wasn't part of that conversation
Sure is strange that he went away and you came in his place. Oh well.

What even was gamergate?
(this is bait I already know but I just wanna watch everyone yell at each other)

>thread about autistic manchildren """"'reviewing""""" trailer
>thread content is more autistic than topic at hand


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A troll that e-celebs took over to fleece useful idiots REEEing at each other.

It’s white betas adults who obsess over a poorly written childish franchise. If your over 13 and like Star Wars in 2019 your probably a massive fag.

i didn't come in his place, you replied to me and now you're implying that i'm some kind of impostor
looking at that user's posts, if it's the person i think it is, you can clearly see they're formatted differently to mine, are about a different subject, and use a different tone

Whore making a shit indie game gets caught fucking dudes for good reviews. Her boyfriend makes a blog post pointing this out. People start talking about how shitty the already shit gaming journalism world is. Outraged women claim rape. Absurdity ensues as a huge argument grows around the internet with little thought to what actually sparked it. Prominent women, including the one that started it all, are invited on TV shows or in front of the UN making the whole thing an even bigger joke. People complaining about an already shitty industry in game journalism suddenly realize the cultural manipulation has much deeper roots than any sane person would expect. SJW's still butthurt to this day that the mask was removed, in fact there are some in this thread right now.

Doesn't Jim make like $10,000+ everytime he streams?

Relax. If you're not him then I'm not really replying to you.

If you're not him.

Doesn't that mean Eron Gjoni (the boyfriend) actually started gamergate? Or was it Nathan Grayson when he fucked Zoe? Why are we still talking about this shit? It's been five fucking years. There's been a fuckload of internet controversies since then. There's one going on right now about Anime-shit and funimation that seems fucking crazy. Why are we still talking about this one internet drama from 2014?

>SJW's still butthurt to this day
SJWs made the most money out of it next to all of Gamergate's heroes. If you unironically supported Gamergate you were one of the useful idiots they fleeced.

It's that one Gamergator who still unironically think it's a success in 2019 and anyone who makes fun of him he calls muh SJW.

there are 65 posters in this thread you maniac
you started replying to me as if i was the person you were having an almost completely unrelated conversation with, even though my posts look nothing like his, and now you're acting like you haven't just wasted my time with your retardation
christ lurk a bit before posting here please redditors

>there are 65 posters in this thread you maniac
Why are you reeeing at me when I said if you're not him then I'm not replying to you lol?

The guy makes 2k for doing nothing

Sssshhh. This hurts the Gamergator.

>Eron Gjoni (the boyfriend)
sounds like the name of a film with subtitles

>streamer tries to politely debate
Usually after talking massive amounts of shit on Twitter

Whores gonna whore. What I said is the truth, regardless.

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IMAGINE wanting to RISE UP

You got anything original to say, or are you only capable of repeated the same things over and over?

>Prominent women, including the one that started it all, are invited on TV shows or in front of the UN making the whole thing an even bigger joke.
Gamergate was so successful in making their targets more money lmao.

Mundane Fat and Sargoy of Cuckad are gonna whore, they can't help it.

Except there never was a review of Depression Quest written by the guy she fucked. He did cover it a little bit but that was allegedly before they bonked. The real issue was that several stories (the harrasement from Wizardchan, the fine young capitalists and the Polaris game jam) had been written about her using her as a source. Turns out she's a massive liar (as revealed in several call-outs that have happened over the years including the original Zoe post) and all those stories were full of complete lies.

Unfortunately to this day people still say that Zoe slept with journalists (and it was really only one journalist) for good reviews even though that isn't true and was never true. And game journalists and Zoe herself have been discrediting the whole thing because of that. Unfortunately people still think Nathan Grayson reviewed Depression Quest when this autistic shit is bought up so Zoe and the journalists probably have a point.

Says the paypig who "stopped" replying to me when his heroes got exposed in monetizing his autism against muh SJW.

for the reasons i pointed out in the post you just replied to
do you read the posts you reply to or just click random reply links and throw your opinions at them?

God, I wish I could've monetized your incel autism to make me Patreon bux and superberries.

no reviews, but they did cover it. Given its a fucking twine game that a bright 12 year old could have made, that a significant thing to do.

I recall being aware of Zoe Quinn (pre gg) first when watching some video interviewing Chris Avellone, and this fat blob was sitting next to him.

lol keep reeeing when you're not the guy who's being replied to I don't even have any interest in you except to see you sperg out.

What are you even talking about? You're just making shit up to justify your insanity.
You'll have to settle on still being a poorfag taking money out of mom's purse.

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The spergout was so great even Law & Order made money off of it.

Didn't Zoe Quinn make money off of Gamergate by writing a book about it?

Insanity? It's an established fact that all the goys who unironically supported GG was used by e-celebs for cash, which is why Internet Aristocrat bailed and you're still here being used by said e-celebs.

You're oddly obsessed with money. Do you even own your own vehicle? Just how destitute are you to pretend making money has any bearing on what actually happened?

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Sure sure user, but have you RISEN UP and had President Trump retweet your tweet about Gamergate 2.0?

You're oddly obsessed with muh SJW which is why e-celeb neckbeards will keep making shekels off of you.


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you know you're the one who looks ridiculous here right?
you made a stupid error, and doubled down on it, and now you're implying the person you annoyed with your mistake is somehow in the wrong
you could've saved yourself this humiliation by giving a simple apology and going back to clicking random reply links and assuming they're the same user you were talking to half an hour ago but no
you couldn't swallow your pride
well now you just look like an obnoxious little spaz
well done

Yeah but people still say the game got reviewed by GraysonTo this day. It's why the anti-gamergate version of events has some validity. Even though Zoe's ex-bf never said she'd slept around for good reviews, only that she'd slept with 5 guys including game reviewer Nathan Grayson. And he wasn't even really pissed about that - just that everything she'd ever told him was a lie.

I always thought the gamergate thing was such a waste of time because it distracted from all the issues Eron Gjoni bought up and gave people like Zoe easy proof that she wasn't lying. She was being harassed because she was a woman or whatever the fuck. Even though everything she's ever said is a lie.

Eh who gives a fuck anymore.

Boy we gamergate3.0. Sargon is getting into parliament

I couldn't give a shit less about that guy. You really can't stop talking about him, though. You sure I'm the one that was hurt by him?
You're running out of ammo and going onto pointless tangents already?

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Tell us more about the SJWs. Why do they make you want to fund Sargon's Patreon? Oh wait...

>you know you're the one who looks ridiculous here right?
Says the guy who wrote an essay about a post that doesn't concern him, but okay.

The funny thing is thst these people used to be "open season" tonget their asses kicked by everyone.
But now that Nerd Culture has lost the stigma of being the "virginity" culture, people use losers like these as the stepping stone around work and social gatherings so they can get brownie points becuase the fat fucking loser told them that the voice they heard in the end of the trailer was the guy from the old movies that looked like a testicle as he recites the star wars comics and novels like its a bible.

Still going on about irrelevant people? Something's really got you inflamed.

His teeth fell out


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>the post i replied to you with doesn't concern you
ok nutter i think you've wasted enough of my time

Ok tell me people don’t actually donate to ecelebs

>I couldn't give a shit less about that guy. You really can't stop talking about him, though.
It's literally the first time I mentioned him but I understand why you're damage controlling now after being used by e-celebs to make money over fake outrage.

>irrelevant people
So you're saying that the people who started gamergate are irrelevant and the movement itself failed. All right user lol.

I'm just replying to see how much more you'd sperg out.

Yes, this nerds are cool shit is their main means of avoiding bullying.

There are literally Gamergators in this thread right now who own the libs by triggering the libs and turning off that pesky ad block.

>starting gamergate
>the movement
There wasn't a real movement. Just people arguing over some drama that got blown way out of proportion. It accelerated because there was a concentrated backlash which then invited the ecelebs to come in and profit. That outrage that caused it to explode appears to be alive and well, as evidenced by your posts and a few other posters in this thread.

There's an interesting article by Vice of all places that sums up why there were so many articles about gamergate:
Yeah no archive cause vice won't let you because they're fags but read it carefully. The reason why there were so many fucking articles condemning gamergate was because the gamergate people would fucking read it. And in the business of click-bait online journalism a click is a sale.

Basically the majority of gamergate coverage was designed to get traffic from gamergate itself. A lot of sites made a lot of money by pissing of the gamers.

Not as inflamed as the pro-GG who still think GG is still going on in 2019.


>There wasn't a real movement. Just people arguing over some drama that got blown way out of proportion
And e-celebs from both sides making money out of their spergouts yes.

You sure that's not something you've made up in your head to justify being a retard over that old event to this day?

>The outrage that caused it to explode appears to be alive and well
I dunno. Is Zoe still pissing people off? Isn't that what started it?

What’s it with everyone and their mom making reaction vids? It’s for literally everything too shit gets annoying

lmao if you ever want a laugh you should check out the gg thread on 8/v/

SW is nerdy but popular.

pretty sure judging by this thread unless that one guy is being retarded on purpose

pretty much
that's the microcosm and the macrocosm is Trump playing everyone like a fiddle in the 2016 U.S. Elections

Kind of not. She entered Comicsgate in order to catch lightning in the bottle twice but so far she made little to no impact there.

Monetizing spergouts from people still REEEEEing at Rian.

in the absence of a meaningful national or religious or work-based identity, people began identifying with their hobbies (sports, videogames, social justice, etc)
if you tell someone their identity means something, and articulate their feelings on it, and then point to a threat of some kind (real or imagined) and say your battle against this threat needs funding, people will fall over themselves to throw money at you in an almost religious fervour
in the case of gamergate, you have a meaningless hobby (videogames) being faced with a real threat (social justice activism), vs a meaningful hobby (political activism) facing an imaginary threat (politically incorrect internet harassment)
people on both sides are desperate to identify with something meaningful, and offering them this makes them easy marks for a con
these are old, fundamental societal battle lines at their core though, you can trace the same elitist vs populist struggle as far back as the roman republic (optimates vs populares) which is why 99% of these people will also face off diametrically in other areas, eg. voting in elections

>manbabies are in a state of arrested development perpetuated by social forces to keep them more pliant and most easily exploited
>They are lifelong groomed to be passionate about things that occupied them as children. This is a means of distracting them from things adults deal with; work, relationships, family rearing, striving, productive activity, achievement etc.
>When faced with the realities of the adult world, the instinct of these manbabies is to seek safety and comfort were they felt most comfortable: their childhood

Why do they all have this featureless round faces?

based Bouldermatt