What was the moral of the story?
What was the moral of the story?
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't be a fucking nazi.
Only take what you can handle and always know your dealer.
Americans pretending they are white are hilarious. Reminder that ALL Americans should be burned alive.
never relax
That no matter how much you reform, nigs will still murder your little brother
nazis cool they do epic curb somp...... so epic. not sure why it gets sad in the end
>t. swedecuck
Hide your power level
the moral was that the Aryan brotherhood are not a real nazi group, they're just another prison gang
>be white
>be in america
>get robbed and killed by a nigger
>be in australia
>Yea Forums is banned
>be in uk
>your mom is fucking niggers on camera and making you watch it
>be in western europe
>get jailed for talking about holocaust or get hit by a truck of peace
>be in eastern europe
>be poor
>be in south africa
>have your lands that you legally bought taken away by the president and get killed and have your baby thrown into boiling oil
>mfw besides eastern europe all these things are only happening because white people allow it to happen
>mfw all invaders and cucks could be removed in a week or so if whites as a collective group wanted
neonazis are evil AND niggers are evil.
it's extremely nuanced.
What is the moral of spider-man 2?
dont reveal your power level around blacks
also american natsocs are degenerate
never trust scientists
Don't trust the eternal nigger
White people incite violence then play the victim when it comes back on them
it goes both ways. that's really the point the ardently jew director was trying to make.
It's pizza time, every time.
>be in eastern europe
>be poor
cutting way too close to home there buddy
shut up fag
"Around blacks, don't relax."
All races have shit tier people.
It's not your skin color that matters, it's who you are on the inside.
Also modern white supremacists are mostly genetic atrocities and aren't even worth saving or defending. They deserve genocide
t. BT posting from his NZ prison cell
could a post even be more boomer than this
ignoring per capita rates, 'muh skin colour', 'but haha kill nazis, they're untermensch themselves!!'
come on
triggered incel
Most whites understand they're being replaced, and stay in active silence about it out of fear of losing their livelihood if they speak out. "White power" organizations of yesteryear are essentially honeypots that exist only to increase censorship of dissension and to rile the masses. Same reason opposition groups actively commit false flag hate crimes. There must be a boogeyman.
based eurobro.
mutts are subhumans
Racism is bad because some black people are ok.
>mfw all invaders and cucks could be removed in a week or so if whites as a collective group wanted
this is the worst thing about this situation honestly. Should the west really fall down there is no one to blame but whites themselves
>Yea Forums is banned.
>as if that's a bad thing
this, the whole lesson went to shit when nigs ruined his life anyway
Was TJ from Power Rangers in on it?
nazi edward norton was made for rape
Calm down Ahmed
Around blacks, never relax. Not even a meme. It will save your life in jewmerica.
Violence breeds violence. Especially in America where kids bring guns to school
>The situation is a lot more complicated than racialism
because that's a massive simplification of reality. If the Left have ever made a single valuable critique of the Right it's Marx's commentary on capitalism. I'm not a communist, but international capital is a group that doesn't give a shit about anything but itself. If you add to that the fact that institutions like Academia and the civil service function as separate organs of power milking the tax base in alliance with random ethnic minorities, then things become massively more complex than just 'white vs black' or whatever other meme that WNs or SJWs get obsessed with.
If Kirsten Dunts isn't wet she's useless.
Of course it comes down to big higher up clubs that control international commerce, industry and finance. The ruling class is above all nations, people, and religion. They run the show, and they decided long ago how this was going to work. You're just a spectator.
It’s a wealthy class of Europeans who got theirs and sow discord within their own race and kingroup vs. regular whites vs. progressive self hating in group whites vs. everyone else in the world.
As usual, middle class family men suffer the most.
Hold no illusion. We in a war right now. It is 4th generation Warefare. Nukes made large standing armies obsolete. So now we have culture wars and subterfuge...the Jews primary skill set. This is unironically the time of the Jew.
Don't relax around blacks is the clear end message
If someone tries to break in to your house killing them is the same as the holocaust
what goes around comes around + race baiting
>international commerce, industry and finance
Not just them though. The press, academia, and various government sectors are all important players as well. They have less personal power, but as a group they direct important trends.
Jews are not doing that great either, as a group. They are doing pretty good, they're definitely conning the shit out of the US, but your average middle class Jew gets fucked by a lot of the same stuff that fucks whites.
with melaneted people never chill
>gets fucked up the ass
>becomes liberal
are you dumb nigga, it was literally the last line of the movie
Speaks a lot for how much the rothschilds care for their in group. The Jews are self hating in fighters themselves. Of course they seek to spread that misery like rats.
Keep hating blacks till you die. They will hate you until they do.
if you're a nigger, its okay for you to commit crime
Only genetic atrocities are dumb enough to make their supremacist views visible to you.
It's a shame the film completely falls apart after he goes to prison. He's an intelligent guy. The idea that a combination of "oh wow they're not all bad" and "has anything you've done made your life better" were enough to turn him means he was either a simpleton or a coward, despite the first half of the film establishing he was neither of those things.
It speaks to your autism
shareblue needs to hire people with a better grasp of English
>Nothing happens by accident in history.
This I don't agree with- after all empires do collapse, dark ages occur. The elites don't want that, they lose everything, including sometimes their heads. I also think a lot of the coordination is spontaneous rather than explicitly organized.
Of course I have no fucking clue what today's elites actually do, and I dont think anyone really does. what technology do they have, what do they know, what do they get away with? Very hard to say
The irony is since the movie didn't include the original ending the "moral" ends up being BLACKS ARE MURDEROUS SAVAGES NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, BUT YOU NETTER NOT GET ANGRY ABOUT IT CAUSE THAT'S RACIST
The original ending with Norton's character returning to the skinhead life would have been infinitely more poignant and would have also put blacks on the spot as well and telling them THEY need to change too. Danny gets fucking murdered by a black bully because he had the audacity to stand up for another white kid and the "morale" is meant to be RACISM BAD? No. That's not how that works. That's basically excusing Danny's murder; implying if Danny had minded his own business he'd still be alive and it's own fault he was murdered.
also are you deleting your posts after posting them or what is going on here?
Empires don't collapse anymore, because there are no more empires. We live in a globalized system where Nations are meaningless. Don't you understand
>We live in a globalized system where Nations are meaningless
That's still an empire m8. Complicated and obscure, but it's an empire and it can collapse.
yes this is important to do
Wow user you seem super clued in.
Liberals get the bullet too.
>It's a shame the film completely falls apart after he goes to prison. He's an intelligent guy. The idea that a combination of "oh wow they're not all bad" and "has anything you've done made your life better" were enough to turn him means he was either a simpleton or a coward, despite the first half of the film establishing he was neither of those things.
How come the antifacucks are only ever online at this time of day, everyday?
user is right. Guy has well thought out ideas and his dad was killed by feral coons. He completely changes ideology bc he folds clothes to a decent black? Nope.
The guy is right though, that character would never flip on account of that. He would just write the prison gang off as degenerates and continue to be a Nazi. His prison experiences don't change crime stats, they don't change how the blacks in his area act, it's all a rather large meme. Most neonazis who go to jail come out more racist than before.
People suck.
Nigger threw a 5 yo white child over a 3 story balcony at Mall of America on Friday. Lesson is they hate whites.
nucommies are massive faggots
You're going to shoot yourself
Yeah, and where were the child's parents?
no it isn't commie
You think I'm a commie
I was talking about countries founded by europeans that still have large white populations
I know you are
Much closer to fascism doll
Hatred knows no bounds and only spreads like a virus the more you fling it around, so don't be any more of an asshole than the people you think are evil.
It's a lesson not aimed only at skinheads either.
All whites in America have injun blood in them
Complete nonsense. Most euro americans breed with other euro americans.
Nearly all injuns have white blood in them though. The price of being conquered.
Based and europilled
Americucks BTFO
Fuck you
so im right
nope. The debacle with Elizabeth Warren showed she was less native american than most Americans
white americans are mostly like 98% white or something. the mutt meme is literally just a meme. you can call them uneducated or tasteless but they're genetically European
so im right
>whole pretense of the movie is that racism = bad
>protagonist gets shot by a nig he mildly annoyed once
what did they mean by this?
you're not right at all. Wasps in New england are basically indistinguishable from their English cousins
The southern whites come from a different caste but are also almost purely Euro
They're much whiter than for example Spaniards or Southern Italians who have a MENA admixture
>americans whiter than spaniards
and you have goblino admixture, probably a nigger cousin too
Nope, I am right. You're so dumb that you think 'some' means 'a lot'.
I'm 100% scottish and english according to my knowledge of my ancestry which goes back a couple hundred years and a dna test(the dna test listed stuff like France and Scandinavia but they've invaded the british isles). Also not an American
avoid nigs
I know you aren't, you sound like your brain has lost a few IQ points baking under an aussie sun. You dopes are easy to spot.
anal rape turns men into leftists
I'm actually a leaf
Assrape cures racism. Still a better and less ridiculous take on racism than Crash.
If you're a racist, other racists will probably be offended and try to target you or people affiliated with you.
Basically, just try not to offend people and you'll only die in a generally untargeted bomb attack on a shopping mall when you've just popped in because you're looking for a mixer to finish off the rest of your scotch at home.
t: Finn
Such a boring movie. Who Cares: The Movie.
>the mutt meme is literally just a meme
and its a damn good meme
If you defend youself or others from niggers you are gonna get shot.
Someone actually spent time drawing this. Yikes!
*don't be a fucking nazi and don't be some gang hangin nigga, it's pretty easy to see actually. extremes are wrong, balance is a need for inner peace.
>Don't be a fucking nazi.
Nazis haven't existed since 1945, my rabbi.
This video was so hard to watch. Its neant to be fun but I can't help but cringe at amerigoblins
The ending where he shaves his head again should have been kept.
based intelligent high iq post
>and don't be some gang hangin nigga
Except that wasn't the message at all by the end. Danny being murdered and showing no resolution to that basically hand-waves away his murder AND the behavior of blacks. The original ending with Derek returning to the skinhead life would have fixed all of that.
Niggers kill you regardless are you a nazi or not. Around blacks you shouldn't relax.
this. fuck gibsmedat nigger gangs and fuck drug siphoning nazis
around nazis you shouldn't relax. My black friend who I used to visit to play nintendo when I was younger isn't someone that's gonna take off his glasses, put away his wii and ps4, then suddenly pull out a gun and shoot me for no reason. A nazi however, you never know. Nazism is like islam. Ideologies are dangerous, skin color is not.
back to asp queer
>Spaniards and Italians have a MENA admixture
This meme again. Even if it were true (which is not) Italians and Spaniards greatly contributed to Europe for centuries much more than Germans.
>What was the moral of the story?
Niggers are bad but you should love them anyway
wrestling used to be cool
>isn't someone that's gonna take off his glasses, put away his wii and ps4, then suddenly pull out a gun and shoot me for no reason
>isn't someone that's gonna take off his glasses, put away his wii and ps4
Is this some neo-nazi etiquette thing? It seems like a really blatant warning for the victim
Hey man, I'm not a nazi and I hate /pol/ but my home was recently robbed by....niggers.
It brought back memories of the time my car was broken into by....niggers and the time I was assaulted for preventing a car theft by.....niggers
If you're white, don't be a Nazi.
If you're black, don't be a Nigger.
Simple, really.
Followers of any ideology can fall into corruption. That can turn it's strongest supporters away from it.
>What was the moral of the story?
It was literally made by jews, retard. What do you think?
Excuse me?
>Be in spain
>Right Wing nationalism on the rise again
>Extreme right wing party will probably win the elections and cause a lot of social instability
Don't know if it will be worth it, but the ride will be interesting nonetheless
Neonazi clowns are the flip side of the propaganda myths about cartoon nazis who killed millions and cackled like mental patients as they threw jewish babies into ovens.
You forgot that he also was raped by niggertier neo-nazi skinheads
the funny thing is that ciudadanos is starting to show its true colours. Vox is unironically the best option after all the lies of all the mainstream parties.
Dont hate other people for their skin color, there are plenty of other reasons to hate peole.
>shills inciting anti-white hate
Go fuck yourself.
t. Britfag
Poor cataluña...
I dont want another civil war, user
I live in barcelona
Que sera de mi?
Blacks are dangerous. "Nahzees" just want to be away from them
sometimes conflict cannot be avoided. if the government made sure that all catalans felt spanish instead of being corrupted fucks and letting other corrupt fuck run wild maybe it could have been avoided. at least we know now that ciudadanos are not part of this new right wing revival.
stay safe friend. I don't think anyone wants a catalan civil war.
Every person in this thread is a fucking retard. . The moral of the story is that we are bound to hatred. The movies holds no opinion on whether that is a good or a bad thing, only that it is a thing.
In the deleted ending we see Norton shaving his head after his brother dies.
Do not curb stomp a nigga outside your property.
Nazis have gay sex all day
Sounds like you're a...faggot
>The moral of the story is that we are bound to hatred.
Kinda, but more that people that fell for hatred will have their lifes ruled by hatred, if you are white or black hatred will fuck up your life, and the worse part is that you will ruin the lifes of innocent people.
nazis are really against black people, not jews
>your ancestors fought against nazis and DIED trying to save the world
>grandchildren are now LARPIing as nazi on internet
There is no other race as cucked as white people.
> Be skinhead.
> Hang out at rec center basketball court.
So fucking dumb.
All rational people who actually think about race come to the conclusion that blacks have no place in the world.
>>your ancestors fought against nazis and DIED trying to save the world
They were not trying to save the world you retard, they were fighting for the interests of the british empire and american companies
>>grandchildren are now LARPIing as nazi on internet
My Family has been pro-nazi (and currently green party) since the 30's, not everyone is anglo or an anglomutt
Part and parcel.
>My Family has been pro-nazi (and currently green party) since the 30's, not everyone is anglo or an anglomutt
Pretty much
How does it feel to continually get cucked by the inferior race?
>be powerful, inspiring white alpha male, hero to his people
>get raped
>turn into soiboy worthless loser liberal faggot, shame to his community
the film is about degeneracy and the fall of the great white man
Get jacked and kill niggers.
Cucked by niggers
>DIED trying to save the world
Yeah, throwing jews out of Germany was a cataclysmic event. Thankfully the Allies managed to bomb German infrastructure and kill prisoners through starvation and disease and then blame it all on Germany by re-imagining shower rooms as gas chambers.
>your brain on /pol/
No, just my brain on facts.
The moral is get better tattoos and not so campy ones like a big ass bold fucking swastika on your fucking left chest I mean what the fuck is that, keep your ink low and subtle, that's not just for white supremacist gangs, just everyone in general. He could have gotten some SS, germanic runes, some viking imagery and SWP but that swastika is a fucker to cover even, he's gonna have to look like that Audioslave bassist
Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.
Blacks are only the minions of the ((((true enemy))))
>He could have gotten some SS, germanic runes, some viking imagery
Fuck off american larper
Don't play basketball with niggers and execute them indoors, not outdoors.
I don't think its about falling for hatred, but rather being forced into it, only to force those you hate to hate you. Its a chain.
hahahahaha, this vid is so good.
This but unironically
Kill blacks before they kill you
Once a nigger always a nigger
I think you may be right especially with the dad and the negro who refuses to being included into that.
this, but unironically
>mexican shit in the video
It's supposed to be broken spooky catholic spanish, not fucking mexican spanish.
He also gets fucked by what he believes to be his own kind, realizing that whites are just as bad. He even scuffa when he sees the nazis do business with the colored.
this, fuck niggers and fuck those mystery meat ameritards
Blacks and whites waste their lives fighting eachother, where they should unite and strike against the Eternal Jew that seeks to enslave them both.
Uh, what's this a joke about?
>be white
>mention the one 1 a non-white has wronged you
>neglect to mention the 999999999 times you wronged non-whites
>pretend to be the oppressed minority
I guess i was wrong when i said everybody in this thread is a retard
All far right movements are ultimately run by corrupt money grubbers who don't give two shits about w*ites
Shit's all fucked up. Don't be an overzealously prejudicial asshole, but don't be naive either.
>If you side with the aryans, watch your anal area
Don't live in America
>Be in spain
>Right Wing nationalism on the rise again
It should. Your current government have taken Italy's place as the port to Europe from Africa.
>w-w-we will conquer!
ur a province, you stay in line pleb.