David lynch

This is literally the only good movie he made

Attached: The_Straight_Story_poster.jpg (258x386, 11K)

Dune was good

elephant man

The Elephant Man.

Straight Story is the only Lynch movie I don't like


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the elephant man is great.


Yeah most of his movies are shit. Straight story is probably his best because he wasn't making it all retarded and "artistic."

>doesn't appreciate arthouse
Name 5 films, any films.

That's worst movie ever made. Don't even come with your pretentious crap. I've watched many "arthouse" movies. That thing is AWFUL

i tried to watch wild at heart 4 differnt times but can't get into it
its so fucking boring
nick cage can't even save it

shut up faggot

Mulholland Drive had some moments that were unintentionally hilarrious, but otherwise was a good story if taken for what it is.

Also, Wild At Heart.

I'm not him but:
Kurosawa: Dersu Uzala, Rashomon, Seven Samurai
Herzog: Stroszek, Aguirre
Tarskovsky: Andrei Rublev, Stalker, Solaris, Ivan's childhood
The Turin Horse

The only bad movie he's made was Dune. Straight Story might just be my favourite movie ever, though.

Attached: straightstorymedium.png (2471x1052, 3.96M)

Good post.

Straight Story always tears me up

hi raider


Lol faget