80s Thread

Lets keep it going with one of my favorites ever. Thank me later.

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>dat soundtrack


Anyone watched the hidden? Didn't know it existed until yesterday, is it worth watching?

>squeeze that tube!
Best line of the movie

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I love Vision Quest. The opening five minutes. So 80s.

The journey now before you is the final test, you've learned your lesson well.
>I can teach you no more...

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Cried like a babby at the end

yes. well paced sci fi horror.

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Cheers. Gonna give it a watch, can't believe it slipped under my radar.

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Underrated gem.

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Good movie and it always reminds me of Death Machine too.

Salute of the Jugger (aka Blood of Heroes - fuck yeah Megadeth) deserves a shout

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that little cheerleader chick always gave me a boner, whattaQT

Plenty of charm but not much happens in this movie. You can count the zombies on one hand

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I'm a Derek, and Dereks don't run

This movie came out in 1990

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Looks like fun. Those FX are my speed.


1990 is technically still the 80's. Like the millennium didn't really start until 2001.

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also if it came out in 1990 it was mostly likely filmed in 89, so nhuh! (i dont know how to spell the tongue sticking out noise)

not him but I consider the very late 80s and early 90s to exist kind of in it's own weird bubble. It's not readily apparent to most people, but it's totally there and Hardware is honestly a great example of it.

Like Van Halen in 1980. They didn't really fit in


>I wanna be a baaaad giiiirl, a nasty little girl, I've been living in a X-rated world, baaaad giiiirl, the nastiest little girl, a nasty but a badass little girl
it's great


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such a hidden little gem, the story with drew was cute and the other two were very imaginative and tense
also baron harkonen

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this movie was good but also too corny, the friend character shouldn't had appear or die in the first half hour

Quitters Inc. hit me pretty hard as a smoker.

Benson & Hedges came along and picked me up

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Lou Gossett Jr. looked happier here than in the Iron Eagle movies.

also good soundtrack


The best soundtrack


I remember someone saying they heard that in another movie as a joke and felt sick.

Comfy horror music

>inb4 someone posts the warwick pasta

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didn't know he was a jedi

Ayyy based cytube trekposters expanding my tastes. Thanks for hardware, never heard of it before and it was the best thing I watched yesterday

Wrap your face around this


Hardware was directly ripped from a 2000AD comic short strip that was part of Thargs Future
Shock series (It was in one of the yearly annuals/specials).

Just so you know.

Watched Cyborg (with Van Damme) last night. Lots of fun; thanks again to the user who suggested it!

pic related

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Watch Dust Devil then watch Lost Souls the documentary about the Dr Moreau production

>directly ripped
Idk I don't remember a sassy vacuum cleaner in hardware

Why were 80s special effects better?

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They cared about their craft. Now cgi is produced by people in cubicles like battery hens.

>tell myself i want to quit Yea Forums
>blame it for rotting my brain
>come on Yea Forums this mornings and see multiple 5-star threads right up my alley

god damn. stay CONSISTENT.

also, not 80’s but it would be appreciated here

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The work couldn't be quickly or cheaply redone
So you had to make sure it was right the first time
And because of the time developing it and its inability to be reshot, you had to make sure that you were completely locked in with what was being done with a detailed script and storyboard and thoroughly checked designs

Now they make it up as they go along, rewrite daily, reshoot based on test audience results, and expect the CGI to follow along