Have sex

>have sex
What is this meme even about?

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I don't know but maybe if you post this same thread with the same picture every day, maybe you'll find out.

Have sex

Bunch of idiots from reddit are trying to get rid of the “troll culture” of Yea Forums by coming here and other boards and using it against the evil incels.

it's a joke mocking white male virgins, sheltered and highly defensive creeps residing at the bottom of the social ladder

Up vote for you!

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if you have an active social life and a regular sexual partner you stop giving a fuck about /pol/ shit

do they not understand that the 'troll culture' is a result of lax moderation? If anything what they're doing is radicalizing the 'troll' element further by antagonizing them

Do you not understand you’re reading s troll post?

I will most likely never be able to have consensual sex unless I pay someone to do it.

Forced phrase by discord trannys that got picked up by newfags. Its not a meme

The incel is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a faggot, nigger, retard, redditor, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an incel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Maybe you'll feel better once you have sex? Its like the snickers bar commercials, your not you when your hungry

Does anyone else not believe sex is real? Like, in theory, I understand it's possible. But it's so foreign to me. I can't see it actually happening.

Not really

it probably is true for a lot of kids that were only into pol because they were angry or trying to find an identity. Obviously if you have more serious reasons for your political beliefs then they don't change like that

the act itself is so brief and unless it has meaning, completely useless. It's overrated and sold mostly by psychological manipulators and product beneficiaries.
It's a way of poisoning people's minds mostly anymore, and exploiting their base passions to control them.

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The only way to truly understand this meme is to have sex

>so brief

I do seriously question the narrative that everyone has sex all the time and that it's unusual for people to go for long periods without it. It seems completely implausible to me, at least based on the people I've personally known.

I bet you listen to Carlos Santana and go on winery tours

"Have Sex"

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have gay sex

Yea Forums

Fried Neckbones is pretty based

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It's not a meme. If you unironically have sex you'll be a lot cooler and less angsty, and thus a better poster.

/Pol/ is satire, everybody knows that. Jews have legit never done anything bad in their entire existence and Jon Boyega is actually quite handsome

I had the option to lose my virginity twice, both black women, but i declined cause i only want to fuck asian girls. And now im still a virgin, because every asian girl i asked out was repulsed by me.

Did i make the right choice Yea Forums?

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basically something like this. its not even funny or clever

My city has an enormous asian population, I practically see as many asian girls as white ones and I'm unfortunately barely attracted to them at all. Wish we could switch positions.

No, you didn't. You needed the practice to up your confidence.

It's like a 5 year old meme from Yea Forums that's been revived recently for some reason.

Redpilled and based, unironically

Please have sex

t. rolled

>my city has enormous asian population
do you live in washington state?

Just a little further north, but close

It's an old Yea Forums meme that suddenly spread to other boards

But I have.

Just responded with
>Are you offering
And move on, it's not even that engaging. Hell the baby talk was better than this.

Depends, were you in a position to wrap it up? Then yeah probably, if not then congratulations you managed to avoid some STDs.

sure thats why your on Yea Forums

With you?

ugu fill me up daddy x3

>tfw male virgin
>tfw women have gotten hysterically angry about this simple fact
Literally, I had a chick ask me if I was a virgin. When I said yes, she flew off the handle and physically attacked me.
Also has a tranny scream at me because I don't see the appeal of buttsex.

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Sad. Sex is really awesome and if you’re and adult and not having sex regularly, you’re leading a pathetic, unfulfilled existence. Seriously, rethink your life.

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Die of AIDS

normalfags are animals who are incapable of finding meaning to life other than pleasuring themselves. sex without procreation is possibly the most degenerate thing on this earth, even more so than cannibalism. at least cannibalism can feeeed you

It's about fornication.

have sex

>having sex without making a baby is worse than cannibalism

The absolute state of incels

Have sex

I'll pump you full of cum boi~

commit suicide

I've had sex with my twink bf, so fortunately I'm immune to it. Take the gay pill to vaccinate yourself from the meme.

Imagine being so pathetic that you need to validate your existence by shoving your dick in a warm hole.
Literally, just by cumming in a vagina with your dick all wrapped in plastic.
If you talked about having kids, you would have an argument, but jesus christ dude.
Major cringe.

You offering?

>women are incapable of being psycho bitches
yikes cuck alert

only the top 5% of men can have sex regularly.
thats like saying
>if youre not living in a multi million dollar mansion cause your parents arnt rich, youre leading a pathetic, unfulfilled existence.

im a 5'11"manlet with a receding hairline, and weak ass chin.
how the fuck am i supposed to have sex.

lol this virgin retard got triggered because he cant overcome his fears of asking a girl out
seriously, have sex

Well you can buy a dog can't you?

Do you have anything original

>call each other virgins for over a decade
>now people get butthurt about it
Normslfags are niggers

It’s seriously great. You should try it!

Men have lower standards. Fuck a bloke.

Are you offering sir?

reply with get a boyfriend

Virgin shaming


I didn't know they sell aids in pill form now.

Na not cringy enough. Go full owo whats this instead.

wait until marriage

why do we have these pointless threads hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH WHY? FOR SOME LAUGHS ? HAHAHAHAH HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

>only the top 5% of men can have sex regularly

It’s called being in a committed relationship, or a marriage. The majority of men, much more than 5%, are in one at one point of their lives. The minority who are not are utter failures.

contract HIV and kill yourself. crossdressing cocksucker

Prostitutes. If you get a good one it's pretty comparable to being with someone you actually care about. There are websites out there with reviews and everything. Good luck.

stop having sex.

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Sorry not gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. Also married so not interested in experimenting.

it works because the roasties saying it cant firm relationships
Get married
Get a date
Get a boyfriend

If you fuck a faggot you deserve to get aids. Being someone who just fucks one man, and only one, who you're in a commited relationship with, has no negative effects.

Don't just have sex, fall in love.

>all this mental gymnastics to justify why you're such a failure and cant do a simple thing like human connection
have sex

Cope harder. I hear your future wife calling she wants to take Tyrone agian tonight.

Okay then find me a way to do it without spending any money or going out of my way to please the creature attached to the vagina.
Because it really isnt worth it man.
People mistake my hatred of normalfags for bitterness or jealousy, but really I like making them seethe.
It's like having no restrictions.
If you're a virgin, you've nothing to lose. You can shit talk normalfags until they either cry (the women either do this or self harm) or try and fight you (guys do this) but I can hide behind a computer screen.
Normalfags are so easy to cause grief towards its unreal.
Literally make a period joke to a woman and she'll fall into a pit of distress.

What do you do after sex then?


youll find out once youve had sex nerd

whatever you do, DONT let the bitch sleep in your bed over night.

Does sex really happen? I mean, I already know the answer, but does it really? I was at the mall today and legitimately felt super awkward and out of place. Every person I passed by felt like a different being. Like I'm surrounded by aliens except really I'm the alien. I don't live the way these people live. They have a function I don't have. I hope I can experience it one day but I most likely won't.

>im a 5'11"manlet with a receding hairline, and weak ass chin.

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user, I..

I get laid all the time it's just that they're all ugly

Depends, you could cuddle with them if it's late and your both in the mood. Pillow talk is surprisingly fun. Most likely they'll get up and leave on you though.

>Maybe you'll feel better once you have sex? Its like the snickers bar commercials, your not you when your hungry

TFW have never been myself

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Hit the weights

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>mfw both my grandads have full hair
>mfw no sign of balding

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Have you had the plastic surgery talk with your parents yet?
Im getting a hair transplant in a month (hopefully), and ill have to skip working out for a month.
As for the small chin, my parents are in absolute denial that i have a weak chin. So, ill have to save up money when im older, and moved out, to finally get the surgery.

I think height surgery is too expensive.

t. college fag

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based and has had sex

thats what the world wants

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>Everyone goes gay
>Women have no dateing pool left

imagine the smell

>Have you had the plastic surgery talk with your parents yet?
No. It's, too late for me.

What exactly counts as /pol/ shit to you anyway? Because depending on the poster, that seems to change everytime I see people bring up /pol/ for whatever fucking reason. Is it just being racist? Or is it just having a certain opinion on a subject?

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lmao, why not just shave it off fag? Why is everyone here so obsessed with hair and height? Just get a dwarf gf. They are more fun anyway.