>Mfw I've got a couple strands of grey hair on my head
Movies for this feel?
Mfw I've got a couple strands of grey hair on my head
A Most Violent Year
Fuck Netflix and fuck shills
Dazed and Confused so you can reminisce about your high school years you doddering old cretin.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Ultimate Edition
I don't have Netflix
I'd take a full head of grey as long as it didn't thin.
I've got a bunch and I'm not even 30
tfw hair thinning almost everywhere
source on pic related? I fuckin know i know this guy from somewhere but i just get a total blank on what he did or why he was a thing?
Danny Glover
>tfw going bald
Man up pussy, grey is nothing.
there's no op pic is niggerish bambino or whatever he's too old. i think it's just maybe a really iconic photo of a 14 year old refugee
I've only got a few white hairs but I want more.
I started going bald and grey at 19 get on my level
This, full head of gray hair at a young age can look cool. There’s something refined about it, even.
Get out, anyone who has a picture of a crying nigger saved on their computer would enjoy that one
cry about it I started as a teen, most of my head is gray
We all gon be ded
It's not it makes you look decades older
I enjoyed it as a comedy movie desu
I’m got many and I’m not even 30. I kinda like it. At least I’m not going bald or anything.
>complaining about gray hairs
At least you have hairs to gray.
depends on your other features. if everything else about you is young and hot obviously nobody is going to think you're decades older.
gray hairs not that bad, just keep scalp moisturized, hydrate and don’t kill your follicles with products or hot water and you’ll be fine. having hair at all is what matters in late 20’s and early-mid 30’s
>depends on your other features.
No it doesn't, having eyes and a mouth doesn't make you look younger
I wonder what the N stands for
I'm 24 and have a lot of grey hairs, especially when I slick it back and all the hairs at the front pops up
>tfw pubes are going grey
I've had several grey hairs since I was 12. Step it up.
King Ni-
Did you name them after anyone yet?
I've had white all up in my beard since I was 25(32) now it looks pretty rad.
You look like a nigger faggot, kys obama