People thinking the Rise of Skywalker refers to Luke coming back or Rey being one

>People thinking the Rise of Skywalker refers to Luke coming back or Rey being one

It's obviously Kylo, the movie is his redemption story.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's the only interesting character they've got, so yeah they might as well do something with him. If Rey is a Skywalker I'm setting fire to my theater seat. I may or may not walk out at that point. I haven't decided. I might prefer to sit an finish the movie, or as much of as I can before the flames engulf me.

>Basedlo was given his mothers name
L m a o .

Sheev is the original Skywalker

This. He impregnated Anakin's mom with basedochlorians

i think when luke disappeared on fish nun island he actually reincarnated in rey's womb. little baby luke is on his way back to make kino in x xi xii the little rascal

What redemption? He never did anything wrong. It's clear that the New Republic failed to bring order to the galaxy. That's what he's doing now.

>rise of skywalker
Reylo confirmed

>If Rey is a Skywalker I'm setting fire to my theater seat
Just bring a gun and shoot up the place at the end of the movie if that happens.

But we already know Rey’s lineage

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>Skywalker gets retconned into being a term for beings born of Midochlorians like Annikin was
>Rey didn't have parents and is made of pure Midochlorians, making her the most powerful Skywalker
>Rey can now literally walk on the sky now with her immense force powers
>Final battle is in the astral plain when Rey is attempting to restore Kylo's light, it turns out that Sheev was secretly corrupting Kylo form within the entire time
>Rey completely stomps Sheev with little to no effort
This is what will happen. Trust me, my uncle works at Lucasfilm (Disney)

no, have sex

Kylo Ren = what happens when a strong independant princess with a good head on her shoulders lets a half retarded, rebellious and obnoxious law breaker into her pants. Great job Leia you fucking whore.

Soon, brother

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God what a mess of a series

No he isn't.

yes, he does. Have sex, incel

Everyone missed the obvious
>slave child with the force
>longs to escape his world
>dreams of becoming a jedi
>wants to help the resistance
Broomboy is unironically Anakin Skywalker reincarnated

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so im right

TLJ would have been so much fucking better if they saved the children instead of the fucking dog horses. what a missed oppertunity

they said, twice, that Rey's parents are nobodies. In the first movie, they said that Rey's parents just left her in the desert. obviously Solo or Skywalker would never do that. Luke had a school for Jedi, so he would have been cool with training a daughter.

In the Last Jedi, not only did that Force mirror not have any parents to show Rey, Kylo straight up told her that her parents were dirtbag nobodies.

none of the above. it refers to Rey and Kylo’s child

Serious answer, he does it in one of the newest comics. It's revealed that sheev did impregnate force Jesus into her with the power of the force.

That would be much too kino.
With Nu-Wars you know the shittiest thing will turn out to be true. The shittiest possibility is retconning TLJ and turning Rey into Luke/Leia/Anakin's secret offspring. Search your feelings, you know this to be true.

Yes, and? I mean, you believe that?

Nah, Rey’s gonna somehow be able to commune with all the dead Skywalkers like some Dune shit and Sheev’s her Baron Harkonnen.
It’ll be a force power tho and she’ll be a Skywalker spiritually rather than genetically.

Rey is Anakin reincarnated. He wasn't a good boy so he doesn't get to become part of the force, so instead he got put back into the cycle as the thing he would hate most, a girl with shitty parents that ditch her on a desert planet where she becomes essentially a slave.

When Kylo sits over Vader's mask he asks why Anakin isn't appearing to him iirc, and he's right. You'd think Anakin's force ghost would show up to say something to his grandson, but he's not there, he's not a force ghost anymore.

>Rise of Skywalker
It's in every Skywalker's blood to massacre students. It's as strong as Order 66 was for the Clones. Anakin did it, Luke was going to, and Ben finished the job. Leia found out that the First Order used brainwashed child soldiers and built a small army to start the slaughter. The movie is going to focus on Rey finding out she's a Skywalker and then she immediately kills broom kid and his slave friends. It's up to Sheev to control that mighty Skywalker blood but then they kill him and the Skywalker bloodlust is finally satisfied.

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So I'm right

Only an incel could come up with something this outlandish.

Have sex.

Didn't like Kylo in TFA because he was an emo bitch that killed Han Solo.

He grew on me in TLJ since he was like one of the only actors in that movie giving a good performance, and they gave him more depth. But they threw all that away and kept him as a villain at the end.

At this point it's gonna feel awkward if they redeem after TLJ, they missed their shot imo.

Too obvious. The twist is Rey is a Skywalker all along

I'm sorry, but your strong female protagonist is a man. Better luck next time.

This is so shitty I believe it's probably what Disney will do. They won't even explain it, Rey will just be a Skywalker and everyone who complains is an incel who needs to have sex.

That would feel so forced and make no sense. She can be powerful with the force and not be a Skywalker, the force can create avatars and birth "chosen ones", just look at Anakin.

If Anakin's father is technically the force and Rey was conceived the same way, she is technically a Skywalker in a way.

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So, about the tie fighter jump scene. Its obviously Kylo piloting it.

Whats the fucking context?
Is he trying to kill Rey? Of so, why not shoot at her
Is he trying to kill Rey in a more dramatic way? What autism
Maybe he isnt trying to kill her. Maybe its some sort of high intensity spar? Would they ever be allies again?
Or maybe he is straight up picking her up as he needs to talk / take her to somewhere important. Maybe even some emotional / romantic / sexual response from that?

Nah that would just get turned into an anti-2a talking point. Leaving a small part of the theater in flames is a lot harder to hijack.

We also know Leia and Luke romantic interest, then vader happen.

what if I have so much sex, im literally trying to escape a nymphomaniacs hysterical rage, by delving into fantasy worlds like this, and these fantasy worlds NEED to make sense for me, because the real world has become an absurd parody?

It'll just be handwaved that Luke had no idea he had a kid. Her mom is in the movie and it will be explained that she kept her secret from him and abandoned her for whatever reason.

that would imply that luke violated the jedi teachings despite dedicating himself to becoming a jedi, and then whoever he jizzed in was enough of a bitch to leave her daughter on jakku

but the guy wanted to fuck his sister at first so maybe he doesn't have the best taste in women

lmao what a trainwreck
>kylo introduced as antagonist in act 1, with snoke hinted as the ultimate villain
>give kylo some sort of "torn between light and dark angle"
>kill off snoke unceremoniously in act 2 and essentially drop the light/dark conflict with kylo
>dig up the villain from the original trilogy for act three
>and maybe possibly bring back kylo's inner conflict

holy SHIT why is this even three movies? The only constant throughout the trilogy is Rey being a mary sue

I hope you're right. Rey being a Skywalker is an awful, lazy idea. It's not like it would be a good explanation for her abilities (Luke is a Skywalker and was depicted as being gifted, and Anakin was the fucking "Chosen One" according to the dogshit prequels and even he didn't display the weird affinities that Rey has). So what would it add to the story, really? Aside from a "shocking" twist? Granted, this is the same movie that ended its reveal trailer with a long-dead villain cackling.
To be fair I don't think TLJ really did away with Kylo's inner conflict all that much. If anything Luke even hinted at the possibility of his redemption while also recognizing that he couldn't be the one to bring Kylo back ("No one's ever really gone" -- a line terribly abused in the new trailer).

"No one's ever really gone"

Lil' Annie is coming back.

Rise of Skywalker. It's the OG.


>To be fair I don't think TLJ really did away with Kylo's inner conflict all that much. If anything Luke even hinted at the possibility of his redemption while also recognizing that he couldn't be the one to bring Kylo back
fair enough, you're probably right about that. for some reason I can't seem to particularly articulate TLJ just left me feeling like he's the conflicted dark apprentice looking to strike out independently when the writers want him to be and the super-edgy space hitler when they need him to be (namely when Rian remembered that he had the trilogy's primary sith lord bifurcated while wearing a bathrobe and used the side villain for a comic-relief prank call to open the movie)

But Kylo Ren is a Solo

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>mary sue can solo the big bad where it took luke and vader combined to defeat him, and it resulted in vaders death and luke injured.

Rey is a Palpatine, screenshot this post

so who was snoke and how did he manage to gain control of the empire? or are we just going to have him be totally ignored from here on out?

gay like all of nu wars
let the abomination die

This seems more believable than anything else.

It's about Kylo getting a boner

The only constant is Rey turning me on

It's about showing rey beat palpatine in 1v1 combat where luke and vader had to team up.

The proportions on that lightsaber are fucked in the picture.

This is all they had to do. Just look at it and realize how easy a good series would've been.

>actually watching this shit in theaters
You disgust me

its sheev. he's the father of anakin

Is that comic cannon?

My predictions:

>It’s revealed that Ray and Finn have been secretly training as Sith, and plan to destroy the resistance from within.
>Grandfather Anakin speaks to Kylo, and tells him to let go of his hatred and anger, and pursue his true love, Rose.
>Kylo and Rose fall in love. It plays the across the stars love song as they kiss passionately on some knock off of Naboo.
>Love and happiness has now turned Kylo to the light.
>Ray explains to an infuriated Finn that Kylo taking Rose is ok, because he still has her.
>Finn says “I don’t want you, I want Rose.”
>Ray says “Well I don’t want you, I wanted Kylo.”
>They have a lightsaber duel, but before somebody gets killed they realize that they should work together and destroy Kylo and Rose.
>Aboard Death Star 7, Jedi Kylo and Rose, and Sith Ray and Finn engage in a tag team duel as the final battle rages.
>Rose can’t fight though, because she reveals that she is pregnant with Kylo’s baby. So Kylo takes on Ray and Finn alone.
>Eventually Kylo succumbs to the two on one, and is knocked down to the ground.
>Ray stands over Kylo, and begins blasting him with pink lightsaber whilst she laughs maniacally.
>Finn looks on, turning his eyes between the writhing, soon to be father, and the psychotic wench.
>In a fitting tribute to RotJ, Finn lifts Ray, carries her over to a reactor shaft while she blasts him with lightning, and tosses her down.
>The resistance wins the final space battle, and defeats the first order.
>Finn dies in Kylo’s arms, placing the perfect bowtie on the saga (because it clearly wasn’t complete after RotJ).
>The final scene is 9 months later, Kylo and Rose stand on Tatooine near Anakin's old home, holding the newborn baby. The binary suns set, the ghosts of Anakin, Leia, Han, Schmi, Padme, Yoda, Obi Wan, Mace Windu, the Asians from Rogue One, Qui Gonn, all of the Jedi that Anakin wasted, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, look on and smile as the binary sunset music plays.

>If Rey is a Skywalker I'm setting fire to my theater seat.

dont set anything on fire. just do a big shit all over the seat.

KK actually just did an interview where she basically says the title doesn't mean anything and they just named it "Skywalker" to evoke the whole saga since it's the last movie

Basically they might as well have just named the movie "last SKYWALKER movie". They just wanted Skywalker name in there somehow.

John Boyega said he's not in a lot of the scenes with Rey and Kylo and he's surprised that it's called ROTS and it has him curious. He also said there were changes to the script while they were filming.

This should be obvious to anyone paying attention to the movies.

Kylo is the Skywalker of this trilogy so he will have a major role to play in this movie and part of the "end of the saga" of his family.

Leia was the one who fucked everything up thought. Han wanted to be a dad, but Leia shut him out because she thought Luke could do a better job just because he has the Force. Too bad that turned out horrible and Luke tried to kill him in his sleep.

its about his dick rising when he sees rey

Kylo's light/dark conflict was far from over in TLJ. Why does everyone forget his last scene? Literally the last time we see him, he's kneeling on the ground with Han's dice in his hand and looking puppy eyed sad because Rey jilted him. What the fuck about that screams 'no more conflict' to you?

This. John Boyega said Rey and Kylo have a lot of scenes alone together, and implied that the fact that they do has him curious about the title.

They totally fuck and Rey gets pregnant. uwu~ romantikku Reylo scenes here we come!

He's equally both. It's even in his edgy made up name. SKYwalker SoLO.

>she'll be a Skywalker spiritually

God, this is so fucking dumb. So it's probably going to happen.

No, go further. Every good Force user is going to be called Skywalker from now on. The name is going to become a title, like Jedi once was, so it lives on forever.

He's training her I think. That or picking her up. She looks emotional before he shows up, so maybe they will have some romantikku dramatic shodown.

He has Skywalker blood. Is Luke not a Skywalker because only one of his parent was? This isn't fucking GoT, Luke isn't going to fuck Leia to keep the bloodline pure.

>when rey is such a mary sue she doesn't even have to fight her villains to win

gosh she is just so based

>Kylo and Rey confirmed to have a lot of scenes alone together
>Daisy says their go MUCH MORE IN DEPTH with Kylo and Rey's relationship
>Rise of Skywalker
>Rise of Kylo's dick inside Rey's vagine to impregnate her with more Skywalkers

I cracked the code!

>Picking her up.

Nice way to pick your girlfriend, almost killing her. Oh wait nothing can hurt her she is invincible.

Skywalker is a surname. It's obviously called "The Rise of Skywalker" because it's about the elevation of the family, not any particular person.
We already know that 3PO's ROTS memories are important to the plot. I expect that the film will be about collating and sharing the 'Skywalker Saga' in a weird meta way.

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Dumb af and guaranteed to happen.

Rey is Luke/Leias child. That's why she was left on some desert shithole and Han broke up with Leia. Also, that's why they cast someone who looks like retarded goblin to play Rey.

Kylo would never actually hurt Rey and they are both Force sensitive and have a bond. He probably can sense her and knows she can hop onto his TIE. You are so dumb, do you even think?

>that's why they cast someone who looks like retarded goblin to play Rey

kek that's one mystery finally solved!

She'll have to fight Palpatine. It's not her fault Kylo made goo goo eyes at her from minute one of their meeting.

>The are bound by the force.

So he is in the friend zone yet. Rey is obviously lesbian, she only wants that Kylo express himself as a gay Sith without fear of what people would think.

>let's turn on a lightsaber before being picked up

Rey better not be a Skywalker, she doesn't deserve that Skywalker chad blood flowing through her veins.

She already had unprotected handsex with him, go away Finncuck even John is a Reylo now.

If they are going to a battle then of course she would.

Why not? It's cool.

>Unprotected handsex.


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thank you rian.

they don't care for the human race, especially if it's a little white boy

If he was trying to kill her you'd think he'd shoot. But hey, it's fucking Disney Star Wars, so I wouldn't assume that fact means he isn't trying to kill her.

Goddamn what a chubby little faggot

He's a chubby little Kylo/Reylo faggot so he's alright in my book.

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To be fair a lot in this trailer feels like backpedaling from TLJ to me, so it wouldn't surprise me if they retconned that too.

The greatest plot twist will be that Leia and Luke banged, and Kylo is Luke's biological son/nephew.

>even John is a Reylo now
>"I know what the fans want, they want the more of the dynamic between Kylo and Rey!"
>crowd cheers
>"so I'm glad JJ and I were on the same page with that"
>does an interview where he says Rey and Kylo have a lot of scenes together and most of them are alone

Talk about a redemption arc, I might not dislike John after all of this is over. Have to wait until December first.

Idk I think the mask is actually the mcguffin, it more about not using it as a mask

So not only is Luke a shitty brother, uncle and friend but also a shitty father who abandonned with daughter and, presumably, wife. Might even not have been his wife but just some random slut he fucked and forgot about.
What a great guy.

we better get more kinky finger touching scenes.

Wasn't that Plagueis?

But isn't his family name some random joke in a film nobody watched?


Best scene from the trailer.

I'm glad Kylo is still taking part in fighting even though he's Supreme Leader now instead of sitting on his ass like Snoke did.

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blood lineage is not very trendy, jj doesn't like that. rey will be a skywalker symbolically, by her actions. at the end ghost luke will probably tell her "you're more of a skywalker than i ever was!"

>actually using the crossguards again


I really hate this, but it's probably what's going to happen. Blood lineage is fine in the first place, but it's hypocritical to be like "fuck skywalkers but also rey is a skywalker spiritually"

just make the movie about Kylo and be done with it.

>Rey skywa-
when will you losers ever stop

I don't think she is or should be a Skywalker, but JJ is a retard so who knows.

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I love how big and strong Kylo is. He doesn't even need the force to wreck shit. So dreamy~


Normal flick in America theb

I wonder how long it's going to take for them to make out. After everything that went down, you'd think the chemistry would be instant the moment they see each other again and if they are going to have lot of scenes alone together without Luke to cockblock them well...

Even with Luke there, it took them only a few meetings to try and bang each other.

The force struggling to keep things right make an avatar every 60 years and you thing it is OK storytelling.

We live in a society

hello disney shill.

how much do you make per hour?

>Oh man, Vader said he was Luke's father!
>Yes, and? I mean, you believe that?

it would be funny if they were getting close and about to kiss then force ghost luke appears and cockblocks. expectations subverted. or was that rains thing.

do they make extra large cinema seats for all the extra large people?

Consider your expectations subverted.

Who is he fighting exactly? One of the Knights of Ren?

t. cuck

Are you mad even John doesn't want Rey and Finn to get together and spent all Celebration repping Reylo?

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Rey Smixer

>Jokah, baby!
>Death Star debris
I used to think I don't give a fuck about sequels, not I actively loath them.

His name is Ben SOLO.

The Old Schoola

He'd be doing everyone who saw that piece of trash a favor.

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I don't care about him though. They wasted an entire movie if development on subverted expectations.

now that theyve revealed the name was given to han by a guy punching his airline ticket it doesnt seem to matter as much and kylo may as well be called a skywarker.

This. Rey being a Skywalker/Luke's daughter doesn't immediately explain her powers. Luke was average when he started out, Anakin was/had the potential to be a god with his powers had he not been crippled and burned alive by Obi-Wan.

It would only make sense that Rey was conceived by the force and born to a bunch of nobody scavengers, which is exactly what Shmi Skywalker was, a nobody slave. Maybe Palpatine was able to manipulate the midichlorians into creating life again like he did with Plagueis to make Anakin?

The alternate is she's some kind of clone which is an awful idea because I don't think you can clone force sensitives anyway, so it'd be yet another lore-breaking thing the sequels have brought in after hyperspace ramming. I'm not sure what's worse though, her being a clone or them not even explaining why she's special.

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If they actually wanted to subvert our expectations they would have had rey turn evil, and kylo turn good

Vader had a reason to tell the truth, Kylo had a reason to lie. Stop believing shit you're told in TFA and TLJ, all Disney care about is muh expectation subversion so it's pretty obvious Rey has significant parents.

Reylos: aww he’s a cinnamon roll he did nothing wrong

Also reylos: he deserves reDemPtiOn!!1

Most retarded shippers ever

What if kylo who now is supreme leader goes his own way fucking up whatever the protocols of the learned elders of sheev had planned for with snoke
Thus sheev had a holocron made to teach snoke and the knights of ren about the dark side and inructions of some plan of sorts

This. But unironically.

Eh... Why the fuck not

Palpatine was anakin father, at least in the new comics

It's the name his dad used for decades and got married with after he saved the universe. It has meaning and throwing it away would be bullshit.

He's always indirectly been Anakin's father. George even deleted a scene from Revenge of the Sith where Sheev literally tells him he's responsible for him being born. Info's been out there for a good decade at least. Rey could be like that I guess.

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He's not throwing it away. He has been a Skywalker for the past two movies, why are people so dumb?

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yeah. i guess. still, the solo movie cheapened it a bit.

God, imagine getting fucked by him. Would be brutal and amazing.

Pablo is such a fucking hack.

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Dream sequence bro

>obviously kylo
It was a knight of ren u faggit

How many chances will this dude get?

They're going to reveal that everyone is a 'Skywalker'. It was set up in The Last Jedi with the broom urchin and other slave kids.

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Makes sense for JJ, what with Lost being purgatory and all.

Well he has no family so I guess he is Solo now

It's actually about how a Kenobi will save a Skywalker. Rey is s Kenobi, and Ben is considered Skywalker blood.

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Its not a Redemption arc. He wins and Rey goes into hiding. This sets up the next trilogy.

After TFA I was sure the entirety of the trilogy was about how Rey is a Kenobi and the Kenobi finally save the Skywalker's. 1st trilogy, Kenobi fails to save Skywalker. 2nd trilogy Skywalker saves Skywalker. 3rd Trilogy Kenobi saves Skywalker and helps eliminate the supreme evil once and for all. It opens it up for a Kenobi movie. It also wraps up all nine movies. Episode 8 will be seen as something to throw people off this scent and as non important because Rian just did his own thing. 7 and 9 are all that matter.

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>Kills his dad
>Rey still tries to redeem him
>Usurps his boss to become space Hitler
>Rey still tries to redeem him
Is this white male privilege in action?

>Third film in Trilogy
>Rey ends up on Endor
>Finds out she is related Kylo
>Kylo is working with Palpatine in a half-shell of a Death Star
>Rey defeats Kylo but the Emperor is too strong
>Kylo sacrafices himself to save Rey and kill the Emperor

Holy shit what a kino plot
40 years ago

Ay yo, I ain't ever know my pops befo', but now I knows. 100% Skywalker comin at ya

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Nah, Luke tried to redeem Vader after 30 years if him murdering anything. There is good in Kylo. In fact Rey isn't all pure, she's super conflicted.

In fact the name of ep 9 ties into this pretty well. Skywalker's leave as Luke dies. Kenobi redeems Skywalker(Ben) who takes his mother's name because he killed his father. Tfa in Kenobi. The last Jedi is Skywalker. The rise of Skywalker is Ben. They work together and train to fight the Sith, who is the emperor resurected. Emperor could be Plagious.

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Vader was Luke's dad. Rey just wants the D.

Kylo is the only good character in the entire trilogy. I just want a proper lightsaber fight like the prequels.

Ray C. Mixer

>interesting character

God the sequels are retarded

>It's obviously Kylo
it makes me angry so it's most probable

>getting angry about a children's film

are you 12? I hope so because if you're in your 20s or 30s you need to get a life...

he’s a Solo, tho

>trying to tell a gen x what age groups saw star wars in the 70's

come back in 20 years when disney shits all over your harry potter and tell me how you feel

Exactly. It's not just some movies to some of us. The entire of the universe was like an obsession.