Bare tits, ass, and dick in orgy scene

>bare tits, ass, and dick in orgy scene
>rated pg

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this movie has been obliterated by time

I can get behind this movie, killing all the useless people, at least I'd actually keep my tax money for once.

confirmed for not having seen it, its everyone gets killed at 30

you're thinking of onions green

I love every scene in the city, I hate every scene in the outside world

it looked just as cheesey back then too. the only thing saving it are jenny agutter's legs


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confirmed for not having even havingseen onions green. Spoiler alert its only old people

im okay with cheesy but the characters are really bland and their motivation gets really murky at times

at least something like Zardoz is so bonkers it becomes interesting on that alone

Great movie

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Ya, that's what I said, diamond turns colour, get burned in the floaty fire Colosseum, everyone is ignorant and free, no old people, unless you the leave the city, whatever, go pay your taxes.

That's a bit sad my guy, you would rather die at 30 just to live in a nice place. Where are you from? Detroit?

You're dealing with people that are essentially robots on this website.

>I can get behind this movie, killing all the useless people, at least I'd actually keep my tax money for once.

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He's a child, user

movie's great because everybody's white, fit, and attractive. y'know, utopia.

Obviously not, but you can't deny the whole "ignorance is bliss" idea, really Logan only looks for answers when he finds out that you aren't coming back from renewal. You can't be unhappy being dead at 30 if you don't know your dead.

He only hates Utopia because it isn't Utopia, I don't know, Cypher in the Matrix, etc, looking for serious discussion on Yea Forums when the thread starts off with orgy comments.

>Scandinavia has large social programs and is basically socialist!

Meanwhile in a relatively ok latin country like Portugal you can't walk the streets at night

why is he holding ice cube trays?

triggered neet

Imagine not being able to articulate anything and then doubling down when called a dumbass.
You want a serious conversation? how about putting some effort in

I don't want a serious conversation. And I don't feel like articulating anything, just ignore me.

I like the book. Is the movie as good?

It was a different time.

I feel like the movie would but much more interesting if they shifted renewal to like 50 or 60, might bring up a few more interesting points, since probably everybody agrees that 30 is too young, nobody would even be alive long enough to get good at their job and keep their hedonistic society going.


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