Whats the most offensive movie you've ever seen?

Whats the most offensive movie you've ever seen?

This was seriously so outdated and just plain mean I'm so mad at my dad for convincing me to watch it. It's no wonder that the people running this country are so messed up if they think that something like this is great comedy.

Attached: borat.jpg (1253x1733, 457K)

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well, funny games was kinda made with that concept in mind

also you're extremely dumb, do something about that maybe

I guess Borat counts as the most offensive one I've seen too, though I wasn't bothered by that desu. I didn't care for it barring a few scenes because it was mostly just dumb instead of funny.

it is not making fun of the minorities, it is making fun of backwater americans

I know you are baiting but that's unironically how I feel about candid shit like that now. Borat and Bruno are still hilarious but I don't see trump supporters are SJWs as all there in the head so when people do it now like that kepler show, it's just fucked up. You are literally picking on retards.


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this shit unironically pisses me off and im not even christian. showed it to my atheist friend who hates christians too and he got mad. It's just how fucking smug it is and how they are waving it around in people's faces that they can get away with it.

You guys sure this isn't just satire? The audio alone makes it seem like it is

i think that's what op means. out of touch, biggoted conservative christians. you know, the real victims

Why do Christians support Israel again?

Satire or not, it’s still in poor taste.

Nah it's straight up. We had a few massive threads about it years ago.

They're fucking stupid and think Jews controlling Israel will fulfill Biblical prophecies.

>there are people on this board who have not seen forbidden zone

Its got everything. Racism, sexism, rape, homophobia, transphobia, black face, cucked by black face, stereotypes galore. It even has a French character.

Just an all around great film.

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Everyone always says that Borat makes American's look racist but I never understood that.
Borat is the only real racist in the movie, everyone else is just indulging him and agreeing so he doesn't freak out. Everything he does is insane.
Now, on Da Ali G Show, the Borat segments did have a lot of racist Americans, but the Borat movie really doesn't. They just look stupid

A Serbian Film was pretty rough.

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40yr old virgin

Blazing saddles

Time will be harsh to this movie, it is one repeating joke over and over.
>haha look at me creating embarrassing situations
What really bothers me is how we live in a extremely politically correct society and yet Cohen's racist caricatures of Central Asians somehow went unnoticed.

Please understand most of us are woke to the Jewish evil but we decided to use Israel as a wedge issue to use against Democrats also as a necessary evil to protect Christian holy sites, as we bribe the bastards with billions so they put security around it all so that Palestinian Muslims don't burn it all away.

jews will literally kill us and continue killing us if we dont

they don't, only amerimutt """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""christians""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" do

This thread is cancer. Begone you pussies.

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why bump it then?

No one cares you dumb faggot

except it's literally making funny of your muslim pets too

Attached: Gays for Islam.jpg (600x953, 105K)

Because people weren't triggered faggots in 2006

Birth of a Nation

Borat will never be outdated stop being a wimp and learn to take a joke


bruno was worse