Ok. this have to be the worst musical ever

ok. this have to be the worst musical ever

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It is.

You had to be there.

how comes everyone keep telling me to watch it? I liked some cheesy musicals and it seems like this is the only one """movies elitsits""" seems to like. yet it feels like a terrible 70s Australian surfer musical

Literally the poor man's Phantom of the Paradise.

>The Rocky Horror Picture Show
>The name is cool because it's different

Got about halfway through and turned it off.

I enjoy it because it doesn't try to be a musical but just goes balls to the wall.

only two good songs, both of which are in the first half of the movie

Its too fucking gay

>tfw Grease 2 exists

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This reminds me of the grimace mouth in the dark, while saying "one eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth"

I enjoy a couple of songs. The one at the start that the mouth sings, Light over at the Frankenstein Place, Time Warp and the Transexual one. That’s actually a lot of good songs for a movie

>Not liking Superheroes

it's popular among faggots though, unlike most... hmmm

it's a movie *about* being gay
this turns a lot of folks off, for obvious reasons
it's a movie written by a gay man who immersed himself in b-movies as a child/pubescent in order to deal with being in the closet
pretty simple
very good if you either a) have been a closeted gay man or pervert in general b) love b-movie schlock
if both (like moi) it's a fucking crazy ride

It's a fine movie for anyone whose brain developed enough not to be a squeamish pussy about homo-eroticism.

exactly, therefore awful for Yea Forums, and basically anywhere young retarded males congregate

>gay people aren't retarded



hot patootie and toucha toucha are art

same thing

Based Zoomers

It's not just about being gay it's about sexual liberation in general in the 70s. The gay bit is a huge part yes because O'brien but that's not the exclusive focus.

My grandma loves this movie.

no love for Hot Patootie?

tell your granma I think she's cool

i just love the key changes with toucha toucha toucha touch me

Nah, Repo is

if you ever want to talk to a female art student, just pick that movie. it's cheesy and overly dramatic, but still fun. it's also obscure enough that artsy fartsy folks keep it to themselves. id wager that one neil patrick harris musical is more well known

I actually love it but even I know that there are a few too many "really?" scenes

Like the entirety of Seventeen for example

When I was very first coming out I loved it. I also faked a lisp and brought up being gay every chance I could. I also liked Queer as Fork and Will and Grace even though both are obnoxiously boring.

i enjoy musicals. my sister put on moulin rouge so many times growing up, i dont mind them and kinda appreciate most. rocky horror has that b-movie feeling of how a few decent scenes are so fun and exciting, but you have to wait through the rest of the stupid shit.

i honestly hate the scene where frank raises rocky and the ending. the whole pool scene is meh

It's funny because Rocky Horror really doesn't show gayers in a good light, and the protagonists even notice this

Will and Grace obnoxiously boring? Jeezus, the CIA should have skipped waterboarding, and forced Al Quaeda prisoners to watch some episodes, they would have cracked a lot faster.

it's a complex movie by a man very ambivalent about himself

>its about being queer
>the primary focus is a crossdressing rapist murderer

what did o'brien mean by this?

It’s okay. I like it when watching the movie but it’s too obnoxious to have on my phone for repeat listens so it doesn’t go on my list.

because it's about a gay guy who looks like this:

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as opposed to pic related

it's a different experience

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pointless movie but it's good for banging arthoes.

You have good taste, user. I love Rocky and perform in my local shadowcast, but I love Phantom!

My Rocky Horror cast also performs Repo and Dr. Horrible as well as the musical episode of Buffy (though I'm not a big fan of Buffy).

The ending is shit. This guy is an asshole and murderer throughout and suddenly I'm supposed to feel pathos for the fag because he sings with his makeup running? I'm Coming Home and Make You a Man are the weakest songs for me.

>it's a movie *about* being gay
No, it isn't. If you want a musical exclusively about being gay, then
Actually hang on
>this have to be the worst musical ever
No. 'Rent' and 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch'.

you're a simpleton

You don't enjoy the kitsch charm of Toucha Toucha?

Hedwig is a shit story but the music is way better than Rocky Horror. Rent is just pure garbage.

>Faggots! Are maggots!
>Thank God I'm a maaaan!
What did he mean by this?

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It was Richard O'Brien self hating. lol. I unironically love Shocky more than Rocky.

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I'm guessing you've never seen it at theaters, where people throw shit at the screen because the movie sucks

Probably would've been incredible if it weren't fucked around so much. Bitchin' in the Kitchen is really novel and O'Brien himself's performance is genuinely terrifying.

God I wish I had your friends, ;_;

saw a shadowcast performance of this, which was incredible
Rocky fans rarely actually like this movie, they just turn to it after they've already watched rocky 500 times.
the audience stood and sang along to footage of an audience standing and singer in the movie, and it was a weird, mirrored, End of Evangelion type of moment; these totally un-self aware, brainwashed misfits attempting desperately to have a community to belong to, and dehumanizing themselves completely
one of the best movie theater moments of my life

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Don't dream it be it is the best song. I actually got kicked out of Rocky horror once for being too drunk and smacked out.


How come this movie's big among the hipsters?

The film always loses me somewhere between Sweet Transvestite and Touch-A-Touch Me.

The first half of the movie is fantastic but i always get bored in the second half as it just seems to not know what to do with itself so ends up just people standing around the set singing. So i usually just turn off after Touch-A-Touch Me as it's the last good song the film has to offer.

Honestly thou the only real reason anyone remembers this movie is because Tim Curry kills it in this movie, anyone else and this would have been forgotten after the movie finishing it's cinema run

My sister loved this movie as a teenage girl and all of her friends did too. Take from that what you will about your own sexual orientation if you like this kind of thing.

You obviously haven't seen Grease 2

I'm not a giant musical fan, but I think RHPS is a pretty good one. My biggest gripe is that the ending falls apart and the story doesn't really stick the landing on Brad and Janet's character arcs. The themes of the story are clear but it fails to provide a good capstone. When I first watched it I was a little bored by parts of it, but when I watched it a second time alone it clicked and the whole thing is great to me now.

Shock Treatment is underappreciated. And the themes of it, like fame and society dealing with mental health has just gotten more relevant the more it has aged.

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Everyone has the capacity to be retarded. Some individuals more than others.

Rent is literally airborne AIDS without a single redeeming factor. As queer as Hedwig is, it has some fucking songs. Midnight Radio could be a lost Ziggy-era Bowie track, its that good.

While obvs queer friendly--its never ending appeal to drama students shows that--it also works as a weird kitsch nostaglia piece that doesn't seem to like any of its characters. It celebrates the b movie past, says be you want to be, but gives you no reason to like yourself if you chose to be who you want to be, as shown by Superheroes, with our protaganists writhing and ruined.

Ambivalence is a great word for it. It's gay friendly, but I'm always confused how ppl walk away thinking its 100% condoning a certain type of lifestyle.

Grease 2 is easily worse than RHPS.

It’s fun to go to midnight screenings in the city and sing along to the songs/throw shit/heckle the movie and stuff. It’s really not a movie that’s fun to watch at home and under no circumstances by yourself.

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