this looks genuinely good and before you bring up TLJ remember people thought infinity war would be shit after age of ultron
This looks genuinely good and before you bring up TLJ remember people thought infinity war would be shit after age of...
It's desperate garbage. If they wanted Palpatine back then they should have hinted at it in earlier films to make the universe seem real. All they'd need was
>The Knights of Ren are investigating the wreckage of Endor
Instead it's fucking capeshit villain of the week
>people thought infinity war would be shit after age of ultron
Well they were right
The Russo brothers had a good reputation as MCU directors by Infinity War.
>people thought infinity war would be shit after age of ultron
Literally nobody thought that, you colossal retard.
The MCU has a decent track record. Nothing exceptionally shit except for Dark World, Ant Man 2, and Age of Ultron.
Every single Nu wars movie has been garbage. Fucking Rogue One is the best of the Disney movies and thats below average at best.
TFA has great trailers
TLJ had great trailers
This trailer was complete garbage. What is this movie even about? What's at stake? Is this really the best trailer they could come up with for the third chapter of a trilogy?
No they weren't
Who cares about the conclusion to a trilogy where the first 2 movies sucked? I have no interest in seeing how this trilogy ends. I'll torrent it when it's out too see how bad it was.
This is just the teaser. It doesn't show much but the promise of Palpatine coming back is enough to entice me.
Why did it look especially good? It more or less reminded me of the other nuwars films, with the main focus being an awkward backflip thing towards a spaceship
Why is everything greenish grey?
Disney fucked up not contracting JJ to do all three.
>rehashing old characters for nostalgia is enough to get me interested.
Unironically kill yourself. You're the reason bullshit like this keeps getting produced.
I bet you were one of those kids saying "Rogue One is as good as Empire", right?
Third movie bro. Gotta have that Jedi Endor aesthetic.
The Emperor should be fucking dead.
Don't be a sucker, this will be the last dumpster fire part iii.
Where's chingchong? Did JJ retcon her too?
>this looks genuinely good
Id like to know how you came to that conclusion considering I pretty much implied Rogue One is a polished turd to the rest of the ST's steaming turd.
Endor is a forest moon. What happened to the forests?
holy shit those one leaks are 100% true aint they?
>Implying watching sheev kill the entire new cast by himself wouldn't be the best way to end the franchise
It looks like garbage. Rey jumps over a black tie fighter, then it shows the sunken death star in the ocean, with a cheap plug with Palpatines’ laugh.
It’s obvious what happened with Snoke. Disney created a shit character that all anybody cared about was him being “somebody else”. So they scrapped the character with an attempted “shocker” moment, and are now shoehorning back in old, dead characters from the old movies because they can’t create a legitimate villain themselves.
The problem is that its still got Mary Sue Rey and her band of depthless one dimensional sidekicks.
Imagine if we got
>Luke force ghost
>goes in a cave to find Anakin's force ghost
>Luke says I'm putting together a team
Meaningless buzzwords and non opinions. Jesus you are an NPC.
Why does it “entice” you? It’s a cheap shoehorn in of an old character because they can’t create any cool villains of their own.
This looked like utter shit, like a fan trailer
This is the most pleb comment ever.
Yup. Who cares about any of the new Disney characters? All the old characters you loved were ruined so that Disney could introduce Rey, Finn, Poe, Tico, and Holdo. Fuck this trilogy.
>le ebin MARVEL comparison
>Still no lost limbs
>Rey gets a cool scar that symbolizes her quest to save Kylo / Balance of the force bullshit
>"Nah cover it up she can't be shown to have weakness!"
Where is it?
>people thought infinity war would be shit after age of ultron
And it was.
bravo shill, bravo
>remember people thought infinity war would be shit after age of ultron
I do not remember because I am an adult and have no idea what people thought about that and whether or not it was true
So much fucking wasted potential, this trilogy could've been really cool if it focused on Kylo (probably the only good character the new trilogy has).
It's doesn't look very interesting but keep in mind it's just a teaser. Anyway, I don't think you can't even make an interesting trailer with those characters and universe at this point, there's nothing there
infinity war was shit, what are you on about?
What looks so good? They genuinely look like bad cosplayers. Rey's sporting her space bum outfit again for some reason and Poe looks like he's ready to fight Imhotep.
Also that scene where she backflips over a TIE was laughably bad.
I'm mad that Mark Hamill got his ass back in shape, grew out a sick beard, and stopped smoking for this.
>Star Wars
>Phantom Menace
>hurr why do you assume 9 will be bad
Because everything Star Wars related made by Disney has been unwatchable. Because the sole person in charge is a woman with no artistic merit, and absolutely ZERO appreciation for the Star Wars legacy. Because the director is a diversity obsessed (((hack))) who is one of the least creative people in show business, who literally tried to sell an SJW reboot / remake as a sequel. I could go on Fuck your mother you faggot
>Nothing exceptionally shit except for Dark World, Ant Man 2, and Age of Ultron.
False. All of those are serviceable if disappointing. The only shit MCU movies are Iron Man 3, Spider-Man Homecoming, and Captain Marvel.
And JJ and Kasdan fucked up by not actually writing an outline for the whole trilogy from the start and instead just assuming that Rian and whatever other writers and directors would just get it right on guesswork. Fucking idiotic and lazy approach. Rian went completely rogue with it because no one had told him he couldn't and because Kennedy couldn't point to a set plan and say "stick to this" because it didn't exist.
Yes, he should. And he is. He died in the most climactic way possible at the hands of the most legendary villain ever, in one of the most emotional moments in cinema history. Now these sjw hacks like Kennedy want to shoehorn him back into their shitty sequels because they can’t create any good characters of their own.
>Poe looks like he's ready to fight Imhotep.
Good one user
>>Phantom Menace
>Never flew a starship before yet she can outpilot Tie Fighters the first time she flew a starship
>Never used a lightsaber before but she was able to beat Kylo Ren, who destroyed Lukes entire Jedi Temple, and who was drawing power from the dark side by punching his wound, the first time she held a lightsaber
>Never used the force before, nor knew she can, but minutes-hours after learning she was force-sensitive she was already proficient in it
>Leia cares more about comforting Rey after Han dies instead of Chewbacca, despite Rey knowing Han and Leia for a day.
>She scraps junk from old, broken down and destroyed things which somehow means she knows how to repair the Millenium Falcon
>She knows how to speak Wookie and can speak to droids
>She never needs help from anyone and can get out of trouble all by herself
Rey is obviously a Mary Sue, and that's only from TFA.
Then there is Finn who did nothing in the first movie (because Rey does everything by herself) except provide comic relief, then in the second movie all he does is go on the worst subplot in star wars history.
There's Poe who does absolutely nothing in the first movie (because Rey doesn't need help from anyone) and then in the second movie he is just used by JJ to subvert our expectations by making Holdo the unexpected hero, which was just terrible writing and a terrible plot point.
Rose Tico who does nothing except join Finn in the worst subplot in Star Wars History and then prevents Finn from actually finally doing something significant and making his character somewhat interesting.
Nu-wars sucks, sorry buddy.
If this movie doesn't pull a Gandalf or Spock and have Luke show up, alive again somehow, to save everyone I will personally walk to Florida and burn Disney World to the ground.
pleb boomer hater detected
Hayden, Ewan and Ian carry the fuck out of those movies. And Liam in ep 1
ANH deserves a 10, but other than that your ranks are pretty much spot on.
the forest moon is called forest moon OF endor. endor is the planet. This is endor.
Hayden is fucking garbage. Ewan and McDiarmid are good, but they're not enough to save those movies
>carry the fuck out of those movies
Imagine thinking these are good movies
I’d honestly say 9.5. I know it’s generic as fuck to say empire is the best, but I really think Empire is just slightly better than a new hope. But yes 4 and 5 are absolutely the best two of the series
you forgot one of my favorites
>grew up on desert planet, even says she's never even seen a body of water before except in her dreams. Yet can swim perfectly into raging tidal water
Endor is a gas giant.
>people thought infinity war would be shit after age of ultron
Yeah well, they kicked out Whedon and brought in the Russos who at least can direct a cast bigger than 7
With nu Wars it's the same people running the show for all the movies.
endor is a gas giant you brainlet, it doesn't have a surface or oceans.
Endor is the habitable moon that orbits the gas giant of the endor star system.
I based it on the fact that I'm a retard an I love to suck black cocks.
Guess you didn't expect this, huh?
>imagine expecting an ex-slave with a god complex, indoctrinated by celibate monks, with mommy issues to be normal
Lol plebs
because theyre the only things not computer animated
watching the Prequels is like being in The Matrix. nothing really, but at least some avatars are human. OT is Desert of the Real and ST is what Neo sees after hes blinded and goes to The Machine City.
Hayden is actually an incredibly good actor. It's likely George is just fucking autistic and wanted him to display the emotions George thought were right. Go and watch shattered glass or any other non star wars Hayden film
Prequels weren’t bad at all. They were great stories, and they were their own movies, unlike these original trilogy copy and pastes infused with sjw trash.
They also had fantastic world building, great and new characters, solid acting, awesome special effects. They had their flaws too, like the kiddie in episode 1, maybe some over use of cgi, and some stupid dialogue, but overall they were good.
nice bluefilter
He's not undead he's a spirit demon or whatever.
>get rid of Snoke because he's a knockoff Sheev
>bring back Sheev anyway
Nothing like introducing the villain in the last movie that's totally unrelated to the other 2 films.
>this looks genuinely good
Based on what?
I'm in the minority who thinks Infinity War is just as bad as Ultron. Ultron mostly sucks cause studio interference. At the very least it looks like it's shot by an actual director who like knows about things such as shot composition and what makes an image striking. That shit goes totally over the Russos heads and it makes their movies unwatchable to me. Civil War's is the most atrociously shot tentpole movie I think I've ever seen. Not to mention it has a color pallette that is so dull it gives me a headache. Infinity Wars just that on a bigger scale. Like no thought went into anything. They have like dozens of superheroes but the best action setpieces they can come up with abandoned airport and an open field? Hacks.
>Prequels weren’t bad at all
Shut up, George.
This trailer showed WAY MORE than I was anticipating. They could have shown like a couple of character shots, a bunch of VO over black, and like a few location shots and that would kind of been "adequate" for a teaser. The only real point of today was to announce the title.
>Prequels weren’t bad at all.
Fuck off, George.
I've seen Little Itly and Jumper and you are obviously biased. its dumb, but Anakin should have been a background character in AotC.
>this looks genuinely good
It looks like what it is, fucking trash that was desperately cobbled together in a few months when they found out that the fans don't respond so well to being shat on the face. "We'll bring Lando back! We'll bring Palpatine back! We'll bring Vader back! We'll bring Luke back!" and the story will be a fucking mess with no plan once again. Shameful is what it is.
Shouldn’t you be out buying tampons, Kathleen?
just kidding KK’s obviously barren
Everyone I know irl is super excited about this movie
This reads like an actual shill post, I don't believe it for a minute. And neither do you.
>Prequels weren’t bad at all. They were great stories, and they were their own movies, unlike these original trilogy copy and pastes infused with sjw trash.
Go to bed, George. The sequel trilogy being garbage doesn't stop the prequel trilogy from being garbage.
>working at Starbucks
Force Awakens was rehashed trash
Last Jedi was shit
This one will not save the shaky foundation that was made by Jar Jar Abrams
This. People who say otherwise are simply jaded RLM fanboys.
I was barely interested yesterday and I'm gay as fuck for it right now. If the leaks are real I'm fucking enthused about it. I'm enthused about fucking Sheev even though I hated the prequels as a kid. I'm enthused about the shit being wrapped up so I can be done with muh stories.
All this cynicism and literal propaganda taking the piss out of the movie can suck my dick for it. Get hosed on bozos.
What makes you think this looks good? And why not bring up the other movies being shit? You want people to ignore patterns and bad reputations just because?
The prequels were crap too, your revisionism isn't going to work. Defending garbage movies makes you no different than any other rabid fanboy, you fag.
lol no everyone hated the prequels when they came out, the idea that they're any good has really only popped up in the last few years and by zoomers
First time I've seen a Star Wars trailer and felt nothing but apathy. Even the spin offs were able to get a bit of excitement from me after the trailer. It looks like trash and these characters are all shit. Even seeing Lando did nothing for me after I realized they've brought him back just to kill him since his charisma is likely to show up everyone here in this trainwreck of a "saga".
>I'm gay as fuck
You sure are, faggot.
It's the same as endgame. No one will see it and it will flop and suck
ITT: Disney shills and RLM faggots still complaining about the prequels 14 years later
Man even the cartoons were more creative than these last three movies.
Hello, zoomer
it's not like kathleen kennedy hasn't ruled star wars with an iron fist. i mean she's fired multiple directors so far. i think it's pretty clear she was fine with his vision or else they would have hired somebody else.
>being enthusiastic just because you're desperate for some closure and have the idea some fictional character might appear
you really are gay as fuck
>starts on a desert planet
>then a forested planet
>probably ends in space
Bravo JJ you fucking hack.
>The rise of Skywalker
What a shitty title. Whoever's been in charge of naming these movies deserves to be fired.
Nah, just a millennial that didn’t let some virgins on the Internet tell me entertaining movies with heart were bad
Keep samefagging and antagonizing people who think both trilogies are shit, you nigger. I'm sure people will change their opinions the more you call them shills.
You absolutely are not a millennial lmao
They should have him kill everyone and just Stone Ocean this franchise.
Don't you have a tie fighter lego set to play with?
>Whoever's been in charge of naming these movies deserves to be fired.
Whoever’s been involved with Star Wars since 2012 deserves to be fired
let me spin in your mouth you slut
He was just a front man that got too sloppy. If Kylo hadn't got him, Mr. Joshua would have taken him out from a helicopter.
She was fine with his vision because she herself has none and because JJ and Kasdan left no plans for everyone else to work off of with the rest of the trilogy. He also fully agreed with her politics and probably committed a great deal of his efforts towards pandering to her feminist ideals and kissing her boots. Which is probably why he still isn't full blown fired and gets to work on the next trilogy with the GoT writers.
He was a bad guy. That's all you need to know. Probably reviewbombed movies on rotten tomatoes too
>I'm enthused about fucking Sheev
nope, walked into my friend's office today and another guy was in there, they were both like omg have you seen the trailer. Then they played it and were hyped. And went back and paused certain parts and said like wow do those gloves look like Kylo.
I guess the shot of the deathstar on endor looked cool. I haven't seen any nuwars and probably won't start now so who cares
>not being able to just enjoy culture media stuff
>spitefully consuming children's entertainment
sorry about your life bud
Failed Sheev clone. Sheev tried to have him killed but he escaped which is why his head's all fucked up.
Her seam is showing.
They fucked up making TFA a carbon copy of ANH with the same Empire v Rebel war that's been going on for decades.
They wrote themselves into a corner instead of creating something new they could take in any direction.
Meme magic is real. I guarantee had all you prequel fags not turned into a cult and spun off into reddit he probably would never have been in the movie. That's fascinating stuff.
Agree with you. But Yea Forums is locked into anti-Starwars groupthink and can't swallow it's pride enough to be open minded now. They'll predict its failure and be BTFO'd once again
Episode VIII: “Let the past die, kill it if you have to."
Have you watched the prequels in the last 5 years?
I tried before TLJ and couldn't even finish Phantom. They're fucking terrible. With some of the most wooden line delivery I've ever witnessed. Not to mention the dialogue itself is cringe-tier especially with the Clones romance shit.
Phantom - 5/10 DUEL OF THE FATES being the best thing ever. And Maul having a cool design despite 0 lines.
Clones - 4/10 Horrible dialogue. Terrible romance. CGI nightmare.
Revenge - 5/10 Palpatine memes for days. But 30 minute lightsaber fight on lava planet is fucking exhausting and still has a lot of the same problems as Clones.
ANH - 8/10
Empire - 9/10
Return - 7/10 too many ewoks
TFA - 6/10 too safe and ultimately too many questions raised that will never be answered thanks to JJ.
TLJ - 3/10 genuinely terrible film that contradicts itself and all other entries. Bad fan fiction tier. Only redeeming qualities are visuals and that's not nearly enough.
Rise of Skywalker? If it's lucky, it'll be around 5 or 6/10. Will take a miracle to get to a 7/10 rating.
t. shill or mindless drone
In that case, can you guys help me meme my oneitis into loving me back?
Nobody is predicting it's failure. It's a fucking numbered star wars movie, it could be 2 straight hours of Ewoks farting on a droid and it'd make bank.
It's going to be awful, that's guaranteed at this point.
Would the bullet have gone through blue milk while he was drinking it?
>Maul having a cool design despite 0 lines
And this is why we know to ignore your opinion as you didn't even watch the movies you're trying to criticize
Nice try though
This movie has so many fucking plotholes holy shit, you can tell there was absolutely no planning for TLJ. At this point I'm just curious to see how are they gonna fuck everything up even more, I don't care about any of the characters except for our guy Kylo.
>this looks genuinely good and before you bring up TLJ
Episode IX is The Force Awakens II: Return of The Jedi Recycled
>tfa better than every prequel
Your post seemed finely written and I don’t think you’re a shill or anything but no. Just no. Say the prequels are dogshit, fine, but saying (((a newer hope))) with Mary Sue and the diversity checklist is better than any of them, especially sith, is like saying a slice of olive loaf is better than a steak.
how can a moon only have forests?
Nope. Just a hopeful OT fan who wants the things I grew up loving to actually succeed and will reserve judgment until i actually see the film. So many posters here resort to knee-jerk cynicism. One of the worst things about this place
Will we finally get to see the droids we've been looking for?
>before you bring up TLJ
TFA was shit.
TLJ was shit.
there has been almost no character development, there isn't a coherent story, there isn't a reason to be excited for this pile of shit so they had to retcon palp's death and ruin the OT/prequels.
Jesus fucking christ.
I mean...I get it if he has autism or is a literal retard. But if people who react this guy have zero mental health issues and AREN'T being paid sufficiently by ads or whatever... I would be fucking astonished.
That was a scary video to watch. I feel far more disturbed than by the last horror films I've seen put together.
>cant get half way through the objectively best Prequel
>Maul has zero lines
"At last we will reveal ourselves... At last we will have our revenge"
Ray Park has no lines because his voice wasnt MENACING enough so they used the guy who played Pete the roommate in Shaun of the Dead
So mindless drone, then
Context please?
Do you hear yourself?
That shit could fly when episodes VII or VIII were announced, but now? After those? There's no characters, no backstory, no threat, no plot, nothing.
You can't call it knee-jerk reaction when the trend has been so bad
>tfa better than every prequel
Your post seemed finely written and I don’t think you’re a shill or anything but no. Just no. Say the prequels are dogshit, fine, but saying (((a newer hope))) with Mary Sue and the diversity checklist is better than any of them, especially sith, is like saying a slice of olive loaf is better than a steak. >Just a hopeful OT fan who wants the things I grew up loving to actually succeed and will reserve judgment until i actually see the film.
Yeah, after four awful films that sacrifice story and creativity for the sake of political statements and pandering to the opposite marketing groups the original films appealed to, DONT FUCKING ASSUME THE FIFTH FILM WILL BE BAD
Nobody thought Infinity War would be shit.
It's a bit for the Robot Chicken Star Wars special features.
because in stah wahs, every single planet has one single environment. Desert planet, forest planet, ocean planet, mountain planet, salt planet, volcanic planet, ice planet, etc.
Turns out, planets are really fucking big and most planets probably have a wide variety of environments like earth.
No, because I’m not talking. Git fukd disney shill
You forgot to edit like half your shitpost there
>there has been almost no character development
This, it's awful, I don't give a shit about any of the characters, I can't believe we got to this point.
They were fucking terrible
Just wondering when J.J. is gonna include this scene.
>solid acting
>wow my phone post repeated some text, I’m so embarrassed
Of phoneposting? Yeah, you should
Yes they were you soitard, capeshit is garbage
>caring about capeshit or Star Wars
It looks like modern, big budget, nwo propaganda. Disney needs to be burned down to the ground.
>everyone is a shill who responds to me
You get fucked, dumb faggot child.
No u
You'll have to excuse me. He had 1 line. But you can't argue that Maul had a positive influence on Star Wars. Staff saber alone made Jedi Academy a thing.
Thank you for your measured response. I understand why you'd be upset at my putting TFA slightly higher than a prequel film.
I shit on the prequels a LOT. But I can't deny that they at least ADDED to the star wars universe. Not all of it was great, but it made the galaxy seem much bigger than the recycling that's been going on in the sequel trilogy.
Having said that, as a MOVIE, I think TFA is indeed better than the prequels. I despise all the mary sue and diversity shit. I hate everything the sequels represent. But I still think that as a movie, TFA is more watchable than the prequels.
I might not be explaining myself very well but I hope you know what I'm rambling about.
Mindless drone applies more to someone who prejudges everything before actually experiencing it. Did they teach you critical thinking skills in your shithole country? How can you determine with any degree of accuracy if you're correct unless you see the damn thing? At this point in time you're just talking out of your ass
>But Yea Forums is locked into anti-Starwars groupthink
It's literally Russian propaganda and their useful idiots. They did the same thing in 2014 and 2015 to rouse the rabble about wamen to influence their political behavior in 2016. Attacking Disney works because they are kind of the media face of American global influence and stuff. And then same as 2016 and captain marvel and shit it's still strong womyn "forced diversity" shit that is REAL good for getting gamer bois all roused up about nothing.
You can also see depression memes spiking with the release of captain marvel on google trends. They tend to spike when the IRA is really grinding the messaging. Then on like March 10 the numbers start dropping again. Could be that the movie actually influenced people to stop engaging with depression memes, or it could be that there was an active measures campaign to try and suppress and depress people's consumer behavior to keep them from engaging with "political propaganda." It's like a test run for what they do for elections. You can see it all track from when the war started in summer of 2014, always cranks up right before "political days" and then drops right after because the budget is blown.
>can’t respond to the substance
Yikes, did one of your mom’s many boyfriends hit you every time you tried to make a coherent argument?
I just want to see Sheev and Kylo desu
>I might not be explaining myself very well but I hope you know what I'm rambling about.
Not that user, but that's fair enough
Retard, have sex
>This is just the teaser. It doesn't show much but the promise of Palpatine coming back is enough to entice me.
pathetic. you are exactly the kind of corporate sheep they are trying to reel in with this
all it takes is a few desperate cheap pandering characters shoehorned in and you jump right back on the bandwagon
You don't need propaganda to know that a movie is bad. For both 7 and 8 I didn't pay attention to any threads leading up to release and I walked out of 7 knowing it was a lazy soulless rehash and I walked out of 8 knowing it was aimless and incoherent. The only way you could fall for the russian trolls meme is if you are actually on Disney's payroll, which I suspect you are given the length of your post and the way you type.
>muh google trend!
go back to /r/politics retard
No offense but if you actually went to see last Jedi you’re kind of a retard yourself
You're a cool guy.
gag video
This. The biggest issue that ST has is the lack of direction. TFA set up a bunch of plothooks that had nowhere to go (Snoke, Rey's parentage, Luke fucking off to Space Dakota- JJ had nothing planned for any of these, which is why Rian failed to do anything with them), and then TLJ just fumbled around spastically for a couple hours and left absolutely no hints as to what will come next. The only option they have left is to go back to the previous six films and frantically Frankenstein something together (hence the Skywalker title despite the voice-over in the trailer explicitly telling us its supposed to be a new hero, the Palpatine laugh, the wreckage of the Death Star).
Kennedy doesn't care about what story. As long as it has new toys and PC-culture-for-corporations-tier messaging, Rian/JJ can do whatever the fuck they want. Episode 8 could've been two and a half hours of Daisy fucking Mark with a big black dildo, as long as there were some Porgs and Salt Foxes dancing in the background.
>if you saw a moobie you bad no no!
What the fuck happened to this site?
That's what you get when you don't plan a fucking trilogy and just film it willy-nilly.
basedboy detected
killyourself DCFAG
Porgs you say?
I am that user, and I do know what you mean. I disagree 1000%, but I think you’re saying TFA would be watchable if it was released in an alternate reality where Star Wars 1977 didn’t exist. Even with Mary Sue.
>be served a plate of shit
>take a bite, disgusting
>still pay and leave
>decide to go to same restaurant again and order another helping of literal excrement
>’yeah so I walked out when I took a bite and it was SHIT AGAIN’
>Staff saber alone made Jedi Academy a thing.
But Jedi Academy was a great game with a story that was not-terrible by EU standards. It was also the third in a trilogy, so it doesn't really have any relation to TPM. Are you retarded?
I literally brapped when the trailer came out tbqhfm
TFA and TLJ ar objectively the worst SW movies
the disney trilogy is an incoherent mess that only retards glued to their cellphones can find entertaining
Arm bandages. I know they're just props but come on. It's the first trailer for a multi-billion-dollar franchise. The lack of attention to detail hurts my sense of self-respect.
>You don't need propaganda to know that a movie is bad.
It's not really about the movie, it's about the underlying messaging in the movie, and about the movie, and how that relates to your broader consumer and political behavior. Like you're being taught subversive political messaging strategy through the process of shitposting about kids movies. I'm not necessarily making any value claims about the movies themselves, they are just big parts of American culture, and there's a bunch of Americans that are WAY more concerned about their entertainment than actual politiks shit. So it's just bring the politics to your entertainment and go from there.
> The only way you could fall for the russian trolls meme is if you are actually on Disney's payroll
No I've been studying Russian active measures forever. Since the 90s I've been fascinated by it, and I followed it's growth on this site over the last 5 years. It's 100% real. Whether or not there are actual Disney shills being paid to shitpost on Yea Forums I have no idea, but accusing literally everyone that likes something of being on "Disney's payroll" is literally something a Russian shill would do. It's all about whataboutism and cynicism and personal attacks to try and suppress and depress anyone from having a thought without being on the defensive.
> which I suspect you are given the length of your post and the way you type.
What country are you in?
I'm not defending these movies, but is Hayden really a shit actor? I mean, there was no other way to play that part other than to ham it up.
Your list is completely wrong, user. tsk tsk
Robot Chicken bit where the guy wanted to put Mara Jade in a sketch and George flipped out at him.
But IW was pretty shitty.
So she's "rey the white" now?
it's funny how they think bringing back old franchies characters are some how gonna make the core starwars fans watch this shit.
>It's not really about the movie,
so go fuck off to /pol/ or /r/politics, retard. People here are discussing the movie, and you bring your /pol/shit in here because you think a google trend is an argument. Fuck you.
>No I've been studying Russian active measures forever. Since the 90s I've been fascinated by it, and I followed it's growth on this site over the last 5 years.
you're talking out of your ass, you wont post any proof of this.
>It's 100% real.
I'm sure this is real to you retard, go to /r/politics or /pol/.
>It's all about whataboutism and cynicism and personal attacks
You're the one calling people shills, go fuck off to /pol/ and argue with those retards there.
why I would go there everyone already knows what the trolls are doing on there. Here it's a lot more interesting.
Lot of the "discord tranny" shit is coming from slav gooks that don't really know english. They always really push all the catchy meme newspeak. SJW, cuck, NPC, soiboi, all of these terms are connected to their broader messaging strategy for "rootless white males" and "gamers" and the kind of more-easily-radicalized types with nothing to lose.
idk it's really pretty cool to see how it all works.
>infinity war good
i literally felt nothing when the big characters turned to dust. the whole thing was fucking forced garbage. TLJ atleast had some high production value and solid cinematography (even though the story sucked and did nothing for the trilogy). Infinity War felt like it was shot by automated drones or some shit. nothing remotely good to look at in the whole thing
This is literally what cope looks like.
>False. All of those are serviceable if disappointing. The only shit MCU movies are Iron Man 3, Spider-Man Homecoming, and Captain Marvel.
God, I hate people like you. I can tell you're one of those fags who just whine "but that's different from the comics!" anytime there's the slightest of changes.
three movies, THREE FUCKING MOVIES, and we finally get all the protagonists in one scene
fuck nuwars
>you have to be a comic purist fag to think le ebin mandarin soccer hooligan ‘twist’, Iron Man getting nerfed to shit the movie following avengers, and Shane black turning iron man into a lethal weapon movie was bad
>so go fuck off to /pol/ or /r/politics, retard
why? the shills and agents of influence are here too.
>People here are discussing the movie, and you bring your /pol/shit in here because you think a google trend is an argument.
It's not an "argument" it's just one of the best ways to illustrate how the agitation campaign plays out through that one aspect of it.
>Fuck you.
You're literally interacting with people being paid to agitate you. Just saying.
>ou're talking out of your ass, you wont post any proof of this.
Of which part? How much do you know about how Active Measures and subversive political messaging works? Like this is a billion dollar industry and most people refuse to even think it exists. The IRA isn't a secret.
>I'm sure this is real to you retard
it's real regardless
>You're the one calling people shills
I'm not specifically calling anyone a shill. I'm just saying it's part of what they do. You'll be seeing a lot of it for the next 9 months or whatever.
ty gb
Are you 16?
Will Disney ever give us a KOTOR?
No. You need to have actual enthusiasts involved in order to make something like KotOR, and Disney will never let a company that isn't maximally corporatized like EA touch the license.
starwars is gay
Disney don't shit on the Prequels considering they own them now and are making money off of them.
Fantastic rebuttal
confirmed for 16
No. Rian Johson wants to do KotoR but he's said that he thinks that era is medieval-tier so it would be nothing like what we know.
Whilst a lot of the people in charge of the franchise dislike the prequels and sequels, they aren't going to actively agitate against them. Disney makes money off of them. The people that hate the prequels are OT purists and non-SW fans that dislike mediocre movies getting so much attention.
Have sex (for the first time)
what leaks? everybody says this but i have no clue what you're on about
ya'll boomers go fuck your selves take a shower and grow up
I actually thought that after the disappointment of civil war and ultron, went with low expectations to the movirle teather for iw
I loved infinity war since the beggining
since Palpatine being alive completely undoes the prophecy of Anakin being the Chosen One destined to destroy the Sith once and for all.
nothing is more desperately adolescent than thinking you're a grown up when you spend time stressing how much you're above kid's movies
shit your right. fucking disny man
he a force demon or something. not ahktually alive I reckon
>You need to have actual enthusiasts involved in order to make something like KotOR
"enthusiasts" are just as bad as soulless corporate directors
is this how you COPE being a 40 yearold manchild who can't get laid. by saving this pic to your computer.
thats rian johnson level laziness. hope you never write a film
what is up with you tweens projecting your sexual frustrations at EVERYTHING?
>by saving this pic to your computer.
idk got whole folders of quotes saved. Sorry you're so upset kiddo.
hes frothing at the mouth, crying, jabbering and grunting. Is his expression pure pleasure or a cry for help?
>looks genuinely good
on looks alone i give no fucks. fuck you.
The Russos are not Sensitive Joss Whedon.
JJ is still JJ.
>accurately called a virgin
>immediately begins to seethe
It's always the fucking incels.
i actually don't like you
>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people
Christ, you'll have to forgive me. I mistyped. I meant to say that:
You can't argue that Maul DIDN'T have a positive influence.
I loved Jedi Outcast and even though Academy had a shit story and Rosh was a pitiful wanker, the gameplay STILL hasn't been topped when it comes to lightsaber play.
That's fair. We all have our ratings. I just don't think any of the prequels are higher than a 6.
>TFA and TLJ ar objectively the worst SW movies
TLJ is objectively and easily the worst.
I still think TFA despite its problems is more watchable than some of the prequels. Setting a low bar, you see. I don't actually think TFA is a good movie at all.
>but I think you’re saying TFA would be watchable if it was released in an alternate reality where Star Wars 1977 didn’t exist
Yeah I guess that's more or less what I'm saying. Obviously when you take the rest of the saga into account, it's total shit. But as a viewing experience, I think I'd rather watch TFA than any of the prequels. I'd consider Revenge of Sith I guess but by god does it have woeful moments.
I'm really sorry, people. I'm not trying to say that TFA is a good movie at all. Again, I'm just trying to say that as a movie watching experience's more watchable than the prequels. TFA contributes NOTHING OF VALUE to the SW universe. Absolutely. The prequels, despite being horrible, establish far far far more world building which is always something I give it credit for.
I know a lot of people love clones. I loved Battlefront 2 (the first one) as well. But I have no love for any of the TV clone series so I don't have the same pull to the prequels that some other people do.
>Rey and other Nu Wars characters
I don't care, they wasted two movies and I still don't give a flying fuck about any of them
>Leia's back!
No, she's dead, and her showing up is fucking weird
>Lando's back!
They're going to kill him or fuck up his character. Whatever.
>Skywalker is back!
As a voiceover.
>Sheev is back
It was retarded when the EU did it, it's retarded here.
I saw nothing that made me give a fuck. Maybe I'll watch it when it hits the torrents as a bluray rip. Disney did what I thought was impossible - I truly don't care about Star Wars anymore
>accurately called a virgin
I'm 31, had an 8 year relationship with one girl and a 2 year relationship with another. You seem to be projecting a lot about yourself little guy
>immediately begins to seethe
Seriously how is this not projection? Why are you so upset?
>It's always the fucking incels.
all you can do is assume but it's obviously clear that your a fat neck beard that gets off on his starwars leia body pillow. you boomers are cancer
>all you can do is assume but it's obviously clear that your a fat neck beard that gets off on his starwars leia body pillow.
I weigh 160 tho. Why are you so upset?
The Auralnauts version of Sheev coming back is gonna be amazing.
Sheev is love, Sheev is life.
kek they always stop responding when you tell them you're not a virgin
how is this not exactly what you're doing?
>remember people thought infinity war would be shit after age of ultron
Literally not one single person in the entire world through this. The Russos had already directed two of the most highly regarded MCU movies, one of which was essentially an avengers movie. So everyone was perfectly confident in their next movie.
>start a star wars thread by provoking marvel autists for replies
jesus fucking christ what happened to film
All they had to do was make Snoke Darth Plagueis
>this looks genuinely good
I agree but I also thought that about TLJ and look how that turned out
Granted this is JJ instead of Rian so odds are it will be significantly better than TLJ, but that still doesn't mean it will be good. TFA was a decent movie and had a few memorable parts, but overall it was really uninspired.
>Iron Man 3
Consider yourself filtered, you absolute pleb.
>this looks genuinely good
It's a TRAILER. People are paid quite a lot of money to chop a movie (and deleted scenes) down to 2 palatable minutes PURELY so that it looks genuinely good.
That is the sole purpose of trailers.
Even totally garbage movies can "look genuinely good" due to the trailer.
Trailer hype is insane.
you come to the board to talk about lack of having sex. It's friday night and you're a youngfag, and here you are posting anime qts instead of getting laid. Clearly projecting all your virginal angst at everyone else.
Maybe just don't try so hard to prove that you're not a 15-year-old or whatever. That's more of a reddit thing.
>le ebin mandarin soccer hooligan ‘twist’
Who gives a fuck? It had virtually no bearing on the movie overall.
>Iron Man getting nerfed to shit the movie following avengers
It was fucking great getting to see Tony Stark get back to his roots as a genuinely creative, intelligent, and competent guy as opposed to just relying on his super suit
>Shane black turning iron man into a lethal weapon movie was bad
Jesus christ you're a fucking pleb. Just get out.
I meant the other guy stopped responding when you told him you're not a virgin, that always happens.
go back to redit
If you haven't learned after all the previous garbage, then you'll be a lifelong sucker.
ohh gotcha
Honestly TLJ made it look like the rebels are just a bunch of commies fighting the empire of capitalism, with the purple hair feminists and all, I don't have any sympathy for them.
attack of the clones has barely any CGI, everything is actual photos that are digitally placed in the scenes rather than being rendered on a computer
all you fagguts deserve this trash after hating the prequels for 10 years.
Listen, it's entirely possible that my memory of this film is skewed. It's been a long time since I could make myself watch it.
But I seem to remember pretty much none of the clones being real at all. The entirety of the Clone/droid fights are all CGI are they not? Not to mention Yoda bouncing around like he's in a pinball machine. Virtually all of the desert scenes are fake on Geonosis, right? I'm pretty sure it's a green room with a couple buckets of sand on the ground.
Sand, man. It gets everywhere and is REALLY FUCKING FAKE.
The prequels are shit too, I wish they just left the original trilogy alone, now it's forever ruined.
>Not to mention Yoda bouncing around like he's in a pinball machine
That shit was awesome when it first came out. Nobody ever expected to see Yoda fight, and then there was a brief moment when he threw off his cape thing and drew his lightsaber that you were like "holy shit no fucking way!" and then another moment later he starts bouncing around like a fucking bouncyball and you're like "LOL HOLY SHIT NO FUCKING WAY!!!"
If you didn't enjoy the fuck out of that scene, you take Star Wars way too seriously.
God have mercy are we really going to have to deal with you retards for the next eight months?
Don’t forget that she was literally pulling off Force powers that seemed crazily beyond anything Luke or even Anakin could do.
Anakin could barely float a fucking apple in Ep2 while Rey is floating a literal fuckton of massive boulders a day after even learning what the Force is as a concept.
>you didn't like bad movies
>you deserve worse movies
That sums up the current state of cinema and its target audience fairly well.
have sex
I guess after Empire, I always saw Yoda as someone who wouldn't even use his lightsaber.
He's above that shit. I would have liked to have seen him demonstrating his force mastery in a way that's never been seen before. Not just more lightsaber fights which Clones in particular was already filled to the choking point with.
>the promise of Palpatine coming back is enough to entice me.
Yes, user, that's how everybody felt about Yoda. The point is that Star Wars has never been meant to be taken that seriously, it's meant to be a fun and enjoyable experience with good moral messages. It may have seemed out of character for Yoda to fight like that, but George created the character and he decided to take the character in that direction, and it was fun to watch, so don't take a fucking space fantasy movie so goddamn seriously that you're unable to enjoy it if it isn't exactly what you would have expected.
you’re right, I don’t get why people are so assblasted by this
>everyone hated the prequels when they came out
I was 11 when TPM came out and I loved them. I got a bunch of the Lego sets, probably put over a hundred hours into the Phantom Menace computer game...I even got the novelization of the Phantom Menace. Also had the podracing gameboy game. And as episode 2 and 3 came out I was genuinely excited and saw them all in theaters and loved them.
I really think the people who shit on the prequels are either manchildren who were too old at the time and butthurt that they were geared more towards kids, or zoomers who didnt even watch them until more recently and hate them because they think it's the cool thing to do.
I don’t care what anyone says. I thought Rogue One was decent.
I unironically think that both TPM and ROTS are 9/10 movies.
Aotc is good for the detective Kenobi parts.
I unironically like Jar Jar bc I saw him when I was 10 or something.
>Ant Man 2
Age of Ultron was just souless, not a straight up pile of flaming garbage that ruins everything before and after in one shoot. Only retards tought shit was going downhill from there, the same retards that think MCU will become Captain Marvel circlejerk in the future.
With Star Wars from the other side... There's no fixing this shit.
Absolutely assmad seething RLM drones detected!
Agreed. Also, people who say Solo was good are a bunch of fucking retards. That movie was Justice League tier of fucked, everytime you can PINPOINT the scenes made by each director, is a signal that stuff is damaged from the core.
Rogue One, with it's nameless characters that can only be remembered by pointing their race, predictable plot and ending, and shameless fanservice, was the best nu-Wars movie. And that isn't a compliment for Rogue One, it is actually an offense to LucasArts. THIS SHIT is the best they could do.
Imagine being this butthurt.
>palpatine fell into the core of the death star
>the death star exploded soon after
>30+ years have passed and he was already old enough in the fucking prequels
>people somehow praise the idea of him making a return
How dumb people can get?
At least Mark unJUSTed himself. Nu-Wars were shit, but at least it made one good act in the world.
get a load of this shill
t. redditor
Tv brainmelting for 70 years along with the surge of cellphones and computers has destroyed human intelligence.
>and before you bring up TLJ
Are we still pretending it was bad? Can't wait for this new one to come out and take over as the definitive worst SW movie ever because of all the minor insignificant things that trigger your autism.
Rich: Do you need any kind of training to use the Force? Any?
Jay: [Kylo] has training.
Rich: She dudn't.
Jay: Well we don't know where...
Rich: Neither did Luke in Empire... Well the minor training, he had like a week of training with Yoda, that's all you need, you need a week?
Jay: And then he went back for his training in Jedi and Yoda just died immediately.
Mike: Yes, can I point out that this is, we are now back to real Star Wars.
Rich: Yep.
Mike: There is never any bullshit about... The only thing that Yoda says is that he's too old to begin the training, that's all. But really, it's more like, okay, I've taught you a couple things, how to levitate stuff, how to do this, your real training is confronting Darth Vader, blah blah blah blah blah, and this it's kind of the same thing, it's not the stupid prequel idea of "we have to get you when you're one, and you have to stand there with a thing over your head holding a lightsaber..
Jay: In a room full of other children.
Mike: In a room full of other children
Jay: That are as close as we are now, with lightsabers.
Mike: Yes, it's not a literal training, it's not an academy of little kids in a classroom, like the stupidity of George Lucas' ideas in the prequels.
Why? Abrams is actually the main cause of the current SW woes. All he knows how to do is imitate previous stuff and he made TFA such a carbon copy of the original film that Johnson was left with nowhere to go for the sequel: had he imitated ESB in a similar fashion it would have been joke that even casuals could see, and he's not an originator either so instead, after a rubbish story and a metric shit ton of studio interference, we got the confused fucking mess that was TLJ.
They should have just given Dave Filoni 500mm to do a trilogy. TCW has been the best SW product since the OT. He knows the franchise and the lore: he'd certainly have done something better with the story and casting than the current loons.
TLJ was a masterpiece of how bad a movie can get, I doubt it could be surpassed in that regard.
Underrated post. This is exactly the problem, the reboot was shit from the start and you have to blame Jew Jew for it. It's not just the absence of an outline for the entire trilogy, which now Abrams claims he had all along, it's that he did a shitty remake of ANH instead of being bold and trying to do something new. If anything, the biggest mistake was not hiring Rian to do all three.
Oh your just the guy with the terrible art. I almost thought you were genuine.
I will never understand this meme. This board hyping up TLJ as the absolute worst movie of all time actually made me disappointed. I was so ready for the shitfest of the century, but all I got was a completely average movie like Episode I and II.
AoU is by far not a TLJ level franchise killer. Get fucked.
You'll never understand it because you're a brainlet.
Ep 1 and 2 are masterpieces compared to TLJ.
I just came here to laugh at you twats for liking this garbage. Get some fucking taste plebs. Bye.
It's not a meme, you're just autistic. It's an absolutely horrible movie in every way, but brainlets like you don't realize it because you get fooled by the good special effects.
>if you don't hate this movie u must be dumb lmao
Looks like it's rather the opposite.
>Palpatine laughing at the end of the trailer
Okay another one to skip after GoT.
>Luke is stuck on the island because he tried to dominate the 7th Lightsaber form, the Juyo/Vaapad like Man and failed miserably, now being haunted by the dark side and unable to fight and kill his nephew Kylo without sucumbing
>Rey arrives and after hearing it wants to learn as well, Luke refuses, she get buttmad and leave
>Kylo manages to convince Rey to go to his side
>Rey goes along, thinking that the idea of the rebellion is infantile, useless, and counter productive, and changing the empire from within is a better track to achieve a better world than fighting in space battles, convincing Kylo to help shithole planets like Jakku
>Hux heavyly displeases Rey and the infight against Hux vs Kylo and Rey divides the First Order in two. One side more aligned with the military stuff and stormtroopers (Hux Side), and other who heavyly focus on making a militia of force users called New Empire (Kylo and Rey)
>Finn gets heartbreaked about it, and wants to convince Rey to go back but she doesn't give a shit. In the end of his arc he gets called by Luke to train as a Jedi And eventually he also learns the 7th form, like Mace Windu before him
>Poe assumes Leia's place as the rebellion leader, making people fight on his side using his caliente latino charm
>the conflict is now First Order, New Empire, and Rebels
Was that so hard? Don't try to defend Rian, he is a stupid hack and you are a stupid shill for defending his stupidity. It is easy to get the car going after somebody gave the first push, even if it was somewhat lame.
I think they're trying to tell you if you don't see why that movie is objectively bad on a screenwriting level, you're probably an idiot.
This is a reasonable assessment user.
8/10, would go to some movies with you
>this capeshit good, this capeshit bad
I have a bad news my tastless friend
>this looks genuinely good
My question is, why "Rise of Skywalker"? For the lack of a better word, it sounds cliche, generic, something a fanfic writer would come up with. They're obviously trying to mimic RotJ and RotS, but I'm not feeling this one at all.
I'm kinda disappointed it is not called "will of the force".
EPIX WTF would be a kino tittle.
>Long-term fan
>Stopped being a fan since TFA
Only got yourself to blame, there's plenty of games to play and comics to read from the real EU, just ignore everything that Disney shat out.
The STATE of wh*te men. Oof. That's a big yikes. This man is KIKED.
So if I thought a movie that has 7.2 on imdb is average, I'm an idiot? Gotcha.
>And it was.
shit taste
I'm stoked about it. Seems a lot more promising the last fucking abortion.
>We are the spark that'll ignite the flame that'll consume the firewood that'll
yeah TLJ trailer was great
>this looks genuinely good
Ahhh, shills are out in full force.
Don’t pretend you bave ever used this site before, redditor.
Fag, the less he's involved in this shit, the better.
yeah man i liked the part where rey did a backflip over a tie fighter it was sooooo awesome
ps commit suicide
S O Y . J P G
>yeah man i liked the part where rey did a backflip over a tie fighter it was sooooo awesome
i liked it
>says someone is using buzzwords
>uses buzzword
Exactly, should be 8/10 for AotC and TPM and 10/10 for Revenge
I've been saying this since forever, the reason the director switch worked in the OT was cause ep 4 was a standalone working movie.
Instead, JJ teased a whole bunch of charachters and brought them nowhere and to topple it all of Rian thought it would be really funny to 'subvert' whatever flimsy charachter arcs TFA had started, effectively putting episode 9 back on square 1
>that main characters are standing together in a grass field and it looks like it's about to rain
>this looks genuinely good
No, it's kinda boring, isn't it?
it looks really dumb, especially the running in the opposite direction part and it could only be salvaged by having Kylo leap from the cockpit and engage in a lightsaber battle the same way Maul did to Qui-Gon on Tatooine
There was never any good choice for was either they continued the last jedi or they reverted back to JJ rehash mode because force awakens was considered a success due to money
>all these replies on Yea Forums about the prequels "all of a sudden" ("" is the alt right symbol for the mouse) being ass
I don't think so Mickey. Fuck episode 9 and fuck niggers