Does Yea Forums like Nick Mullen...

Does Yea Forums like Nick Mullen, a standup comedian who has appeared on the television shows Red Eye and New York’s Funniest, written for the television show Problematic with Moshe Kasher, and plays a character in the upcoming feature film, Jungleland.

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nick is trans

>haha le chinese retard xd
>what if X but gay haha
>le epic bernie

grow up

>Problematic with Mashe Kosher

shut up nick you dead eyed idiot

>me user me grown up with mature taste in comedy
>sneed btw

His style is very classic, stupid funny. A sense of humor shaped by very early Yea Forums.

hey guys its me cool adam

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Adam is genuinely funnier than Stav.

noooooi fuck noooo dude

We're gonna wock her up

>Problematic with Moshe Kasher
it's all so tiresome

why are leftists so incredibly unfunny?

He looks incredibly unfunny. I won't even give him a listen. Thanks for the warning, op.

because you're a humongous faggot

I thought that was a problematic word?
You shouldn't say that.

hhhho boy is that an example of that famous right wing humor i heard of, wow haha yea good going. you totally are not losing the culture war everybody that was ever funny is in your camp you go champ big winner is u

1.Nick Mullen
2.Mike Recine
3.Ian Fidance
4.Adam's sister
9001.Jake Flores

Ian is okay, but when he was on Mornin'!!! with Bill Schulz and Joanne Nosuchinsky recently he acted like an NPC when Michael Malice was explaining why he didn't think Michael Jackson was really a child molester. It wasn't too bad, but you could tell he was getting a little upset.

>compound media

feed nana

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I enjoy Compound Media and you'll never convince me I shouldn't. I also listen to Jim Norton and Sam Roberts on my way to work everyday, even when Jim is out and Sam is hosting by himself.

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you're a sick fuck, truly

a coupon is a praaamise to tha custamuhh

>losing the culture war
This is hilarious.
White identity is at the highest peak it's been at since the 1940s and it's constantly growing.
You people are absolutely fucking retarded.

>big winner is u
lol chapo tier humor is so pathetic
just kill yourself already you self hating animal

I like how you think cum town is leftist but you're probably baiting aren't you

>unironically listens to cumtown and probably chapo
>shits on compound and jim and sam
Are you unironically a cuckold?

I like when every 5 podcasts adam comes with a great bit and nick just shits on him

its great

>I like how you think cum town is leftist
not as leftist as chapo but it definitely is

>White identity is at the highest peak it's been at since the 1940s and it's constantly growing.
i thought you were saying there is a white genocide going on rn?

>losing the culture war
brah, almost all memes online are right wing

You're only "winning" the culture war because you have mega corporations backing you and censoring our content lmao

if you want leftist i've got my left fist rammed up your moms ass right now

>You're only "winning" the culture war because you have mega corporations backing you and censoring our content lmao
yes, which is winning. play to win faggot.

What do we think of Legion of Skanks?

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>i thought you were saying there is a white genocide going on rn?
It is, stupid. This is why whites are waking up.
Stay incredibly angry though.

I hate Chapo and I don't care about politics, I listened to O&A almost everyday when I was in High School, Cumia & Norton aren't funny anymore


you're delusional if you think this is going to last

Adam is also more right-wing than Stav. drooling poltards miss this

cringe and yikes pilled, fellow redditor

is Rad Dude podcast good? They were my favorite guests but I never gave their show a try

Stav is such a fucking fake woke retard, I wish he wouldn't talk about politics

adam and stav are complete white noise and they only exist just to laugh at nicks jokes, they contribute nothing
nick probably only likes them because they make him feel better about being a loser, they're even bigger losers than he is

>best episode
bully town
>worst episode
that recent one where nick didn't even talk

>Cumia & Norton aren't funny anymore
Only because they're not together on the same show.

lol we all know leftists are from reddit
go back to /r/politics

>t. /r/chapotraphouse

>Only because they're not together on the same show.
it's obvious you were never a fan of O&A and it's also clear you came here during the 2016 election

chapofags can suck my beautiful rich white capitalist penis, and so can you nigger

Aren't they on that awful Chip podcast together all the time? That shit is horrible

his standup sucks. podcast has been shit for a while too.

>it's obvious you were never a fan of O&A
you're a massive idiot. the only good O&A's were the nopie ones.

>chapofags can suck my beautiful rich white capitalist penis, and so can you nigger

Oh hey cool Adam.

His tweet at Chelsea was his heel turn moment for me. And I hate twitter shit but his twitter is pretty great

used to like stav more till an user pointed out how funny it is when he ruins good bits/gets his good bits shit on. also every once in a while cool adam emerges and commands the show

>cool adam

The show where the least impressive looking Jerry Springer guard, the kid from the fingerboards commercial after he gained 300 pounds, and the guy that digs in the trash behind the mises institute talk about nothing for 40 minutes a week?

We don't because we're not the homeless people that sleep in the creek and the cave overnight.

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nick is actually the biggest loser. recall the episode where at the end he practically has to beg adam to hang out with him and his friend.


Opie wasn't that bad, he did funny stuff sometimes

You better not make me cum fast or i'll kill you and put you in the dumpster.

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rarely but he was mostly a cuck


raymond raymond raymond.

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literal movie name guy is a good bit

he can thank Patrice for that or else Anthony would still be dating those blue collar women

I like nicks Marky Mark, Jack Nicholson and Ray Romano impersonations.

Notice all the consumers of this shitty friend simulator podcast start writing like and trying to emulate Nick?

they all type like this my man with no capital letters because nick types like this my dude u just dont get this ironic style of humor if u dont type just like this

Fuck Nick, I'm tired of his above it all too cool for everything and everyone act, I'm incredibly happy the guy is short as fuck so his ego doesn't get too out of control. He literally has thousands of online sycophants that worship him because they've never had a friend before and they think he's cool. And just watch, the retards will respond to this post in their gay little syntax pretending Nick is watching them type and making hilarious jokes.

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I haven't heard even a moment of his material but that mustach screams annoying faggot. So I do not like him

Cumia is a literal cuckold, one of his girlfriend's cheated on him with a guy from fox news that he's still friends with.

O&A was only good because of the rotating lineup of comedians who would come in.

better than cumtown

oh well, he's still based

Adam beats Stav simply because he gets mocked every ep for real things in his life whereas Stav has a full on freakout when confronted on his weight

He was also catfished by a 40 year old man who was pretending to be a 14 year old, he bought the guy a macbook, I guess that's pretty "based" right?

absolutely based

Anyone that promotes right wing politics is based and should be supported.

To each his own I guess brother

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Wait you mean the guy that the cops draw when someone says the perp looked "la-tino", the dude that looks like his sweat smells like sour cream and whippets, and the dude that dropped out of the political science course at your local DeVry university? They're sexist, misogynist, and worst of all they support a fingerless glover. Which is basically a retard wearing mittens who still wants to be able to draw a hand turkey.

stop arguing about politics you faggots the show is about cum and gay sex not your god damn obsession of whether or not something is left or right wing

stav and adam are lefties, nick is a libertarian