Americans call their dads "sir'

>americans call their dads "sir'

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nah i call my dad faggot because he's a worthless piece of shit. i haven't talked to him for maybe 5 years

tell someone who cares little faggot

my dad would literally beat my face in if i called him that

I care

is your name Zach or Kyle

>people in the uk can't say "allah was a faggot" without going to jail

>not being stronger than your dad
never gonna make it

sounds like you're a faggot

Life father like son

>brits call their mothers ''mum''

is he black?

that hasn't been a thing since like the 50's...

Your mother calls me sir when I'm stirring up last night's fish and chips.

...but I call every male a sir.

>Americans think it’s normal to kick your child out of the house at 18

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and this is faggot jr

Every white man is called sir

>not calling him daddy

Leave nigger.

i'd kick something out of her house if u get my drift

It's MA'AM!


sorry, but I'm gonna need a bit of an explanation here


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ive been meaning to ask you yuropoors a question and i figure now's a better time since you're all here busy being OBSESSED

since you guys write your dates backwards (day/month instead of month/day) do you refer to 9/11 remembrance day as 11/9 remembrance day? or do you switch the dates around for just that one day? serious question btw

No one cares

We don't recognize it as a remembrance day.

nobody cares about your self own building demolition

damn, the muslims really did take over huh? yall niggas not even celebrate christmas too? lmao

Oooh, you're talking about Knee slappin' Laughin' day

Why would we care that America kills its own civilians for insurance fraud and a jumpstart to take over Iraq

How are you not stronger than your dad? If your dad is so tough then how did he raise you to be such a faggot. This isn't adding up.

No we fucking don't. I call my dad "dad" or his first name occasionally

asians do that as well, at least the jap and viet buds ive known. my family never did that, but a few other white families practiced that. my folks just wanted me to say mom and dad. im pretty sure i enver knew my fathers name until i was in middle school or something

based af

>4-8% muslim including Bosnians and certain areas of Bulgaria
>probably now 45-50% white with a former black president and a culture ran by blacks that whites worship

>raising someone able to kick your ass

that's pretty cucked

fucking lol

I call my daddy Sir. ;^)


manly smiles are exchanged the day you out-lift/out-last your dad. he knows he did well

No wonder white people are so pathetic

No one here gives a shit about 911. But yes, every year on 9th of november somebody brings up 9/11, only to be quickly called an idiot by everybody within hearing distance.

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You call the man who fucks you daddy, and you call the man who raised you sir. What's so complicated about that?

is this real?

Dude, it's alright. He'll come back someday.

Who will?

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Yes, they literally can't fuck with islam on social meida

Holy fuck

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Why aren’t brits assassinating politicians?


UK is a joke. tv license, plastic knives are weapons of mass destruction. literal poo of a once great super power

I like how 10 years ago it was an acutally banterfest between brits and the US but now it's just a joke. People literally go to jail over there for saying nigger. lol


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I find it funny that they still try to pretend it isn't true and insult Americans. They've lost all right to even attempt banter at this point.

Do you amerifats say July the 4th or 4th of July?

I don’t like Obama. I don’t like any politicians

They can't even type "mohammed was a pedophile" without getting arrested. I hope an assmad brit replies and actually say is behind a proxy so he doesn't go to jail.

We call it Fireworks Day

i call my dad 'daddy' im 26 years old

Can you go on twitter and say fuck niggers without being arrested?

Oh my fucking lord and savior Jesus Christ. I just looked up the stats, boys, and it's much worse than I thought.
>5.02% of England is muslim
>12.4% of people in London are muslim
>this is 2011 data
They would argue with this, but they can't plus they would go to prison.

Yes, I live in South America

Do you live in a trailer park? Only call homosexuals faggots, stop throwing the term faggot around like a whitetrash gamer retard unless your dad actually sucks cock, it's lost it's power like overusing the word nigger.

i never met my dad and have never even seen a picture of him.
fuck him.

>Obama is a cunnyseur



>And how. It's the kids, the way they are nowadays. Listen, when I was his age I used to call. My father "sir".

>That's right. Sir! You ever hear a boy call his father that anymore?

>Fathers don't seem to think it's important anymore.


>No? Have you got any kids?




>Yeah, well I've got one, a boy twenty-two years old. I'll tell you about him. 'When he was nine he ran away from a fight. I saw him. I was so ashamed I almost threw up. So I told him right out. I'm gonna make a man outta you or I'm gonna bust you in half trying. Well I made a. man outta him all right.

>When he was sixteen we had a fight. He hit me in the face He's big, y'know. I haven't seen him in two years. Rotten kid. You work your heart out.

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>nah i call my dad faggot because he's a worthless piece of shit.
Ah, well, you know how it is.

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Usually "4th of July", less commonly "July 4th".

That's in scotland btw

Which makes the niche ones more shocking and effective. Maybe if you had 3 brain cells you could come up with a clever one. I guess you're distracted thinking about cocks nonstop.

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>American men

spent 6 years in military school and they used to make us run a mile every time we forgot to say sir/ma'am to a superior or an elder. I default to it when I get nervous like some sort of OCD reflex or some shit.

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>6 years in military school
why so much, that's like going to jail on purpose lmao

Why would you want to go to a place that gives you ptsd

we dont refer to it at all lol,

I call my stepdad Sir sometimes. I respect him, he taught me a career that nets me 80k+/year. Grow up faggot.

thats illegal

>He thinks this is about Muslims and not prods and papists knifing each other in ghillie jocko land.

>I call my stepdad Sir
lmao imagine calling some guy with no biological relation to you fucking your mom sir

is this your first day on 4channel? you might've noticed we don't have an option to give users gold like you're used to having on reddit. you'll figure it all out eventually though, i believe in you!

its a cheap version of a private school. you get expelled and parents arent gonna drive your ass to another school, you goin to military school

Boomer parents that hated me and decided parenting was a task better suited to pseudo-military sociopaths


Oh good, this thread again!

why not just attend a free university?

Lmao why

military school is for k-12, not post-high school

Zoomers have absolutely no respect for their elders whatsoever, I shudder to think of what happens when boomers get a bit older and end up in retirement homes

Imagine being this cucked by the state

wtf, I've never heard of military school for underaged people, that's even worse

I'm 27, they got married when I was 23. Stepdads really just the easiest term, I've never called him dad and I couldnt give less of a shit who my mom was fucking, she's a grown ass woman.

no i've been here for like 10 years and i'm old but Yea Forums certainty thrives off repetition, same thing over and over.

Boomers need to be ground up and fed to zoo animal for all the damage they cause America. Saying the younger generation has no respect for the older one is a story as old as time

lots will end up being smothered with pillows by disgruntled employees for expressing their political views with their friends over mystery meat dinner in the dining hall

ah a fellow oldfag. why don't you kill yourself then?

A fellow gamer I see!
*nods respectfully towards you*

i guess you werent a kid in america. that was literally every parent's threat to a misbehaving kid.
>you better act right or you're going to military school
>you don't get nice pillows there or a pool

you fucking take it to heart