What makes this Rise of Skywalker even worth making?

What makes this Rise of Skywalker even worth making?

> cool Palpatine is coming back. Um, who cares?
>Kyle Ren repairs his dumb edgy mask again
>Rey still looks like she hasn’t aged realistically a day since The Force Awakens
>No Vader, no cool robots with the exception of C3PO
>Footage from The Last Jedi with Carrie Fisher just forged in for the hell of it.
>overt advertising specifying this is “THE END OF A SAGA”.

What fucking else do they have at this point??

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>What makes this Rise of Skywalker even worth making?
People who will go to watch it.

the twists and subverted expectations

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The movie seems to have been designed to exploit the human instinct to watch a train wreck.

Instead of jumping over the tie fighter couldn't she just jump to the side or better yet lay flat on the ground?

I don't think she's trying to avoid it, her jump doesn't clear the ship at all. She's either trying to ride it or stab it.

It's for the kids. Not the autistic adults.

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to tie fighters really control with some primitive fucking oar handles?

She could even throw a rock at it from a distance, and that would probably be enough to crash it.

'blah blah blah' look at her fucking face! star wars starring clean shaven russel brand!

A lot of Star Wars tech isn't real tech as much as it's just magic rocks that do something that is astonishing enough that undeserving dumbasses become a space faring group.

She should be naked

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Were not tie fighters controlled by this?

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I am surprised they kept Reys outfit literally the damn same as TFA. But I guess Lando still dresses the same so what the fuck do I know

She should be naked

I agree

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yeah the original at least had a little knob you needed to adjust to make a clean shot. it weren't a couple shovel handles held in place by stage hands

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>Kylo helmet is back
>broken lightsaber is back
>Rey's TFA hairstyle
>Palpatine in place of Snoke
how far would they try to retcon TLJ out of existence?

Shouldn't everyone? It's good enough for the wookies.

i love her pearly whites

she should smile the entire movie

So the Last Jedi really was useless, like you can literally skip the movie and you wouldnt miss a thing, nothing connects these movies.

They even retconned Daisy Ridley gaining fifteen pounds.

I wish she's gain 70 and take a huge donkeh sheit in my mouth

also the 'Skywalker' on the title. The 'kill the past' message backfired hard eh. Where are those people who said nu-SW is for nu-fans?

You can skip TFA and just assume Rey is a Luke student leading her friends on a mission to mop up Palpatine's remains and reform Kylo. All of that could have been in the opening crawl and this could be Episode 7

>cos we're just gonna kill 'em

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>>Rey still looks like she hasn’t aged realistically a day since The Force Awakens

Only 2 days passed between TFA and TLJ
Probably like 2 weeks in this one

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“Rey...your parents were bus drivers!”

based, redpilled

Its funny that even though most trailers production companies are high quality now, this evoked 0 reaction from me at all.

Granted, Im not a Star Wars faggot, but its actually kind of sad that I feel 0 reaction whatsoever from a huge franchise such as star wars """""ending"""""

Why cant large corporations invest in original ideas anymore and trust talented directors to execute? Do we REALLY need another fucking attempt at Dune? Or Night Rider? Or Quantum Leap? Or whatever dead as fuck franchise theyll haul out to "reboot" next?

more like "fart wars"

repost this 20x for a free meme

There is apparently a time skip between TLJ and Rise of Skywalker

>0 reaction
it's true it doesn't do the thing - usually you can just put anything through the trailer forumula and just the timings and negative space etc. is going to force some kind of frisson
but they didn't seem to even try to do it

>Rose joins the First Order
please let this be true

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>the Rise of Skywalker
what a clunky fucking shit
star wars: the unbearable lightness of ignorance

you didn't feel chills when she turned into a cgi model and jumped twenty feet in the air?

it's hard to tell when you're old and jaded but was that not objectively goofy? like wouldn't a kid even a touch over 10 be like pfff lol

No one knows what's going in that scene or what JJ meant for her to show. It's garbage.

Also jumping a feet in the air shouldn't take that much focus and posing for a supposed super Jedi.

i think they used some behind the scenes footage in this? at the start she huffs "foo" like someone hamming up psyching them self up to shoot a scene? "foo.. ok daisy.. you're the best remember"

just got in
so are they retconning this shit so lukes her dad?

on youtube it has 10% downvotes?? is that usual for new wars or actually pretty high?

Usually more downvotes than up. Youtube is probably censoring.


what about when rey was going to hit the rock in the viii trailer but then didn't hit the rock to show how cool and trained she was.
now it occurs to me that rian set this up because in the movie she cuts through the rock and that is meant to convey that she's actually not perfect, she does fail. except this is how a child's mind works and it's all so ill conceived. it's like they spent 300 million to see into the mind of an idiot.

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I don't know if we are supposed to be impressed by that really. In fact nothing Rey's been done so far that looked impressive. Her fight with lobster men was goofy af.

>Usually more downvotes than up.
no there fucking isn't. ghostbusters and that 3d cutest star wars cartoon series was the only times

Nothing Rey does will make me care until she becomes an actual character instead of a vehicle to move the movies from scene to scene

No, because she was always Leia's kid.

Rise of Skywalker obviously means HER :)

It's pretty high for a movie this big.

its hilarious going back and reading TLJ discussions now, especially about snoke, now that we know palpatine's coming back

The post I replied to was asking why Rey doesn't look like she aged. Learn to follow conversations in threads.

>aged a day since The Force Awakens

The time between TFA and the end of The Last Jedi is like a few days though

Either way, the Kylo+Rey ship is sunk. You shouldn't date sisters or first cousins.

i don't come here to learn bich

idk, there might be a point to the twin-stick-type design.
IE: you can use both sticks to do translation and rotation with the twin ion engines (each stick controlling one engine)

though how that would be controlled with any degree of precision is questionable.

Anyone else jack it to that heavy breathing in the trailer?

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> cool Palpatine is coming back. Um, who cares?

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this says to me that actual current star wars fans have found something in it to their distaste - i.e. not us laughing at rey and shit but people who liked tfa and tlj have seen something in this that's shitted them off.

you say that now, but watch them ruin his character. say goodbye to fun, swashbuckling sheev yucking it up with pals and say hello to "disney sheev"

search your heart, you know it to be true.

Bringing Palaptine back is such a retarded idea, I really hope it's just a ruse. The trilogy's main villain should've been Kylo from the start. Lord knows how bloated this is going to be

You can only keep the hype train moving for so long. Eventually even "actual star wars fans" will realize they are being played with.
Consider a person who legitimately likes TLJ. Wouldn't you think that person would react negatively seeing as the franchise is trying hard to undone what it did?

You think you do but you don't. They are going to do the same thing they did to yoda.

rey x kylo is being confirmed in this one, sorry lad. teaming up to beat sheev back into his grave

"The end of a saga" is there to sell tickets, it reminds people that they've sat through at least 8 of these movies and there's just one more to go. Its basically capitalizing on the sunk cost fallacy, but on the same token every movie series uses that.

good eye on that

>rey x kylo is being confirmed
Then Rey can't be a Skywalker.

Revenge of the Sith trailer also had "The saga is complete", makes more sense there as it already knows it's telling a complete story

luke knocked rey up on the island during one of the cuts. rian's final subversion.

I just want this whole thing end.
Since any sort of redeeming quality is completely out of the picture by now, I'd prefer if this whole thing ended in an hilarious shitshow.
I suspect it will be painfully mediocre and very safe tho.

The only way I will watch this joke of a movie is when every new character dies in a massive explosion and at the end credits Bob Iger and JJ unzips their pants and show their cocks to the audience in the end credits until the Lucasfilm logo plays.

This is just the end of this trilogy. Star Wars still sells bro.

But not like it used to

True. It sells more tickets

Disney has heavily scarred the Star Wars brand. It will take a lot of years and successful future adaptations to make all of these a bad dream.

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>Rey still looks like she hasn't aged a day

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If they got McDiarmid back I don't care how shitty it is. The guy is legitimately great.

I agree. They have, but I think I see what they're doing. They are using this to transition away from old stuff. Rey will super kill Sheev and it's symbolic of the star wars direction too: From now on it will be all Disney stuff, and this will eliminate the original fans too, but all the kids raised on it won't know or care much, like sequel kids.

like prequel kids*

I'd say I want to stuff my dick in her mouth if I wasn't so afraid of her teeth.

kids don't pay for tickets and toys, their parents do

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
You won't fool me thrice.

And yet, they'll still pay if their kids like it. It's like minecraft, I'm sure parents didn't get it but you can see that minecraft toy swords still sell well in the current year.

It's going to be weird to see real acting for the first time in this trilogy

>cool Palpatine is coming back. Um, who cares?
Everyone? The emperor was a good character despite his two dimensionality in the original trilogy. Certainly better than any of the sequel characters.

>Kyle Ren repairs his dumb edgy mask again
Retarded opinion. I'd rather have that than pretty boy fighting

>Rey still looks like she hasn’t aged realistically a day since The Force Awakens

Is this supposed to matter?

wowee her outfit now has a collar

Fool me twice.. you can't fool me twice.

Of course it is. I can't remember a single plot point of the other two films and neither can anybody else. They can do whatever they want and I'll just assume it's a plot point I forgot about in the other snoozefests.

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At least fat fuck Lando looks funny

i must admit this old ass black dude is the only thing that has charmed me in all of nuwars.

I upvoted cause its finally(hopefully) gonna be over

Problem is the parents didn't grow with Minecraft. But they did grow with the 3 sequels and prequels. And if they were willing to engage their children into Star Wars, chances are that they are not too much fond of the new movies and thus they won't like their kids to watch them.
Needless to say that the kids/teens interested in SW have already seen the previous 6 movies.

No, they had their chance to properly introduce SW into the younger audiences with 2 movies and they failed. Especially in the second one, hard. No one is going to trust Disney with SW again and everyone's waiting or this trilogy to finish.
If anything, people will go just to see how they can patch this clusterfuck up, not because they truly care.

>Star Wars still sells bro.
Not as much no. Toy and merchandise sales tank. Video games are in dissarray, TLJ grossed much less than TFA and foreigners dont have much interest
See Solo

1: lets add palpatine back into star wars?

2: Palpatine?

1: Yeah he was in the prequels, a villian with a lot of popularity

2: Oh yeah didnt he get thrown into a pit by darth?

1: Yeah but we are running out of original ideas and this really shows the public just how inflexible our minds are,from all the chronic cocaine abuse we are doing!

2: makes sense to me, approved


It plays into the theory that Kylo Ren will be redeemed. They can't turn Kylo back if he's the worst bad guy in the galaxy, so they have to bring back someone more menacing.

Sheev has the best line in all of star wars
>oh..I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive

More like
>Have we driven away every last "toxic" fan out of the franchise?
>Madam, there's still some people on fringe websites who partake in what they call "sheevposting" and seem to mock our newest products
>Oh, we can't have that, can't we? Execute order shifty sith!

>Trying to play the redemption game with the secondary villain in the third act
I mean, you're right, but goddamn what terrible structure

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Rey and Kylo will team up to kill palpatine.

They will then realize they are brother and sister.

Kylo will stay on the dark side, but agree to a truce with Rey, the light side.

Force balanced, by two skywalkers

screencap this

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sort of how they had to introduce nazis into breaking bad so walt could have some redemption.

That's fucking stupid, that's pants-on-head retarded.
I belive it.

it's pretty obvious
>"thousands of generations are inside you"
>"palpatine laugh"
clearly sheev force-conceived himself inside Rey. She'll give birth to his new body

I use this phrase in some way almost ever day.

yeah but WHY?

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She needs to clear it with her body and thrust her lightsabre out. She's not going to clear it and crack her skull open.

And then they move to Mortis?

FUCK. I was so angry after reading this I kicked my soda off the deck over the fence into the alley and I heard a "OOF" and this dumb bitch had been walking there and he grilled me like a middle manager for like ten fucking minutes. i kept saying sorry but this bitch was not having it who took a hot shit in this guy's life. thanks, user.

The real question is why does JJ hate the "star" in Star Wars? He loves taking space ships and having them fly 5 ft above the ground. Why not take that TIE interceptor and do strafing runs on her from a height of 500 ft? Or shoot a concussion missile?

>execute order shifty sith

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Because they already saw the previous two movies in the trilogy, so they might as well see how it ends at this point.

People enjoy things

Have you seen the when shit he pulls when ships are in space? He has no concept of the distance between objects in outer space. We are better with Abrams stuck on the ground.

They aren't smart enough to use bittorrent.


It's all so tiresome

Why not just hyperspeed ram it?

Uhm? Hyperspeed ram? Doesn't ring a bell.

I’m glad Rey will show everyone how to be a real Skywalker

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So I can have more footage of Rey's face to fap to?

Disney is either full nostalgia-bait or destroy, why can’t they find the middle ground where they just move the story forward while still acknowledging the past movies

>movie now has to walkback everything in TLJ
>progress the characters both for itself and for TLJ
>worldbuilding has to start over from scratch
Good, now the movie will only be complete shit instead of kill-it-with-fire tier. At least the writers know they're completely fucked instead of ignoring it and pretending otherwise.

So she turned even more into a fish person? Not much change other than the mouth being bigger, but that only makes sense with how much she works it out with all that heavy mouth breathing she does.

her nose is permanently clogged from all the cocaine she snorts

Seriously though, what the fuck were they thinking letting somebody else fuck up episode 8 so fucking badly? If JJ would've done the whole trilogy is could have been perfect


I like how half of comments from episode IX trailer are shitting on NuWars.

I just hope Kathleen and her henchpeople are gone by the time D&D begin production on there old republic stuff. I recently saw some interviews with her and its apparently she was more concerned with politics then the franchise. Who knows what poison pills she has hidden in the movie.

>shifty Sith
Good one

>jew jew not only has to redeem the nuwars, but redeem the entire product by naming it rise of skywalker
okay, i'm hyped. i will be watching the camrip

I would never accuse Abrams of good structure.

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

Because mainline Star Wars movies move billions
It doesn't matter if the movie is trash, it'll still move billions because it's Star Wars: Episode MM (more money)

The inclusion of the old characters has been the biggest mistake of new wars to date. Everyone has a preconceived idea of how the old characters should be, then gets butthurt when it plays out different on screen

They should’ve done a full reboot with no old characters