The only Star Wars story worth knowing

The only Star Wars story worth knowing
Disney will never surpass KOTOR

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KOTOR is a retread of plotpoints and ideas from the OT. Right down to the climax between the reformed Jedi vs the Sith Lord on a space station superweapon. Its a fun game, but nothing about the story is that original or engaging.



I think they shouldn't make KOTOR a movie. The story is about your self-insert.

KOTOR2 had the better story and characters.

Remember when the gritty robot says funny mean things? If this came out from Disney you would be howling "reddit".

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>Not posting the superior Star Wars story

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Statement: Shut the fuck up meatbag.

>apathy is death, Exile
>hesitation is death, Sekiro
Who would win, Kreia or Isshin?

but who should play Kreia in the live action version?

Why is nuKOTOR such trash now? sigh.

KOTOR 1, yes, but it's well done.
KOTOR 2 is what Rian would've loved to do if he wasn't a brainlet.

Palpatine rebuilt himself in a manner similar to Sion, he has used his anger, hatred and pain to completely piece himself together again. This is what will happen.

KotOR is good, but there are even better stories in EU.

Doubt it. Mira, Visas and even Handmaiden are a waste of space.

But G0-T0 is the best SW character

I'm so tired of millennials being nostalgic for an average game they idolize because it was the first western rpg they played.

They don't give a fuck about your nerd gaming genre, they idolize it because it's Star Wars

KOTOR is ok, fuck that one sea planet that has the most tedious fucking bullshit sidequest.

Kreia fight would be pretty kino, flying lightsabers is a neat idea

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Too bad he stops being relevant after you recruit him.

Vanessa Redgrave

would be turbokino

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>Space jeez
I've always love this image

Great choice! I prefer KOTOR 2, though. I enjoyed the darker atmosphere.