Oysters, Clams and Cuckolds Edition
Oysters, Clams and Cuckolds Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I would suck on her clam if you catch my drift.
How will the reunion go down?
A problematic white male in the show actually makes a similar remark when she's pushing the cart around
Can't wait to watch Aegon Targeryen murder mother of autism and rule the seven kingdoms solo with varys as his hand of the king
Stannis is alive and there's nothing you can do about it
do you enjoy the taste of oyster?
>How will the reunion go down?
You looked beautiful that day when you were fucking Lena's body double
The three-eyed raven isn't concerned with the kingslayer
Why would I want to
me in the back m'lady
>3ER doesn't care about AA
Ok mate
Salty, tangy, and a little gritty. My favorite.
Will it finally happen?
Or will Thormund be the lucky one instead?
daily reminder: stannis is dead and there's nothing you can do about it.
Azor Ahai is Hot Pie though
If course he cares about the king of the north.
>I remember when you were making love to your sister in the tower....
>You looked beautiful
I'm not following.
why does time go by so fast bros
When is that fat fuck going to finish my food porn?
luckily a person of colour holds him back and provides a teachable moment
Also post old /got/ memes.
heard it here first, he's alive
kinda looks like pic related
Time for a reminder:
Jaqen x Arya is the one true ship. The many faced ship. All other shipd were merely this one in disguise.
Fucking kek
the lel intensifes
The sigil of the original and who... are you...
>GURM draws yet again from actual history
The memes about him dying before he finishes are true. Doesn't he still have another book after this one? I can't see the one he's working on coming out before 2023
And he still has three Dunk & Eggs books to do too.
Radmure postin lads?
Nice dubs. Also Sansa being taller than a good half of the males in the show makes all the shots with her super weird.
GRRM has secretly finished the books and is just sitting on them until the show finishes due to a clause in his HBO contract
Based Jon’s cousin thread. Thank you, OP.
Simon de Montfort is probably one of my favorite historica people.
I also wish fatty ripped off the where guy de montfort guts the Emperor's son on the fucking altar at church.
Really the books are just a bunch of historical events with name changes loosely tied together with food and fucking.
Taking me back to the season five leak days op. Oysters clams and cuckolds was even said in an episode of The Normies back when Sewage posted here.
Even for the backstories the inspiration from actual history is pretty heavy
>Dance of the Dragons
i'm thinking you could have worked this into a proper chad/virgin infographic and some of your factoids are a bit shaky. Like, it's Radmure so his sigil is a speedboat and he needs his rad shades. Also, do some basic googling of watersports culture (be careful with this) and maybe incorporate something about fucking people up with his wake. But overall i'll give you a 6/10 for effort.
I'VE POSTED THIS MANY TIMES ON /GOT/ but I'll have to post it again.
Euron will be the Big Bad in the South, like how the White Walkers are the Big Bad in the North.
Jon and Daenerys will exhaust themselves in vanquishing the Night King, but then they will be soundly defeated by King Euron Greyjoy, the Iron King on the Iron Throne.
in the same fashion that William the Conqueror defeated Harold after the Norwegians distracted him
and what is Jon's real name...Aegon!
the final scene of the series will be
>Euron as the final victor
>Jon Snow's head on a pike to his left
>Dany's head on a pike to his right
>Tyrion's skull used as a footstool, with three dragon skulls surrounding him
>Dust of the Night's King in a transparent glass box next to the throne
>Cersei, Sansa, and Melisandre on a leash as salt wives
>Sam as an enslaved Maester forced to write up works glorifying Euron and depicting the events of the series, titled "A Song of Ice and Fire"
>and right before Arya makes an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Euron, Jaqen appears out of nowhere to kill her, avenging his WAIFu
Bittersweet in this case means that the threat of the Others has been vanquished and humanity lives on, but at the price of the fact that almost everyone we know is dead.
The only surviving POV characters are Sam and Sansa, who is married to the sadistic tyrant Euron, who attacked Jon and Dany after their forces were depleted vanquishing the Others.
For the books, GRRM is also probably writing in Drumpf references because of how bitter his Hillary supporting ass is. Euron will certainly be the new main human villain.
Why her? Sansa is a literal 11/10.
there is never any nudity in this show anymore
It makes her look stunning and out of their league.
Stannis was my favorite character until he killed his daughter.
Hope he stays that way.
Only when it can show that a castrated emasculated man can still give pleasure to a woman
Oh and also they need to not be white
Your spoiler is character assassination and won't happen in the books. He won't do it, others may, but not him. She's his heir and he doesn't believe in Mel's bullshit.
>We want the cookie eating audience
>there is never any nudity in this show anymore
gee, it's almost as-if wokescolds have in the past several years decided no fun allowed and spineless liberal cucks are falling over themselves to appease them and slip by with their careers intact because they've all done pic related.
>tfw Stannis and Davos will never see each other again in the books
books are different, show is a different universe
even GRRM said the endings will be very different
if he doesn't die
Reddit tourists are embarassing
I've never had a Reddit account. What's Reddit about being against burning your child alive?
Now that Jaime's redemption arc is complete, what will D&D ever do with his character?
We're only x hours away, boys
because you fell for dumb and dumbers ploy to make you hate him
good goy
>I also saw you raping her next to your deceased son/nephew
>All of you looked beautiful
You do realise he's going to strangle his sister, right?
So do you think it is ethically justifiable to do what he did?
Character assassination fan fiction that also allowed them to give a shocking, violent "twist" that the series is known for.
D&D genuinely hate Stannis because he isn't a soiboi like them.
We know that Craster's Keep is a few days march from the wall / Castle Black, and we know that Bran / Meera / Jojen / Hodor were at Craster's on their way to find the three eyed raven, and presumably they traveled several more days from there to get to wherever it was north of the wall.
Then in season 7, from Eastwatch, which is HUNDREDS of miles from castle black, Jon and the quest group leave to go north of the wall to capture a Wight. They apparently capture is very close by the Weirwood tree that Bran was "training" with the 3ER, due to the fact that the same mountain (pointed one that we also see in the age of heroes flashback) is right there too. So potentially this location is a few hundred miles away from Eastwatch, yet they fucking walked there. THEY WALKED. Not only this, but when they get trapped on the ice, Gendry RUNS BACK TO EASTWATCH god knows how long this took, and how long they were there, it didn't look like they were provisioned at all for the elements (none of them even wearing head protection. Assuming it's arctic tundra-like conditions, the temperatures drop so low at night that without shelter you would simply freeze to death, even with warm clothing. It's simply too cold. So they were on this little Island in the lake for, some undetermined amount of time, which was apparently enough for Grendry to: a) run back to Eastwatch. b) have the maester send a raven THOUSANDS of miles to Dragonstone, c) Have Dany receive the raven and leave, and fly THOUSANDS of miles travel on a dragon that can travel what, like 30-40mph max speed? get there, rescue them and take them all back to Eastwatch (except jon). Speaking of which, WHY DID THEY NOT RIDE HORSES?
Yet when you criticize this garbage, you're told to "JUST TURN YOUR HEAD OFF! STOP CRITICIZING ME!" by all the retarded cucks that defend one of the worst written sequences in the show's entire existence (not to mention the Deus Ex Machina Benjen that shows up out of no where to rescue Jon).
>Jaime's redemption arc
I too remember when Jamie upheld a single oath he ever made fellow redditor
no, but its also not ethically justifiable to ruin a character by making him burn his daughter for shock value.
It is almost like they stopped caring as soon as they ran out of GRRM script to adapt and made it "cool".
Remember when Jaime found out that Cersei had been cheating on him and he became obsessed with it, dreamed about smashing her teeth in and then refused to help her out because he was fixated on the thought of her fucking the court fool? Yeah, me neither, I must have been confusing all that with something about oaths.
Homie stanis was a shitty character in the books too
Before long I'll be dead. And you and your brother and your sister and all of her children. All of us dead; all of us rotting in the ground.
no one defends that shit. we all know it's fucking retarded. but when that's all you can talk about, people get tired of responding to whiners and rather talk about fire-resistant horses and stannis
has there ever been any acknowledgement from the writers / D&D about how shitty this whole segment was?
i didnt say he wasnt and im not arguing hes morally pure, just that he wouldnt burn his only heir alive in the actual canon book universe.
I do see your point, because I didn't like the writers decision to make him do it either. But if you just look at the act itself I think it's still a pretty shitty thing to do.
He could always remarry and fuck pretty girls in court for new heirs.
“We were aware that timing was getting a little hazy. We’ve got Gendry running back, ravens flying a certain distance, dragons having to fly back a certain distance…In terms of the emotional experience, [Jon and company] sort of spent one dark night on the island in terms of storytelling moments. We tried to hedge it a little bit with the eternal twilight up there north of The Wall. I think there was some effort to fudge the timeline a little bit by not declaring exactly how long we were there. I think that worked for some people, for other people it didn’t. They seemed to be very concerned about how fast a raven can fly but there’s a thing called plausible impossibilities, which is what you try to achieve, rather than impossible plausibilities. So I think we were straining plausibility a little bit, but I hope the story’s momentum carries over some of that stuff.”
“It’s funny...I did see one review where he just could not get past the airspeed velocity of a raven. If the show was struggling, if it wasn’t finding an audience, I would be up in arms about that and trying to press back, but it actually just made me laugh,” says Taylor.
“You’ve got a [dragon] that’s bigger than a [Boeing] 747 [plane] with seven people riding on its back, and you’re worried about the speed of a raven being believable. OK, obviously, we’re not doing our jobs correctly for you, but it seems to be working for a lot of other people.”
The director of ep 6 didn't give a shit, I doubt D&D will give confirmation but it seems pretty clear.
>tfw i forgot all the important details that might lead to plot twists or something
Don't worry, Brandon Sanderson will finish it after he kicks.
i didnt say it wasnt lol, of course it is, but it lacks any emotional punch for me because its retarded. about two episodes beforehand he shares a loving scene with shireen but apparently all it takes is some snow and 20 good men to forgo all that and burn her alive, yeah nah i dont think so. obviously the idea was there to make it all the more shocking but to me it just felt dumb.
I definitely agree with this. They did execute that really badly, especially with the loving scene you mentioned. I thought of that the first time I watched it actually. I think I may have exaggerated the emotional punch, because it didn't make me hate him as much as Joffrey or Cersei, but it just made me not like him as much anymore. I guess I moved on to a different character because the writers gave up on him so there was nothing interesting to him anymore.
The Deus Ex Machina has been happening pretty much from the beginning... at least since Tywin showed up at Blackwater, but we didn't care or notice because the show wasn't going out of it's way to insult its viewers. Obviously, after Yara vs. Dogs or Sand Sneks this is not an option and you start noticing more shit. For instance, if you actually go back and try to work out the travel distances and times, a lot of shit fails to work-out through the whole fucking series.
The weight quest was a cavalcade of shit, though. I agree. So fucked on so many levels, with the peak probably being Gendry - who was raised in Flea Bottom and is not a ranger - literally runs back to The Wall. Just keep in mind that they just want to sprint to the finish so they're not properly overseeing a lot of shit like the directors and the costume fags. Try to enjoy the major battles and set pieces and a few of the good scenes.
I honestly only read the scene-by-scene plot synopses of the past 2 season since I never watched it and even I fucking caught that bullshit.
[ dragon summoning intensifies ]
Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.
Just knowing she's fucking hot chads on the regular with that face is making me mad.
>They seemed to be very concerned about how fast a raven can fly but there’s a thing called plausible impossibilities
How fucking pretentious can you be
it's never stated in the show but Radmure's attack on the mill had the unintended effect of allowing Lannister and Tyrell forces to move by barge up the Blackwater Rush to relieve King's Landing during Stannis' attack.
Robb even says it was part of his strategy to bottle up the Crown's forces in the west to help Stannis' attack on the capital, so that the North could sue for peace with a victorious King Stannis.
yeah, if they actually made it feel natural i could potentially accept it but it wasnt done at all well.
20 good men -> everyone deserts -> mel says burn shireen -> fuck you cunt id never do that -> does it anyway because reasons -> selyse kills herself -> "lady melisande was just seen leaving camp" -> walks up to castle -> dies
it was like a black humour skit. the character deserved better.
>*gets his family killed because he wanted to bang a foreign whore*
Definitely. The way they did it was stupid in every way. Stannis was my favorite, they should have given him a better ending than he got.
It's heavily implied the Lanisters payed the westerlings to make their daughter suck his dick through his pants
Was, a 8/10, Myrcella is ten times better.
That's in the books though. In the show it's some nurse. Talisa maybe?
It's heavily implied that your mother is a dumb whore with a fat ass.
Is she a boxer? Also, nice trips.
For the first episode of this shitty ass season, is there any stream that's gonna show it?
I remember there were a few ones before but those streams were mainly /pol/tards who changed to any other shit whenever they get triggered.
>clear heels
This. The show did a decent enough job of getting the basic theme correct, but they did a shit job of showing how little anyone cared about the Freys, to the point where breaking an agreement was a literal joke to Robb. It was his arrogance and the distraction of romantic love and sexual depletion that did him in. People saw weaknesses (Karstark, Bolton, etc.). Also, his mom fucked shit up for him big time, because Kat is a moron, especially in the books. Still, it would have been better if they just completely stayed with the books instead of inventing Talisa.
>images of the actors for characters
I thought it was kind of shitty for Sansa to start talking about taking away lands from the Karstarks. They're a cadet house! They're connected by blood. The ones who turned died. Fuck outta here, Sansa
Such an ending would create such butthurt amd SEETHing that the world has never seen in response to a TV show ever before. I almost want it to happen just to witness that, but man would it leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
Azor Jon
bet she fucks like a wild retard
mmm now we're talkin'.
which Myrcella
cersei is /ourmilf/
So it's 2 characters that don't even exist in the books and they are given a pointless sex scene that goes on for minutes.
looks like a crackwhore desu
Pretty sure they did mention it in the show. It's why everyone was telling edmure to shut up and marry a frey slag.
she may well take some crack, although it could just be plastic surgery
Oh shit! I loved Dredd!
she looks a little bit like nikolaj's wife
The hot one.
You think Missandei and Grey Worm don't exist in the books? The absolute state of showfags
This was funnier before Ramsay killed Roose. Now he just looks like a dope. For all we know Shireen was going to burn Stannis if he didn’t get her first.
Why did he marry a fucking mong like that? Bitch looks like her mom cut out hearts for a living
Threadly reminder.
I’m sick of posting this and explaining it and last time I had many witnesses. But Stannis is absolutely going to die and the battle of the bastards is going to be in the books, it’s been confirmed.
It sucks but they really won’t. It’s also really obvious thinking back on the books know that GRRM sent Davos to get Rickon for Manderly (who in the show named Jon king in the North) because that’s what’s going to lead to Davos becoming Jon’s hand.
I've seen you post this before but what the fuck does your picrelated have to do with Stannis' position in the books?
Holy shit what idiot thought it was a good idea to give her this hairstyle? It looked fucking terrible.
I know you can fuck hot chads if you try user
>Euron killing everyone would leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
>This vexes the stannisfags
What does Sansa’s pussy taste like?
Brienne is fucking hot. I'd like to be choked by her thighs.
>Not wanting to be smothered by Cersei's lactating saggy tits
Is this shitty show back on or something?
Edmure wasn’t introduced in the show until season three, after Stannis already lost the Blackwater.
>If you don't support my favorite character then you are le reddit!!!!
She doesn't have any tits you goon
Well something is messed up with the continuity with the show then, because I remember a scene after Edmure came back and Robb and Blackfish were tearing into him for not implicitly knowing Robb's plan and taking the mill. Edmure rightfully defending himself because what sort of King doesn't tell his fucking commanders what his plans are?
Why would Ramsay have his dogs fighting multiple Stark Direwolves (most likely Ghost and Shaggydog) if Stannis is alive? Sounds an awful lot like he does lose against the Bolton’s and dies and Jon ends up marching their after he comes back like in the show.
it would have been simpler and less retarded for bran to see that the group was in trouble and send the raven himself.
Lena has small tits. Cersei has big tits
>Not wanting the chad satire character to kill all the whiny faggots and the incestuous yasss queen.
No I'm serious, you need to go back.
he's right you know.
Euron killing everyone is the only redemption left to the show.
I certainly wouldn't mind him killing the whiny faggots and I like him more than most people seem to. The show still kind of butchered him though. His Lovecraftian vibe in the books is way better and they merged Victarion with him.
>G-go back
After you, good sir
that's not her body
That's not lena it this woman
I know. But Cersei the character in both books and show has big tits.
My point is Lena's not even attractive in the face and she doesn't have a body. How did she get the part when other actresses were ex porn stars?
Peter Dinklage recommended her for the role.
It’s the second best option after Stannis coming back and killing everyone
>other actresses were ex porn stars
qrd plz
>Euron killing everyone would make me upset because he wasn't as good as in the books.
Go and chat amongst your own kind.
well, that's true.
p.s. watermarks are easy to avoid
She’s really pretty. Since she gets naked for a living are there any pics of her turd cutter?
Apparently there were 6 in 2014. They really like to use them for hot extras or the whores.
No I kind of just went off on a tangent about him, that's not why.
Ok, I'm here.
Very comfy post
If there is anything that I stay mad about forever, it is how LF was killed. The worst part is that I assume that he'll die in a similar way in the books, but it'll be a whole book's worth of building with Sansa under his wing. Her getting sold off to the Boltons really fucked up both of their characters.
Stannis was weak.
Killed all his family and lost all his supporters. Why do you assholes like him?!
>hot extras or the whores
well that's not very fun.
I suppose the set was, tho.
>started listening to the audiobooks for the first time
>Clash of Kings
>Jorah telling Dany about the Hightower girl
>What did she look like Ser Jorah?
>Well... she looked a bit like you.
>dany's immediate inward disgust
I wish the show had shown this
Did you not look at it? Tyrion's whore was a fucked people for money in college
imagine the smell
A man of fine taste. Roy Dotrice did an amazing job narrating the books.
1 day 20 hours and 20 minutes until the next episode.
>khaleesi pls
what is the relationship between the two now? does jorah still love her romantically? he's literally getting cucked by jon
meh, I just want it to end. I know it's not going to be good
Jorah's benched. Just like everybody who's not a stark, lannister or Dany. Actors who leave the bench will probably die this season
How come Stannis came in about 3 strokes?
yep, I read it.
>one of Craster's wives
>two of Baelish's girls
>two unspecified
okay, I'm interested in what kind of scenes Shae did.
vhs quality turkish porn unironically
great pussy though
>two unspecified
maybe 'unspecified' but the show sure got spicy-fied, if you know what i mean....
Her getting sold off would have worked if she actually showed some development and played the game instead of it just being a repeat of her imprisonment under Joffrey
My mother actually calls Tyrion Tyrone after I got her to read the books
>My mother actually calls Tyrion Tyrone
I have some bad news about your mom, dude...
God why can't this be true
Jorah actually made a move in the books and planted a kiss on Khaleesi.
tight puss
who's excited for the based reaction channel?
rank your favorites: burlington bar, the normies, preston, etc
Someone give me a quick rundown on whats gonna happen this season
Normies>>>Preston>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>burning alive>>>>>>>Burlington Bar
No one who read the books calls her Khaleesi
I thought bad pussy was the ideal
Apparently Jorah finally is happy for her like an uncle now, instead of a creepy old man. Of course that means his story is complete so he’ll die defending Lyanna and the North completing his entire story.
Caosh ish a ladder
Maario Naharis
hang on...don't faceless men instantly revert to their original faces upon death? So if that weren't really littlefinger, then his face would have shifted directly afterward...?
We all agree he did nothing wrong, right?
Threadly Reminder:
>Bran realises he can stop the army of the dead by going BACK IN TIME
>Jon and Dany get married
>Cersei kills herself when the Golden Company turn on her
>Jaime and Tyrion make up
>Jon gives up the Iron Throne to Dany because his "home is the north, and always has been"
>smashes down the rest of the wall with the help of Archmaester Tarly because "the world needs less borders". Jon replies: "fewer".
>Samwell is revealed to the narrator of the entire story as an old man, played by GURM, writing the "history of the game of thrones", comments on how it's a snappier title than the old book
>has been reading it to three silver-haired children, who he refers to as Eddard, Rhaegar and Lyanna
>"Truly, it was a song of Ice and Fire"
>closes the book
>a dragon flies past the window, and they all watch
>camera pans out, and the dragon winks
>Ariana Grande sings over the credits
>"And who....are you...."
Remember in the early seasons when the Targaryens were set up as insane, genocidal maniacs obsessed with incest?
And then tumblr got a hold of the show and suddenly everyone is just poised waiting for the awesome Targaryens to come back and save them?
i hope the night kin wins and everybody dies
you're actually right, except it's going to be ariana grande with nicki minaj rapping
>pull up on the dragon like *skrrt*
Threadly Reminder:
>Bran realises he can stop the army of the dead by going BACK IN TIME
>Jon and Dany get married
>Cersei kills herself when the Golden Company turn on her
>Jaime and Tyrion make up
>Jon gives up the Iron Throne to Dany because his "home is the north, and always has been"
>smashes down the rest of the wall with the help of Archmaester Tarly because "the world needs less borders". Jon replies: "fewer".
>Samwell is revealed to the narrator of the entire story as an old man, played by GURM, writing the "history of the game of thrones", comments on how it's a snappier title than the old book
>has been reading it to three silver-haired children, who he refers to as Eddard, Rhaegar and Lyanna
>"Truly, it was a song of Ice and Fire"
>closes the book
>a dragon flies past the window, and they all watch
>camera pans out, and the dragon winks
>Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj singing over the credits
>"And who....- pull up on the dragon like *skrrt* - are you...."
People don't honestly think Gendry will be legitimized as a Baratheon and get Storm's End do they? It's just a stupid meme, right?
Guys I'm here for cute Masie pics. My hard drive died and I lost everything. Pls supply, thnks.
Bong genes are a fucking curse
Post yfw the true ruler sits the iron throne
No Maisie here, but have a Lena
How hard did Sophie hit the wall that she's being mogged by quasimaisie?
Jaime and Tyrion making up would be cute, I love their relationship
I hope they kiss
>TFW I leave this place for two years to become a wageslave careerfag and come back to an oysters clams and cuckolds OP
Almost makes me want to neet again
t. Bongistani
hahaha they all look like high-school rejects, especially Kit if you threw a fedora on him.
Masie gets me rock-hard though
>Is she a boxer?
That nose looks smashed, rite?
Why didn't he just use the chaos ladder to climb out of the room?
>Robb even says it was part of his strategy to bottle up the Crown's forces in the west to help Stannis' attack on the capital
Robb may have said that on the retarded tv show but that was not his goal, as neither Robb nor Stannis knew what the other was doing or planning, other then both being anti-Lannister.
Robb's plan was to lure Tywin thru the mountains into the Westerlands and ambush him, destroying his army and hopefully capturing Tywin or killing him if need be and then negotiating a deal with Tyrion and Cersei to end the war.
Edmure's action at Stone Mill disrupted this plan by stopping Tywin long enough that news from Kingslanding could reach him, allowing him to join up with the now allied Tyrells and defeat Stannis at the Battle of the Blackwater.
Of course the underlying problem here is that GRRM isn't a historian and thinks castles are simply for hiding in when in fact, they're offensive weapons designed to control the countryside and Edmure did exactly what any military commander would have done; take the fight to the enemy at the time and on the ground of your choosing.
>Of course the underlying problem here is that GRRM isn't a historian and thinks castles are simply for hiding in when in fact, they're offensive weapons designed to control the countryside and Edmure did exactly what any military commander would have done; take the fight to the enemy at the time and on the ground of your choosing.
What? You first claim GRRM doesn't know what a castle does then you explain how Edmure does something that's meant to happen.
Robb didn't want Robb to attack the Lannisters. A castle has multiple purposes, and holding up in one is one of them. Edmure didn't lead small raids out of his castle to harass the Lannisters, he placed his army at strategic choke-points and stopped them from crossing the rivers away from his castle.
bookfags, how do egg and duncan the tall die? all i remember from the main books was someone saying something about tragedy at summerhall and trying to make baby dragons. is there more to this story, because duncan is way more interesting then any of the main got characters so far
Hasn't been explained fully yet, we know a fire starts at summerhall and Duncan dies saving Rhaegar or some shit.
Probably has something to do with Egg trying to hatch them. We are told Dunk and Egg will eventually get there but GRRM is lazy as shit.
At least we have the comics of the 3 stories though
>My point is Lena's not even attractive
She's ok but she has an obvious "bitch face" that makes it obvious that she's the evil queen the first time you lay eyes on her, whereas I always pictured Cersei as being someone who was so classically beautiful that it would be be shocking to hear her go off like a raging cunt.
But then D&D are kindergarten paint-by-numbers types so it's not surprising they cast Lena.
god I'd fuck the shit out of almost every woman in the S1 cast.
Catelyn is a minx
>tfw with my ex I would imagine I was Stannis fucking Cersei to stop a massacre of her family at the blackwater battle
For a solid while it was the only way I could cum during sex
I would fuck the shit out of book Cersei
>ariana grande with nicki minaj rapping
This isn't real life, is it?
>wanting to fuck a literary character
that's like, worse than liking hentai
I am not ashamed
>bring the bobby b stretcher
>"dangerous woman" by ariana grande playing over a shot of jon fucking dany's ass
if only you knew how bad it really is
>no Aimee or Nell at the premiere
why does she have a midgets torso?
Edmure gets shit on by Robb and the Blackfish, (as well as his cunty sister Catelyn) for not "holding Riverrun" when both of them would have known that what Edmure did was in fact literally holding Riverrun, as you don't give the enemy the initiative and a free hand to destroy your lands if you can help it.
Had Edmure just run off to and hid in Riverrun, Tywin would have known it was a trap, as no military commander worth his salt would have done that.
That story element should have been written by GRRM with Robb carefully detailing what he needed Edmure to do, then an arrogant Edmure gets angry about how he'll be perceived by history (as a pussy) and willfully disobey's Robb's orders to seek glory for himself, which fucks up Robb's plan.
Instead, GRRM makes Edmure a chump because GRRM doesn't understand history or warfare.
based and ironpilled
Though All Men Do Despise Us
who gives a shit about myrcella?
1st for wincest
>who gives a shit about myrcella?
>Had Edmure just run off to and hid in Riverrun, Tywin would have known it was a trap,
But you're forgetting Edmure was heavily outnumbered and had already been clapped by Lannister forces under the walls of Riverrun. Edmure leading some raids and harrying the Lannister forces but avoiding pitched battle would make perfect sense. Again Edmure only held the fords because it was such a strong defensive position and the Lannisters eventually pulled back because of the changing geo-political needs.
And how would Tywin know it was a trap? The reports he were getting was that Robb was marching on Casterly Rock and planning to put it under siege. He had to march back to stop bannerman from swapping over which was already happening.
Because of the Feudal system Tywin was honor-bound to protect his bannermen with also the practical reason of protecting his castle. Like he says "if the enemy can attack us with impunity then we are not a house to be feared"
Robb campaigning in the westerlands and directly threatening the seat of Lannister damages the entire Lannister brand.
>That story element should have been written by GRRM with Robb carefully detailing what he needed Edmure to do, then an arrogant Edmure gets angry about how he'll be perceived by history (as a pussy) and willfully disobey's Robb's orders to seek glory for himself, which fucks up Robb's plan.
desu I don't even dispute that. But Edmure is a chump, that's the point of his character.
>Edmure leading some raids and harrying the Lannister forces but avoiding pitched battle would make perfect sense.
Sure and as I said, if GRRM had Robb explain all that but instead, he just says "hold Riverrun" and rides off WITHOUT TELLING EDMURE HIS PLANS, which is completely retarded.
Given those minimal instructions, what Edmure did at Stone Mill was perfectly appropriate.
> And how would Tywin know it was a trap?
Because Robb expected Edmure to just sit in Riverrun and let Tywin march on thru, except Tywin would have known something was up because it wasn't believable that Edmure wouldn't have come out to engaged him when he had all the advantages on his side.
> But Edmure is a chump, that's the point of his character.
Then you know as little about history and warfare as GRRM.
stupid whore
>Someone piss myself before I open a new thread
your stupid
She was hot and didn't deserve to die.
She made me diamonds when she was pretending to be a boy.
Sadly, she has grown into a dwarf cow.
Sad fate of being a woman.
Can't wait for all the STRONG WOMEN to KICK some ASS this season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's 5'2" isn't that the same height as Emilia?
everyone on the show has been teleporting for a couple of seasons now, but this one is still fucking ridiculous.
>no Dillane at the premiere
Cersei is a great character though
Robert told Stannis to hold Storms End and he fucking held Storms End.
As far as height goes.
It's her body and face that suck.
Imagine how she will look when she gets older.
he hated the show anyway
>Bran's actor just looks like a 12-year-old kid scaled up to adult size
He’s so fucking high there he needs everyone to keep him together.
>Then you know as little about history and warfare as GRRM.
I saw many legit complaints about GRRM, but now he is uneducated in history and warfare as well? It's his fucking life, come the fuck on.
Because Stannis is a little bitch
Uhh, what are you trying fo convey with this image???
And he was right about it in the end.
Just like Stannis was.
>Robert told Stannis to hold Storms End and he fucking held Storms End.
Stannis had no choice but to hole up in Storms End, Robert had take most of the Stormland's forces with him.
t. Never read the books
Reading is for queers
When people invented literature, that's when other people started to want to fuck literature characters.
Nothing wrong with that, grandpa.
Why did they even make the choice to put Rickon in the show at all? Mistake.
Does anyone know of a good recap to watch? Reading a summary will mash my little pea brain because I don't remember any of the names, and all the videos are of annoying queers with faggy voices who speak in reddit.
GRRM has trebuchets on ships, guys wearing copper armor, unarmored Dothraki slaughtering everybody in sight, etc.
I'm not saying he's a dumbass but he's not historian either.
You were replying to a person who was talking about the show, retard.
In the books she is better I suppose.
Or was.
She is mindbroken now as far as I remember. Can't call that "great character" to be fair.
Jaime was and still is great though.
Why did qyburn have a bunch of 6 year olds repeatedly stab pycelle to death?
wasn't there literally any other way?
Yeah, she goes pretty crazy towards the end of AFFC and still seems nuts during and after her walk of shame. Doesn't make her any less of a great character, though. Both her and Jaime are god tier POVs
alt shift x is good
YES brotherrrr! Cersei on the throne? Wild if true!
WOMEN can KICK ass just as much as men, and I'm glad they toned down the sex scenes and nudity ,I like to RESPECT my WOMEN!
Trebuchet on ships is something he allowed himself to do because it's cool. I mean, his reason to write was the fact that he couldn't let his fantasies be fulfilled on TV, so he wrote a book that contains giant fucking ships with fucking trebuchets on them.
>copper armor
In the World of Ice and Fire there is a witty comment about copper armor being quite shit for an armor that is supposed to be magically enhanced with runes
>unarmored Dothraki
And you mistake the book with the show. Although, even in the first season there was a scene of dothraki v Jorah in plate armor fighting. Didn't end too well for the sandnigger.
It was one of those scenes they sort of adapted from the books but changed its context entirely so it doesn't make much sense anymore. I'm pretty sure D&D just thought it would look cool.
I want reddit to leave
Is there even a reason to go past s4 ?
daily reminder littlefinger is still alive
life is irregular
Unless you want to spoil the future books?
I don't think so.
Watch it if you want to meme about how shitty the show is, otherwise don't.
no absolutely not
>"Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We are one person in two bodies. We shared a womb together. He came into this world holding my foot, our old maester said. When he is in me, I feel … whole."
>"Jaime, don’t you think I want it as much as you do? It makes no matter who they wed me to, I want you at my side, I want you in my bed, I want you inside me."
>"You are me, I am you. I need you with me. In me. Please, Jaime. Please."
Of course it is. He's sacrificing his child to save all of Westeros. She's the only sacrifice he can make because he needs King's blood. What's one child against an entire continent. It's the same logic that made Jaime push Bran out the window and it's 100% justifiable.
Has the first episode leaked yet?
>that nose
this bitch will fuck you up i can tell. she's been punched in the face numerous times. bet the hair is covering cauliflower ears, too. Jamie, pull up some pictures of cauliflower ears.
Give it to me straight, lads.
What are the chances of Jonsa still happening?
>dragons only fly 30-40mph
More like 5-10 times that but your point still stands.
Big yikes.
is there a 10 min recap video or something of the last season? dont care enough at this point to watch the whole thing again
Reminder that the name of the 4th episode is "Azor Stannis".
Get hyped stannis bros.
i think its hot
memes and shitposting
To each his own.
>2 days
New one:
>He didn't rewatch the entire thing
Tullyposting at its finest.
I only watch Preston and Ideas of Ice and Fire and they both do season recaps but they are quite long because that is what there whole channel is centered on so they stretch it out. I think you might try AltShiftX as he seems to do shorter to the point stuff but I don’t watch him regularly because I don’t enjoy him so I’m not sure.
Never. 2016 elections fucked him up.
>Edmure gets shit on by Robb and the Blackfish, (as well as his cunty sister Catelyn) for not "holding Riverrun" when both of them would have known that what Edmure did was in fact literally holding Riverrun, as you don't give the enemy the initiative and a free hand to destroy your lands if you can help it.
just because edmure got shit on for doing it doesn't reflect on GRRM's knowledge of military history.
just because the characters think one way, doesn't mean they're right.
You forgot about the one thing. How the fuck did Dany found them?
the dothraki circumsize?
Don't forget the fact that the reason Sam ventured beyond the wall during the night's first extended ranging, was so if anything bad happened, he could send out ravens immediately. And then Sam fucks up and lets the ravens out without letters. Which basically dooms the men from any aid.
Fast forward to the wight hunt, and no one brings a raven with them. Yet, Gendry, a southern boy, is somehow able to run through the snowy tundra in time.
Why is episode air time so retarded? Why not air it at saturday?