But in all seriousness, goth girls are the best

But in all seriousness, goth girls are the best.

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do goth girls really exist

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That fad died decades ago

See them all the time here in Chicago. I graduated from HS in 2016 and there plenty of them all throughout 4 years too.

Some might, but they're just trying to be "different" by latching onto a dead fad.

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there's only like five goth girls in there though

no, what you saw was mallgoths

Yeah but good luck getting one without tattoos and piercings

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Have. Sex.

This, modern Goth is the equivalent of cultural Christianity, it's all for show, no substance.

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It's ironic that the whole goth fad in animation is mostly frustrated animators who are usually obsessed with some fantasy or real girl they knew who was like that they thought they had a shot with ,when in reality she was probably getting fucked by the football team and blowing 30 year old men for party drugs while they were jacking off to grainy anime VHS tapes they got from some video store.

Yeah, but they're really just your average thot with a different coat of paint
The platonic ideal of a goth girl with a non-irritating personality is a pipe dream

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Nah, they know people like it and put it there for us to enjoy, and because it's a nice little trope

good point

Mallgoth is best goth.

gib nu-goth gf pls

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You look like a good Joe.

Where's the punkgoths? Point me their way.

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Goth girls like all girls want a tall outgoing handsome fit guy don’t think that goth women are low hanging fruit

This, you never see them like how they were in the 2000s. They are all just e-thots.

they used to but died out in the early 00s

the internet killed a lot of subcultures