What are some 80's classics that slipped through your fingers?

Boomers only edition.

Pic related.

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Other urls found in this thread:



This is basically The Fast and the Furious but with Porsches & pastels instead of VCR's and neon.

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I preferred the all-female remake to be honest

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There was a buddy cop movie with Jay Leno and Master Miyagi

And actual practical driving instead of fucking CGI.

Superior in every way.

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It's amazing how those girls are probably mid 20's but look 45.

basically taken, before taken, set in peak shithole NYC

basically, this

essential dadcore

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kino coming through.

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Nina Hartley was definitely in her 40's when that was made

nina hartley was born in the late 50s. its called "legends" for a reason
id love to see what you look like

Wait is that actually not Christian Bale

I'm 40 and dating a 20 year old. So pretty damn good assbag. Most people think I'm 25-30.


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it's james brolin, josh brolin's father. yeah it's weird how much christian bale looks like him.

They look great. You’re probably just a jealous hater

Op here. Thanks.

fucking kek this lardass is probably close to suicide

Yeah I know when I'm slamming some pig with boltons I want to gag on her hair spray and cheap mary-kay makeup.

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80s charlie and emilio were the kino kings

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She has an IUD and lets me blast in her pussy with no condom. It's the best sex I've had since the last 20 year old.

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movies better than you'd think. at one point in the movie Sheen calls an indian guy working at a gas station a "camel jockey" haha i miss the 80s

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best road trip movie ever. infinitely comfy

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You mean Carlos

Based sheen

Is the name of this film
18 and Bored

Not a horror movie. More of an action comedy but just as gory as re-animator or dead alive. A good, underappreciated 80's flick.

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Time for my daily Miracle Mile shilling.

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piscopo fucking suuuuuuuucks in this but everything else in the flick is so great it's easy to overlook, and also because he dies halfway through

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I think Piscopo was pissed because the movie ended up being drastically different than what he signed up for. It pretty much killed his acting career too.

hard cosign. this fucking owns

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I just liked Moon Zappa's sex scene.

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80s melanie griffin with that red hair makes my dick hard

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i love these kind of threads

titty ship

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remote control is fucking great
fuck you if you disagree

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dunno how i never saw this until recently

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Sidekicks (1992) was kino tho

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surprised by how many people havent seen this classic

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oh god yes. also anything that takes place in a cool ass looking 80s video store is automatically great for the video store nostalgia alone

It's ok. A little Reddit DESU but I'll take it as op

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Certified k I n o

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both of these are great.

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Pic related which came out in 1989 was actually a good quality, low-budget vietnam war movie. Sort of like a found footage film, but not quite. I've never seen Yea Forums ever talk about it.

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i'm convinced that the end of life aquatic with steve zissou is a reference to the ending of this

hell i like all four

dont know this one, but the poster made me think of this kino

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make way for some classic american kino

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havent seen 3 and 4 in years need to track them down. only remember the hilarious part with the singing pizza in 4

Imgine that... talking about film on Yea Forums

Im op and protect this thread from jannies trannies and star wars posters.

Get confie

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im curious to know how many of you have actually seen this one

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I remember as a kid fapping to all the naked jungle ass and titties in this film then after I nutted and got that out the way, I actually sat and watched it and thought it was actually pretty fucking good.

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>that movie quote
Damn, sounds kino.

Best high school movie ever made.

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Haven't. Love okay good though

This user speaks the truth.

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it's john boorman. of course it's kino.

Street Hawk


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>I remember as a kid fapping to all the naked jungle ass and titties in this film

Are you me? Based John Boorman.

found this at a goodwill recently, shit was dope

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pappy o'daniel looks like he aint takin anyones shit anymore

Before there was Road Trip... there was...

>Up The Creek

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ive only ever seen the first and second trancers but they are good

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basically anything with Crispin Glover being weird

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this is kino

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Before there was Scary Movie... there was...


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that shit is on netflix
not a hidden gem

Before there was Terminator 2... there was...

>This Film I've Never Seen But The Poster Looks Badass

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I don't consider Ferris a high school movie because it barely takes place in school at all.

Nit picker.


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This movie was a big inspiration for the Android/Cell Saga in DBZ.

man, the beginning and endings of decades kind of overlap
like you think this movie is from the 80s but its actually either from the late 70s and early 90s
this happens with every era, its not a big deal outside of threads like these, im just sayin is all

Spader is hilarious as the bad guy in this. also 80s Aunt Becky was hot i dont give a fuck if she a criminal she could suck my dick anytime

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>Based John Boorman.

Attached: Excalibur (1981).webm (800x450, 1.4M)

90-91 is basically the 80s but the music changed a bit to more New Jack Swing as it was huge then.

Just like early 80s had a lot of 70s aesthetic.

It was the way culture filtered out to the rural areas and the way films were made and cut over the space of a year I'd say.

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I love this movie's poster, but I've always avoided it because EVERYBODY says it sucks.

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River's Edge is mega kino. Reminds me of Twin Peaks without the weird/goofy stuff.

>The Experts

Attached: 1989-the-experts-poster2.jpg (644x981, 602K)

Keep it coming lads, the family's getting together to watch movies and my uncles loves their action stuff.

>Space Camp

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> Joaquin Phoenix is credited as Leaf Phoenix

Biosphere sampled this for his Patashnik album.

Really fun horror/sci-fi.

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my man. this movie is halarious

thanks Yea Forums for all this classics. only seen a few. born in '88

time to watch some K I N O

I've probably seen this more times than I should have.

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Because it's based.

i wish this had gotten a sequel or four

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Lean On Me, Morgan Freeman plays an angry principal trying to shape up a failing urban public school. I don't think this movie could be made this decade.

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Considering the talent involved, this should have been better. It's still worth a watch.

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Haven't seen this one since I was kid. Might have to pull out this classic kiddie kino later.

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>The Adventure Begins
I love how confident they were with that title.

Imagine somebody making that today.

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>...the adventure begins
lol so optimistic

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i feel you on that. still worth watching for bowie as the hitman alone.

Newman and Cruise kino

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fun film

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Great one. It has a weird feel to it.

80s kid kino

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whats the actual name of this? 3:15? never heard of it.

super kino . remember


Atmosphere, dear user. The great Tangerine Dream soundtrack has a lot to do with it.


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Even if you thought it sucked, you still couldn't hate it.

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>you now remember allison hannigan and seth greene are in this

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That poster. Nuts

There was a Remo Williams television pilot starring Roddy McDowell as Chiun.

JCVD hardly speaks during this film and when he does it's a pretty terrible Russian accent. Good film though.

Psycho II is based as fuck, but nobody ever talks about it.

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>I don't think this movie could be made this decade.
It would get buried under a pile of "reviews" claiming it's uncle tom tier.

havent heard of this. Looks amazing.

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GOD. I love this film almost as much as Star Wars and the Last Star Fighter.

So... fucking... K1n0

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I watch this every halloween.

then the went and used those exact same ship is some other shitty movie I can't remember that had some little kid

This movie gave me nightmares when I was a kid. Fucking fast black leeches from space that invade your mouth.

Comfy as fuck. Daniel Stern kills me every time.

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Behold the best movie that you've never seen. It's top 5 all time for me. Just incredible.

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>mfw no sequel

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i love 'one crazy night' movies like these two

I think about it at least once a week. It has aged remarkably well.

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I think I'm the only person that actually thinks this is a good horror film.

RIP larry cohen.

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>muh reddit prevents me from enjoying anyhting
actually kill yourself you insecure fuck

Does Johnny bully kids in this one too?

For me, it's Tuff Turf

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Just saying it's one of those films that are mentioned often. I should have given more clearly defined rules but everybody is doing a great job so far.

Relax faggot.

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Jon Voight throughout the whole movie:
"Fuck off kid"

Yep, part of the bully trifecta

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before they were stars alert, there is a nerdy cheerleader in the film, it's a young Yeardley Smith

fuck yeah this one is one of my favorites

Space Raiders. Recycling props and effects shots are Roger Corman hallmarks.

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Damn and they're back to back too.

Biggest kino ITT

what's the point of making someone's name huge on the poster if you have to remind people who they are with a parenthetical lol

wow, the jews really do stick together

This shit had me rolling.

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Rlm did that movie on best of the worst.

>get a (You)
>its unfunny shit

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oh shit this looks creepy af

Always thought Bill Murray's brother didn't deserve all the hate he got in this film. I actually liked him in it. Also pre-tit job jennifer tilly was A CUTE in it.

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Looks shit
License to Drive was better 80's driving comedy

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you haven't even seen it

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Saw the trailer
I can make these sort of assesments by viewing the trailer since ive seen over 10,000 movies

Nice pick OP, one of the better obscure '80's movies I've seen recently, second only to Deathtrap.

Attached: deathtrap.jpg (700x1000, 94K)

sure buddy

>sure buddy
Sounds like I upset you, I only ever said it looked like shit
Which is does
And that License to Drive was better
Which it is
these are facts

thanks user, I forgot all about kim chambers. did some age calc on kim, she would have been 27-28. Too much sun I guess.

no they're not.

That VHS cover is so much nicer than the DVD. Also the French title is "260 Chrono", which is as strange as the French title for Die Hard 2 - " 88 Minutes Pour Vivre".

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Terrible title for a movie though

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Sure buddy ;^)

It has a lot of good wtf moments in it. I'm sure the wayans were inspired by it. It reminds me a bit of their work.

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This movie is tits!!! So fucking underrated

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top-tier kino

“Bitch get me my watermelon”

amen and soundtrack

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It’s not that good...disappointed

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The Verdict
The Bounty
The Package
The Journey of Natty Gann
True Believer

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It’s a good comfy movie. Sean penn and nic cage are both solid. Crazy to think penn packed on all that muscle for at close range right after this film. That abortion scene is kino

>running scared
>white nights
>off limits
gregory hines was in so many under the radar 80s kinos

>The Bounty
Forgot about this "boats" kino

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Woods + Dennehy =80s kino

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Rob Lowe vehicle

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I still don't know if Natty Gann was a boy or a girl playing a boy.

FUCK Matt Dillon in this

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Dude this movie sucks

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Heathers aged like milk, and it was never that good to begin with


>The fucking licensed soundtrack is meant to be a selling point

Epic tits!!!

Better off dead makes a great double feature with this


Yeah the DVD cover is weak

You were supposed to say "before Jungle 2 Jungle there was..."

Need to see it. Thanks for the recommendation

Good one

There’s so much kino in this thread.

And holy shit, why don’t they make movie posters like this anymore?

It was a better time. Better cars. Better women. Better scripts.


>le born in the wrong generation fag

Why the homophobia?

Never seen the movie but that is such a shit poster

Howie Mandel kino about about a guy who thinks he a dog

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Interesting, how's the third one?

Pure K I N O
>that scene when the cop gets set on fire.
Brutal shit. also one of the best endings ever.

good 80s cheeze

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Psycho III is pretty good, but not great. Avoid Psycho IV at all costs.

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anyone remember this weird ass movie? was sorta like Batman if he was retarded

psycho 3 is the best in the franchise

goddamn idiot, i forgot to include the pic

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Attached: Vindicator_movie_poster.jpg (214x396, 28K)

Great soundtrack. Badass Dylan song.

One of the best creature features ever. Robert Forster is based as fuck and should have been an A list leading man.

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you're a perverted old man

got any more like these?

Pretty good soundtrack as well.

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surprised to realize now this is 1991, it feels so much like a fun 80s movie.

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This is almost a comedy.

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>those jokes about his hairline

Half the movies in this thread were released by based New World Pictures.

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This movie is why I put beer on my cereal.

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Pre-Home Alone John Heard and Daniel Stern. A lot better than it has any right to be.

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>For me, it's Tuff Turf

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Is that an optical illusion or does Depp have tiny hands?

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A lot of these films are one or two steps away from popularity then and now. A bit more production, a slightly bigger leading man. Ect. Alot have great bad guys and solid stories though.

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She was so damn gorgeous.

you reminded me of this

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holy fucking checked, and I thought all those sequels weren't worth a watch. Thanks, lads.

Unbelievable. Just perfect mix of 80s rocker and debutante with a bad attitude.
I just want to bust on her face

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Also, Some Kind Of Wonderful. Mary Stuart Masterson and Helen Slater in Legend Of Billie Jean are why I have a thing for beautiful women with short hair.


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Two is best. Three is fun too.

Also Texas chainsaw 2 is amazing. Great double feature because they are both somewhat meta deconstruction.

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who is that? embarrassed to say i dont recognize her

Absolutely. First girl that got me in to bitchy girls with attitude. Stupidly hot.

This is great as well.

disappointed this didnt get posted yet, a classic!

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Jean Louisa Kelly as Tia in Uncle buck.

She aged pretty well but lost that pouty look that made her hot.

The only underrated John Candy movie i know of. It's legit funnier than some of his more popular movies although the plot was a little weird. Not nearly as weird as the poster though, christ.

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the 80s was the only decade that did teen comedies right

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need some more kino 80s comedies in here

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Saturday morning kino at nighy

The scene where the sheriff is talking to Norman unknowingly eating ice from a freezer with blood on it still makes me gag.

Helen Slater was my 80s waifu. remember watching this only cuz she was cute af in it, dont remember if it was actually good

Anyone seen this work of art?

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One of the best movie experiences I've had. Only watched it last year but god damn it's perfect.

I still own my VHS copy of this in storage.


meant to put this with that post as the one i watched cuz helen slater was in it

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Looks like the cover to an RPG

Surprised nobody posted this one yet. Better than the faggot Goonies.

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Oh man, I didn't know how I never made that analogy. TCM 2 was an awesome sequel in that regard. If the psycho sequels manage to do the same, then I'm sold.

80s chevy impala is probably in all these films

Fucking kino chase scene

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I've been going down the Demi Moore rabbit hole after finally watching Striptease this year but I haven't found a good download for this one yet

It's darkly funny and flips the script a bit but not quite as over the top. Bit more of a thriller...but yeah

Also, a movie I saw on tv as a kid and everytime I asked people about it, they had no idea what it was. I thought I had dreamt it until I finally came across it again about 5 years ago. It's an Australian film that played on tv here in America in the 80's called Fortress. A group of men in animal masks and one(The lead biker in The Road Warrior/Vernon Wells)in a Santa Claus mask take a teacher and her kids hostage. The kids go all Lord Of The Flies and there's even an implied relationship between the teacher and one of the boys. It's pretty hardcore.


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I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Good gory scenes and soundtrack too and Marcia Brady in a cop uniform, Oof!

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I still love the Goonies but Monster Squad was great. Fred Dekker gave us all kinds of great stuff. Night Of The Creeps, House, etc.

Great thread. A lot of these look fun.

This one was also better than I expected. Creepy and weird as fuck.

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I don't wanna go home I don't wanna leave the floor somebody turn the lights down, pull the shades and close the door.

Top tier

>Big Shots



Lol nope


Lol was about to say I could find it in a second.

highly recommend it

why dont you pass the popcorn fags ever just post magnets?

Darren Mcgavin and Vincent Price?!? I gotta see this shit now, shame about piscopo though.

>Born In East LA

First movie I ever fell asleep to in the theater.

Powers boothe has to be one of the most chad names of all time.

>Real Men


Kino theme song!

>"Her blood, like ice. You best, think twice. She don't care, not everyone plays fair. You better look out or... GOTCHA! Gotcha where I want ya, too late to turn back now! GOTCHA!"

Looking at the faces of those 2 guys, shouldn't it be called "Judes"?

just bought that on blu ray a few months ago. recognized the cover but never seen it. honestly didnt expect to like it as much as i did. loved nutty 80s horror like this

My girlfriend is a zoomer and she loved this flick, I was shocked. idk why, cause it is kino. Maybe cause it's deeply 80s.

Don't wanna sign up/download anything though. Surprisingly, you can find a lot of these films on YouTube!

Like "Fallen Angel" (1981) - a lot of channers would like this film!

"Error: Max limit of 150 image replies has been reached."

wtf? didnt even know that was a thing. time for a part 2 thread

>didnt even know that was a thing.
how new are you?



seriously how new are you?

i guess i never post in too many threads that go on this long lol

yeah whatever
you can't even crosslink correctly
just own the fact that youre new

what is crosslink??????? hey im a long timer! i almost been here one whole half year!

Why are you guys shutting up the most kino thread Yea Forums has seen in years??!

because we made the thread kino, at least i did
and its already over

Penelope Spheeris flop

Hidden is based af. Highest rec itt

House II is masterpieces Western kino

What happened to Uncle Buck waifu? She really became escort?

It's alright. Birdy is 100x superior


Did you know there's a sequel?

It's awful, don't bother, but the more you know.


don't think so. I think she's on some network tv show these days.