What if your kinoplex got one of these so that you wouldn't need to speak to a human to get food before going into the...

What if your kinoplex got one of these so that you wouldn't need to speak to a human to get food before going into the screening room?

Attached: HighQualityPizzaVendingMachinesPricesforSaleMicrowaveVendingMachine.jpg (800x956, 168K)

>Dr. Oetker
If I'm getting instant pizza from a machine, I'd prefer a wop's name be attached to it instead

I want to beat it up and tip it.

Have sex

Ur gay

There's probably a midget in that thing doing all the work.

Autism thread

>he thinks midgets are real
lol k

t. guy who also buys pizza hut and domino's pizza

>Wanting to automate Robert out of his job
The ones like you are the ones who ruin going to the theater for the rest of us.

I hate margherita pizza. It sucks big time

is there a pineapple dispenser?

Is it more expensive than a minimum wage teenager putting a frozen pizza in a microwave?

Robert? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

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For me, its DiGiorno's, Freschetta, or nothing.

looks shitty t b h

It's the only pizza you can get without taking to a human. Autists will take what they can get (without making eye contact).

I honestly doubt a dog would eat that

sounds good to me, although i'd be sad people would lose their jobs

Attached: robert1.png (300x412, 216K)

Robert could learn how to code

Robert is dead amigo, time to move on

>Italian Pizza vending machine
>Prices different every time
>sometimes done instantly, sometimes takes an hour
>different tasting in different times of day
>machine argues with you if you complain

>German Pizza vending machine
>efficient, fairly tasty pizza vended within minutes, always within the same time and taste

it’s a “healthy” pizza brand that’s why
being hot and made to order is probably better than most places who leave the slices from pies nobody picks up under a heat lamp all day

Half the fun of a vending machine is watching the spring spiral and drop the snack.

This user interface and exterior design leaves much to be desired. That display is very uninspiring, they would sell 2-4x as many with some kind of digital display thats more interesting/modern and more appetizing imagery.

Why not

can you fat fucks not go without eating for a couple hours?

Fuck Germans.

I have this machine in my city. I tried it and just as I expected it was worse than domino's

Americans actually have standards when it comes to food. Nobody would patronize that shitty Euro pizza

Dominos is way better than pizza hut

yeah, but eating a shipping container full of food enhances the experience of watching a superhero movie for the 4th time this week

This is a German invention

I wish my kinoplex has one of these.

Attached: hydrator.jpg (600x164, 18K)

You only tip the delivery machine.

> Dai-sy, dai-sy, give me your answer, do. I'm half cra-zy, all for the love of you

read the first sentence and i can tell youre a huge faggot dick licking boomerfaggot

cant watch kino withour snacks

>tfw you eat all your food during the preveiws.

With Loli Cunny!

>his local kinoplex doesn'y have a snack wall

Attached: snackwall.jpg (1300x817, 253K)

Attached: eastwood2.gif (240x228, 1.87M)

But who would I tip!?


Does his heat the food up too? Or does it just vend cold food?

Looks like cheese and crackers

Robert excels at hospitality

It's all heated.

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there's a machine for that too >