Back off Thor

Back off Thor

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Brie Larson thread #6789332

damn shes so unlikeable

Why is she so unpleasant

>she did all her own stunts
this could be just fucking running around as long as she considers it a stunt.

what the actual fuck is her problem?


how are you supposed to read sentences punctuated by emojis?

Do the rest of the Endgame cast hate Brie?

>She did all her stunts
I can tell, she looked goofy and dreadful when trying to kick or punch people.

They are not incels so probably not

It's all CGI anyway. What stunts?

She's a femcel.

Are there any stunts in MCU? Isn't it just jumping and punching surrounded by a green screen?

the fuck is a clapback you damn zoomers

oh cool, more whingeing about Brie Larson

does she have like a personal trainer helping her be the most unlikable person on the planet

one of the hottest actors in hollywood right now
what's so hard to get? because she's a woman?

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>rolls his eyes at the semen slurping tryhard

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>receive complement comparing you to someone renowned in your field
>act like they just called you a nigger

She is so precious.

What is her fucking problem? How does she have the biggest fucking chip on her shoulder?

>I did my own stunts because I thought that's what everyone did
Is she stupid? Does she not know what a stunt double is? What's more likely is that she's bullshitting to show how much of a "committed" actress she is.

>Joaquin was at 344 before Joker

what did he mean by this?

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>I want to be the first me thank you VERY much
golly gosh I can feel the pain of that absolutely devastating take-down from all the way over here in my chair where I'm sitting

someone contact Chris' GP, I think he'll be in some discomfort after experiencing that savage burn!

>Doing your own stunts
you are taking jobs away from good men and women, its honestly selfish

>the clapping emojis
Made the tweet 100x funnier

>Person compares you to Tom Cruise
>Take it as an insult
I genuinely don't understand this woman. I feel like there is absolutely nothing you could say to her that she wouldn't perceive as a threat or insult.

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shut up incel have sex

She's insufferable. I've met some real cunts in my time but there's something even worse about her.

Even Michelle Obama hates her

so you're saying she's the perfect face for feminism

>comparing running around in front of a green screen to Cruisekino

Holy shit oh yeah... He's was ceasar or whatver in the gladiator

I think she's taking offense to be compared to a man but if anything that should be a good thing.
Hemsworth doesn't differentiate a male actor from a female actor, they're all professionals in the field.
To have your work compared with another without race or gender or appearance being a factor should be the ultimate ideal, right?


Only Brie Larson can make an extremely positive compliment of being compared to fucking TOM CRUISE when it comes to stunts to an insult.


Why are you watering out the term? It's not applicable there at all, like what so ever

>because of Tom Cruise over here
>no I’ll be the first me not the next Tom Cruise thank you VERY much
Kek she wasn’t even listening. Can you clap back at something that wasn’t even said?

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Thor, Captain Marvel, and War Machine asked who their real life super heroes are:

War Machine: Nelson Mandela
Captain Marvel: Michelle Obama
Thor: Falcor from the Neverending Story

She can't handle the fact that someone else is better than her at what she does, especially not a man.

A large case of megalomania

how is the arrow upwards if she went from #1 to #2? is this one of those famous disney shennanigans?

She was so fucking good on Tara. What the fuck happened to her?

But does she lie like that?.
Everybody with a brain knows is bullshit anyway. She looks like a fucking stick.


Clap in the air every time you emphasize a word, in your own room, without anyone around. And then say, yaaaaas slay queen.

Why are sarcastic nasty women celebrated? I don't get it


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I think it's saying she went up one position from #3 to #2.

Based Levi dabbing on Bitch Larson

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>"I do all my own stunts"
>entirety of films are filmed on a blue soundstage with everything done in CGI down to the fucking cat

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Have sex





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It was already an insult on Chris's part to compare anything they do in the MCU to a stunt by Tom but to even reject that comparison? Lmao the audacity of this bitcj

>Own Stunts

What stunts?

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Can’t live with em can’t live without em

Take a shower and clean your room, incel.

Have sex

By being a liberal. They're extremely good at it.

Shazam wins again

Just don’t consume this media anymore. Books and nature are still available to you.

Funny how "have sex" was used first to insult incels but now the incels appropriated it like nigger with the word "nigger"

What an absolutely detestable cunt

She's so insecure and butthurt. Why is she like this? Who hurt her? And how much extra did they have to pay Hemsworth just to get him to say the "I like this one" line in Endgame since it's pretty obvious they can't stand each other?

Lurk moar

>do *claps* not *claps* come *claps* at *claps* her *claps*

Solid advice, under no circumstances should any sane person have anything to do with this toxic hyperdefensive woman

>you want to be the next Tom cruise
>haha, wow! If only! The guy is a legend!
It’s literally that simple.

Not for long!
Actually you can do the latter.

holy shit i thought it was a meme. she's kind of an oblivious bitch

have sex

Have mex

This will summon a sassy brie Larson to appear and judge you

>Brie Larson threw this hard working woman under the bus so she could could look better

Not very feminist of her

>Funny how "have sex" was used first to insult incels
No, it was first used by based Yea Forums to tell smark simpolas to get a ding-dong diddly clue.

have sex

you need to pretend to have nigger-tier iq while you read

i can just imagine chris rolling his eyes and going "weeeeell"

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>firendly reminder

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You don't even need to imagine it, it was right there

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she will never haver Tom's ass no matter how many stunts she pulls

Is it possible that she is holding back her bitchiness in these interviews?

Does she have friends?

Hemsworth comes off as one of the nicest chads of all time. I bet Brie Larson will never get married.

Finna ding-dong-diddly based and true

>very feminist of her

Every passing day I wish it was legal to torture white women.

Oh god oh fuck why didn't I remember this before

Feminism is winning, deal with it incels.

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Bitch stole that line from Jackie Chan.

>when the stuntwoman is 10x more attractive than the main actress


She seems so fucking psycho in every interview god damn.

But also what fucking stunts did she even have to do in Captain Marvel?

Have sex.

Wait, Zachary Levi was formerly......

How better would the character be if it would have been played by her

So... was she hanging from a real moving train?



What a dumb cunt.

You're the one whos lying fucking virgin loser. You losers will never comeback from Captain Marvel being a huge success, you people are irrelevant you don't matter anymore, go die in a save where you belong.

Believe women, matter in society again.

>I want to be the first ME
oh honey you certainly are one of a kind :c

How has incel rage kept woke movies from being a success? Oh thats right you people are nothing, you might as well not even exist.

>tfw you actually do that but in your mind

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Brie lied because she fears the stunt chadette

I never really hated an actor before but brie is the first.

same with GOT and Emilia Clarke

Literally you. Only reason her turd made money is Endgame.


That's not a clapback.

Notice the older and more witchlike this bitch gets, the less people give a shit about her.

Oh, the ironing.

Pretty attractive

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I fuck a different hooker every weekend. I can't remember the last time I rubbed my dick around a face older than 23. I'm 41 btw.

why would you?

mouseshills on suicide watch

Brie has a cunty public persona. There is no doubting this. Yet a lot of people say she's far more personable than pretty much every other a lister. I'd bet with her what you see is what you get. But if that is the case, it's kind of scary to imagine all of these celebs being worse than her behind the scenes.

>she wanted to be the next tom cruise

so she want to be part of an insane cult?

even when they try to frame her is a positive light she is so unlikable

id put my penis in her vagina

I dont give a shit about any of this capeshit or the endless threads about her, this is the first time I've heard her speak
Hoooooly fuck what a bitch


Could someone just smack this bitch already?

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desu I get pissed when I do something I think is natural and people accuse me of copying others too. I can't think she's a bitch because of this.

Based Brie.

no part of your statement makes toecheese larson not a cunt


what the fuck is wrong with everyone now

Some male celeb should call her out by suggesting they fight a boxing match for charity. She either shows herself to be a coward or gets mauled in the ring, either way she loses.

Her not wanting to be compared to Cruise is fine
The "I'm gonna be the next ME" is almost okay, could have maybe phrased it in a less pissed-off way cause Hemsworth was just bantering
The "THANK YOU !!!VERY!!! MUCH" is just absolutely insane

You understand that these people believe this is a positive light because they hate men.

Name these people.

>when you need a stunt double to smile

Did she attack him because he is a straight white male? lol

Anyone who tried that would have their career ended

>a lot of people say she's far more personable than pretty much every other a lister
Who are these people? Her agent and publicist?

That’s what you get for putting someone on a pedestal that doesn’t deserve it

>Famous American is a rude, unlikeable asshole
Wow interesting

based and redpilled joaquin

cringe and bluepilled brie

Holy shit she is beautiful

Being a white male is fine as long as you're a good ally and not a disgusting incel
But he has white kids. FUCKING WHITE KIDS
Can you even imagine how racist you have to be to make white kids?

How old are you emotionally?

>i'm gonna be the next me
So she's not even herself yet, what a retard.

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>Caesar whatever
I know you're shitposting but I still got triggered

Just rumor mill stuff from her Room days. I'm not implying hemsworth is a dick or anything. There's more than one way to "throw shade" than be bitchy in public. Most of them in fact are non confrontational.

Man you can't even compliment this bitch without her spazzing out. Holy shit. It's bizarre seeing such an average looking woman wield such power.

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You got something to say to her face not online, manchild?

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Horrible human being, inside and out.

Nah each of them puts up 250,000. Proceeds go to some feminist organization/womens charity.

Nah this predates her current need for this shit. One of my best friends is a PM that works at Showtime and they hear a lot of shit.

It sucks how they've managed to demonize white men. Sad.
Yeah dude she lashed out at him for no real reason. She'd have to be fucking stupid to take what he said as an insult.

I think it's obvious that Hemsworth can't stand her at this point

We're living in the wrong timeline... She should have been Captain Marvel, I would actually care about the MCU post endgame if she was gonna be the new face of the avengers

What loud sheboons do to win arguments, literally clapping in your face and speaking slowly like you are the retarded person.

If this happened in real life, Hemsworth would probably have laughed in her face on a good day. Kind of want him to get drunk though and deck her.

Funny how the stunt women from Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman are better than the actresses.
Why not hire them instead of shit like Larson and Gadot?

The lore is real.

holy shit, you're right.

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I've beat up girls before. They talk a big game and act tough but they're really weak and hurt easy. 2-3 punches they just curl up in ball and start making loud noise. Thats when you pummel the back of their neck.

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>white gal unironically doing a sassy "thaaaank YOU very much xD"
That's when you take a safe distance of 10 feet with them.

she unironically needs to have sex

>see one pic of Brie's stuntwoman that is taken from the only angle she doesn't look ugly in
>she should be Captain Marvel!!
I guess she does look better than Brie (which isn't a large hurdle obviously) but do you really wanna look at this the entire time?

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>I've beat up girls before.
Does it make you feel big, virgin?

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you know people have accidents doing stunts

still kinda cute :3

You people will never not be seething at Brie Larson.

It's twitterspeak for comeback. A certain subset of people in America will literally clap in your face to punctuate sentences during an argument. The emojis are meant to reflect that.

she isn't humble enough

How is it possible for her to come up with the cuntiest answer. EVERY TIME.

Yes, I do. She looks a million times warmer than footfungus Brie.

How autistic are you in terms of human relations?

I can only imagine you meant to imply that that's a reason why actors shouldn't do their own stunts (and you are right, that's exactly why stuntmen exist after all)
But I'll choose to read your post as threat directed at Larson

That's cool and all, man, but being actually proud of ot is a pretty shitty thing to do.

I believe I'm on the lower middle of the spectrum. I don't know how taht works.

Did you see the thing where she answers google questions about herself? It's hilarious how anyone can be that unlikable

She was clearly going after the cop you blind nigger

Looks like she's happy to smile even when you ask her to

she's in a tiny autistic hollywood buble of SMUG and she's too damn dumb to have any self reflection on anything or to think for herself, because that would interfere with her getting money.

Like I said, the point isn't that she's better than Brie, it's that she's also not good enough for a leading role

shes hugely insecure

that auto-search interview she did, a question was if she went to college (no) and you can tell it really bothered her that she might be perceived as stupid

chris is a pussy

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did she died

We will never take women seriously. They just don't get it.

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I did. I thought Yea Forums was just memeing when saying she was an atrocious person. But when I saw that, I realized Yea Forums was right.

I know we overdo this but she might actually be on the spectrum.
Even if you think Hemsowrth's comment was demeaning, replying to it as if he'd insulted you is childish as all hell.

This is what the sperg kid would do on the playground, not understand the banter and start insulting everyone's mother.

Call them by the actors' names you total autist.

completely forgot about this lmao

What stunts did she do exactly? Because running, jumping, and punching in front of a green screen are NOT stunts. I’d consider female parkour runners more to be stunt women than this dumbass.

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Despite these people being professional actors doing a mostly scripted press tour, they can't avoid to reveal their real feelings through those microexpressions
Those two clearly HATE each other


she has a massive inferiority complex, combined with being surrounded by yes men who she doesnt question because they make her feel good about herself, and her own ingrained strong powerful woman because she plays a shitty superhero that literally no one in universe besides wolverine likes and that's because no matter how much of a braindamaged drunken fuckup and asshole with severe mental problems that he is, at least he's not carol the cunt.

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>he was politely comparing her to tom cruise who is famous for being a major star to do his own stunts
>she takes it as a personal attack and YASS QUEEEENS his head off

Women are a fucking meme

Emilia Clarke does

I'll bet good goddamned money she threw herself at him, and he brushed her off with a BEGONE THOT, and now she royally butthurt form it.

So did she, or didn't she?

Even without the microexpressions, you clearly know they'd clash anyways. Hemsworth breezes through these interviews saying dumb shit because he knows he has nothing to prove and isn't insecure.

Meanwhile Larson sees everything as some insult to her and can't not be serious about herself one damn second.

What’s wrong with wanting to be the next Tom Cruise? Sounds like a compliment

I love him. totally homo and NO HOMO at the same time.

I'll believe that

damn what a nice throwdown. she deserved it and anyone who says otherwise should consider sex

now she actually looks like comics carol.

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When she completes a stunt on a broken leg, call me.

What's with these all painfully average women being so uppity all of a sudden?

They need a way to stand out that doesn't involve standing out.

When I watched this video with her, Hemsworth, and Cheadle, it seemed like Hemsworth didn't like her but Cheadle did, which isn't surprising since he's a crazy leftist like she is

early menopause due to contraceptivr pills

>because I thought that's what everybody did
I used to do some kind of variations of this, and it's one of the most arrogant things out there. Not only are you winking to your audience that "teehee I'm so humble, I thought I was just doing the same as everybody out there ;)" but you're also reminding people that not everyone does their stunts, and you are better for doing them.

So you present yourself not only as a humble person, but also as someone superior to your costars.
Cunt. I dropped this as a kid. How is she still this into her forties?

If he says his mind he won't get roles.

I really hope she has a small amount of screen time in Endgame. Jesus...

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It may work in some cases but I'm sure almost everyone caught how disingenuous that reply was
Just look at Thor's eye roll

oh, and Brie is? l o l

This will come as big of a shock to you as it was for me. Apparently, Captain Fungus is 29 or 30.


you're right, it's 100% false modesty.

Wtf is a clapback????

Honestly they probably would if more people were honest like you. Instead it's just an endless series of goal posts.

Wait what. Wasn't she supposed to be thirty or so in the Captain Marvel of the nineties, and aged up to forty as is her real age for the new Avengers?

Reply or response, but the implication is that you're being a bitch while giving one.

What the fuck, what is it with you faggots and thinking everyone who makes any point is immediately pro-Brie? Holy shit

Imagine having feet like this all while carrying yourself with a level of arrogance that could shatter the moon.

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I don't follow your logic. I still do this and I'm always telling the truth. Not defending brie i just don't get how it's false. Are you guys saying shes lying?



She tried SOOOOOOO hard to look special.
>are you left handed
>I am a little bit ambidexter
which is code for "i wrote once with my non primary hand to see how it feels"

I'm glad it's see-through to you folks too. I mean Tom Cruise doesn't need to be reminding others that there are other stars not up for risking their lives of a stunt, and there's no judgement.
Meanwhile she draws this up as something soooo obvious that you should be doing your own stunts, shaming the guys with families not endangering themselves for capeshit.

What a mark


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No, that's Chris.

First of all OP you are a colossal faggot for this twitter shit. Second of all, wouldn't that be a compliment? Tom Cruise is like the best action movie actor alive today. Finally, what a cunt.

The point is, replace her with her stunt double, as her stunt double is better than her. Do you have an argument for them to keep Brie?

I think you might be right

clapping is triggering, you fucking cis shitlord
SNAP SNAP SNAP is the way to do it respectfully and without offending people
fucking nazi fuck

Again maybe I'm just rare but I do this all the time and people get pissed even though I'm telling the truth. Maybe at least now I know why people get pissed? they think I'm lying (i assume).

When RDJ and Chris Evans met her an found out that marvel was going to be centering the universe around her, they "retired". Imagine opting to leave the best job you've ever had because of some bitch being promoted above you after all the hard work you did

most people in hollywood are terrible, horrible SPOILED AS FUCK examples of humankind. very very few arent, and even fewer are nice and humble.
its because he is BASED, and she is a horrible autistic cunt. she acts like someone with some kind of disorder.

a girl tried to fight me in high school. I kid you not over the last pack of tendies at lunch. I let her wear herself out hitting me, then pushed her over, grabbed her by her feet and spun her around like I was doing a hammer toss, or a tom and jerry cartoon. SHE WENT FUCKING FLYING, and her head dented my friends old chevy truck.

even though I was suspended the coach came to my house the next morning and begged me to join the track and field team, despite I was a fat edgelord.
like he mans his own twitter account. he has better things to do like smash puss with 10/10's.
she looks like a pedophile named jeff that works at a church thrift shop in that picture.

Tom Cruise doesn't need to prove anything to anyone
He may be clinically insane (or just indoctrinated by his cult) and he may be a manlet but holy fuck he smashes absolutely every part of the actual craft of acting, not just the stunts

Can someone who lives in CA please go and blow up the twitter headquarters? It's the single biggest cancer on this fucking planet.

>one of the hottest actors in hollywood right now

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Why did you green text yet type it out instead of actually using Yea Forums quoting?

>that tummy

Yes and my point was the stuntwoman isn't as beautiful as she looks in that photo and that just because she's better than Brie (which 90% of all women are) that doesn't mean she looks amazing
You do know people can say things without immediately attacking your opinions

Even if it's true (and it was sometimes true when I did this while younger), don't do this. It irks everybody by imprinting that you have higher standards than everybody else.

#1 spot is permanently reserved after Calvin, so I call bullshit on that list

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What's with the social shaming tactics on an anonymous imageboard, I don't get it, what's the point?

Well TIL anons don't know what humble means. Humble isn't about pretending you are bad at shit or did something unimpressive. It's a fucking character trait. If you think one needs to not speak their mind in order to be humble then the only one displaying false modesty is you.

I'm the second user. I used to do a similar thing in elementary school, where everytime I got the best grade I'd go "oh, it's nothing, I really don't deserve the praise". It's dishonest because I clearly knew I was the best, but I also wanted people to see me as a modest person at the same time. It wasn't enough to just get praise for my grade. That's why I recognized her doing the same thing. She is trying to smuggle the information that she wasnt trying to be exceptionnal, that she just happens to be a perfectionnist, or whatever the word would be here.

Chris Evans bring her to MCU dickhead

You're fat

>Do the rest of the Endgame cast hate Brie?
It's funny how in all these years you've never really heard of any negativity between the cast/crew of these movies until now. Really boils the noodles if you know what I mean.

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Like another user said, don't do it. Take responsability for the things you do well and be man enough to accept a compliment.

DAmn wasn't he balding for a while? Definitively on finasteride and hairplugs

But if you literally think that and are telling the truth then you don't know people have low standards. Do you see the problem here?

Imagine being this delusional.

yep. but at least I HAVE SEX

You probably don't, women don't go for fat.

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She clearly didn't take it as a compliment. And I don't either when people do that shit. I guess I'm just an outlier.

When she does the action scenes without stunts and has a body like that
Then I'll respect her.

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They don't go for faggots either which is probably your preference

women like guys that are good bullshit artists, can cook very well and they are notorious chubby chasers.

feels fluffy man.

how does that mean michelle obama hates her

They tend not to care that much as long as you have a decent job.

And I never said she looks amazing, I'm saying she should be replaced by her stunt double and that her stunt double deserves it better than her as an insult to her, not to praise her stunt double. Not that there's anything bad about her stunt double, but there is with Brie.

Wheeehohohoho (


Why should she have a body like that? Makes absolut zero sense for the character other that to complete your male sex fantasy.
Her power came for The Tesseract not from the gym

Fat people don't have sex.

Why do queers and women try to act like their idea of a hard pipe hitin nigga despite being as sweet as cake and hating masculinity.

someone got shot down by a fat girl at a party at 2 am didnt he?

And hair. :')

Honk honk faggot. Honk.Honk.

now that's just silly.

you have to understand that this isn't a battle against men, women crave the approval of men. this is a battle against other women. Brie has found herself the newly crowned queen so obviously shes gonna lord it over all the other bitches, ESPECIALLY scarlet

Heres my problem with that. Because this happens to me a lot. If someone says I'm athletic but I'm really not. That's not a fucking complement. That is more false than me saying I'm not athletic. Just because said complemented is like a 5'1' 95 lbs manlet doesn't make it any more true.

fuck you liar.

explain the entire midwest then.

fat people 500 pounds
footlong at subway $5

well Chris definitely played with her huge pretentious ego.
she couldn´t help herself and mention martin luther king and Mandela when talking about real life heroes so Chris said that his biggest hero is "Falkor the dog dragon from never ending story"

How autistic are you to not understand that shes making a joke?

Especially since Captain Marvel clearly had Top Gun in mind when it was made

I don't go for fat so that couldn't be me. Literal blubber coating their arms and legs. I'll leave the fat women for you and you can have fat babies together.


now THIS is a good joke

i can´t stand watching crinch
what did she do?

>her power came from mcguffin, not hard earned work
huh, so you agree she is a shit character?

you want the fatty tuna. admit it. you know the fat is where it's at.

You're getting hang up on the truth here I think. Someone paid you a compliment because they were trying to be nice. You are rejecting that and it's hurtful. Remember that trope where it's rude in some cultures to refuse a gift? Well, it works in our culture too. Forget about whether or not the compliment is true or not.

It's 10 second long dude just watch it
No one could accurately convey to you how fucking bitchy her tone of voice is

She just needs to be stretched out.

The fuck is this bitches deal brehs? She looks worse than gal gadot unironically even thinner less personality no presence on screen and is hated by everyone.
Literally the edgy loner femcel of Hollywood
Fucking hell she's so stuck up I can't even fathom how much it would take to make her actually relax
She's easily the most unlikable women I've ever seen online especially for a ((celebrity))
Literally 0 redeeming factors about her
Hell I'm so vexed by this animated inanimate object I'll let the twitter mobile screen cap go
Seriously what the fucking actual bloody hell is her mother fucking God damn dealio? She was so bad she bombed the most successful franchise ld all time so fucking hard Disney had to buy a million of their own tickets just to make sure endwar their fox merger and shares don't tank

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You want to suck on her toes don't you? Don't you?

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That smile shows more charisma that Brie Larson could ever wish for in a whole life.

Someone photoshop Capt. Marcel suit on her just to piss off Brie.

Someone needs to tell Brie she needs to have sex

Only documented female incel is Chloe Grace Moretz, all other women can never ever experience true loneliness or celibacy

fill the ego of an already egocentric person and you have a shitstain like her. Downey Jr is like that too but at least he is charismatic.


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imagine having this picture with that title saved on your computer

Ive seen this a few times in real life. This kind of woman mistakes male confidence and banter with "being a cunt". So instead of a witty and funny comeback being uttered with a smile and jest, she delivers the line with a underlying anger and arrogance. Essentially making a humorous moment into a very awkward one.

Then these types of women turn around and cry "sexism", because "no man can handle her", which is "why shes single".

Tragic lack of self-awarness, which this modern women displays

BASED! Yea Forums BTFO!

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>Well, it works in our culture too.

You have a point but I think this varies person to person. It seems to me most people I know are actually disarmed by my ACTUAL humility. It's factual and it's not me just putting on a nice guy routine. They know where I stand and I'm not some guy trying to socially maneuver. But yes it does get me in trouble with people who interpret it the same way as you. There just appears to be a vocal segment of the population that hates this shit and you accurately explained why and I thank you for that. But you gotta understand, not everyone sees shit that way. A lot of people, even people that excel in social circles care more about integrity than ritual.

is that Liam Hemsworth's daughter in his arm? I wanna cuddle her!

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If anyone thinks she cant get anymore disgusting, google her feet.

>chads making onions face

This is wrong, clapping back is shooting someone

probably his siblings children.

There is hope for us.

Fucking this.


>Thor: Falcor from the Neverending Story

I like how you guys missed the point while arguing the same thing. That's how she wants to be and she won't be that way by trying to be like tom cruise.

Ugly people have sex too. Unfortunately

Fuck off pedo.

Nope. She's 30. Apparently her character doesn't age because why *wouldn't* the Infinity Stone specifically associated with space make you not age?

Fuck this dumb shit.

It's goddamn Miley Cyrus you buncha retards

>a lot of people care more about integrity than ritual
Taht's also true.

Shut the fuck up while I shitpost you fucking faggot

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That is basically how all white women act, ESPECIALLY the dumpy 3/10’s because white men are so pathetic and sex starved they’ll do anything just to stick it in.

I wonder if Hemsworth or anyone else was getting tired of her bullshit on set.

Hollywood accounting

>Chris and his other siblings all have beautiful children
>Liam and Roastie Cyrus have a fucking dog

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only because tickets are so fucking expensive, and its the worlds easiest money laundering front.

Holy shit, 4x4. Based Hemsworths.

"I like this one."
"What the fuck is that suppose to mean."

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>will literally clap in your face to punctuate sentences during an argument
That's a good way to get your fronts knocked out

Based af Chadzam.


My exact thought.

The Pink Power Ranger who was pregnant yesterday has a better body than a billionaire actress from Disney

>male sex fantasy
>its literally just a girl who is in above average physical shape
>she doesn't even have any muscle definition and clearly only works on her legs

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>Why should she have a body like that?
>Her power came for The Tesseract not from the gym

Its not male fantasy, all heroes from comics have this biotype, muscles
If you write this is because you do not understand this world
It's the same Kevin Feige mistake, he does not associate comic book heroes with athletes, Feige only sees money

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