>he fell for the soup
He fell for the soup
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dunn thinks it’s amazing
>bam gets buttmad as fuck
it’s my personal favorite sketch, the wrong one died
Is it wrong, to be strong?
I still get tense watching this
knoxville is such a cool guy
>stern. stern but fair.
Knoxvilles a fucking champion, bams such a little bitch
he could have easily crushed and lost his hand here. fucking maniac
knoxville is a turbo chad
>it’s a knoxville almost dies but continues the stunt episode
actual lunatic. I fucking love him
Rate the movies.
I unironically think its one of the best trilogies ever made. People are gonna laugh at this for decades.
Knoxville was the only Jackass I ever really liked, that guy has nuts of steel. Bam is such a pussy. I'll never forget him breaking in tears over a couple snakes.
>can we get Bam some water?
>maybe a Shirley Temple?
What were the safety precautions, if any?
>knoxville's fucking laugh
the maddest of lads
"I ride on a fucking skateboard, I don't get fucking shot."
>its loud
>its gonna hurt really bad but its just loud
He just laughs it off too jesus
>is this okay? Yeah? Then we’re goooooood
absolute fucking madman
Did someone say Bam?
The fact that nobody died here is fucking baffling
Please go back to your subreddit, thanks.
he cute
Jackass was kino
Knoxville is such a chad
How do you get an insurance company to sign off on that?
>fuck that
>fucking christ
>knoxville: "that is great!"
Read the thread you drooling retard
I think they just rode dirty on these ones, they might have secured the permits but no company in the US could possibly insure Jackass
Is Butterbean okay?
Damn knoxville saves that guys life by pushing down and having him nearly miss the bull than dude bails and leaves knoxville by himself to get rammed
Knoxville's laugh is so great.
I remember the only time that Knoxville didn't laugh was when he got shot by that rubber bullet. Aside from that, he laughed at everything else.
>that episode of mtv cribs where johnny knoxville tries to save steve-o's life by getting him away from his drug addicted "friends" roomates
did someone say Vinny Beedle?
10 years later and this bit still gives me gut clenching laughter
>why would there be a chair there
Lol every time
>ywn pass a comfy afternoon with Knoxville and Pontius shooting the shit or something
Can you at least look at the thread before posting, it's the 3rd time it's in here you dumb faggot
People say Bam is a pussy but at least he did the stunt. Dave fucking just shits his pants as usual
not gonna lie lads, as a kid I used to think Steve-O and Johnny were the same guy
dave and ehren are legit low tier
I didn't think you could give kids a lobotomy.
During filming, no days were like that and everyone was constantly on edge because they knew they could be the butt of a joke at any time.
>you got hit in the stomach PRE-TTY good AHAHAHAHAHA
I love Knoxville so much
Was Dave the worst of the lot? Even Ehren did more than just shit his pants at will
Bam Margera has always been a crying bitch, I remember him crying in almost every jackass stunt
>it’s a bam cries again episode
Still makes me laugh like a madman.
Knoxville talking about all the major injuries throughout Jackass was grueling. Dude almost his life like a billion times
Tier list
Drunk SteveO
Sober SteveO
Wee Man
Id agree with this, bam should be in low though
>everyone have protection gear like masks
>knoxville just covers his face
the madman
Fuck you idiot, only Ehren could have made the Terror Taxi skit what it was, sometimes you have to have a good mark and that’s what you people will never understand
Why didnt they go through the clearly open sunroof?
Name any other sketch Ehren was in that he elevated?
Wee Man should be higher, come on.
>fucking balloons
Absolute Best: Knoxville
Top: SteveO, Dunn, Pontius
Mid: Bam, Wee Man
Low: Dave, Ehren, Preston
Honorable Mention: Loomis and Manny
you can see it was closed after the bee dump
knxoville is a true hero
you absolutely can't. don't know why people can't tell jackass is all fake and CGI.
We're forgetting Lance
I'm actually impressed Bam agreed to continue with this one, even after Dave England pussied out. That's out of character for Bam.
this gave me a little laugh
Jackass captured the early 2000s zeitgeist sooooo well. In fact, I’d say it’s the definitive representation of that period of time for young me.
Such a brave guy.
Why did Bam always wear those weird outfits though?
he's a faggot
Bam is seriously the biggest bitch of the group. I don't know how he made it on to that show.
>are you crying dude
funniest moment in the series imo
You'll be the judge
Hilarious how true it is that they get inspired so heavily by cartoons.
>Bam and Dunn with the horse
Well I guess I have to marathon all of them this weekend. Adding 2.5 and 3.5 as well
1 for purity
2 for insanity
3 for budget
>it’s a Knoxville starts bleeding profusely episode
>cameraman keeps filming
What a pro
he loved a perfect circle and afi, those gay ass bands
Does Knoxville genuinely not feel pain like normal?
He's such a chad
he's probably fucked up on moonshine
I will always envy that son of a bitch Knoxville. Man got to live like a fucking idiot and get paid for it for years.
yeah but he broke his peenus
bam at least did a lot of stunts. You can't ignore that just because he's a massive homo
Temporary broken peepee
ITs better now
>ywn be in high school recreating jackass stunts with your friends again
How would you guys rate wildboys, bam's show, and nitro circus along the movies?
Checked, but ain't it all better now?
Trips of truth.
It's probably defanged
Bam being the low man on the totem pole is about right, especially by Jackass 2, but he was a huuuuge part of why Jackass was as popular as it was. Not because of his persona, but his gravitas as a professional skater.
Wildboyz is unironically top shelf kino, VLB got old quick it was only good when people were shitting on bam
He had money.
Wilboys is unironically more educational than most shit on the discovery channel and animal planet today.
>Its a maniacal Knoxville laugh sketch
Wildboyz, Viva la Bam, Nitro Circys
Nitro Circus was fun but didn't have as fun of characters., Despite Bam being shitty his friends/familty mostly made up that show. plus I'm from West Chester and still live there
You don't.
wb > dico heavy vlv epsiodes> nc
He doesn't has to shove a tube in his urethra to take a piss anymore?
>it's a Brad Pitt episode
Wilbboyz is a legit fantastic nature show. I'm bummed that we'll never get any more of it.
Clout from skating and CKY.
>end up in big brother
>make connections
>already doing stupid shit
>team up with bb crew
I think it's something along those lines.
How are those people not dead yet?
Wasthat action point movie good?
Probably not due to the fact he comes from a lineage of incest.
I wish Dunn lived :(
This is the kind of movie Nostalgia Critic and his Kickassia crew always wanted to make.
2.5 is pretty comfy
Literally the week Jackass started airing I saw three kids in my neighborhood dressed as fat fucks in huge padded clothes skateboarding into bushes.
molesta la breasta
Based Brad
Brad is such a bro
He's more than just a massive homo. A lot of his solo "stunts" were just randomly sucker-punching people in the back of the head and then running away.
It seems like the other guys didn't like him either because they went out of their way to inflict actual psychological torture on him with the snakes on several occasions.
Bam is in his own tier at the bottom with his pedophile uncle.
His persona and image were a big part of how he marketed himself too. I remember middle school in 2000 all the boys were watching cky, trying to imitate it with terrible pranks, and thinking bam was such a badass anti authority figure
>challenge is over
>Knoxville decides to trigger the bull even longer
You can't tell me this guy didn't have a death wish, at least a little bit.
Chris Pontius > The entire Jackass cast
Top fucking tier, willingly about to take a 150 mph golf ball to the head to make the skit 5 stars.
>I'm still not out
Fucking legend man
Knoxville laughing at steve-o and pontius are the most kino moments in the series
>you'll never be friends with brad pitt
absolute lad, a lot of rumors he helped take down harvey weinstein
god tier
A lot of rumours your mom went down on Harvey Weinstein
Honorable mention:
Knoxville > Steve-O > Pontius > Dunn > England > Preston > Wee Man > > > > > Bam
>sorry i got bursitis
I might move pontius in front of steve-o but otherwise good list
Dunn is such an underrated member. He was basically the voice of reason among the crazy shit that went on. Fucking RIP.
Can anyone ID the song?
>Bam just falls on the floor
>wait wait wait
>blows it again when the guys aiming at him
don't you have shazam or soundhound?
Are You Queer? by Josie Cotton
1 > 2.5 > 3 > 2 > 3.5
But they're all fantastic and can be rewatched endlessly.
It really comes down to which stunts you prefer.
>you guys gotta catch them. these guys tried to kill j lo and ice cube
Pontius had such great one liners
i feel like it's important to have guys like him there too, it makes shit funnier and shows the contrast with Knoxville's insanity
>get into hardcore a few years ago
>hear Glory of Man, pretty cool song
>start listening to pic related
>these guys are pretty cool, why does their name sound so familiar to me
>suddenly I remember everything
>that one alligator that almost got him when he tried to escape
shit ranking
Everything about that skit is perfect.
Including the story right after that that they had to drive to four different doctors until they found one that allowed them to film inside because Knoxville wanted to show the whole shit despite having a massive concussion.
>it's a steve-o has a run-in with death and doesn't learn his lesson episode
no u
this one is so simple but fucking kills me
>those 8 year old comments complaining about youtube ads
Dave England getting a concussion from the doorbell is my favorite prank.
The good old days.
Him describing sucking nitrous oxide with no food or water for days is pretty eye opening
He probably bitched and got paid a hefty sum to do it.
shame how dunn and dico had to live in bam's shadow. they were both great.
that shit aint hardcore you poser
those fucking boomers getting mad lol
The gauntlet.
>good thing I was wearing that helmet! Safety first
the funniest thing to me is that they didn't seem to consider the high probably of kicking each other in the face at high speed, which would be way worse than a nutshot. They are disappointed it didn't work, but if it DID work, they'd probably have fucked themselves way worse than intended.
I think even Bam would agree.
HAHA yeah, imagine getting mad watching the internet, once a bastion of freedom, slowly get gobbled up my corporations and greed. Haha
Nobody on nitro circus is likable or charismatic. Shame because their stunts are pretty insane.
I don't get it
Not at the time. Bam’s West Chester group got on the show when the L.A. crew discovered their CKY and skate videos.
>Minutemen aren't hardcore
Who's the REAL poser here, son? They were DEFINITELY part of the hardcore scene, despite not being a cookie cutter Minor Threat rip-off. Minutemen having some country and reggae influences doesn't make them any less of a hardcore band than having straight up reggae songs does for Bad Brains, having slow sludgy metal songs did for Black Flag, having surf songs did for Dead Kennedys, or having doo wop songs did for Misfits.
you are such a huge fucking faggot kys
>I'm still not out
calling people poseurs and being a scene gatekeeper is why all the guys who pioneered the movement abandoned ship and punk died.
>the absolute state of this whole post
RIP Dunn
Didn't this whole shoot sent the into a deep depression that made them promise never to make a movie again or something?
Would have totally chilled with dudes like this in the late 90s and early 00s even if it meant doing risky shit. Hotel hopping from state to state then doing dumb funny shit along the way sounds comfy af
all of those bands DID get shat on for being sell outs and not being "punk enough".
You got utterly btfo. Shut up.
That horse drag crippled him good.
I'm with you, user.
I could agree if not for their proclivity for doing shit with poop. I don't play with poop.
>all this shit talking bam
uh sorry sweeties this thread is for /earthrockers/ only
>it's a Bam gets branded episode
Go to rehab Bam.
>Pepperspray hurts the worst out of all his stunts
Is it really worse than being tackled by a bull?
>tfw Knoxville had already been shot with some super big rubber bullet in the stomach like a week ago, and had a giant bruise all over his abs
>does this stunt later and, talks the other guys into it
>"he gave me a dickfarm on my ass"
>it's a Steve-O did it first years before that but MTV didn't allow them to air it episode
Send in the clowns
Knoxville is legit a fucking boss.
He's the only one who never pussied out on anything. Even Steve-O got nervous about some things, particularly on Wild Boyz, but Knoxville was ALWAYS fully game.
Heard you was shit-talking Bam.
Fucking bunch of fucking weak-ass queers.
Pretty sure it's because he got wind knocked out of him
The absolute fucking unit of a human being. We don't deserve Knoxville.
Steve-o nearly got eaten by a fucking whale shark because he fill his pants full of shrimp. That takes some balls
If you've seen how people die when facing a bull in those running of the bulls events, you'd be fucking crazy doing this type of shit, let alone film it.
Those horns will fuck you up when you get gored, jesus.
Leave and never come back, thanks.
>that time Knoxville faked a fatal snake bite on Wild Boyz
Steve-o was fucking crying.
The anaconda in the ball pit bit is my worst nightmare.
Bro you're just jealous that Bam never hung out with you... get a fucking life dude.
You ever seen Big Mouth?
already posted and discussed retard
Reminder that Steve-O is certifiably insane
Whale sharks physically can't swallow anything larger than krill. They are perfectly save to dive with.
SteveO just isn’t wrapped right
A shirley temple is a nonalcoholic child’s cocktail
Movie format works so much better for this than the show.
I think you're getting A Perfect Circle and "HIM" confused.
>I’m still not out!
It was from an episode of Wildboyz, don't know which one.
Wildboyz > Jackass
>I've long awaited this blood orgy!
Season 02 Episode 06
>During the grand finale, when Bam Margera and Ryan Dunn are yanked off their feet by a running horse, Dunn suffered an injured shoulder that eventually developed a blood clot. Due to the clot's proximity to Dunn's heart and brain, it became life-threatening and required extensive treatment to keep under control. Soon afterwards, Dunn contracted Lyme disease. These two hazardous conditions caused him to spiral into a deep depression that lasted years, during which time he cut off all contact with his friends and eschewed the attention of fans. He only reemerged into his friends' lives and into the public eye shortly before Jackass 3D entered production.
Fuck, man. Punished Dunn was the worst timeline.
I fucked Adam before Dasha.
someone stop this man.
Yeah, he really crashed and burned after that.
nick will never let vinny redeem himself now
The only thing they had going for them is the bull's horns were shaved down so no one got impaled or gored.
Still a miracle no bones were broken especially Knoxville by the end.
This is high art
How the fuck did they always get Kosick to agree to this shit?
I know people shit on Bam for being a faggot but I appreciate his faggotness for showing how great the other guys are in comparison
I love this stunt, the way Dunn went down always reminds me of getting downed in games like Gears of War
Damn I've forgotten what Steve-O's voice sounded like, what's he sound like now?
Still fucked but making more sense
>Unregistered Hypercam 2
>Dave getting his shit wrecked.
>Knoxville's laugh
God, I'm in a fucking nostalgia portal.
>the slowmo punches
>Preston's trembling
every time
>bam collapses instantly and starts crying
>dunn falls to his knees gasping for air
>knoxville just paces back and forth a bit like he's stubbed his toe
that man ain't human
I'm happy for him. Glad he turned his shit around.
what the fuck does that have to do with their prank you tweaker
Viva la Bam was actually good when it's about April, Phil and Don Vito.
Oh I thought you were one of the zoomers making fun of youtube comments from 2007
Yeah man, considering he was the worst at one point
Knoxville and Steve-O were the best. I think each of them realized that Jackass was basically their only shot of doing something with their lives and they gave every stunt their all.
3.5 was depressing because you could clearly see most of them were just over it, and were treating filming as more a job than just hanging out having fun with friends
It's 18 minutes in
>2011 was 8 years ago
The chair shit was really adorable
Something about getting in a gorilla costume makes a person regress into an actual ape. It has happened to me and everyone else who's wore one but I'm not sure why you get so into it?
Who was in the wrong here?
>stupid stoners Pontius and Steve-O recognize the dangers of fucking around the wild life after Steve Irwin dies and get out of the game.
>Coyote Peterson still became a thing
Peterson is such a retard
Anybody listen to the dvd commentary for Jackass number 2? It was fucking kino and felt like watching an entirely different movie cause of all the jokes and shit
kind of shit prank
they didn't even give Steve-O a chance to really believe it before spilling the beans on it
Isn't steve-o and pontius working on a new wildboys?
What's Pontius doing now?
>it's a the gang makes fun of Bam's fear of snakes episode
Bam would have been a better mark for a snake bite prank.
Bam and Dunn we're always the bottom tier for me. I guess I liked bam a little when he'd get his shit kicked in. It sucks that Ryan died, but on the show he never seemed to have any personality.
Of course it was that wannabee shit smearer
Go fuck yourself faggot and suck my dick you redddit newfag onions queer faggpt
I haven't since the dvd came out but I remember it feeling like I was hanging out drinking with the boys. Maybe I'll revisit it tonight. I'm very lonely.
Is this the craziest thing Knoxville has ever done?
>the grouper fish scene
i'm in fucking tears holy shit.
Cheers m8. Cool track, reminds me of the Cars - Just What I Needed
Take me back to thin bam, listening to 30 second clips of songs on amazon again and again, college, jnco jeans, nu-metal vs pop punk, final fantasy VII, drinking in parks and house parties uh
you got called out for being a retard so you double down on the stupidity? impressive.
2 > extreme power gap > 1 > 3
This is proof that Johnny is the craziest of them all.
People shit on the 2000s but it was a fun decade
>ywn laugh like Knoxville
My personal favorite stunt
>tfw u will never fuck a girl in hollister t shirts again
Neither, dunn pissing in dicos mouth is fucking gold.
Can a show/movie like jackass ever be made again? Or is there anything that has people doing dumb shit that will get themselves hurt? The only thing close I can think of was FilthyFrank, Idubbbz, and Maxmoefoe.
>you will never have this much fun
>you will never party with Andrew WK
absolutely crazy
>the sound of dico gargling on dunns piss as it fills his mouth
Cky was fucking great.
How can Broadway even compete?
When the balloons burst under Ryan lmao!
Did Knoxville voice himself here? Sounds like him.
>tfw you will never fuck a big titty goth girl in a korn tshirt from your jr. high ever again
The opening to Jackass 3 is so perfect. I remember being so fucking pumped up when I first saw it.
Take me back :'( Early 2000's were peak humanity. Funny to think in thousands of years people will look back on shit like this the way we do with ancient rome!
How did you guys feel about Dirty Sanchez?
there was something mean spirited about them that made me not like them.
him and steve o need to do a wildboyz series or a movie, they could easily promote the shit out of it as a nother Jackass Presents : Wildboyz The Movie and it would do really well, great show and great premise.
They did some really fucked up stuff but I thought they were funny as hell. The way they fucked around with Pancho when he was constantly sleeping was gold.
i'd switch bam and wee man
I always liked them because they seemed like real friends. It wasn't like Jackass where they were put together, I'm sure the jackass crew liked each other. But I liked it that in Dirty Sanchez they always seemed to just be hanging out at each other's houses doing stuff, rather than having it all organised. With only four of them you got to know them a lot more too, with Jackass there were all these people only on it a few times, that it seemed like they were friends of friends and stuff, just wanting to get on TV
they were friends, they just liked to REALLY fuck with each other
as a bong i enjoyed it but jackass is superior
those guys are all lifelong friends too. jackass is more prank/humour based, dirty sanchez was more pain/shock value
>tie string around claw hammer
>tie other end to fish hook
>put fish hook through foreskin
>throw hammer
wildboys >>>>>>>> nitro circus >>>>>> power gap >>>>>> dirt sanchez >>>>> bam's shitty unfunny show
>chop off end of finger
>mate eats it
also why
Was Action Point worth watching?
Because humans are apes and it gives you a reason to act like an ape.
is action point any good?
>tfw u forget the second snake
yeh could have actually lost a leg
also nearly got his foot bitten off by a mako shark in the first movie. he was Lucky he kicked the shark against it's snout or else it would have bitten his foot off
Fuckin legendary. Really one of their best shoots right here.
those numbers tho
>all these people shitting on viva la bam
Viva la Bam was great, albeit kinda milked towards the end. But rural pennsylvania and the wilderness are great settings to just fuck around in, and I like how focused each episode was on the overarching bit or activity like the canoe races or turning the house into an ice rink.
Wildboyz was kino
Never got into NC because I dont care about travis or his redneck friends as much as I do Knoxville and the gang.
For obvious reasons, it would be the closer, but the Terror Taxi skit is easily one of their best because its a double prank and its so elaborate.
i Always found their laughing very fake sounding. like they where forcing it or pretending to laugh
they did more disgusting shit then jackass did, but they where never funny
>make a guy think he's going to be killed
>he's panicking and crying
>finally calms down
>also you had our pubes in your mouth
what a wild ride
He obviously knew what was going on and rolled with it. Until the pubes.
That's fucking crazy, why would anyone agree to that?
>the stinging nettles
i remember being stung on the knuckles as at school and feeling like i had reached the zenith of human pain
What other user said, switch bam and wee man
>better fall on my side to maximize surface contact
this was right as steve o's drug addiction was peaking right before he dived into full insane addict with tons of money. he would clean his act up mostly while filming stuff but after 3d he went REALLY hard on the PCP and cocaine, to the point he was hallucinating constantly and was going to kill himself but the jackass crew intervened
this is a great documentary, you really see how badly he would get fucked up. he owned every apartment on his floor, knocked through walls, had a whole apartment just for skating, was doing piles and piles of drugs and constantly fighting and tormenting his only neighbour who didnt sell out. his life was falling apart thanks to massive stardom money and heavy addictions, steve-o should have died a long time ago.
there should be distinctions drawn between "Daredevil Dave" and "Gross Out Dave" and "Danger Ehren" and "Whiny Prank Magnet Ehren"
just to add on
everyone here should check out this one specific bit. we are all aware of how great knoxville is, but this bit shows how good of a friend he is
He seems like a genuinely nice guy.
Dave was an unassuming madman.
It's one thing to drop trou and PRETEND to shit in an uninstalled hardware store toilet...but to really pinch one off in it. That's a whole 'nother level.
What part? I think i know what part your talking about but the time stamp didn’t work
>Ryan Dunn never died
>been an elaborate prank all these years
>jackass crew gets together
>brings Bam to a field with a familiar figure standing across the grass
>Steve-O tells Bam to go to him
>Bam slowly goes up in shock, realizing it's Ryan
>starts crying tears of joy that his best friend is alive
>Ryan puts out his arms to hug Bam
>sudden eruption of giggles coming from the rest of the crew
>Right before Bam reaches Ryan the grass beneath him gives way
>falls into snake pit
>looks up
>Dunn takes off his mask
>it was Knoxville in costume the whole time
>Dude, are you crying Bam?
>Jackass 4
>constantly fighting and tormenting his only neighbour who didnt sell out.
imagine the balls on that guy
God damn that's stupid, the fucking Welsh man
Good thread, lads.
Let's do one next weekend. I'll stream some Wildboyz for everyone.
Nice lessdo it
bam would boil lol
>tfw you huff too much nitrous and find out your imac doesn't have enough gigs to transport you back in time to save your mom from having an aneurysm a decade ago.
I used to host Jackass movie marathons on rabbit back in the day.
Shit was comfy.
are nettles worse than hogweed? Hogweed has burned people so severely they died.
Fuck man, a burn hurts for fucking hours later, he would have been in so much pain as time went on.
Shit like this makes me wanna understand how and why someone would get addicted to drugs. It didn't even look like Steve-O was enjoying most of that period where he was blazed out of his mind.