So the title basically confirms she's related to Luke. Discuss.
So the title basically confirms she's related to Luke. Discuss
Have sex, fatboy
To this day I still don't understand why people dislike the twist about her parents being nobodies in TLJ. It's way better than
>AKSTUALLY she's the daughter's uncle's son's newphew's dog's grandaughter of this character you know and love!!!
There is literally not a single character she could be related to that would make for a satisfying backstory. TFA fucked it up from the get-go. Instead of ruining a pre-established character by making them a child-abandoning asshole, TLJ made her parents literal who assholes, which was far more interesting for Rey's characterization. But JewJew Hackbrams only understands banal fanservice so OMG SHE'S LUKE'S DAUGHTER!!!!! WHAT A TWEEST!!!!!! LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!
Rey is the daughter of Sheev. Kylo Ren is the Skywalker in the title.
Then we are forced to conclude that Rey got her powers from nowhere and is the embodiment of a Mary Sue character.
Rey is a clone made from Luke's hand.
Luke is supposed to be an incel virgin though
That's what makes him so relatable. Getting him pusy and making Rey completely kills his character
>To this day I still don't understand why people dislike the twist about her parents being nobodies in TLJ.
Because if they did that to begin with in Episode 7, people would've accepted it. Instead JJ baited the audience with the mystery of "WHO IS REY'S PARENTS?!" and then Rian went "Lol, nobodies" and so they felt cheated by it.
Why does the Force need to come from "somewhere"? Was Yoda's dad a Jedi too? Does that need to be examined in excruciating detail? Hell maybe the EU did already.
If you're so in love with the idea of Force lineage you could just say her parents were Force sensitive but never trained.
Then go with that. They decided to go nowhere with it. It's like if in LOTR they made a big deal out of the ring and then it turns out it wasn't anything. It totally subverted our expectations, but it would be shit.
I think the problem most people have is that she's a nobody that also has won in the end of both movies. Her being the daughter of Luke would at least give some explanation of why she is great at everything. Anakin was the result of Sheev and Plagueis fucking the force. He was essentially space Jesus and had an entire prophecy backing him to boot. Luke was the son of space Jesus and still fucked up a lot, and got his ass kicked a lot. I don't think anybody wanted her to be Luke's daughter, not really. I think people are just looking for any in lore reason at all as to why she's this amazing badass.
i think the title refers to kylo's inevitable face turn (leia being a skywalker, too). they're not going to make her luke's daughter given her romantic connection with kylo (yes, i know luke and leia, but that was clearly only because lucas was making it up as he went along, and they're not going to want to rehash the whole incest angle). they already explained rey's background. making her a skywalker is dull and predictable.
>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people
Skywalker refers to Kylo.
No I think its going to be even more retarded and she'll adopt the name and just call herself a Skywalker
At least someone in this board has some sense.
>They decided to go nowhere with it.
They don't NEED to go anywhere with it. The movie isn't fucking wookipedia.
its kylo based retard
Sheev impregnated Shmi, he is the original Skywalker
>Rey hit by buss in first 15 seconds of movie.
>Luke walks up and casually retrieves his lightsaber from Rey's corpse.
>"Lets do this"
>Climbs into his x-wing, and sets course for the First Order.
>Ultra-double-deathstar explodes, it's hood scoop and spoilers flopping off into space.
>C3P0 and R2D2 standing next to Luke on the deck of the Millennium Falcon.
>"Finally the galaxy is safe. The Republic is restored, and threats like the Empire and First Order will never return. Time to build a new Jedi school."
>Roll end credits
>After credit scene... zombie corpse of Rey starts to get up.
But Force lineage is a thing, it's why Luke was so strong with the force when his father was Vader.
If they don't need to go anywhere with it, then don't have it in the movie. That's like screenwriting 101.
JJ is retconning the shit out of TLJ
Could it be that this actually turns out decent?
What if
>Hype up Rey's parentage in interviews like originally
>Make it an anti-twist
>She doesn't tell Finn but as soon as they run into Han, he immediately recognizes her as his niece
>Comic relief where it seems like he's more excited to see the falcon than her
>Rey ran away from her destiny because she's afraid of Ben (fear leads to the dark side and all that)
>Luke knew where she was all along but the Force told him to wait for the right time for her to come to him
>Swap Luke's arc with Rey's a little
>She's the depressed, almost nihilistic person who has to learn to accept her family's legacy and to push forward
>Gives her more of an arc to overcome
I think Rey dies and Kylo becomes the hero and this is what they mean with rise of the Skywalker.
No. Are you on meth? Have you never seen his work?
there is no way in hell disney has the balls to kill rey
This. Was it ever explained why in Rey’s force vision in TFA, Obi-Wan’s voice called out her name?
Rey was created in the same way Anakin was by Sheev, that's why she is so powerful.
Wrong. It doesn't prove anything. It's going to be the Kenobi redemption ark. She will turn Kylo back.
i dont think i have heard any white person say this ever
Even if we accept that, it would have been nice to see her struggle and shit. We can't empathize with a god character that can do no wrong.
Even Anakin needed to train and got his ass kicked.
>implying rey isnt anakins mother
just wait for kylo to knock her up, then she goes back in time and calls herself shmi. shes already wearing the shmi outfit, but this time she dosent become a slave, raises anakin (rise of skywalker) and together they destroy sheev for good, thus making an entire blank slate for disney to further destroy star wars upon
Is this the thread where we pretend millions of people didn't know Rian and Kylo were lying to preserve the twist and act like it's a retcon?
But who tf likes Rey. Even people who liked the TLJ (yes, they exist) say that all the Mary Sue complains are correct and she's the weakest character by far.
>t. Wh*toid
>even the people who don't like rey who liked TLJ
Most people wanted rey to do even more bad ass shit.
the sjws that have taken over mainstream media
>evil white man somehow has come to his senses and saves the day (without even considering reparations) while beloved Mary Sue progressive womxn turns heel and becomes part of the dark side
>incels on this board actually think Disney will even think of letting this happen
I always knew you guys were stupid, but i never knew youd be this fucking retarded
Ye, I would have liked it too, but she's the weakest character in both movies, even fucking Rose is more engaging than her, so why should I suddenly give a shit, let her die an heroic death after 30 minutes and then make it all about Kylo Ren.
Because just giving some random person absurd force strength with no explanation is incredibly sloppy/lazy writing. If you can do this, there are no stakes in the plot. Killed off the good guy? Don't worry. Another will just appear. Killed off the bad guy? Another will just appear from thin air. It's dumb. Maybe it's logical in some way but it doesn't make for an interesting story. You need stakes for a story to be interesting. Luke being "The last Jedi" was what brought the stakes to a climax in the OT. If he failed, it was 100% over. The galaxy would be controlled by the emperor for god only knows how long, possibly indefinitely. With crap writing like this we now know that if Luke failed (and Rey wasn't his daughter) it wouldn't have mattered since Rey would have just appeared twenty years later out of thin air and toppled the emperor anyway since she's "a counter balance". Star Wars needs to stop sucking it's own cock and start introducing unique content to the star wars universe, this "balancing force" idea and the cycling of these jedi's and sith is a repetitive cash grab and dumb. There needs to be real stakes and the series needs to grow balls and drive into new territory. Introduce some characters who harness the force differently, like a unique superpower or something, introduce space vampires, introduce a time machine, a borg-like species, get inspired by comic books, anything really. It needs to break out of this circle of crap.
why you expect original and less used twists on fuckin star wars you mongrel
star wars is classic hollywood cinema, tackiness included
anything else feels out of place as it was proven with TLJ
No way, unless they're making some weird incest shit again, maybe to make it rhyme like poetry.
his first trekkie film was ok
and he also retconned violently
Han and Leia abandoned her after Ben went bad, to keep Snoke from finding her.
makes sense and it's why she can communicate with her brother
Don't forget this is a Disney film it's not Lucas just making up a story. There's certain intentions here like creating a female hero to sell Star Wars merch to girls. They're not going to jeopardize certain parts of this trilogy
I would have a hearty laugh at that. Sheev's kid, hilarious.
This scene, much like Anakin's saber showing up in the first place, exists for mystery box purposes.
ur fucking retarded. yoda spent hundreds of years practicing the force, whilst rey became a powerful force user instantly.
She's going to be Sheev's granddaughter while the Skywalker is Kylo. He's already fighting some weird masked guy and they look like training/teaming.
I doubt Rey becomes Evil, but Kylo being saved and her love interest was clear as day since they said this was the reverse of the prequels, and they had their actors said shit from Pride and Prejudice to get their roles.
or maybe the title is referring to ben solo, who is also a skywalker. i could totally see disney not reveal rey's last name because they don't have a clue who she is either.
Rey is the replicant child, prove me wrong
>Yea Forums claims they hate the Mouse.
>The catalog is FULL of Disney threads
What did the deluded lying faggots mean by this?