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Why isn't the TIE fighter shooting at her from a distance?

Calling it now, this is the battle at the end of the movie between Rey And Kylo.

That was cringe

She would just force stop the lasers.

It’s Kylo training Rey

Quite literally what the hell is going on here and why is JJ retarded for putting it in

>trying to ram a person with a fighter jet

Because they'll make up some shit about her being strong enough to block a massive ship laser or because it's Kylo flying it and he's expecting her to jump over.

>taking the trailer bait
that was easy

Why didn't kylo shoot her?

She's mounting it you idiots, they're teaming up

*Firestarter Intensifies*

god i wish that tie fighter were me




What pointless shit is this? Unless she fucks it up with her lightsabre who give a shit

Now THIS is podracing

looks like rey is pregnant (thousend generations living in you), she is teaming up with kylo, its the last part of the movie (tfa started with a desert planet, tros will end there)


have you city slackers never tamed a wild TIE?

Kylo is in there and doesn't want to outright kill her you fucking brainlets.

why does she need to jump then?

to jump inside, land on his dick kiss him pationaletely and tell him she believes in him again

This ain’t even as impressive as if the tie fighter were to be shooting her and she’d deflect all the shots before using the force to cause it to crash in front of her and then have her walk out of the smoke.

Too terrified to anger a strong woman

Shut up incel.
Have sex.


the rise of Skywalker

I understood that reference

How fast is she moving that he still doesn't smashed her with his windshield?
Oh, right, this is JJ. Scale, speed and time are things he struggles with.

>TLJ: Rey uses force powers to hold up dozens of boulders.
>RoS: Rey can't use force powers against a tie interceptor or whatever the fuck.

Stupid. I always wanted Jedi who could just snap necks or crush enemy fighters.

>wanting a Jedi to do those feats
Not from a Jedi

Kylo's not in there. It's a different ship from the TFA one.

It's Matt Smith as the male clone of Sheev.

its literally kylos gloves
they painted the mid section red to sell toys ala 3po's red arm


The saber clips through her head while shes running

They are probably teaming up or some shit.

No it isnt, Rey beat the shit out of him. If anything she should be training him

i fucking lol'd

Rey's story arch is so great. She went from being a flawless hero who can do anything with the force, to being a flawless hero who can do anything with the force, and finally she is now a flawless hero who can do anything with the force. It really makes you stop to marvel and how far she's come.

that cackle at the end...

is he back? "no one's ever really gone..." sheev laugh

that was unexpected !

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Why does she ignite the lightsaber BEFORE running? Before the nu-Wars film there was no point in igniting the saber if you were not using it.

Someone want to take a guess as to why they ended the trailer with Palpatine laughing?
Are they bringing in his clones?

Instead of jumping over like an autist she could have just gone prone on the ground.

How is the audience supposed to know she's using the force if her lightsaber isn't on?


lol no it will just be a spooky sith force ghost

God I hope they don't. The whole point of the force ghosts was to show that the dark side never got immortality like they looked for causing the irony that the light side does.
Will they leave no stone untarnished?

>ITT: double digit iq retards
It's a fucking training exercise you absolute morons

That or I could see it being a dream sequence

wow how did you realize this u r so smart

Couldn't the ship just swerve or brake

Disney wars is glorified fan fiction so who cares

>the spoilers were true

>training exercise for Rey being rammed by a tie fighter
Shut up retard

being this unoriginal of a shill

You can't shoot a woman. Or are you a misogynist?

Which spoiler?

because they're not fighting each other

My fanny got a tingle and a bit moist when I heard the laugh which is a bit odd as I have a penis

retard, they change effects and include scenes in the trailers to hype/distort meaning of a scene so they don't give away the plot


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For what? An unlikely scenario someone tries to ram her with a spaceship? In case she needs a quick lift to the supermarket?

This trailer is identical to the Force Awakens trailer, almost shot for shot. You suckers. Watch it again.

how to force jump, duh

Why though? She beat his ass, she should train him.

They are not fighting each other, they are teaming up. She's not trying to slice the plane or swing it with the Force.


Have sex.

They could do that without him coming at her from a mile away.

It's not training, I think they're just going on an adventure and she jumps on top of his tie fighter to show cool teamwork and shit.
It's stupid.

>It's stupid.

Ah, yes. It's JJ we're talking about.


who fucking cares

Because her and Kylo are Allies now. She isn't attacking the ship. She's boarding it.

Did they really rip-off an Austin Powers joke for this movie?

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They are gonna fucking do it, aren't they? Except, she won't pilot, just stand on the cockpit.

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this is the gayest shit i've ever heard of. in the prequills, it was made clear that becoming a jedi took years of and years of training, mentorship, and relentless discipline.
>a thousand generations live in you now
fuck off.

i'm not even a star wars fan. i haven't even seen ROJ or ESB. i'm just not a fucking idiot.

Why isn’t it flying more than 2 feet above the ground?

so what, there is no resistance now when using a lightsaber?

>Captain, our magma tank is leaking! All 6000 hulls have been breached by Empress Admiral Rey Skywalker-Kenobi-Calrissian!
>Those fools! Why didn't they build it with 6001 hulls? When will they learn?

Concept art team is littered with retards.

Attached: The Art of The Force Awakens p073.jpg (973x546, 415K)

have sex

Reminder this isn't even in the actual film.

Attached: The Art of The Force Awakens p016.jpg (771x671, 333K)

Just a reminder that Rick Carter is back for IX. the Art of RoS is gonna be comedy gold

Attached: The Art of The Force Awakens p019b.jpg (792x749, 424K)

Would that even do much? I mean, I'd expect that the outer armor of a SD would be at least a meter thick considering it's designed to resist turbolaser fire.
Congratulations little flea, you scratched that elephant.

Then why is her lightsaber drawn

JJ doesn't think things through. Ever. This shit looked cool to him so he filmed it.