Why are marvelfags so pathetic?

Why is this garbage idolized so much? Great man narratives are so prevalent yet appeal to lowest common denominator soi idiots. Are we getting to a point til this will end? Or will Disney push for continuous growth until it all comes burning down?

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I agree with everything except the last one. It would be kind of weird if a woman wrote this though since they can’t seem to watch movies or shows without pouting because nobody is looking at them or scrolling through their phone.

>I agree with everything except the last one
What, you fucking gasp or cry at capeshit?

Not gonna lie famalam i cringed pretty hard

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1/2 destroying your argument

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2/2 destroying your argument

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No, but people over exaggerating laughs or gasps is detrimental to a viewing experience.

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who the fuck needs recaps for sophomoric shit like this?

I havent seen a marvel movie in theaters since the first captain america, do people actually fucking gasp and clap and cheer the whole time?

The funniest part about this is the part where the capeshitter pretends he's the non-NPC because Yea Forums doesn't like capeshit, as if he doesn't send 90% of this time on reddit
8/10 great bait

OH NO NO Marvel fans are cucks even in their fantasies

Okay, this actually made me laugh a little. I still despise MCU but that goes without saying.

>8/10 bait
I like it

>capeshit fans
>fuck girls

Pick one and only one

>dating single mothers


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>This destroys the incel

That ending is amazing, blew my mind

Formerly Timely

As the writing makes it obvious, the writer is clearly the target demo for Marvel movies: mentally challenged adult.

The best thing about that is the fact someone was proud enough of it to sign it.

Because the more the goyim (cattle) behave like cattle (retarded that are taken care of and just gladly go to the slaughter house when commanded), the better.

>Even in own story, he is a cuck.

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Why do all their faces look the same

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people post this literally every time a new Marvel movie comes out

There is no way that post is real. I am pretty sure it's a parody. Everyone knows these movies are just some lighthearted brainless entertainment. No one takes them that seriously. I refuse to believe that.

>that lovecraftian twist

It's definitely a woman who wrote this.

People keep buying it, companies keep selling it.

Really weird spending this much time on bait. It gets responses at least.

Imagine being so triggered you draw this shit, lmao, fucking disney shills

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quads for truth, the most inspirational thing I've seen on Yea Forums for a while

look at the bottom right a tripfag literally paid money to some guy to draw it for him lmao

Capefags in general are pathetic, did you forgot the laughable fags who asked everyone to watch 7 times JUSTice League?