What have we forgotten?

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Saggy pecs

god dammit
he's gorgeous

cherry coke zero

cringy edgelord character

i do the 'what have we forgotten?' speech in my head every morning before leaving my flat to help me remember if i've forgotten anything i need for the day

To do bodyweight and calisthenics almost exclusively.

Unironically he needs to work on his traps and neck a little though.


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I would. No homo.

that the anglo is god's chosen race

>What have we forgotten?
to hit delts, arms, neck and upper back

Upper body day


he can play tony blair now.

oh, shit, somebody else has discovered the magic of cherry coke zero!

How do we stop him?

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Anyone saw pic related? Didn't even knew it was out

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Large traps and neck would look out of place on that physique

he can have those ugly, potbelly slags.

Jude Law is proof that face is everything, because even though he's balding and getting older his God tier face still makes roasties swoon.

Imagine if catholic church had a handsome, sexy, strong leader who takes shit for nobody and herds his flock with an iron fist instead of a weak and frail submissive socialist cuck.

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I did, it's pretty luls

So he's gonna be dead and talk to the new pope from Heaven, right? Goddam the Young Pope was god-tier.

>a weak and frail submissive socialist cuck.

This is what Jesus was. He cucked out to the Roman Empire and got cucked in turn by both the Romans and the Jews.

was he just trying to get some catharsis with the followers with that Venice appearance or did he just change his mind?

I miss the fuhrer

You mean if Catholics completely ignored the teachings of Christ and embraced Mein Kampf instead?

pretty much
catholicism is as good a banner as any to rally white people under

i don't mind the foot kissing shit, as weird as it is. pope's should be humble to set an examples. what he shouldn't do is get involved in issues like climate change and immigration.

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BuT JeSuS dId ThAt

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I think it's important to talk about climate change. We were made the leaders of the Earth and given dominion over the natural world and we're running it into the ground. We are squandering one of God's greatest gifts in the service of greed and sloth.
Immigration we should stay out of though, I agree.

His real problem is that his nips are too close together.

>what if the leader of the catholic church was like my fascist heroes instead of Jesus
What a wonderful world that would be.

Jesus was not submissive.

>bible says to be stewards of the earth
>nah man I got some corporate boots to lick, the pope should stay out of this

Better than your saggy man tits, fatass.

>kissing and licking nigger feet so you can justify kissing and licking cute girls' feet
such is the bane of footfags

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You keep telling yourself that.

>come back home from work
>open the door
>see this
wat do

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>y-yeah i know who's gonna betray me, just will let it happen I suppose, I love being crucified

If Jesus did this today all your parrot brain could muster would be "what a beta", none of your fascist heroes are about self-sacrifice at all as you think that's only for useful idiots

>i do the 'what have we forgotten?' speech in my head every morning before leaving my flat

His ballbag is kink desu nein homo

Better than pic related

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>You will never achieve that classic handsome look
It's over guys...

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Wait, wasn't he full on bald on top like a decade ago?

Outta my way papist fucking shits.

Jesus was a Chad. Did you forget the part where the absolute BTFO'd the (moneylenders) and (merchants)?


Not really. He's been shaving his head/front piece whenever he played a bald/balding character, and then always grew it out and styled it frizzly to give it more volume after.

he wears a hairpiece for this show

So, barely a 6/10?

doesnt he have a tiny dick?

Not sure if you guys are memeing but I recently started drinking cherry coke zero and it's pretty much the only diet soda I like. That and diet dr pepper.

Tard rage.

>Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.
>-Matthew 19:21
>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.
>-Matthew 19:24
Pope ain't wrong about the gommies.

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>Jesus was le hippy socialist weakling
Holy projection batman you faggots cannot tip your fedoras harder

>We were made the leaders of the Earth and given dominion over the natural world and we're running it into the ground. We are squandering one of God's greatest gifts in the service of greed and sloth.

of course he should speak about being good stewards of the earth and about pollution. what he shouldn't do is get involved with the specific issue of climate change, which we have limited and complete knowledge on, with competing interpretations of data. we also have a responsibility to mitigate human suffering, which requires fossil fuels. it's a complex issue, and the a moral leader like the pope should weigh in on the generalities, like speaking out against pollution in general.

CIDF /pol/ division has arrived I see

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Wow its almost as if he's saying the pursuit of material possesions over God is wrong not to join a commune and read Marx you disingenious hack

He's not a spring chicken anymore

I did
Loro 1 was shit, 2 was alright
literally everything is better than that

If you are so against the board culture why are you here

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what's the point of drinking a soda without sugar? It tastes like shit and doesn't boost you.

>they're shooting The New Pope literally 20km from where I live
>didn't know they were looking for extras

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his intention was to be sacrificed, and despite what he knew would happen, he remained defiant about who he was and what he believed.

Yea Forums's only value is that it is contrarian. So because the current Zeitgeist is atheist, it presents as ironically theist. Don't take it too seriously kid

It tastes good and is carbonated

>willingly endure intense agony and torture out of pure love for the human race
>get insulted and called submissive for making the ultimate sacrifice
Cowardly and spiritually dead bugmen see sacrifices as weakness how typical

>He thinks sugar boosts him


Stupid boogeyman poster

he was talking about personal charity. he wasn't telling caesar what kind of economic system to set up.

have you even tried cherry coke zero?

Try to kiss hand.

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>Yea Forums is le contrarian central xD
Its so easy to stop tourists when they say shit like this.

Being Pope is NOT about emulating Jesus, I don't think it ever has been?

God I miss Ratzinger.

Not that guy, but I've yet to taste a non-sugar soda that didn't have that horribly awful aspartame after-taste. Does the cherry flavour cover that up or something?

try again

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he had an insane amount of skeletons in his closet

I was just about to write something like; that's a nice body for a 58 year old
But then I looked up his age..

What are Yea Forums's values then?


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>not getting the joke that commies end up being poor and miserable with no stuff just like the bible tells you to be
Funny how the bible says sell your belongings and give your money to the poor and then follow jesus to salvation, not "sell some of your stuff, be charitable and not too materialistic". I understand though, giving up modern luxuries for the sycophantic asceticism preached in Luke 12 is a little too hard.

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Holding Mein Kampf as an ideal is also a good idea.

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You don't get it. Getting crucified was part of his plan.

he used to be a hairy ape

looks normal now

Unironically best trap track I've heard.

I mean, the majority of /pol/ think Christianity is a Jewish trick and Jesus was nothing but a kike on a stick but sure whatever you need to believe bud

Yea Forums is one of the largest conformist echo chambers on the internet dipshit

great physique


each body part inspected separately appears weak and underdeveloped, the bodyfat percentage is too high, the hips are too wide in comparison to the shoulder girdle and the tighs overpower the upper body...
the complete package looks unmistakably masculine, powerful, and naturally aesthetic.
what kind of black magic fuckery is this?!

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that would be based


we have forgotten clothes

Still waiting on an answer

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Randian Objectivism.

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Not being a massive faggot such as yourself

Did you time travel from 2009? Ron Paul hasn't been popular since then.

He could play the lead in a movie that requires someone like Cary Grant.

>lets have the state control the means of production, tax the hell out of rich people so the chosen (((leaders))) get premium goods.

Jesus never said that commy.

combining deus vult crusader aesthetics with Fascist industrial warmachine really awakens my inner edgy thirteen year old. This would be amazing

O misericordiae dei

are you serious?

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Ironically the pope outfits are the only things that match the look of gold and silver watches in that style. They look awful with a normal suit.


Have yet to be proven wrong.

Its almost as if Jesus speaks in parables not the suicidal literlist lens your disingenious fedora tipping brain processed it as

Damn, Niles looks like THAT?

however it has been proven that you are reddit tourist who should kys

That’s literally the most ideal male body...

Wait a second... Magazines have been telling me that Brad Pitt, Jude Law and DiCaprio are supreme dicklets, yet his bulge looks normal here. What gives? Do they expect everyone to be Johnny Sins or something?

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The submission and humiliation was part of the agony he had to endure dude.

bulge is mostly balls any way, why would you expect to be able to tell a man's dick size based on bulge? my own bulge fluctuates in size by hundreds of percents, depending on how much blood is in my dick and how low the balls hang at the time. it's completely meaningless. based on bulge size I'd be a dicklet most of the time and massive sometimes.

also, you can stuff it and they would obviously do that for actors on a chilly beach.

Ironically Communism is obsessed with distrubuting material goods and is anti-religion which I think would be two strikes from Jesus

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