The greatest movie of all time is an anime. How do you cope with it?

The greatest movie of all time is an anime. How do you cope with it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Airplane isn't an anime

Yes,but it's not that one.

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i have never seen an anime film that genuinely tackles deep questions or themes. anime is designed to make mental 12 year olds think they're watching arthouse

天気の子 will surpass it

>deep questions or themes
read a book nigger. it's about aesthetikus

there is no BTiLC anime.... yet.

Have you seen any anime outside of pokemon or dragonball? You can dislike anime,but saying that there is none that tackle "deep questions or themes" is retarded and ignorant.

no it won't

>i have never seen an anime film that genuinely tackles deep questions or themes.
Those are a dime a dozen, but that doesn't make them good just like live action movies aren't good just because they're trying to be intellectual.

>anime is designed to make mental 12 year olds think they're watching arthouse
Anime isn't designed to do anything differently from live action.

more like aniGAY

>Anime? I'm sorry, but when I look at the great names of Japanese cinéma; I think of Ozu, Naruse, Mizoguchi, Kobayashi, all masters of the medium in a manner that animation cannot replicate.

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By laughing at the weebs who really think so

They made The Godfather into an anime?

Anime can replicate live action better than live action can replicate anime.

Is there much of a market for live action adaptations of anime though?

netflix and JJ abrams seem to think so

>no mention of kurosawa as he is too mainstream
Ah, the mark of a true patrician Jap Kinophile. May your penis ever be engorged.

I meant it in the sense that anime can do almost everything live action can, but live action can't do as many of the things that anime can.

Fucking PLEB

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Yeah but it came out in 88 and nothing else has even come close.

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Ozu is just as mainstream you fucking Yea Forumsedditor

>Anime can replicate live action better than live action can replicate anime.
name 1 (one) anime that adapts a good live action movie and makes it better


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I'm not talking about adaptations, I'm talking about what both mediums are able to do.

>dude haha don't call me shirley



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In 95. Akira is just a flick. GITS is ultimate blackpill on techo facism.

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thats not even the best anime... or the best japanese movie... or really even good at all. in fact it fucking sucks ass. your move.

Paprika is older than Inception, though.

>when the sharpie drops

By counting the days until my Blu-ray arrives.

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Cringe thread?

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not really. :)

Hey janny why do you delete these type of threads for everything else, but when Yea Forums makes these ones theyre baby sat?

It's funny because shirley sounds like surely.

girl who lept through time
Let Me Eat Your Pancreas
samurai 7 series which is like a sci-fi take on the movie

Yea Forums is the video game board. Maybe you're thinking of Yea Forums which is the anime board.

>about what both mediums are able to do.
you must have never watched anything other than popcorn flicks if you think that

I'm just describing a basic fact. It's easier for anime to do the things live action does than it is for live action to do the things anime does.

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The jive scene isn’t funny, even for the time

except for any sort of realism or human emotion

That's not even the best anime film, which is Only Yesterday or Grave of the Fireflies or Princess Mononoke.

Honestly saw this for the first time a couple of months ago and found it amazing. I'm a 30 yo boomer who's barely watched any animu

Anime is full of those.

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>except for any sort of realism

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Nani is this?


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I mean sure, if you’re permanently stuck at the emotional development level of a teenager and can’t appreciate themes or messages that aren’t literally fucking monologued out by the characters.

This is pretty funny actually.

Watch better anime

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It's obvious that the only anime you (at least vaguely) know of is Dragon Ball or something.


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nice plastic plant. Definitely feel immersed in a office building

Like one of these?

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Which are more annoying? Your Name fags or Ghibli fags? Its very hard to decide since both parties constantly overrate their shitty flicks.

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Anime is for fags, losers and mentally underdeveloped children.

>Live action is for fags, losers and mentally underdeveloped children.

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But your name was fucking boring

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Are "Alt-right" losers still trying to peddle their shit into every corner of the internet for the 2020 elections? Like they did last time?

I'm okay with it.

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what the fuck..source?

Koe No Katachi is better imo but anime in general is better then film



(You)r Name.

actually breddy funny

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You could never get away with this in live action right janny?

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or even this! well maybe if you're netflix but still

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Your Name, the other's were Garden of words.

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nice stereotyped actions. those characters are generic as fuck.
I bet there are hundreds of anime that show those interactions in the same way, especially the "guy lowering his head in shame/thought"

Based but
>black cocks

>stereotyped actions
You mean normal human actions?

>those characters are generic as fuck.
Generic is not a word.

>I bet there are hundreds of anime that show those interactions in the same way, especially the "guy lowering his head in shame/thought"
Good thing there aren't thousands of live action movies that show characters walking, sitting, eating and talking.

Somebody explain the "bandaid in the pussy" japanese meme to me

There's a few but let's be honest here, anime is mostly a medium aimed at kids and manchildren
When studio tries to make something original, audacious and deep it bombs and doesn't sell
like flip flapper

Anime can do one thing that is unique to cinema better i.e Editing.

Source: Your ass

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Most anime is not made for children, and manchildren don't exist.

>When studio tries to make something original, audacious and deep it bombs and doesn't sell
Original anime sells all the time (like Gridman and Revue Starlight).

Most films coming to the theatre are also aimed at manchildren,does that make film a bad medium? Watch more anime.

Is that the end?????


>manchildren don't exist
>he says, on Yea Forums
>what is irony

live action actors can actually give a personality to the character they play but you are probably too stuck in the 2d world to understand that

That's Caleb
He's been laughed out of Yea Forums and /jp/ for not knowing a thing about anime

Good animation will give characters personality through the animation, character design and voice acting. It's not that hard to understand.

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They don't exist regardless of where we are.

>live action actors can actually give a personality to the character they play
Voice actors, animators and designers can adctually give personality to the characters.

If you watch something solely because the girls are cute then do the world a favor and blow your brains out tonight.

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No, she thanks him for saving her, confesses to him like she did to the doll and kisses him like she did with the doll making him confused for a moment but then he fucks her right there against the wall.
The file is too large to post it here so had to write it

what if the girls are like, really really cute though.

>term I don't like being called as doesn't exist
Oh, it's this faggot weeaboo.

Manchildren don't exist and neither do weeaboos.

There's some really great anime out there, it's just hidden in a mountain of manchild shit.

Attached: Shigurui.jpg (1280x1024, 766K)

Then you should really, really blow your brains out tonight

The fact that you are posting in this very thread is evidence to the contrary

Manchildren don't exist.

It's not.

the medium shows its limits there, same for videogames

na but what if they're sooooo fucking cute that you just HAVE to see how they act in a show?

Every medium has limits.


Pic unrelated I guess, PB is literally 12 year old's first psychological thriller and its cringy bad.

You would be singing a completely different tune if it was live action but otherwise exactly the same.

Fucking entry level pleb from Yea Forums

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I just need to see if he inserts his penis into her vagina

fuck off weeb

Movies that tackle deep questions, themes or ideas, philosophical or psychological, are only for brainlets who can't understand the concepts on imagination alone. It took rocky to convince a generation of brainlets that hard work in itself can be rewarding and can be worth it in the long run. Read a book instead. Books explain shit without just dressing up easy to understand concepts. Anime actually describes the ideas through dialogue more so than western film, that way it can go deeper and lead the viewer down paths of thought. On the other hand western films try to dress up existentialism or loneliness etc in the prettiest way then claim they're deep.

I wouldn't. It's a carttoon for kids, like all anime.

Based contrarians.

If you use the word "contrarian," you're literally an idiot. It's an invented concept by idiots with reddit sensibilities who are too fragile to deal with criticism of mediocre media that has widespread appeal.
It's a troubling manifestation of millennials' mental weakness. Seriously, the only people who would even entertain any "argument" involving the concept of being "contrarian" are weak, lazy idiots who can't deal with criticism substantively.
If it bothers you that much that people criticize mediocre mass-marketed work designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, like Star Wars, Breaking Bad, Tarantino, etc., you should find a safe bubble and stay there(Yea Forums). Or kill yourself.

You're thinking of American cartoons.

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>someone doesn't share my shitty weeaboo taste
>must be a contrarian
Why are animu fags always, without exception, literal autismos?

post it

It isn't a cartoon and it isn't for children. Cartoons and anime are two different things and most anime isn't made for children.

Is it safe to assume Kon is the mcdonald's arthouse of cartoons?

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all of those are good entry level films

>Baby's first
>cringy bad.
Good arguments


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No, I meant the chinese ones. I was pretty clear about it too. Are you retarded or are you just pretending to be an assburger?

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>Anime describes ideas through dialogue
Usually in the most un-subtle way

Truly a wholesome movie, fit for all ages. I'd let my kids watch it.

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Source: the truth
Just go ahead and look at the anime produced per season and count how many are actually ambitious, deep and daring, trying to give an added value to the viewer rather than mindless entertainment?
Also yuasa is indeed an alien who elevates the worth of the medium, need more like him.
Too bad as Chiaki J. Konaka said it's very hard to make your independant works produced nowdays so we're not getting new talents

>Original, (audacious and deep)
looks like you omitted two adjectives here

Never said that anime is a bad medium, I only think that it's potential is wasted because of the current state of the market.
Also I've seen more anime than you. come back when you're done binge watching the top of the bucket, maybe your view will be less distorded then.

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I'd let my kids watch Grave of the Fireflies.

woah..... really makes you think.........

>Just go ahead and look at the anime produced per season and count how many are actually ambitious, deep and daring, trying to give an added value to the viewer rather than mindless entertainment?

So it's just like western television and movies?

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>everyone disagreeing with me is the same person
Holy shit you are that anime autist who spergs in every single weeb thread on Yea Forums. Jesus Christ user you're like a walking stereotype.

>Just go ahead and look at the anime produced per season and count how many are actually ambitious, deep and daring, trying to give an added value to the viewer rather than mindless entertainment?
Strange how people expect most if not all anime to be some 2deep4u cinematic odyssey into the center of life, the universe and everything, yet no such thing is expected from any other medium.

>looks like you omitted two adjectives here
You could define "audacious" and "deep" in literally any way so what does it matter.

Why change who you are after I blew you out for being behind all the problems on Yea Forums, tourist?

forgot the other link haha

>when the sharpie drops out of her pooper

This is next level autism


All this film has going for it is that it’s aesthetic pleasing.

The animation is incredibly inconsistent, there’s hardly any believable build up, the plot is incredibly contrived and poorly written.
A lot of terribly written and comically bad action. Shallow one dimensional characters , and plot devices that literally make no sense, so they feel cheap and unearned.
I flat out died laughing when one of the protagonist gunned down a train military guy in some futuristic death machine, it’s just laughable bad.
The ideas presented are interesting yeah, but it’s an objectively bad film outside of that.

Something like your name is infinitely better and I saw both films this year.

These are some of the tags,guess the character

I think there's actually way more "deep" anime than there are Western TV shows.

>capeshit is just like anime
wow, so this is the power of anime

have sex

Well he is a capeshitter that doesn't watch real film

Yeah except there's more material produced from the movies side therefore more good content. It's just more rich. It also helps that movies adapt books which are usually more raffined than, on the anime side, LN/VN/Manga
Also movie/tv are more accessible for new talents than anime


yo i went to the website for this and now im even more confused
what the fuck

>considers moeshit, high school drama or second grade crime thrillers "deep"

Anime is more accessible. The industry is very open and there's no TV channels gatekeeping everything.

>It's just more rich
The accessibility is a good point though. Not so much the books, because almost 1/5th of published books are smutty romance novels.

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What’s funny to me is people who dick ride garbage like Akira are the same people who shit on the new star wars stuff for all the shot you find in garbage like akira.

Just wish animefags would be more consistent

Nothing wrong with being shallow entertainment
if I want something 2deep4u I read a book or watch a good film.
If I want to relax I watch some anime or at worst the new hyped capeshit.
Everyone is happy bros

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>le so edgy xD
grow up

Hi Kanye

>tfw no mitsuha gf

>Just go ahead and look at the anime produced per season and count how many are actually ambitious, deep and daring, trying to give an added value to the viewer rather than mindless entertainment?

Attached: keksito.jpg (305x284, 23K)

>If the tone is light it's childish
>If the tons is dark it's edgy

That's not The End of Evangelion
close one

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Moeshit doesn't exist, high school is just a setting and a thriller could be dumb or intelligent.

Stay mad Yea Forums

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>who are you quoting?

Whats in there
I dont wanna get in a watch list if I go there

Let me guess, you're one of those weeaboo apologists who gets their panties in a bunch whenever someone says anime is for kids and starts pasting canned responses like "anime is a MEDIUM"

>Gets corrected so many times he calls it a "canned response"

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Name 1 (one) piece of media that is ambitious, deep, daring and tries to give added value to a viewer

>how many are actually ambitious, deep and daring, trying to give an added value to the viewer rather than mindless entertainment?
How the fuck did you move the goalpost to the moon so fast?

It's factually wrong to say that anime is for kids.

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Why you posted the wrong pic op?

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>Koe No Katachi is better imo
The mango was better than the animu

Based and redpilled

I didnt, there's just a few connections to make, it's not moved

you have to back

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

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your mom?

But eraserhead isn’t anime
It’s good but it’s not amazing or anything

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Based and Honestpilled

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Already a thing.

>you have to back
Where to?

Have Nikki Blonsky recite Keit-ai.

If anyone ever complains that reddit or 9gag or tumblr or whatever isn't funny, remind them that Yea Forums invented Keitai and still won't shut up about it.

Threadly reminder that Keit-ai is now the highest grossing anime film of all time.

>$358 million

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This is actually a good thing. Anime revenue coming from merchandising has been the single biggest thing killing the industry. Revenue moving away from merchandising means studios don't have to cater to the autistic NEETs who buy up their blu-rays and anime figurines. This means less samey moe and waifubait bulshit clogging up seasonal releases and more genre shotgunning in an attempt to appeal to western demographics. Won't guarantee quality, of course, but it will raise the likelihood that SOMETHING good will come out. More budget means studios can start being experimental again.

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Overrated as fuck. The only good part was the Asakura knife scene and the scene just before it.

This post is complete fantasy that has no relation to the actual realities of anime, which you obviously don't watch at all.

The only good scene is the whole movie. All 2 hours and 44 minutes of it.

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>I think there's actually way more "deep" anime than there are Western TV shows.

I'm actually not sure about this. A given anime is defiantly more likely to have far more ambition than a given random TV show, but most anime is still crap and there are just enough western 'prestige' shows to give the best anime a run for their money. For instance, Breaking Bad isn't what I'd put as a genuinely top tier show (I'd actually put the first season of Prison Break above it for what it's worth), but it's still better overall than 99% of anime.

Moving up a tier, there really aren't more than a handful of anime that I'd say are superior to something like Boardwalk Empire, and there are maybe perhaps a half-dozen that could properly compare to Lost or even the Sopranos.

There's something like 30+ new anime every three months and the level of creative freedom is way higher than in the West. All kinds of unusual shit gets made without having to worry about appealing to big audiences and running for years. There's more of an emphasis on making a short series that's focusing on some specific idea.

Cheer up user, the best way for the anime industry to fall out of creative stagnation is to recognize that their product is no longer a niche hobby for degenerate otakus, but a serious medium with broad international appeal. Money is entering the industry again, user. Things are looking up.

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It never went into creative stagnation, and otaku have always been just a bogeyman, a way for Westerners to explain things they don't understand and don't like. Money has been steadily increasing since 2013.

Nah, the ending drags on a bit and the mystical properties takes me out of it. Time travel is always weird in a movie, no need to combine it with body transfer too. 5 cm per Seconds was the better film. Still unbeaten in raw emotion to this day.

Her movie is coming out soon, and when it does it will be the new greatest movie of all time

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>money has been steadily increasing since 2013
yes, as this chart that both you and I are referencing suggests.
>it never went into creative stagnation
there may be a variety of CONTENT, but that does not mean there's been a variety in writing quality, in animation quality, in characterization, in theming, in virtue and in intent. barring a few exceptions, all anime in the past ten or fifteen years has been essentially the same product, despite having markedly different plots, premises and aesthetics. prove me wrong.

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>lets take all our ideas and hide them from the audience

There has been variety in those areas, it's just that almost nobody in the West actually watches anything other than the occasional big hit like Hero Academia. Almost nobody is even aware of what is airing during any given season. Nobody pays attention to that shit. They just complain that everything is the same, even though they couldn't possibly know that because they don't watch anything.

facebook tier taste
PB is great but it really is Yea Forums and ironic weebs favorite anime and director.
>clinging on to his irrelevant seasonal garbage
kill yourself retard worse than vegfags
based ping pong chad

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You are right Kobayashi is pretty based.

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>using "seasonal" as an attack

>the level of creative freedom is way higher than in the West

If you're purely counting made for western commercial broadcast TV only shows, I'm not going to disagree, but if we're counting things more broadly and including cable/streaming along with various other sources, then these constraints go away. Anime is certainly more conceptually ambitious and you seldom see things as genuinely 'out there' in the genre bending extremes anime gets to outside of it, but this results in quality more rarely than it ought to.

>complains about seasonal garbage
>posts Chaika

>Almost nobody is even aware of what is airing during any given season.

Most of any given season is late night crap with some random gimicky premise or typical shounen-style battle or shoujo highshool drama otherwise.

Careful now buddy don't try to shittalk Chaika

isn't that just all the chinese they got hooked on F/GO?

the only reason people talk about your show at all anymore is to make fun of it. Also your waifu is memegirl of the year
desu i just saved the gif bc it was cute

This is what people who have no idea what's going on actually believe. You're proving my point.

I didn't even watch DitF and I said nothing about it. I just said that using "seasonal" as an attack is retarded.

sssshhhh user, his whole position hinges on us collapsing due to our ignorance.

Well you are ignorant. That wouldn't be a problem if you at least admitted to your ignorance. If someone asked me what's going on with death metal recently I wouldn't have any answer because I just don't know, and I'm not going to pretend to know.


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>Well you are ignorant.

Most seasonal anime is shit. Not all of it, but the majority of it absolutely. The premises of half of these shows are completely inane, and no I don't need to give a shit about the latest show where some dude is given a second life inside an RPG world.

try again

>Most seasonal anime is shit
i'm not an expert but does this even mean anything? are there anime that don't come out on the seasonal schedule or are you just labeling all the shit anime seasonal?

Your sister?

Seasonal anime is a meme. Seasonal doesn't mean anything. You are not saying anything. You are just mindlessly repeating a meaningless buzzword.

Most anime in any given season is somewhere between mediocre to ok. Most anime is not bad. This is a meme.

>I don't need to give a shit about the latest show where some dude is given a second life inside an RPG world.
Isekai is a meme. People who don't watch anime complain about it incessantly as if there was nothing else on the air. And as if every isekai was just magically bad for some reason. They've never watched them.

>are there anime that don't come out on the seasonal schedule

Ongoing children's shows generally aren't counted in most season charts.

Redpill me on this forced meme.

>no u
you're terrible at this.

>convince anons that modern anime isn't all the same trash
Arguments to counter:
>despite a recent upsurge, anime has been stagnating in quality
>studios have been stagnating because of a need to lean on the lowest common denominator of their consumers in order to make money
>studio budget and industry market value is directly correlated with the quality of products
>disregarding the few exceptions, modern anime lacks true variety in quality
>modern anime has a problem portraying quality writing, quality animation, quality characterization, quality theming, etc. despite having a broad variety of plots, premises and aesthetics.
Your defense:
>attack credibility of adversaries
>accuse adversaries of ignorance
>attempt to convince adversaries that they are ignorant
>complain that westerners don't watch anime
>otakus don't real
>seasonal anime don't real
ethos attacks don't really work on anonymous imageboards, user, and your petty attempts at semantics are disingenuous. if your position is so self-evident, explaining it shouldn't be difficult. post the evidence.

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>despite a recent upsurge, anime has been stagnating in quality
It hasn't.

>studios have been stagnating because of a need to lean on the lowest common denominator of their consumers in order to make money
The lowest common denominator is a meme and people have no idea what it even means. Late night anime is not made for the lowest common denominator--it is not mainstream--and anime is full of niche content that appeals to different people.

>studio budget and industry market value is directly correlated with the quality of products
Budgets don't seem to particularly vary, and budget isn't what determines quality.

>disregarding the few exceptions, modern anime lacks true variety in quality
There is a Grand Canyon-sized gulf in quality between ImoImo and Violet Evergarden. Why is that even supposed to be a good thing?

>complain that westerners don't watch anime
They don't.

>otakus don't real
Otaku are real, but what Westerners think of as otaku is totally made up. There are no such people.

>seasonal anime don't real
Seasonal does not mean anything.

The bottomnline is that you don't watch anime and have no idea what's going on, you just repeat shit you hear.

>and all of these things are true because I said so, therefore I win because I say I do
you sure showed me

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You don't watch anime and don't keep up with what's going on, so stop pretending like you do. Go do something else with your time.

ok retard

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Because you don't, and I don't understand why you people can't ever see that. How could you possibly have accurate knowledge of the state of anime if you don't watch it and don't even try to find out anything about it? How?

>Shallow romance anime made for fat incels and discord trannies is considered the best movie ever made by OP

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>I have no idea what this movie is but here's my hot take anyway

Apocalypse Now isn't an anime.

you are so fucking dense, dude. of course I watch anime, of course I keep up with the state of the industry -- but you are so fucking moronic that you completely ran with the assumption that I didn't, and decided to formulate your entire position on this one thesis that you couldn't and could never actually substantiate. you could have expressed your position in a way that's actually logical and coherent, but instead you decided to play gatekeeper and choose which opinions an "actual" anime watcher would hold. I WANTED to be convinced, but you seemed to have missed the point because you were too busy trying to convince yourself that I was too ignorant to even talk to you. the core problem here is that you and I have radically different ideas about what makes something "quality," predicating the entire argument upon our own subjective tastes and interests. We could have eventually landed at this point and agreed to disagree, but you were too blunt to even get there.

here's the thing: I could tell you about how I am an animator, I could tell you about my broad interest in the medium of animation from a historical and cultural perspective, I could tell you about all the fucking shows I slog through before inevitably dropping because all of it is fucking crap -- but none of this shit actually matters, because none of it actually contributes to my points or anything to the conversation at hand. pull your head out of your ass and stop being a fart-sniffing, gatekeeping faggot.


Yea its a really obscure and deep movie doubt he's ever heard of it

So, from what I see, animes are only good when they reference Apocalypse Now? I see.

>ran with the assumption that I didn't
Based on your posts, which very obviously give away the fact that you don't know shit. But you people are all like this--you just keep pretending, and you always put on this big show of being gravely offended that anyone would dare question your deep well of knowledge. Do you just latch onto anime because you need to be part of something and this is all you can come up with? What the hell is the deal with you people?

And whining about gatekeeping isn't doing you any favors either as that is the cliche shit spouted by redditors who are at best casual anime viewers and are offended that there are standards to being a fan and that not every opinion is correct.

>accusations of ignorance
>accusations of pretentiousness
>accusations of being reddit
damn, even after all that I've been completely incapable of baiting actual reason, logic and evidence out of you. I think I understand you a little better. You employ these ethos grabs so much because you yourself are insecure in your own ethos. You seem to be one of those kinds of people who is afraid to present things they actually like as examples of quality because they're afraid of being ridiculed for their taste. In another world, when you were having a better day or were feeling more confident in yourself, I like to believe you and I could have had a conversation where we realized we had something in common and formed an actual connection. Sadly, you're still too butthurt to even try. If deluding yourself into thinking you're the arbiter of opinions about the anime industry is how you cope, just keep on keeping on user.

Violet Evergarden sucked btw

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Why are you people like this and why are there so many of you?

Yea Forums meme. Of course.

>Violet Evergarden sucked btw
Why did you feel the need to post this? I mentioned it over an hour ago only as an example of a quality gap between two anime. Did you think that I'm some super VEG fanboy just because I mentioned it and you just did an epic burn? What the fuck's wrong with you? Well I think I know what: it's popular on Yea Forums to shit on VEG for whatever reason, and you saw people do it so now you're doing it too. Because that's the extent of your involvement with anime.

Shut up

Stop shitting up my hobby with your larping.