Do you trust critics still, or are you starting to disregard their opinion?

do you trust critics still, or are you starting to disregard their opinion?

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who the fuck reads critics? i thought that was a ratatouille meme.

This movie didn't skimp out on the gore.

Critics are more fucking useless than ever.
Im a liberal and they're too sjw and socially whatever.
Im actually usually impressed by audience score and how accurate it ends up being via democracy.

All the evidence you need -
The last jedi got a 91 from the critics and a 41 from the fans (a little high still sure, but you get the point)

That's actually the reason why I stopped caring about audience scores entirely and just read critic scores. They usually allign with my tastes better.


I've always been suspicious of them but the Alita and CM fiasco red pilled me good.
Fuck em

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>i stopped reading audience scores and just read critic scores

Are you rarted?

No I don't trust critics opinion, I trust the average human's opinion on film even less though

Critics should never be trusted. They are all paid shills and morons.
That said Hellboy is fucking terrible.
I already filled one thread with my thoughts on this shitshow

>some jewboy with thinning hair, black rimmed glasses and a blue check mark Star of David on Twitter doesn’t want me to go see a film

Who cares

Hellboy is dogshit.


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That’s a Disney shill

>Audiences love shitty movies
As if this wasn't obvious enough, most Capeshit has very high audience scores

i had no idea about this movie but i'm gonna guess it doesn't have a liberal agenda, or shoehorned black characters

It has shoehorned black characters. It's also perhaps one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

What does the only critic that matters (Armond) say about Hellboy?

Awful guess

What's the difference between a Democrat and a Liberal?

I trust no opinions but my own. Trusting others is for plebs