>Only started watching The Sopranos because of the memes
I just have one question?
Which retard thought it was a good idea to call a strip club bada bing?
>Only started watching The Sopranos because of the memes
I just have one question?
Which retard thought it was a good idea to call a strip club bada bing?
Other urls found in this thread:
whats wrong with that
it's a fucking mafia strip club what do you want
it's no worse than any of the other guido slang from new jersey
Bada Bing sounds like a fucking joke.
What kind of man with integrity and respect would go to strip club called bada bing?
>What kind of man with integrity and respect
again, the show is about criminals.
Literally the most overrated show on this site, leave tv for us 18+ posters.
Look at this autist. This is why you shouldn't vaccinate your kids, people.
I'm surprised Microsoft didn't sue them.
you watch the greatest show on earth and this is what you take away from it?
I want to watch this series because I love the Godfather but I'm not sure if I can watch a bunch of full reebok sweatsuit wearing whops make references to it
Show was made before you were born. Settle down namefag.
I respect ton and the gang.
Like the way Paulie smacked that grubby jew with a service bell making it ding every time it hit his head, he's a professional.
I thought that was The Wire?
>Look at this autist. This is why you shouldn't vaccinate your kids, people.
Because he would have died before we had to see his shitposts?
hyperactive ritalin child
This. I had a 6 hour flight to San Diego for a work conference and decided to download a bunch of episodes from Amazon Prime. I watched this show the entire flight and felt like it was a massive waste. I would have been more entertained with a paper clip.
I'm on my 5th rewatch myself
>only watched 6 episodes
>show is such a waste!!!
Fucking faggot cocksucker
You do realize all the mobsters in the show are fucking idiots right? Remember the Naples episode?
They probably thought it was a fantastic name.
if it can't hook me in SIX hours then it's trash
What would you have called it? Something onions with Gentlemen or something foreign in the name? Kys
It is a fucking joke, they're italian-americans and are very self-deprecating. As far as I remember, no strip clubs have names. They're just "that strip club on X street" where the titties are.
>"oh its fucking beautiful"
gets me every time
Actually there's a strip club in my city that goes by that name
I might be stupid but is the reason Mikey Palmice says to Brendan
>Hi Jack, Bye Jack
because they killed him for the failed trucked "hijack". I honestly was confused, forget his name was Brendan, and thought he was Jackie Jr for a while
I just finished watching it for the first time a couple of days ago and I am already finding myself rewatching the entire thing only days later.
This show is really addictive and very great, but the ending kinda pissed me off to be quite honest. I was upset during the ending since it was so lackluster, I mean, it didn't even have a credits song either as the cherry on top.
Otherwise it was amazing, though, every character felt really fleshed out and interesting in their own way, so much so that watching every episode back to back (which is what I did) was kinda too much information to process in such a small amount of time. I consider that good in a way since rewatching it makes me notice a lot more of the small details of the story that I didn't catch on my first viewing.
Anyway, great show, I especially like Sil quite a bit since he is a very trustworthy and humble person with no real delusions of grandeur that would make him become an enemy of Tony and the family.
not him but vaccination is not worth it
and these memes are very dumb
So what would be the names for other sterotype races strip clubs be called?
tought the same when i watched the show the first time but now i can't imagine another ending. Im glad that tonys death is up for interpretation.
bing bing waho
Why is everyone morbidly obese in this show?
Does anybody exercise?
Brainlet post
is that dr melfi? what scene?
>Im glad that tonys death is up for interpretation.
I feel the same way, but in the ending itself there was no implication at all that Tony died, I personally think he didn't even die at all since there was nothing indicating that in the ending. People saying he died are basically just talking out their asses, even though that was really what the ending was supposed to do, have people interpret it their own way. But yeah, as said, I don't think he died at all.
Before watching the ending and having people say that he died, I thought there would have been at least some indication that he actually did die, but the ending was so ambiguous that there's no way to actually know for sure.
Stick to breaking bad, pleb.
>breaking bad is only for the simple minded
>no implication
Are you a fucking retard? Every bit of storytelling and cinematography points to Tony dying. Just because you're too dumb to understand it doesn't mean it isn't there. David Chase doesn't even try to hide that it was a death scene when talking about it.
This is bait.
What kind of man with integrity goes to a strip club in the first place? You’re ogling naked women who cares what the name of the establishment is?
no john, you are the trash.
His talk with Bobby literally foreshadows explains the ending
>You probably don't even hear it when it happens
Tony's dead. Get over it
Okay, then who kills him? How does he die? Give me one single example of when it was made painfully obvious that he does actually get killed and for what reason.
Phil's ghost animorphed into the restaurant
>"You don't even hear the bullet. Everything just goes black."
>Member's Only guy
>Framing of Tony's perspective of watching his family come in only for it to go black on Meadow's turn
>2 failed parking attempts + 1 successful one = 2 failed assassination attempts + 1 successful one
The only thing left up to interpretation is who actually ordered him killed, and there are so many people who could potentially want him dead for so many reasons it's impossible to really determine.
Why did Tony kill christopher was it only due to the fact that he wasn't clean or what? I don't really get that either, he was supposed to be like a son to him, so wouldn't he have spared him despite the fact that he wasn't really clean? I mean, he had done it before, so why not again?
I was kinda confused when that happened.
>What kind of man with integrity and respect
I prefer to go to gentleman's clubs as well.
It's not only possible to determine, but the show makes it abundantly clear who's behind Tony's killing. It's Little Carmine. Not only is he the only person with enough power to sanction a hit on Tony, but he's also the person who stands to gain the most by seeing Tony gone. And that's not even mentioning all of the evidence and subtle hits that further incriminate him.
It's a show about a bunch of low IQ italian mobsters. wtf are you expecting?
I'm sure he rationalized it with the drugs and car seat but I think he was actually butthurt about Cleaver and Chris fucking that one girl he wanted to fuck.
>What kind of man with integrity and respect would go to strip club
A lot of reasons.
>Chris being a massive disappointment, and more importantly a massive embarrassment, to Tony
>The ever-growing divide between Tony and Chris
>Chris knowing secrets about Tony that, if let out, could completely destroy Tony's life
>Tony's realization, through Cleaver, of what Chris really thinks of him
All of this was already an issue, but what really sealed Chris's fate was his denouncing of Dickie Moltisante as nothing more than a junkie. Remember that Tony's faith in Chris's loyalty was based primarily around two things: firstly that Chris had an extremely idealistic and heroic image of his father, and secondly, that Tony was the one who allowed Chris to avenge his father. If Dickie is little more than a junkie in Chris's mind, then that favor Tony did for him suddenly loses all significance. Tony realized that Chris wasn't an impressionable kid anymore, and the further the two grew apart, the more dangerous Chris would become.
they def have names
Nigger I went to a strip club called "the fly" once. Yes, it was shit.
>The Wire.
Listen here, the best show ever is The Sopranos.
It is, you damn pleb.
Keking@ all the reddit newfriends falling for this classic
Tony doesn't die. It's clear as water he feels fear and is constantly paranoid because he is a mobster. At the end, his life can end there or not but that's not the point, the point is that he is going to die just like the rest of the world, but that doesn't mean life is not worthy.
If you've ever been to the long island/jeresy areas a loy of people are obese and mafia guys who have made their cash have little reason to eat right or workout.
you're gonna call coppola on ideas how to fix it?
Tony is finally aware that Chris is a huge fuck up and he is only going to get him in more problems, the baby car seat is the last straw. He kills him because he believes is the right thing to do.
Of course, he didn't took this in a good way, during most of the episode he is in denial, until the last scene.
Why did they portray Chrissy and Tony as idiots? They couldn't even spell properly in the series, was it meant to disencourage people to get into the mob life? Was it to imply that most of the people who were part of the mob to be stupid so that regular people would never conspire to join the mob?
It's actually kinda depressing that they did that, I'm positive that people in Tony Sopranos' position wouldn't be a complete retard as they portrayed him as. There was that one episode where Tony mailed Melfi a gift basket and where he typed the words wrong in the letter.
They probably cut class a lot to commit crimes. Their shitty parents probably didn't make them study or do their homework either.
Appearing too intelligent is a sign of weakness. Can't be a smart guy AND a wise guy. Even Paulie was shown to be really fucking smart in his chosen field though, pulling accounting shit out of his ass at high speed.
ending is great, just takes a few rewatches to appreciate it.
personally, i think it was the best way to end a series like that. knowing for sure what happens to a main character kind of ruins rewatch value for me, so the fact that it's ambiguous really helps.
Chrissy is an idiot, who only got to be in his position through nepotism. Tony isn't portrayed as an idiot at all, and I'm surprised you took that away from the show. Sure, he has questionable writing skills, but that in and of itself is not a good way to measure his intelligence. Especially when the show goes out of its way to demonstrate how intelligent Tony really is on multiple occasions. His ability to strategize, to read people, to constantly learn (be it through Melfi, or Uncle Junior, or Sun Tzu) and apply what he's learned, to adapt, to negotiate, etc. There's even a point where he explicitly states that he took an IQ test and it came back very high. He's easily one of the smartest characters on the show. Only Ralph Cifarretto and Tony B are more intelligent.
'These things comes in threes"
Who would win
>Only Ralph Cifaretto and Tony B are more intelligent
Manson Lamps.
tuco is a few inches taller and probably quite a bit heavier, probably more violent
richie is definitely more calculating though
probably tuco
Ya brotha Billy. What eva happened dare?
Good point. I'm not sure how I forgot about Carmine Jr, but you're absolutely right.
could also make a case for Silvio
Who was in the wrong here?
its based on a real strip club called wiggles
Jamal Ginsburg the hasidic homeboy
the vipers
if you like sylvio know that he's got a spinoff series Lillyhammer where he escapes to Norway (yes its as absurd and funny as it sounds)
I'm rewatching and Patsy has become one of my favourite characters.
Because organized crime in the 2000s is an aggressively stupid, inherently degenerate cycle of abuse that rots the brains and kills the potential of everyone involved.
>captcha: select all images of houses
So what are you just supposed to kill absolutely everyone who's slightly risky as soon as you can, all the time, if you're to succeed as a mob boss?
The bloody cops are bloody keen
To bloody keep it bloody clean
The bloody chief's a bloody swine
Who bloody draws a bloody line
At bloody fun and bloody games
The bloody kids he bloody blames
Are nowhere to be bloody found
Anywhere in chicken town
>ey lets go to the bing
doesn't sound that bad cmon
Not that user but it's a scene from Teenies Mit Dicken Titten 1
But Richie has a lot of moxie for a guy his size
Not even a competition
>the sacred and the propane
You know...
you haven't seen The Godfather if you think there is no implication of Tony being killed.
>Quasimodo predicted all this
What? Did he.... say anything?
i think it's almost certain he's killed by new york,in a previous draft of the script tony drives into the lincoln tunnel and it cuts to black- he is killed meeting with them is the implication
I just finished my 3rd rewatch a few weeks ago and had my roommate watch too. Didn't think he would watch the entire thing but he seemed to like it very much.
Would I look too out of place if I were to wear tracksuit like the guys on the show if I'm not a mobster or an athlete? It just looks comfy as fuck.
But they weren't. Chrissy, maybe, but definitely not Tony. The point was to show that uneducated =/= stupid. There are a lot of idiots that go into organized crime, because anybody with half a brain actually does something with their life and makes money legitimately. Tony was practically a genius in many regards; he wouldn't have lasted as long as he did if he weren't. What he lacked were school smarts, which was reflected in his general lack of knowledge about aspects of life and the world that don't directly affect him. But watch the Melfi scenes again and notice how much of psychotherapy theory Tony absorbs and not only reiterates, but interprets and seems to truly understand. He's a fast learner and capable of applying that shit to everyday business. He's far from an idiot.
hes good with people for sure, cant think of any time he was actually smart with anything else
He was smart at living a degenerate narcissistic lifestyle for six years before our eyes, until he got shot and left everyone else to deal with the consequences while he enjoys the sweet sweet embrace of death
sounds like you're a bit jealous
What kind of man with integrity and respect would go to a site called 4 chan ?
It's a pretty good move, I admit, and tuned in every week
He has an incredibly strong business sense, he's ruthless as the general of a self-described army, he's a politician, a tactician, a moneymaker, a manipulator, a CEO, all without formal higher education.
Literally the most over (you'd) post on this entire site, leave Yea Forums for based posters
Hey, it's like one of those weight loss commercials - Before, and waaay before!
>Bada Bing! is a fictional strip club from the HBO drama television series The Sopranos. It was a key location for events in the series, named for the catchphrase "bada bing", a phrase popularized by James Caan's character Sonny Corleone in The Godfather.
>Yeah...before and after. =)
Hey, user, you see what I typed about this: I posted:
>Hey, it's like one of those weight loss commercials - Before, and waaay before!
HEY user
sum sad shit
Paulie killed Tony because he didn't let him finish the action replay of his joke
>As far as I remember, no strip clubs have names
>a man with integrity and respect
>any of the mobsters in the series
Pick one retard. The whole show is literally an antithesis to the romanticised potrayal of the mobsters you see in the godfather. They literally a bunch of brutes with delusions of grandeur. The name of the strip club fits in perfectly with the guys that run it, a bunch of lovable morons who are extremely influenced by mafia films and constantly refrence them
Was Christopher retarded?
carmela for bringing up the guy's race while she herself knows tony (and meadow) well enough to guess what will happen
This is the objective answer to all of Vito's questions and enigmas. Please refrain from ever discussing them like the pleb ignorants you are:
>Was Vito gay?
>then why suck the guy's cock?
It was a joke
>why did he he make such a homossexual joke?
Because of the medication
>what does the medication have to do with it?
It changes a mans sense of humour
>was he still under the effects of the medication when he ran away?
>was living with the fireman a joke?
>why did he leave the fireman and the happiness he had found, even knowing Phil wanted his ass dead?
Because the effects of the medication wore off
>how did Vito sneak behind Jackie Jr and "nothing personalled" him?
Objects of large mass can collapse upon themselves, create black holes and teleport themselves in wormholes. Vito was a man of large mass
>did Vito also teleport the car and the driver?
>Could Vito have teleported himself to another place when his jokes were found out?
No, the medication made him lose too much mass
>how did Vito kill Jackie Jr with a toy gun?
He didn't, Jackie had a collapsed lung, as we can see by the snow already having blood when he falls, and Vito took the credit for it. Lots of luck
>why does the scene where Vito threatens Finn DeTrollio look like bad CGI?
Objects of large mass, such as Vito, can deform their surroundings due to excerting a stronger force of gravity
>was Finn really his arch nemesis?
Yes. Thin. Kind of tall. Looks like Daniel Day Lewis' son. Couldn't take a joke
>would Vito kill him in the Yankees' game?
No, he just wanted to make a new friend, and share some jokes
>why did Phil want Vito's death so much?
Because he was a closeted faggot
>wasn't it all a joke?
No, he wasn't fat, so he wasn't on medication
Eye jus havv wun qezzuion.. hurrr
We had until a few years ago, a Frank's Chicken House. Nobody hear has any self respect
>a fucking joke
He was on his medication
Never watched it
Convince me to start right now
Wait people on Yea Forums have been thinking it was a toy gun all this time? I was just laughing about the awful direction.
it looks more like a water pistol than a real gun, have you ever seen a real firearm before?
it looks like a cheap as fuck polymer tip up subcompact. Maybe some kind of faked up derringer single shot, would make for better blank firing I guess. Nothing like any water pistol, the hard cut to firing the blank is the joke.
That car scene with Gloria is pretty good yeah. Unlike Paulie and Chris he doesn't need to bluster, he's just an intimidating guy despite looking like a middle aged store clerk.
The Virgin Mary is the best
IRL he's a middle aged CompSci professor.
*guitar riff*
Really though, what was the point of her appearance? Paulie only mentions it once later on.
it's literally a fake Hollywood gun you dumbass
Can someone explain to me how a guy drives into a public park, runs over a guy and beats the shit out of him without anyone calling the police?
I instantly dropped this fucking show and it was the first goddamn episode.
If I have to subvert reality to enjoy this show then go fuck yourself
Probably yeah, but there's really real guns that look even more like shitty plastic toys. It's got a real pistol-caliber barrel so it's better than 90% of fake prop guns right there.
the first episode is kinda silly and was filmed way before the other episodes. It was meant to be a proof of concept and maybe edited into a movie.
The priest character even changes actors
Police never help anyone, especially in new jersey. There's also en.wikipedia.org
>What kind of man with integrity and respect would go to strip club called Chuck's fuck and suck?
oh madone i could bury my face in those milkers
bigger fag than vito
Is anyone else here with the /VIPERS/???
"We are with the Vipawz"
will people stop using this construction site background photoshop
at least post the original
Based Jackie Jr scene
Go watch your paperclip then
here you go
They’re American.
no u
best girl
are italians white?
they are actually fucked. no way would anyone ever take them seriously in reality.
ayyy lmao
Fucking D girl
i fucking hate her but jesus christ i would fire off 1000 loads in her every day
Watch it, user.
I think Bada Bing is a good name, cocksuckah.
>Bada Bing sounds like a fucking joke.
>What kind of man with integrity and respect would go to strip club called bada bing?
>its an introspective paulie scene
>Why is everyone morbidly obese in this show?
>Does anybody exercise?
Welcome to New Jersey.
She was a whore
>My manicure is fuckin ruined
>Let's see if that wall is a mirage
Holy shit, I have to play this fucking game.
put universal remote on docking station
>integrity and respect
>going to a strip club
Choose only one
Is the game good?
Guys let me ask you a question...
You think Ralph's a little weird about women?
lmao just looked it up on youtube
bodybuilders fighting mobsters with pineapples.
They were the Whitemans nigger while they were in Africa paintin their faces and throwing spears at each other.
>likes getting pegged by older women and latinas
is ralphie, dare i say it, /our guy/?
i want to see a live action adaptation of this.
Holy fuckin KINO
Does it play like Yakuza?
they are still doing that though
all I know is if you get too much notoriety (i think the game refers to it as having balls) through shit like using a gun where you shouldnt you auto-lose the mission and cut to a scene of tony and co. shooting you off of the stugots
>when he finds the gym's katana rack
>Oh man I bet to show!
there's even no reason for these guys to be fighting other than the juice boy calling Chrissy a jerk for throwing the drink. Accurate to the show.
i mean tony didnt need to pull up fbi shooting statistics everytime there was a dinner scene
>That comment suggesting there should be a Telltale-style Sopranos game
Jesus, that could be a fucking 10/10 if done right.
Shit, that could be a Telltale magnum opus if they weren't already fucked.
what the fuck
Only one I know the name of around me is in a strip mall and it's depressing. I love that it exists because it's so shitty but I wouldn't go there.
I don't remember the names of any my college sororities
>I thought that was The Wire?
Are you fucking rarted
Relax, he's just breaking balls
>I was upset during the ending since it was so lackluster, I mean, it didn't even have a credits song either as the cherry on top.
He either
>got shot by the guy that goes into the bathroom
>got a panic attack from realizing it's the last time he'll see his family all at once
>saw the fbi enter and eventually indict him
>got knocked out by Jamal Ginsberg
damn your point about denouncing dickie leading to his death is so spot on, nice post
>strong business sense
this is what im not sure about, its clear hes an expert manipulator and knows how to get what he wants from people but i wouldnt necessarily consider that intelligence
why did he even laugh. bobby was dressed appropriately for the task
god i love this episode
Here is a 1989 straight to VHS movie that stars Paulie and Beansie and maybe more. It's not bad if you like straight to VHS mid 80s-mid 90s kino
Go to around 5:50 or so for a scene wit dem guys
Then when you laugh at them, they shoot you in the kneecaps and hit you with a iron pipe.
because he walked in with a dildo strapped to his leg
That episode was Sopkino.
she was a vice president
bobs @5:10
The combination of this image and “THE JACKET” will never not make me laugh.
He was reacting to a didlo irl.
Was either that or Satin Dolls. Bing sounds less retarded.
[Fish swimming away from hook]
Who was in the wrong here?
They wuz just breaking balls
>just when I thought I was out
>they pull me back in
The way everyone stops and stares and the way Vito says "oooh I knew that was coming" leads me to believe Little Paulie was in the wrong and went too far.
you oughta know sweetie
What was the point of this character
Pine Barrens is literally the most Reddit episode
eh, mostly it's because of policing practices as well as proportionally higher numbers in denser populated urban areas.
It's a great ep though, some dego laurel & hardy shit. The paulie/chrissie dynamic is really the best in the show.
Prove that's statistically significant enough to account for the disproportionate amount of crime they commit compared to whites.
she looks like my gf but 10 years older, what the fuck.
Finn DeTrolio, my arch nemesis
that speeding dipshit
>durrrr we get arrested more because we get caught raping and murdering people
holy fuck.
The guy who played junior is still alive?
she was a lesbian right?
I used to jerk off to that scene where she feels up Adriana
that is the wire
that's the most underrated show on this board because muh niggers
Is this the best outro track in the show?
she's gob bluth's wife in the sopranos.
you got a bee on a yuo hat
Changs wang and bang
El cantina de las titas y satisfaction de los manos
Shut your whore mouth!
t. interior decorator