Recounts killing American soldiers in the Vietnam war

>recounts killing American soldiers in the Vietnam war
>can barely contain his smile and amusement
What the FUCK was his problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Get some

Did you watch they shall not grow old? They talked about it like it was summer camp

winning is fun.

>we started making sneakers for americans day and night

He did his job and protected his country from invaders, you'd probably be smiling too if you had nothing but shit covered sticks and were able to repel an advanced foreign army.

hes based.

war is fun

>Being proud and happy you got to protect your country from foreign invaders is a bad thing.

I'm not even a commie

i'd smile recounting slaying dog invaders in my land

what were the south vietnamese doing?

>get invaded by a conqueror that wants to keep your country permanently divided
>kill the invader
>be happy that you protected your home
>50 years later, burgermutts on Yea Forums cry like they’re the victim


if chinks rolled down my street with tanks and I was able to fend them off I'd be smiling at 80 years old too. it's not that hard to understand OP

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Invaders must die. For you, he is a monster, but for his people he is a war hero. History is written by the winner.

is this from the ken burns doc?

He protected his country from foreign invaders. He is right to be proud. Of course the whole time he was a commie puppet, but it was still his clay.

being incompetent

Trying to emulate degenerate Americans without the shekels to buy hyper advanced warfighting equipment.

God bless the NVA. Not only did they kill American pigs, but American BOOMER pigs. What a fantastic war to have fought in.

I loved it when the hippies forced the US army to withdraw and the North Vietnamese were free to slaughter millions of their countrymen.

Asians always smile at seemingly uncomfortable moments

Maybe Americans shouldn’t have divided Vietnam in the first place


wtf i love colluding with russia now

Fucking based amerilards killer.

u mad bro?
uncle ho's not mad

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he got sum

Kek underrated post

>if you kill millions of vietnamese then they won't be able to kill themselves
american logic

White Genocide, everybody hates white people.

Americans didn't divide anything, there was an insurgency from China/USSR backed communist guerillas.

I wish the show had spent a little more time with the South Korean troops and civilians. I know it's an American program about the American side of the war, but aside from the one hard cunt who crawled for miles with two holes in his legs and the civilian lady, I never really got a sense of what they were about.

There's something happening here
And what it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
He's a-telling me: I've got to beware

Its time we stop, hey what's that sound?
Everybody look what's going down...

Attached: 1501224393834.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

>US soldiers
>committing filthy communist style genocide


>Everyone should have the power of self-determination!
>Uh except when you're in Southeast Asia

>fuck yea lets kill some gooks
>get destroyed
>dey be killin witey sad!

What about the Vietnamese that didn't want to live under communism?

not communist style, that wouldn't line shareholder pockets. USA does it via expensive usage of munitions

Fuck the zionist states of jewmerica. When's the next kike war I wonder

real talk though, how did a bunch of peasant with bamboo stick managed to defeat the most advanced army in the world? was it just
>american military
or something else?

>what is operation phoenix

>American soldiers are murdering and raping his people
>he isn't supposed to be happy when he murders and rapes them back as though they're literal Nazis

What the FUCK is OP's problem?

*nó không phải là tôi starts playing*

>that one segment with the crazy ass huey crew chief

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>people will always die senselessly in wars until the end of time

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War of attrition and Americans themselves rebelling against the government for sending their sons to die in a foreign land.

smiles mean different things to different cultures

Dude, I get being nationalistic. There's nothing wrong with that. But this boomer-tier MURRKA WAS ALWAYS RIGHT FUCK VIETNAM AND FUCK SADDAM shit is just embarrassing. Just stop. The US has done evil shit. That doesn't mean the NATION is evil it just means that the regimes ruling it were evil. Stop defending this imperialist jewish bullshit.

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>drops 26,171 bombs on seven countries in a single year
and that was under your "nobel peace prize" president

I laugh about blowing up hajis when I was in the army. We rolled back into the fob with a Taliban head on top of our lead vehicle turret and kept him around as a mascot until the fob commander realized what it was and threatened to court martial us lmao.

>muh k/d
>muh we didnt actually lose
>muh soviet support
>muh kikes at home
>muh hippies
>muh french fault
>muh mcdonald
>muh k/d
>muh we didnt actually give a shit about vietnam

Did you laugh about your friends dying and getting destroyed in the head doing the bidding of Israel?


That's why warkino is my favorite kino

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Guerilla warfare. They outninja'd the marines.

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>We had to destroy the village in order to save it

Obviously Americans...

WTF I hate the government now

Best part about the vietnam war was all the vietnamese must have heard a bunch about Texas so we've got tons of vietnamese restaurants and qts. Vietnamese is the third most spoken language here now actually. Thanks grandpa.

>we didn't have any guns so we hacked him up with machetes and threatened to kill anyone who would attend his funeral
Jesus Fuck.

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>democrats in 1964: 'we're the peace party'
>democrats in 1968: 'we're the war party'
>democrats in 1972: 'we're the peace party'

Yes, yes, but can he surf?

>killing ZOG drones for his nation's independence
He's a hero

Apparently the texans were the smartest soldiers and actually learned how to live and survive in the jungles with the viets while all the other retards simply walked into traps and bombs. City slickers btfo

>muh democrats
Imagine still being at this point in 2019

I would kill dunecoons for free. If the ZOG wants to pay me to do it all the better.

Oh and we did laugh about getting blown up, since we weren't fucking faggots. You probably believe all the garbage you are fed about ptsd and muh wounded warriors, don't you? It's 95% horseshit propaganda.

based lone star

In very first episode he talks about killing his fellow countrymen too before the war started.

holy cope


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they voted for the war, before they voted against it

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The same people control both parties. American democracy isn't real.

Based. Collaborators deserve to die.

What did Israel have to gain from killing Asain communists?

they get unironically brainwashed, hes probably serious

its just where the government helped resettle refuges - like Ethiopians in Atlanta, Arabs around Detroit, etc

"tiger land" where they did jungle training is only a little way away from where I grew up, in Beaumont. I can believe it, growing up knowing how to deal with wildlife and sleeping outdoors/being innawoods helped me in the Army, and I went to Iraq. We had a lot of guys from the further north states that just didn't know how to deal with the heat, but we helped them out. One LT that wanted to do foot patrols with no halt around noon, we had heat casualties and he learned why. Kind of crazy when people both don't know and won't listen.

Wait a bit while /pol/ does gold medal mental gymnastics to justify this one.

their best :(

anglos are physically unable to not justify something the goverment or their kings did 200 years ago

happy goys=no buying products
angry goys=buying products
best I could do

Firstly that war put money into kikes pockets in the MIC
2nd it got rid of white americans
3rd it brought over many SE asian refugees

I forgot many of the returning soldiers became so mentally fucked they couldn't have stable families.

They had military equipment and supplies from the soviets

Truman doctrine was just about ideological world domination. They were scared communism was gonna be a pandemic.

Imagine just thinking about /pol/ 24/7 and blaming all your life's problems on it.

>Amerimutts still upset about another war lost
You've won one war and it was against yourself

Welcome to hell amerishart

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>Country has a long complex history that involves multiple major powers and a variety of political figures, movements, and agendas that culminated to a devastating war
>Brainlets break boil it down to AMERICANS BAD VIETNAM GOOD

*gas buddhists*
*massacre random villages*
*import rapist gooks*
*spread agent orange*
*drops 6 gazillion bombs*


jews fear the samurai

Anyone who thinks this is impossible to build has never dug the dirt in SEA, its simply just soft clay, there was hardly any rocks to deal with. In a couple days you could dig out a fucking underground village and make a huge swimming pool

None said that, dumbass

so how do you deal with the heat, stay hydrated, salt tabs, specific ways to wear your gear? marching at noon in the desert sounds brutal. would like to know more. i'm from jew york and i kinda hate how everyone i know throws the AC on when it hits 68 degrees and doesn't shut it off till the fall. tips?

i said thinks it you stupid retard

Yes, I'm downloading it now actually.

at least post the original instead of cropping it, op

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He can smile all he wants. I've fucked and came inside so many young Vietnamese girls over the years and laugh at the fact that his country is nothing but a sex tourism destination now. I've tainted more girls than the number of men you've killed.

>A decade ago the team of my buttfuckinstan area of my country curbstomped the team of the Country's their 100 year the the actual day of the anniversary
I'm still smiling like a fucking retard. And this was a sport, imagine a war against the most powerful country at the moment.


imagine being the bicycle generator guy

Okay internet tough guy, I’m sure you really did fuck all those girlboys

>I loved it when the hippies forced the US army to withdraw and the North Vietnamese were free to slaughter millions of their countrymen.

Says the /pol/tard who wants to slaughter millions of his countrymen but is too pussy to try it.

This. Americans will be remembered as the true villains in history whether you like it or not

have sex

they should be hated dingus

>North Vietnamese less liberal and degenerate than the hippie boomers they're slaughtering

Is Atlanta full of qt Ethiopians?

>being proud of defending your country from foreign forces is bad

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>He doesn't wanna take turns peddling so his friends can watch kino
In the drink you go

That's pretty based. During my tour we blew up ragheads just to get their arms and mounted them on our LAVs so it looked like our LAVs had arms. We'd tie string to the wrists so we could make them wave at the little raghead kids when we blasted through their village.

Reminder that the Vietnamese independence movement only gained traction in the first place because of colonial mistreatment

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Another reminder that if Ho Chi Minh had his pleas for Vietnamese independence from the French were heard and acted upon they wouldn’t have turned to communism

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Honestly? Fuck the french

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kill yourself

Seething third world scum

> the Romans were the bad guys

words fall from your mouth like shit from ass

That made it even better. There are no men left there (as if there were any). I've fucked their men and women. Cry all you want, you fucking Vietnamese chinks. Swallow my cum like this guy wishes he swallowed a bullet if he knew his country's future.

fuck de gaulle

You didn't even watch, you're just repeating what other people say. Kys fake fan

It's funny, Ho Chi Minh originally respected the Americans (having lived and worked there as a young adult) and took great inspiration from the Declaration of Independence. Take a look at his 1945 opening speech declaring Vietnam a free state.

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Killed some Amerilard faggots, what could be funnier than that?

mom already did that, left a broken family, would like to try other routes first

based ron

killing amercians is literally based as fuck though

I'm sure he also recognised the inherent failure of those big american ideals when they decided not to give full rights to anyone but white men.

Vietnam is actually a cool place. They don't even hate Americans for what happened.

For some reason this scene always makes me happy.


My bad. Forgot to attach this dog so my post gets views easier for the video I linked.

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His problem?
He didn't kill enough of them.

Most Vietnamese didn't give a fuck. They were never a free people and had been ruled by outside forces for hundreds of years. "Communism" in their minds simply meant "Vietnamese self-rule"

quads of truth

True, we will keep fighting kike wars.
That's until a cosmic event wipes humanity out and the prospect of colonizing the galaxy dies with it.

>He did his job and protected his country from invaders

While he and the other commies were invading South Vietnam?

>Dude we can't kill the genocidal communists. If you kill your enemy they win.

People like you are why this current generation is shit.
If you had been born in the lead-up to WWII instead of as a zoomer the Allies would have lost and either the Nazis or the Soviets would be ruling over what's left of the rest of the world's nuclear ashes.

So tl;dr go fuck yourself.

>get destroyed

Look up total VC deaths compared to total American deaths.

Gook body-count is more than 10 times higher.

Congrats to the brave Vietnamese comrades, winners of the war

>Genocidal white fascists kill millions of their own people.

>Genocidal non-white Communists kill millions of their own people.
>"omg it's just a difference in political systems, bro. America is the REAL evil"

What did inbred leftist hypocrites mean by this?

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And now Vietnam has made themselves an American vassal state, which from their point of view is better than China the eternal enemy

>Congrats to the brave Vietnamese comrades

Yeah, the use of human shields and wiring children with explosives was incredibly brave.

This. Now they hate communism

Who was right in the Viet Nam war
North Vietnamese Nationalists > US veterans for peace > RoK > US forces = AUS forces >>> ARVN >>>>> Southern Government >>> US civilians for peace = North Vietnamese Communists >>> France

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>be a commie shit-bag
>invade the south
>cry when another power "invades" you

Daily reminder that Commies are both inherently stupid and inherently murderous, and really just need to be laughed at.

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unironically the gayest thing I've ever read on Yea Forums, congratulations

>Most Vietnamese didn't give a fuck.

Most Vietnamese cared very much about some drooling brainwashed Communist ape literally hacking their children to death with machetes.

Truly Communism won the day.

Attached: Vietnam Today 2.jpg (477x358, 32K)

This guy as well.

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They took 10-1 losses, winning is a generous term

Damm. All we ever did was load our pissbottles into empty pringles cans and pelt them at the little buggers.

based CoD teen
muh K/D

>don't mind your own business, get involved when you aren't called for
>get fuck'd
>get mad on the internet
I prefer to laugh at you

It was never even about communism for the Vietnamese. They were desperate for independence and latched onto whatever could get them there the fastest.

>implying they weren't well armed with soviet weapons

There were other nationalist leaders, but Ho Chi Minh and is commie followers were stronger

He was a man who enjoyed his career. Millennials could learn a thing or two from him.

>genocide your own country's people

Commie logic.
Go drink some more childrens' blood to prove how dedicated you are to Honorable Leader, Charlie.
You yellow turds are literally just Nazis without the intelligence or the concept of human decency.

North Vietnam didn’t have to worry about congress and political red tape. Not to mention LBJ’s and Nixon’s half measures to both kill communists but at the same time not look too aggressive to the Russians and the Chinese

If you like this watch The Fog of War

>LAR doing anything
YATYAS faggot

Nam was divided before that and it was France's fault.

I didn't went with weapons to the USA after you melted two towers, clapperman
>get fuck'd
>get mad on the internet

This. Turns out you have a lot easier time fighting when you're a third-world jungle ape that literally doesn't have to worry about things like the Geneva Convention, collateral damage, basic human decency, the lives of literal infants, etc.

Lmao did you just come in the thread and tried to replied to every single post made your boi pussy hurt?

FUCK am*ricans

wtf i want to mindbreak gooks nao

>I didn't went with weapons to the USA after you melted two towers, clapperman

I have literally no idea what you're talking about or how to interpret your incoherent shrieking.

Commies confirmed for mindless, illiterate ape-people.

Why didn't america just drop a couple of nukes again

>waaaaaaah, why is their discussion/argument in a thread?

Can't help but notice that you're only whining about posts that contradict your viewpoint, faggot.

we were not at war, like we arent now, it was an ''emergency''

European Socialists would have whined even harder.

Can you imagine that? They already have a monopoly on whining as it stands. But imagine that times 20.

>hurr durr let's kill my southern neighbors and occupy their land and rape their women and completely ignore all foreign pressure to refrain from massively insidious acts of war crimes

The other anons were right. The communist VC were absolute fucking disgusting """"people"""". They were subhuman and niggardly in every way.

That's too logical for politicians.

They want America to fight but do it in a """""""""nice""""""""" way.

He was a Little Bird pilot right? God no wonder why he's crazy, you would have to be to stand in his position

>Can't help but notice that you're only whining about posts that contradict your viewpoint
But you should help yourself with other samefag strategy. Posting 20 posts at once with the same style is not a good one.

the US didn't even want to invade the north on land because they feared the chinese & russians getting involved and turning it into another north korea. they were never going to nuke Hanoi.

At the time, though, Vietnam seemed pretty necessary.

>inb4 hurr durr muh slippery sloper domino effect

Uh, actually, yeah. The domino effect is a real, tangible phenomenon, and there's no way Nixon could've known whether Vietnam would be the catalyst for a total communist takeover of SouthEast Asia. He HAD to take that risk, because he didn't have the luxury of second-guessing himself. It was either "fight back and keep Vietnam democratic", or "sit back and watch Vietnam fall to communism, and then maybe Indonesia, and India, etc. etc."

If you were the US president, would you honestly just sit back and say "Yeah, sure, let the USSR take Vietnam. I can totally tell the future and know it's not going to lead to a domino effect." Bullshit. You take that risk, or you suffer for it if comes back to bite you in the ass.

I personally regret that America didn't just fire-bomb North Vietnam into a nation-wide smoldering molten paste.
They had the ability. They just refused to use it, because unlike gook communists Americans are actual human beings with a conscience and emotions.

Sure, a lot of civilians would have died. Sure, the international community would have lost its mind. Sure, it wouldn't have been fair.
But at the very least I wouldn't have to hear smug, fat-faced Europeans with a massive nation Inferiority-Complex gloat about how the side with 10 to 20 times more casualties "won" because America decided shit was getting too expensive.

At the very least after it cooled-down for a couple years we could have turned it into a nice parking-lot for South Vietnam. Having Capitalists use your grave as a literal parking-space for trips to Wal-Mart is about the maximum amount of respect any Communist will ever deserve under any circumstance, so if anything they'd be getting better than what they deserved.

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The Act of Killing scene where he shows the dude how they would behead people using a wire.

>buttmad amerifag who can't hack the "greatest nation on earth" losing to a bunch of rice farmers.

everyone hates americans

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Nixon didn't launch American action into Vietnam. LBJ did. Nixon just inherited it.

Stop posting logic and facts.

Some EU communist-sympathizer will call you a "mutt" or something.

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>dude why not just bomb every square inch hurrrr
This is the average American's understanding of politics and warfare.

haha look at that fucking dog go

I'm not even american and I hate conservatives a lot more than the libs you mong.

they literally tried that, user. More ordinance was dropped on that worthless jungle shithole than all of ww2


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>communist apologists

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another example st louis got all the bosnians

The scene in the look of silence were he says you have to drink the blood of the people you kill or else you go insane

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>What is My Lai massacre

Imagine being this uninform-
>It's an American zoomer
Oh, right.

imagine being the designated water collector guy and falling into that well

Uncle Ho did nothing wrong and this guy was way more likable than that Gabe Newell looking motherfucker.
t. an American

>promising documentary thread
>derailed with political shitposting
I wish mods and janitors did their job instead of playing it safe all the fucking time

>Vietnam endure the succesive attacks from the biggest colonialistic empires from the 20th century and maintain its territorial unity
>Korea is torn apart and their entire population is cucked to the west
Really, worst Korea converted in mass to Christianiaty just because it was the religion of the new overlord, they've been ruled by militar dictatorships and authoritarian governments pro-USA since the end of the war and Seul is the world capital of plastic surgery. Not including worst Korea has a lower birth rate
and a higher suicide rate than Japan but international lobbies make wonders to hide those facts. This is a little conspiracy theory but I read that after madame president was deposed, America organized a meeting between China and Japan to decide who was going to be the next president of South Korea but as usual South Korea wasn't invited.

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>Nixon sabotaged the peace negotiations to stop the war to get himself political advantage in his presidential election


Unironically based Vietcong. I’m astounded many Americans still consider themselves the hero in this situation

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>invades your country
>shocked when they start fighting back

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Based psychopaths

>that guy getting interviewed in Hue City during the Tet offensive who just stops the interview to set up on a wall and start shooting
The whole thing just stinks, really

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Vietnam was the most kino war, Naziboos can take their gay goth fashion and shove it up their ass

>Posting a fictional movie scene to cope

I'm watching the documentary now because of you.
I'm at the part where they're talking about French Indochina. It would be a pretty cool setting for a video game.

You'd play a Vietnamese revolutionary fighting against the puppet Emperor and the French Governor/socialites pulling the strings. You'd have both modern French cities and jungle areas to quest in, and the main quest would be to assassinate the French Governor and overthrow the puppet Emperor regime.

I don't disagree with what you said but keep in mind Christianity is not the religion of the west either. It's the religion of the Levant, making practitioners of it in the west just as cucked and under the influence of the juden. A large part of the reason why America and the Brits were messing around Jerusalem were because the crazy desert cult was telling them certain things needed to pass before Jesus returns or something.

>getting cucked in war by “muh feelings”

Cant wait for Kissinger to die


>it was the job of anyone 5'5 or under to explore the tunnels
thank fucking god I'm not a manlet

It didnt matter if it was communists or nationalists or anything, there was unrest and it was a perfect time for them to secure another little part of the world to keep under their power.

In afghanistan they did the same thing, in Iraq syria etc all the same situation. Even in Ukraine they are trying to set up another israeli "democracy".

When did Roy Scheider kill american soldiers in vietnam?

Holy shit someone post this on /bant/ lmao

lmao. Vietnamese dabbing on americucks never cease to amaze me. Look at this butthurt most you amerimutts arent even white as evident by cringy facebook and twitter accounts lmao

>Ho Chi Minh turns Communist because Vietnam is denied independence
>Japan turns away from the West because they don't get racial equality clause
>China looks to Communism as the new power in the world
>Middle East is set up for disaster

There is actually one good movie with Ralph Fiennes about the terrible Paris conference.

Imagine being this based

If you can't recall anything enjoyable about a war then you're a faggot. If you are still butthurt about getting beat in a war half a century later, you're a fagoot. Sounds like OP is a faggot and the vietnamese guy is pretty cool.

>reuniting a country involves murder and rape
of people you are reuniting
But then commies complain about Americans using rape and murder to reunite the country under a republic.
That logic tho.

JFK, Johnson, and Nixon were all fucking retards. A communist Vietnam wasn't ever a strategic threat, and the south Vietnamese were useless lackeys. JFK should have known Diem was an African tier warlord and just told him the US was going to fuck off and the south should hold a referendum on unification with the north and sort it out themselves.

The mistake was to take Diem out, but Kennedy probably didn't know about that.


ak 47s were better than m16s my boy, not as accurate but they could still fire even if you took a shit down the barrel. m16s were notorious for jamming so US soldiers would often trade them for the “shit covered sticks”

several administrations had reports that indicated vietnam was a lost cause but they didn't want to pull out because it would make them look weak and cost them the election.

Reminder that Nixon was literally a traitor

As it should

>occupy their land and rape their women and completely ignore all foreign pressure to refrain from massively insidious acts of war crimes
That’s the americans though.

>invade the south
>the south that’s being ruled by a tyrant backed by some american cocksucker
Amerimutts really are dumb aren’t they

>purging traitors is a bad thing
Holy shit is this leftypol?

Except the americans went in and killed the commies, the civilians and pretty much went in with as many war crimes as they could get away with. The americans fought to support a dictator who treated his people like shit, cause at least he wasn’t communist

>the americans followed the geneva convention, excpet the parts about bombing raids on civvies, chemichal attackes such as agent orange, mai la massacre etc.
Those damn viet savages

Because starting an apocalypse over one small country is generally seen as a bad idea Mcarthur

Really underestimating the amount of prostitutes in the US and how often they're used by asian businessmen.

user, if they're not wearing a uniform it doesn't apply.

Actually not LBJ, JFK started it. The best thing JFK did was die at the right time to become a martyr

not a threat, but having a foothold on land is important for naval powers

>no one else is allowed to be patriotic

I'd much rather be a poorer capitalist country then the outright colony the french and america wanted.


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Africans and Asians are always smiling at random times, I didn't think anything of it. He was a weird looking dude though.

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daily reminder america is a genocidal greedy institution

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Vietnamese are a happy people.

Yeah I couldnt decipher it either. I assume hes just trying to make fun of 9/11. Some of us were there. Ill never forget. Ill definitely never forgive those dirty mudslimes

Weew i sure regret not being sent off to die in that, thanks a lot hippies.

no sticky

Honestly I can respect that level of based ruthlessness but willingly admit I wouldn't have the stomach for it

>Republicans and Democrats since 1900 : we're the cryptosocialist Jew party

when you win a war its very difficult to care at all about the slaughter you exacted upon the invading racially alien men who you were tasked with repelling from your homeland, why would he be otherwise?

That's because Texans aren't American

This is a direct result of the democratisation of American politics. Tyranny of the masses

found the boomer

Why not just slaughter villagers wholesale in retaliation ?

Would've made negligible impact on the outcome of the war, the US forces could've had modern AR15s with any optic you choose and they still would've lost

they did, some of them were made to be on our side

the american way

Why didn't they just throw mustard gas/napalm in the holes. Fuck the gooks.


>it's a musgrave episode

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I wish

America never agreed to the Geneva Conventions

If containment was just a meme, why can I count the number of commie nations on one hand?

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