Me and my gf decides to go watch a R-rated film

>Go to the movies
>Ticket counter guy ask for ID
>Present my ID
>Gf doesn’t want to present ID
>Ticket counter guy refuses to let us in without her ID.

What do?

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fun's over, get out now

Just say she's your daughter

Tell your girlfriend to grow some balls and show her id.

What the fuck is her problem?

based loli gf op

Demand he fight you.


Adults can buy rated R tickets for accompanying minors.


>Ticket counter guy ask for ID
wtf? Things like this happen in America/europe? lel

ive never had this happen when i was a minor in canada ive also never been shot

>rent a room with gf to fuck
>she just turned 17 (I'm 26)
>counter guy gives me the stinky eye but let's me rent the room anyway
Based counter bro

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Depends on the worker, my locals doesn't give a shit how old you are unless the boss is around, it's been that way since I was a kid.


you think it's cause she's underage. actually it's cause he has a cock.

Only if they're over the age of 21
18-20 all you can do is buy your own ticket

>be me, 23 yo europoor
>visiting the us
>go into some supermarket
>pick up a 6pack of some locally brewed piss they call beer
>an employee immediately runs up to me and demands an id

>his gf doesn't have a cute feminine penis


they know in america if they let the underage lards go see a violent movie it will lead to them shooting a school up

>his gf
you give me too much credit, user

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My gf and I decide*... an*