Why were the charges dropped?

Why were the charges dropped?

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His ruined career and social humiliation was punishment enough. Plus they're making him pay $130,000 in costs.

He dindu nuffin

Literally because he's a rich Jew

white privilege

Friends with friends of the DA or some shit like that

He made a deal with the DA. He is currently being sued by the City of Chicago because not even the liberal government there can stand his bullshit.

The DA is a nigger.

He is close friends with the Obamas

Dudes gonna get fucked federally though and I wouldn't be surprised if he brings a lot of other people down with him, in court or otherwise.

>OJ glove
kino, honestly

white people benefit from letting one lone African american loose as a red herring for white privilege allegations.

He made about that much per episode. He should pay 20 times that amount

Dudes a jew, I'm not sure that really applies here.

City is suing him, and the feds. He's gonna owe so much money, he's fucked for the rest of his adult life.

>"Cool noose, Jussie. Want to get those charges dropped? We should inspire more faggots like you to fake hate crimes. It's what makes America great again."

Attached: Jussie-Smollett-Obamas-600-600x381.jpg (600x381, 59K)

to hasten the fall

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damn barry o got that h1b puss

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>social humiliation was punishment enough
If someone kicked your ass for being retarded and was made to walk around in a dunce cap for it would that be fair punishment?

he black

Apperently he is broke because of his drug addiction

Rich + black = he will never be guilty of anything in his life

Because he is a respectable white man.

>ruined career
Didn't the show he was on hire him back?

Michelle Obama called the prosecutor baboon and told her to drop it. fucking unbelievable.

I thought you guys didn't believe in scaling taxes & fines?

>taxes and fines
surely this was a freudian slip, my fellow tranny commie.

Rent free

Explain to me this

>attack happens
>everyone is with him
>turns out he faked it
>he gets fired and everyone feels like a clown for supporting him
>court says he is not guilty
>suddenly he is popular again and people are acting he did nothing wrong

he's not popular again, even lefties hates him now

>>court says he is not guilty
No they didn't. He pled guilty and they gave him a light sentence

only for niggers

One of Michelle Obama's people "asked" the State's Attorney to "consider" drop the charges.

Basically, they're all corrupt niggers, and Illinois apparently holds some kind of record for incarcerated politicians.

Chicago (the city, not the film or play) is taking him to court again.

He didn't you tard.

>social humiliation

The dude lives in a fucking bubble. He probably still thinks he did the right thing. He needs to be in a psychiatric ward.

Yes he did, you moron. What do you think he's being fined for unless he pled guilty or was found guilty by a judge or jury.

We may never know
Because the records were sealed
Usually that's to protect national security secrets
But I guess this time it is also for protecting a rich black gay jew

American government is a cesspool of corrupt negros

Why don't they take the prosecutor to court?

They selectivly enforce the law because Americans live in anarcho tyranny

based jussie
chicago cops btfo

Was setting him free worth it? Stuff like this guarantees 4 more years (and that's a good thing).

They can't but the JD might have a look at them.

He paid bail, and the city is trying to make him reimburse costs the city spent on investigating his bullshit. He literally walked out of jail crowing about his innocence, and the police and mayor had to step in and say "Nonono faggot, you're not innocent, the charges were dropped".

He walked away free and gave a speech proclaiming his 'innocence'. The DA didn't even get him to admin guilt

>ruined career
>empire welcomes back jussie

he's a gay black jew

He pleaded not guilty and then the charges were dropped.

>When the whitebois arguing on a chinese drawing forum but you litty as fuck with the senpai

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Jews and the rich have a separate (((but equal))) law system.

Why do discord tranny white incels like you pretend to be black. Its really weird

>the JD
Lol. Trump's DoJ is by far the most cucked DoJ we've ever had.

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Corey Booker and Kamala Harris hatched this scheme to drum up support for their "Anti-Lynching Bill". The reason this case was dropped like this so overtly is because they are trying to hide these two presidential candidates’ involvement. They put him up to it, and then when his bumbling got him caught, he threatened to squeal on them if they didn't get him off. US Attorneys need to pick this up right now. If Trump has any intelligence at all, he will order DOJ to remain relentless on this travesty.

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The chicago P.D. is famously retarded and fucked up the case somehow. He was guilty as hell, but if his defense could make the case that the indictments were made under false evidence, and he was found NG, the chicago P.D. is fucked forever. So everyone agreed to scrap it all. Everything after that is the collective REEEEING because the P.D. realized they screwed up the easiest case ever.

Whatever happened with those nigs anyway? I assume they went to jail, because the retards recorded themselves in the act, but I never heard.


>The chicago P.D. is famously retarded and fucked up the case somehow.
They didn't. They had enough evidence but the DA chose not to charge. Do you even know how these matters are even handled?


>dropped charges = innocence
Bet you think MJ didn’t fuck kids because he was also “found innocent” on three separate occasions that somehow coincided with three large payments to the accusers

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Chicago and by extension Illinois is corrupt as fuck.

Anthony Anderson went on record about how glad he was the charges were dropped against Jussie

>>“I hope to see him here,” Anderson told the outlet. “I hope he wins. I’m happy for him that the system worked for him in his favor because the system isn’t always fair, especially for people of color.”

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Niggers have never cared about justice

He's full on black.

Because he's innocent.

All I’ve taken away from this that basically money is the greatest superpower you could ever have

>it's unfortunate that anyone can file a police report
jesus christ

He's holding it up as proof that black people are set up and falsely accused.

Nah but if someone lied and pretended that they had kicked my ass then that would probably suffice.

Maybe this will give him a chance to start over

He should change his name to something that's not fucking stupid while he has a chance

>>"because the system isn’t always fair, especially for people of color.”
He should've said Blackish People and then give a thumbs up to the camera.

He gave that sweet mulatto boipucci up to Barack and Michael.


what do you mean 'why were the charges dropped'?

it's honestly astonishing that there hasn't been a statue erected in his honour on the corner of the street where the violent, hate-filled, racist, white supremacist attack took place

He's been a sex toy for the elite his whole life

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>He should change his name to something that's not fucking stupid
His name is actually Justin

Look, we all know that the global elite are pedophiles, but when you claim that every spiral design or triangle is a code for "pedo safehouse nearby", it makes it easier to dismiss your statements.

The glove didn't fit

But it's the FBI who says those spirals are pedo code. Kike.

>Women who are caught lying about being raped
>Fuck all happens to them

>Men who are caught lying about being attacked
>Face prison and a fine

Falsely reporting a crime should carry the same punishment. But the US justice system is so fucked you can basically buy your way out.

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if they were black the police would have shot them instead of taking them to jail

he's in show biz and his entire family is connected to the democrat party, the idea of him going to jail was nothing more than a farce to begin with.

i like his fat ugly crackhead brother who looks like he just woke up from sleeping in an alley to meet the president and flotus

did a bee sting his lips?

Reminder that all the white cops getting away with murder is 1000x worse than what Smollet did


oh so we shouldn't send anyone to jail for anything less than murder

He's half Jewish, gay and even half black.

>when you claim
when the federal bureau of investigation claims, you sick faggot

i'd rather be in the jail than be him lol

A trial during the primaries would really hurt Harris and Booker, 2 friends of this mentally ill fag, because they used this to pass some worthless anti-lynching law as a kickoff to their presidential campaigns.

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No we shouldn't are you retarded?
My point is that such a relatively minor crime created this massive outrage that even the president had to comment on, when far worse shit is going on.

>rich actor
>they're making him pay $130,000 in costs instead of getting jailed on a federal charge

Oh the humanity


>But it's the FBI who says those spirals are pedo code. Kike.
It's not the fbi claiming that literally every triangle means "pedo here".

It's because he designed this to cause outrage, and all the shitheads in Hollywood, politics and the media at large bit the bait hard because nothing sells clicks like MUH RACISM WHITEY MAGAS GONNA GIT U

Don't be retarded, American police may be way too trigger happy but race has nothing to do with it.

>if they were black the police would have shot them instead of taking them to jail
People like you are mentally ill.

I'm pretty sure the federal charges weren't dropped.

>if they were black
They WERE black, idiot.

>if they were black the police would have shot them instead of taking them to jail
>if they were black

They WERE black you sub-intelligent ape.

>because the system isn’t always fair, especially for people of color.

Attached: Irony Detector.jpg (400x311, 21K)

The FBI literally identified it as a cover kid-fucker symbol, you disingenuous kike.

>such a relatively minor crime

>tries to start a race war by staging fake hate crime
>falsely slanders/libels an entire racial group
>minor crime

>all the white cops getting away with murder

Where? In your head?

Attached: Innocent Black Criminal is MURDERED for no reason by evil white suppremacist.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

>Smollett goes free
>Assange gets arrested
Fuck clownworld and fuck the elitist class.

>a relatively minor crime

He literally engineered a false-flag hate-crime (which he was totally fine with two innocent white men going to jail for) to try and escalate race-relations, smear conservatives/Trump supporters and incite mass retaliatory violence against them.

Jussie Smollet is a black, gay, retarded version of Joseph Goebbels in terms of morals, and you're a shit-eating racist caveman for supporting him.

Attached: This is a brilliant idea and I am glad it is a fad amongst the black youth of today.webm (640x640, 2.26M)

>Cop tells you to back off
>Cop points gun at you and tells you to back off again
>Cop shoots you

So he was being confrontational with a police officer, edging towards him step by step as the officer had his gun drawn and was telling him to back away, then he proceeds to hold his hand at his waist and out of view of the officer who was pointing the gun at him and then fucking whip his hand out like he was pulling a gun, raised his arm up to a firing position and- NAH DA COPS BE RACISS N SHIEET HE WERE KILLED FO BEING A BLACK MAN YA'HEAR!

>Cop points gun at you
>Reach behind yourself and pretend to draw a gun
>Cop shoots in self defense
>Cry racism

Fuck assange

>trusting the jew run government

Go slurp up some neolib cum.

so the nigger aggressively walks toward the cop and acts like he's pulling out a gun, gets shot and nigger activists are still siding with him?

fucking monkeys...

Russian bots*

Notice how the cop looks for the gun when the perp is down. Immediate proof the cop thought there actually was a gun, so he had every right to shoot.

Idk how people still think Jussie is innocent tho.

Hope they pursue them, because the new mayor of Chicago will likely drop the civil suit.