>ITT dishonest films
ITT dishonest films
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can you elaborate?
anything by those manchild
more like hairexit
>This thread again
Can I Brit explain, why were they so butthurt about the NHS bus?
a brit*
I remember reading parts of the 'All Out War' book that covered these events and wrote a lot about the guy Cumberbatch plays. Does the film portray the attempted coup against him that he totally reverses in a manner of minutes through words alone?
yes but i dont think it was words alone. he had real leverage
How does the working class benefit from Brexit exactly?
I was told today is the day. Hard brexit soon r-right?
"get rid of the fookin pakis/poles" ~ t. norf fc scum
Morons don't realise they basically voted to get rid of what little industry is left in the UK (i.e, traditional working class jobs), and that all will be left are the unskilled jobs that the English wouldn't do anyway.
Brexit is based.
Yurop is all faggy.
they do that every single time poor white people are brought up. they fucking hate poor white people, even the 'marxists'
miss me yet?
>they fucking hate poor white people
also christianity. the jews haaaate christianity
Britain should stay out of the EU so that they're free to rescue Europe (again) after France or Germany inevitably stab all of their neighbours in the back for the umpteenth time.
Because they were literally riding on the false premise that by getting out of EU you could re-directall the money directly to the country's healthcare system and get better healthcare service again after years of cutbacks. And then after the vote they went "um, that was a blatant lie, lol"
What is it about frogs and krauts that make them so untrustworthy?
They got an extension until October last time I heard. Seems increasingly like they are just postponing it until people giv up or forget about Brexit so that they don't have to leave.
yeah but so what? it was a campaign. people lie their asses off. and it was just a stupid bus. it probably didnt turn one vote. so why all the butthurt?
Why? Amores Perros is very good
Watch this youtu.be
Pretty much the average leavers opinion
Also why are are brits so in love with their stupid NHS? They acted like anytime this guy put the NHS in his leave campaign it was an affront to your civilization. Sorry if I couldnt drum up even one iota of sympathy for you. Ive got to tell you, Im really sick of europoors looking down their nose at us americans. 'oh you stupid amerricans you dont have free healthcare, you dont have free this free that'. You know what we do have? Tanks. Aircraft carries. Do european countries even have one tank battalion between them? Do they have a navy? Fuck paying the eu anything you and the rest of them can be under our thumb, as vassal states, you can pay us some of that precious NHS money, and in return we won't destroy you instantly with one quarter of our armed forces.
I'll never ever understand why normalfags like brits so much
Because remainers are butthurt about absolutely everything to do with Brexit. It's unironically the Donald Trump of British politics, it drives them insane.
London is basically a playground for the world's wealthiest. Leftists didn't do that.
The downfall of American in the coming decades is going to be beautiful to watch
Because it became a symbol for all the lies and "oh everything will be so much better if we leave" arguments.
Without EU regulations, Brits can get back to proper manufacture and trade. Now this is assuming that Brits won't cuck themselves without Brussels forcing them to, which I think would be a foolish assumption.
Like Trump, the elite refuse to believe their policies are wrong or unpopular so even though they out-spent the opposition 100:1, got much more positive media coverage, and lied their asses off just as much if not more so, they need a scapegoat for why they lost. Thus a FUCKING BUS and vague promises of fishing rights become worthy of invalidating a public vote. Now they are arguing that U.K. leaving the EU is undemocratic. Truly insane.
and what "traditional working class jobs" are highly skilled?
>You know what we do have? Tanks. Aircraft carries.
A lot of good that will do when you get sick and your treatment is so expensive that your provider says " you've reached your lifetime cap, go home and die lmao"
Do we have to have this thinly veiled pol thread every single day?
>you've reached your lifetime cap, go home and die lmao"
>he doesn't know what insurance is
>yurop and 'merica go to war
>france talks the toughest and then immediately surrenders
>germany opens a front in the east for no particular reason and gets overrun by russians
>italy flips a coin every morning to determine which side they're on that day
>every other euro country pools its resources to buy a white flag
Sounds pretty good.
Someone give me a summary of this film. I'm assuming it basically amounts to anti-Brexit propaganda?
based JUST posters
>Without EU regulations, Brits can get back to proper manufacture and trade
Working class is dead m8, consider this mercy
Trump IS the elite you dolt, you got conned by a grifter.
Brits are like spamming aussie shitposters but unfunny
Lifetime caps is what the GOP wants to bring back with their full repeal of the ACA.
Cambridge Analytica. Drumpf. Government good. Regular people stupid.
>Lifetime caps is what the GOP wants to bring back
Even though it was never a thing to begin with? Based.
So what happens when after Brexit the Paki rapists don't disappear, the money doesn't come back, and trade just gets shittier? Will boomers double down like they do on Trump, or will they just pretend they were never for it in the first place and blame the government and the EU for kicking them out?
You know you can just buy good insurance?
Funny how America revived it's working class in a mere two years.
Why would Deanos vote Remain, purely because of shitty Costa Del Sol holidays?
The first one and you know it.
Revolution, hopefully.
Voted leave so i could bring the lads Sanjay and Shaeed over from Pakistan, for too long Polish immigrants have been taking jobs that belong to us. Farage is BASED
And these people think they are better than Chavs. Fucking hell.
Deano would've been anti-EU desu. He thinks Mogg and Boris are proper lads
Deanos are basically social climbing chavs
Paki rapists can only be dealt with a populace that isn't sabotaged by the establishment.
I think it is pretty interesting that both Chav and Deano consume the same shitty media. Seriously their tastes are very similar just that Deano has slight more ambition.
They were a thing before ACA, zoomer. Not everybody affords one, and if we go back to the old days, you also got fucked if you had a pre-existing condition because they would refuse to carry you.
They did not ha e to compete with millions of Eastern Europeans in the labour market
At least that’s the theory. This government will just replace them with more Asians though probably
In an ideal world there’d be neither
Remainers don’t have basic reading comprehension.
>We send the EU X amount each year. Let’s fund the NHS instead
Nowhere in that sentence does it say we will fund the NHS X amount. It’s implied. Welcome to marketing.
Super Size Me
>TFW a Kraut knows more about the projected fallout of Brexit than 90% of brits do
WWIII is brewing lads, it's time to repel our knives ban
>posting a political bait thread with that picture
>it isn’t me doing it
Based. We are growing!
>Funny how America revived it's working class in a mere two years.
Saving several hundred jobs in an industry that could easily replace them with automation isn't "revival". It's delaying the inevitable.
not OP but even from an apolitical perspective, it's pretty irresponsible to make films about political matters that are still ongoing, I felt the same way about the Assange and Snowden biopics
protagonist of this one is supposedly based on Dominic Cummings who is a globalist deep-state shitdog even if you support leaving the EU
Trump is the elite in the same way Henry Ford was the elite in his time. They are both elite men who work for the little man
>stupid NHS
Lol we literally have the best healthcare system in the world
>Im really sick of europoors looking down their nose at us americans
Poor little yank. Your posturing is so cute (=´∇`=)
>You know what we do have?
Sugar in your bread, armed guards at schools, luxury prisons, drug pushers on the TV
kek even Farage is beginning to cuck, saying things like "oh well i understand we have to be pragmatic, i know we won't get everything we wanted with Brexit but as long as we get a bit its enough for me".
It's amazing the power that time has on people. The same way it can cure a trauma, it can numb people to being fucked in the ass and enjoying it
>Lol we literally have the best healthcare system in the world
NHS is tax-financed and therefore shit
>Lol we literally have the best healthcare system in the world
No we do not
>Seems increasingly like they are just postponing it until people giv up or forget about Brexit so that they don't have to leave.
pretty much, polls seem to suggest that people won't tolerate brexit if it causes them to lose money, the only form that doesn't is remaining. No matter what you do you piss off a large portion of the electorate hence the deadlock
Why is Yea Forums so full of reddit scum?
The referendum doesn't count. The disaster capitalist liars lied about the economic and political effects of brexit!!!!
Vote Leave committed electoral fraud and were found guilty by the UK authorities. I don't like the EU at all but the ends (leaving the globalist EU) don't justify the means (criminal subversion of democracy and actual hiring actual military-industrial psyop firms, usually used to manipulate small African countries' elections, against your own people). They tainted it for everybody.
brexit MEANS brexit, simple as
>criminal subversion of democracy and actual hiring actual military-industrial psyop firms
Give me an example of something they did, and i mean something concrete, not just vague "hacked social media lol" jargon
superiority complex
That's a simplistic answer to a complex problem. Typical for an uneducated gammon brexshitter.
should have Laid out your complex problem on the ballot then
the donald migrants
Referendums are undemocratic. Therefore we need a people's vote between May's deal and Remain.
i'd rather be poor than rich and surrounded by brown people.
They didn't hack anything, they overspent by millions of pounds, for which they where fined a paltry amount that was the maximum charge our out-of-date laws allow (since it's rare enough nobody had updated them for the internet age). Can't speak for the USA but in the UK, political parties and vote margins are small enough that the amount of advertising space one can afford to buy in various formats has a significant impact on your chances at election. Those limits are there to stop any lobbyists, whether they be Bannon or Soros, from buying out our elections.
Not just that, but all the immigration people are really scared of- sub-Saharan Africans, Muslims etc.- are from outside of Europe and so leaving the EU will have no effect on it.
>leaving the EU will have no effect on it
Now that's straight lying. We all know Europe itself is already filled with dangerous people who came from God knows where. Just because the kitchen stove is on fire does't mean i should ignore a leak on my bathroom
You voted to be poorer and surrounded by even more brown people.
>Referendums are undemocratic.
I still don't get why remainers are so pissed off at Brexit. What do they have to gain with being part of the EU? I can understand if its because they will lose their jobs, but seeing as the Remainers are mostly leftists i have a hard time believing that. That leads me to conclude they will just miss being able to travel to warmer European countries without having to waste 30 minutes fill out a paper, that their favourite fancy London restaurants will be closed, or that they have friends living in the UK who will return home, which are all miniscule points in the grand scheme of things. When I see someone get furious at Brexit i jokingly assume they must be a high level employee at a multinational investment firm or bank, because those are the only people I can understand losing their sleep at night.
what about the transporting of insulin, etc. without additional tariffs & in good time before it expires? or are you a psycho like my schizophrenic father who believes diabetics are no better than heroin junkies?
I did vote at all i'm not a europeon
It's true because the people don't really know what they want. Democracy is an unfair contract and thus can't be consented to unless the people choose what is in their best interest, so we keep having revotes until we get their desired result.