What's Yea Forumss opinion on Louis Theroux?
What's Yea Forumss opinion on Louis Theroux?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's a child abuser
He's an instigator by choice
He's great at it though, when he wants to be he can act like the biggest autist possible and the fact that he looks so stupid gets people to completely open up and spew out the cringiest shit
The one he did on Yea Forums was a bit too close to home for many on this board.
He's based
He's a real nigga
The /g/ one was better episode
I love these but always forget to save them
>I'm more into 2D
>*there was an awkward pause*
Gets my every time kek
>Only 1200 pepes
fucking amateur
Worst thing I've ever seen kill yourself unfunny faggot
Based or cringe?
Is this achievable natty?
I hope your mom dies soon
Incel doc when?
That would be kino
What's the point? It won't be better than shy boys.
/pol/ in a nutshell
he dope
It took me until the narrator to come on to realize this was fake....
Hes not justin 0/10
What is this from?
This, I'll never forgive him for not exposing Saville and therefore endangering children
what's his best work?
>didn't realise Saville was a nonce despite spending time with him
>came out denouncing MJ immediately after the documentary because of "muh heartbreaking testimony that can't be made up"
How can one man be so wrong?
Under The Knife I think? It's a plastic surgery one anyway, that old dude is filled with fake muscles instead of lifting.
theres a pretty obvious character arc there your clearly too plenbian to understand
My time with user had come to an end. During our time together, I had learned about his general cynicism and misanthropy but also his irreverent, self-deprecating style of humour and his ability to show compassion toward those who shard his "feels". What had started out as a journey into the "dark side of the internet" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common internet, but a common sense of displacement. Although they have been attached in the media as Nazis, perverts and nihilists, the picture I was presented with was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realised that the "Internet Hate Machine" hates nothing more than itself.
He asked him about the rumours directly. He came as close to uncovering it as anyone did at the time.
tfw this is the only post collage that I'm in
I enjoy his content, but mostly to laugh at him because he's a pussy
>can we move onto Dragon Lore?
fr*g off, Doug
>You seem upset user.
>I fucking am! What the fuck is even the point of the No Singles policy?! Don't those fucking Hollywood kikes want my shekels?
>It seems to me to be a point of safety. Do you think single patrons should be allowed into the theatre, given so many recent shootings?
>Who cares?! Why am I even talking to you, you're a fucking Jew too.
>But I'm English user. Why would you say I'm Jewish?
>Nah look at your nose. I got a good jewdar. Fuck this - ROBERT! FUCK YOU LET ME IN!
>user, I'm sorry, but I've already told you: we have a firm no singles policy. Now I knew you'd be back so here, here's a complementary bucket of crab legs as my own personal apology.
>Robert PLEASEEE! I have a whole fucking film crew with me!
>Mr. Theroux and his staff aren't going to actually watch the movie though, user.
>I even dressed up today Robert! Please FOR FUCK SAKES!
>I found I was becoming used to user's frequent outbursts.
Justin Theroux is better.
best years are behind him
new docs have been lame/boring
best one was the porn doc
>follows around a couple of male porn stars
>one of them can only get work in gay porn
>I'm not gay, but let's see you make $1,500 in an hour
>Louis just made more than that
>I don't mind it for the most part, I just don't like getting fucked in the ass
*doesnt block your path*
maybe the real porn was the despair we watched on the way
Watched this the other day, kino
what the fuck is this supposed to be?
>John later killed himself and left the milf wife to care for their daughter.
>The young guy who flat out says "Well I have a death wish, so it doesn't bother me," when told that there's been an HIV outbreak.
>Later finding out that his son had just died.