> Amandla Stenberg has lined up the main role in The Governor's Son opposite Jurassic World's Nick Robinson.
> Stenberg plays a woke University student (Lexi) who falls in love with the son (Luke) of a populist Republican Governor, infamous for his tough on crime policies which are widely known to oppress the black community. Their relationship becomes even more strained when Luke is recruited into the 'alt-right' online.
There is no saving the wh*te race. It's too late now.
Lincoln Rodriguez
>infamous for his tough on crime policies which are widely known to oppress the black community. Their relationship becomes even more strained when Luke is recruited into the 'alt-right' online.
the memes have gone too far. i hope she lets her tiddies out in this one tho.
Thomas Cruz
Justin Allen
She got them bazookas out in the Nazi flick
Bentley Cox
>Stenberg plays a woke University student Is "woke" just the left wing version of redpilled?
yes, that's exactly what it is. a politically partisan buzzword for "knows how the world 'secretly' really is"
Josiah Cook
Love her big boobie nazi scene
Zachary Cruz
>Supposedly be a black lesbian >Only get white male love interests What was meant by this?
Julian Scott
It will be before this thread's done. Actually it's a pretty old Black term for being alert to how shitty your situation is and understanding how it all came about.
Bentley Baker
>being alert to how shitty your situation is and understanding how it all came about. So, redpilled in other words
>tfw when the "HE CUTE" meme is real Where were you when you realized that black women are the only ones worth to love and let the white women go?
Nathan Cook
Redpilled is when you realize that Jews control virtually all of the financial, political, media and military levers of the world and use them in an endless greedy, sociopathic quest to degrade humanity.
>Making an entire career out of being the black/jew girl that fucks Nazis.
the keks are real.
Joshua Barnes
>black female craves the authoritarian white dick geeeee it's like the black moms version of that shades of grey bullshit
Gavin Perry
So this is the sequel of the movie where this lesbian negroid loves a nazi youth? top kek hollywood no, lesbian
Liam Gutierrez
>somehow a black female director inadvertently made a movie that was just flat out pro Nazi The director is married to a white man.
Parker Campbell
Why do black women love white bois so much? They tak our women!!!!!
Sebastian Gray
Black women would never date white men. White women leave white guys because they fags,all women love the BBC.
Dominic Rogers
Her dad is white. She wants to fuck guys that are like her dad. When women say they're gay or whatever they're lying, they switch teams whenever they feel like it. Doesn't work that way for guys.
David James
I can’t wait for her next movie where she plays a slave that falls in love with her master.
Logan Ward
Hiterjugend was pretty much compulsory, lol at the outrage
really missing the point huh
Michael Richardson
>Stenberg plays a woke University student (Lexi) who falls in love with the son (Luke) of a populist Republican Governor, infamous for his tough on crime policies which are widely known to oppress the black community. Their relationship becomes even more strained when Luke is recruited into the 'alt-right' online. unironically a based and redpilled AND woke movie. seeing this one in theatres.
>Bed Wench >The Movie Kek,only lowest of black women date white guys.
Jacob Edwards
This must have definitely happened thousands of times
Charles Cruz
pretty much what said. She's got a white daddy and is trying to find a guy that reminds her of him. The woke shit is a fucking act, the ones that complain about white men the loudest are the ones that wanna fuck em the most.
She's perfect, bros I'm usually a yellow fever jap lover but this queen is perfect
Dominic Gray
The details of that are more disturbing than the generalities
Imagine marrying a rich southern woman and then she brings in this Halle Berry looking bitch and goes "This is my sister. Legally I own her ever since our dad died and I want you to impregnate both of us constantly."
Blake Edwards
I think it's finally time I save this image
Aiden Clark
Some Jap must have already made a doujin about this
Cameron Thompson
Tbh, just saw you say she wants to fuck white guys and I went on a mini rant just cuz I can.
Charles Young
How do I get a black gf???
Samuel Miller
She was like only quarter black
Logan Peterson
Wtf is going on with this board? I see all this love for black women and /s/ is full of that. What happened?
Brody Rivera
Evan Moore
what is it I've seen her in?
Aiden Clark
Elijah Clark
>The details of that are more disturbing than the generalities
Jefferson favored his chirren, which in that time and meant they got to be house slaves. Imagine being waited on by a bunch of liveried young black dudes with an unmistakable familial resemblance to yourself...It won't bother everybody but it sure as fucking hell creeps me out.
Jayden Lee
Yeah that doesn't change the fact that she was her sister's legal property and they were both living with and fucking the same guy.
I wonder if they ever did any proper threesomes or it was just weird Handmaid's Tale shit
Elijah Nguyen
Why are black women so hot bros? Sex with them feels just so damn right.
Gavin Price
>Also was it rape?
Obviously. You think a girl like that would fuck him of her own free will?