Why are todays parents stupid?

Why are todays parents stupid?

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raising and interacting with your own kids is too hard. Much easier to let youtube decide.

bad parents

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a lot of them weren't raised super well, so now they haven no idea how to raise their own kids. My parents would regularly tell me how their parents never told them life lessons or steered them in any direction. Mainly cause they were from that WWII era or 50's era when men were men, and women were women.

So I'm assuming they are doing the same to their kids because they don't know any better.

This part of youtube disturbs me.

it has to be a machine learning testing ground or something, it's completely soulless and mechanical

or lazy

It's a team of indians exploting youtube for more money so they can feed their 155 kids and shit on the street.

Parents are either destructively hands off and just stick their kids in front of a screen and forget they have them or they’re overbearing helicopter parents. The first issue is apparently causing kids in Australia to have American accents because they have so little interaction.

oh is this t series

It should, it's literally assholes shovelling concentrated mental shit into children for views and profit.

When I was a kid my parents thought we were watching too much television 2 hours a day. When we got internet we could use it for 1 hour in general (this was before flat rate), which means me and my siblings had an hour to share so everyone got 20 mins of internet a day.

Now my little cousins have a tablet each and they literally never put it away,even at the dinner table. Parenting has become giving phones to your children to shut up and at least in the old days, you knew that television is somewhat regulated. With youtube, kids can watch ANYTHING.

unironically don't care If you are too stupid to let kids have phones/tables because you think that taling care of kids is hard.

I work with old people and some of them get so sad when their kids bring their grandkids over. They just sit on their tablets instead of talking to grandma and grandpa. I hate it because all my grandparents died before I was born, I would have killed to be able to go to grandma and grandpa's house.

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Makes me wonder if the argument that "parents know how to raise their children more than government bureaucrats" still holds. I mean these bureaucrats will propagandise children to become leftist soibois but I see too many parents nowadays giving their children tablets and phones without even bothering to check what they're doing

Can someone explain me what the fuck I'm looking at?

This is MK ULTRA brainwashing program for kids

Pajeets shitting out thousands of videos made to milk JewTube's auto-play function.

Third worlders probably make up the majority of these channels' viewers.

>actual bait and switch videos
glad to see the spirit of 2008 youtube still going strong in this day and age.

Blame India

Also good watch on the disturbing trend of Youtube children's video

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imagine the smelle in that office good lord.

Pajeet Ron Swanson looks based

There are few models of traditional families left in the media landscape and fewer still those teaching values to children.

i saw a kid on the bus (on a fucking stroller still) watching this, completely transfixed


after the father took the phone, the kid got hysterical not like a kid normally cries but an insane wail

Based edgy youtubers teaching sheltered kids about the real world


watch one video about spiderman and these pop up on your recommended
you have to actively block that shit out if you don't want to see it

look at those comments
they are always some complete nonsense combination of letters and random words
literal toddlers who can't read or write click on the thumbnails to pick new videos but occasionally they hit comment window, start typing and auto-correct finishes it for them
brainwashing kids to love Coca Cola from the age of 2
what a wonderful world we live in

I get such a disturbing vibe from these videos. If someone made one with even a tame screamer in it I’d shit my pants. I wonder how they even come up with this shit it boggles the mind.

it is disturbing my friend

jesus, look at the comments.

the terminator series, they will end humanity

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My 6 year old has a partial Manchester ascent because of her grandparents, despite living in Australia.

not watching this because I don't want my related videos to be fucked.

what is even more fucked up, kids from smaller countries like Finland end up half-speaking mangled gamer english

i feel you buddy

oh crap, my recomendations got fucked

delete them from your viewing history

i just found out about elsagate


watch some JRE clips and it will be fixed

What the FUCK is up with the comment section?
This is some seriously spooky shit

remember when Yea Forumstards did something similar on YouTube™ back in 2006-2007? Parents were flipping their shit, now it's a bunch of moral fags from /pol/ acting like a bunch of concerned christian mother's, fucking faggots.

>Indians and Soit-East Asians make videos with Marvel characters, Peppa the pig etc.
>Always use same tags and names like learning colors, fun, for kids, finger family etc.
> Parents give their kids tablet with Youtube Kids filter turned on
>Parents put videos on auto play
>Youtube algorith feeds kids endless supply of these "learning videos"
>3rd worlders get nice ad money and parents can watch Netflix or browse Instagram in peace while little Tim watches Youtube

My sisters let their kids watch this kind of stuff. One more than the other.

I'm hardly against technology, I watch tv for a hobby, but this shit is very worrying. I think they use it as a crutch, they wamt some time of peace, but its becoming used more and more. The kids know how to use the app, they can even find it in the settings when its removed from the menu.

The comments section really is something

Just imagine how easy it will be to sell stuff to these kids when they grow up. The perfect consumers shaped by advertising since day one.


Why do so many of these involve shit like needles, pregnancy and murder? I know they just pump these out with indians and algorithms but why include dark stuff?

I'm sure these are made by an algorythm

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Does your sister know that her kids watch that garbage?

Someone please post screencaps of the comments, it's 4am here and I'm too tired to fuck with opening a creepy video and getting it stuck in my viewing history.

the ability to make money on the platform is the worst thing to happen to youtube, prove me wrong

Also kids with their parents phones tapping on random shit

it's literally 6-year-olds typing random stuff and pajeet's ad bots that automatically target high viewcount videos

the comments alternate between
>cheap real estate

Thank you user. What's the video about anyway?

It's so fucking disgusting.

Parents just throw devices at their kids to preoccupy them. Video games are not good, television is worse, internet is horrific.

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They're desipicable but at the end of the day there wouldn't be a market to do this if parents gave a fuck about their children.

nothing, it's just bright colors, figurines and random sound effects that young children probably find interesting

What did he mean by this?

My little brother watches this trash
The fucking finger family song makes me want to kill myself

What is the absolute most horrifying spam video for kids? I'm talking bright red eyes, violence, bad animation + overtly satanic themes and headphone busting ear rape. Asking for a friend.

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I think it just makes the videos more intense , there's an addictive quality to intense emotions along with the endorphins/adrenaline/dopamine they release. It's like gambling. The needle/injection shit makes sense since it's such a visual thing that Is easy to understand. My guesses anyway.

Baby shark do-do-do


Naima Mian is into something lads

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Do your fucking job as his older sibling and stop him from watching this brain melting shit then you soft cock retard.

What happens is parents give their kids the phone, they look up candy and then they spend hours watching whatever videos pop up in the playlist.

YouTube is moving towards mobile focus because the user base is retards and children who cant block ads.

Have you talked with your parents about those videos? Have they even seen what their son watches on autoplay all day?

>spiderman elsa hulk lightning mcqueen



These aren't as bad as the Elsa and Spiderman trend from a couple years back. A lot of those videos were genuinely disturbing because they were live action, made by whites and had a lot more creepy subjects like needles, pregnancy and feces. It's definitely worse when it's white people because it's something I would expect pajeets to do but the white people doing it must be unironically disturbed.

I guess they're data mining random posts from some forums to avoid spam detection. Might even see your post there one day, user.

the other week I saw a couple on a train singing Johnny Johnny yes papa to their kid

what the fuck is wrong with millenial parent?

>PJ mask paw patrol peppa full episodes

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What the fuck is up with Indians bros?

I'm legitimately afraid to open that lol

Why aren't these taken down?

literally chanology

why is this so scary lads?
I'm glad I don't have children or little siblings

Too many estrogens

It is just a baby doll getting injected with syringes filled witj colored liquids. Keep watching recommended videos and you will soon find more quality videos.

I have no clue.

They are a race of scammers. Every one I meet at my job try to nickel and dime you and they always try and find some fucking loophole in the fine print to maybe save a couple dollars.

Whats weirder is that they have an obsession witch technology and try to use it at their advantage. Classic IRS scams, hacking scams, using the phone to look shit up and find the cheapest price to match it even though most companies dont do that. They thinl everything belongs to them for some reason.

What do you mean?

Why would they be? For the parents fee fees?

They probably work under copywrite law, since they edit them to be creepy and change the theme. They also never explicitly state its for children. Who gices a fuck if the kids get spooked. Welcome to the internet.

can you imagine being a child in today's world. it's genuinely frightening

Based Josh

>I hate it because all my grandparents died before I was born
Same. Never got to experience being spoiled by granparents, dammit.

their parents needs to get euthanized i swear to god

Based Saucy Derek


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That is absolutely based though

he means shut the fuck up you coward. now cut off your cock and choke on it you creepy little wimp

Fun fact: Western water supply is filled with estrogen. The estrogen comes from women's pee who use birth control pills. No wonder people are getting crazier all the time when they drink hormone laced water.

jesus fucking christ

Is the world going collectively crazy? My parents never taught my any "life lessons", i was just a pet to them

I'm too much of a brainlet to understand what this means but I believe you.

how the fuck does toilet water end up in the drinking water? Assuming you aren't one of those countries that recycles sewerage for drinking water.

back in 2006-2007 a bunch of Yea Forumstards uploaded edited videos of nickelodeon shows and cartoons onto youtube with porn edited in, it would be titled "Lazy Town full episodes" or whatever, parents flipped their shit and fox even did a news report on it, the phrase "im 12 and what is this" was spawned because of this.

Blame the PC cartoons for not catering to the market.

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Make sure your kids watch wholesome stuff like this.


I remember reading an article about those videos exploiting the minor coprophilia in some toddlers. Since pushing shit out of the ass is the closest an undeveloped child can experience erogenous pleasure, having characters they loved pantomime the act of defecation evoked a similar effect of an adult watching pornography.

Chanology was Yea Forums vs Scientology though right? I remember the porn uploading to youtube stuff though

Ok, enough of these videos

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What the fuck

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there was a lot of shit going on back then, but yeah that was one of them.

Good shit. It's time for next generation of automated human bots who will do anything without questions. Those videos have certain frequency which stimualtes brain to trigger some kind of response.

If you will watch even minute of one of those videos you will start to have headache. I wonder why.

I'm 27 and still have all 4 of my grandparents
they are in their late 80s

fucking nuke the third world

Oh it is nothing, just don't worry. If you search about it there are many articles that say that it is not a big deal for humans. Meanwhile stuff like this happens to animals. Thank god we are humans and not animals.

jesus christ

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The absolute state of you statist bootlickers. Who owns youtube ?

>my attitude is...

what a nuanced and convincing source

Our current water filtration techniques aren't good enough to filter the hormones out of piss, so it ends up going into the system and everyone ends up drinking it because women can't help but slut it up.

So you probably had low IQ (grand)parents that had children by accident in their 20s. Congratulations user!

this is the most disturbing part

Where do you think sewage ends up?
It gets somewhat cleaned then released back to rivers/seas. The problem is that hormones aren't really affected by leaning chemicals and bacteria so they stay with the water until it gets used as tap water.

But what affects does drinking gamer girl pee have?

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how fucking hard is it to put on sesame street or some shit? fucking cretins

how was trisomie 21 treating your family?
good thing they are dead.

This reminds me of working in a hotel for a few years. They always tried to haggle, even on things with an obviously fixed price. They act like they don't have to wait in line and they NEVER tip(which isn't a big deal but whatever). One time the company tat owned the place I worked was having some annual event for hotel owners and chose our location as it's host for the weekend. These are guys that know how this all works and STILL try to haggle. The restaurant on property comped more food than I've ever seen. Imagine checking in 30+ poos who are all arguing the price and who all haVe the last name Patel.

Sounds like a plan!

I think you're referring to the anal stage, one of Freud's theories. I wouldn't say it's the same as coprophilia though.

>humanity is worth saving

>he thinks it's just about money
Don't be naive

white humanity is, anyway

youre right, its about sending a message

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Yeah you're right, I also doubted it had anything to do with true coprophilia. I'll try to find the article

Pls there is no grand conspiracy, we are literally retarded, we surrendered our free will to capitalism and these are the consequences, there is no "in group", we are all flowing in this river of filth straight to hell

If they water ends up coming back into drinking supply is happens through the rain cycle right? which is essentially a distillation.

Ever notice how every bloke seems to start balding at 20?

Is there really any other humanity?

"Sigmund Freud outlined a stage of psychosexual development called the anal stage that involves the child's obsession with the anus as an erogenous zone. The process of toilet training sets up a conflict between the child's pleasure in defecation and pressures exerted on the child to control his or her bodily functions.
The way children resolve this conflict is seen as a primary means of establishing the way they later will deal with authority and issues of possession."

Basically children are idiots who get happy when they see bright colors, dangling car keys and go to toilet.

Please, my brother is a literal heart surgeon and he lets hus spoiled daughter view youtube 24/7

But so many more quality videos to be found :(

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MPB is literally a sign of high T

No because I don't go outside, but even if I did I don't think noticing more bald men counts as a scientific analysis.

>Basically children are idiots who get happy when they see bright colors, dangling car keys and go to toilet.

No change here.

Did you even watch the video tard?

No retard, the water company is obviously going to squeeze every last drop of water out of your turds and sell it back to you rather than just throw it away and let some faggy natural water cycle take care of it. Why do you think it's illegal to collect rainwater?

Man, the generation after zoomers are going to be so fucking retarded.

I have browsed those /pol/ threads about this subject. But nobody is still sure is it Russians, Chinese or (((they))) who are doing this. Most just agree that these videos are made to weaken West.

>Why do you think it's illegal to collect rainwater?
Maybe in your shithole of a country.


Fucking hell

it is illegal in the united states though

>Assuming you aren't one of those countries that recycles sewerage for drinking water.
I included this in my original post because I'm pretty sure we don't do this where I live.

I'm legit thinking of trying to exploit this shit, those videos that the pajeets make cost probably around 10 dollars of equipment for some colorful toys and an iPhone to shoot with and they are making literall millions a year.
What video should I make, bros

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there have always been terrible parents, this is just a particularly creepy look into that world thanks to the internet
kids in similar situations huffed chemicals and ate carpet glass

The thing is that those estrogen hormones do not get filtered that well. So hormones stay pretty long in the water or they get absorbed by water animals like fish and frogs.

no dude dont you see he was insinuating the united states is india-tier isn't that so funny and hilarious and creative and sooo true in trumps america :/

just as a tip, keep your kids away from 4g and 5g devices as much as possible. youtube.com/watch?v=lCIAcZov5Hs


>Americans have such shit health coverage that literally they still suffer from easily preventable brain belly in 2019

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Frozen enslavement to forced breeding camp

Make a video of you killing yourself. Rope and chair should be about 10 bucks.

Please dont drink rainwater if you live in a city, it basically takes all the filth in the air

frogs are just more sensitive due to respiring through their skin and living in the polluted water

Syringes are scary

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>after the father took the phone, the kid got hysterical not like a kid normally cries but an insane wail
Yeah because kids in the past did not throw tantrum when you take away their stuffs. Also have sex incel.


Is this supposed to be the ultimate dopamine hit for children like coke for adults or something?

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>living in a city
If you do this, it's already too late for you. Fucking zoomers go around puffing e-cigs with soi cartridges.

That peppa pig cannibal thing left me shook for a while after I first watched it

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>PEPPA PIG learn colors full episode BABY counting escape room SLIME KIDS (GONE WRONG[GONE MUSICAL{SPIDERMAN}]) 1-2-3 and FUN GAMES baby in ass JOKER Full season 2019

Surefire hit

I'm almost sure this or something similar already exists on YouTube desu
Bit rude

>roiding for this

Based, the Aussie accent is like nails on a chalkboard

Why is it so hard for you to just use the incognito window?

>Also have sex incel.
Alas, I cannot. I am far too saddened you see, because the last time I had sex, it spawned the ugly retarded creature that is yourself.

Toy reviews, five finger family, nursery rhymes, learning colors and slime.
Btw has anyone else noticed the rise of slime videos in youtube? For the past few months it has been filled with shit like this

That same water is used as drinking water. Ofc the effects won't be as radical but I still wouldn't want to drink estrogen laced water.

I find the oz accent to be enjoyable and pleasant as a Yank

Remember to use like 100 different popular tags.

nah, just a fiendish little stream. more like a slot machine than something like coke.
i feel like the internet has made me ADHD in my fucking twenties, i can't imagine growing up today with neglectful parents and having EVEN MORE dopamine rape as a TODDLER, being meticulously trained to be a digital tweeker.

>anyone i don't like is an incel

zoomers are the first generation raised completely by the state to be the ideal citizen in modernity. The Ipad programs them at home and the schools program them outside it.

>i feel like the internet has made me ADHD in my fucking twenties
Fuck, my attention span is noticeably shorter these days than 7-8 ago too

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7-8 years ago

Only one in a thousand videos gets swallowed up by the youtube algorithm and ends up on a toddler's autoplay list.

I don't deny that, on the contrary, it is one of the biggest issues we face right now.
In fact, I'm even writing a thesis related to those chemicals.

very jewish

What the fuck do you/old people expect the kids to talk about with them? they're generations apart, they'd have very little in common regarding interests/news. "Oh yeah thanks for fucking over my generation, the country and the economy grandma"
So stupid.

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now imagine being indoctrinated into this way of being from birth

This website made me into a retard.

you will never be a real woman, rotscrotch

Traditional view of a generation being 25-30 years is such bullshit in the current world because so many things change so fast. I was born in late 90's and I have literally nothing in common with these people who are 15 years or more younger than me. The thought that someone would categorize me and some youtube scat/syringe video addicted 10 year old kid in same generation is totally absurd.


>my baby cousin also known as 3 year old
Burst out laffing

>I was born in late 90's

Chemicals are so dangerous but most people have now idea what is in our bodies and food. The same thing with plastic in water. Sadly we really can't affect it that much because Asians dump their waste straight into the oceans.

We are so fucking screwed in some many fucking ways it's absolutely daunting.
And there is no fucking escape from it. At best you can move to a middle of nowhere in Siberia or Alaska and live off turnips and goat milk.
learn to count

>parents are stupid for letting kids watch youtube
>making youtube unwatchable for kids

You guys are fucking morons. It's like throwing a rock through a window and then calling the owner stupid because they didn't stop you. You're like little teenaged niggers. Always making trouble and then blaming everyone else. It's their fault you stole their bike. They should have had a better lock. Literal subhuman nigger behavior. And you have the nerve to act like you're better than them.

I'm not a discord trannie mate, just wondering what you expect old people and kids to carry a conversation on.

Johnny Johnny yes papa baby shark and poppa pig full episodes for kids.

Start there and make sure the thumbnail is an acid trip.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK this hits hard

>Volunteer for some "at-risk-youths" program in senior year
>Kid I'm paired with is this sweet 10 year old, but his mom is poor as fuck and generally is not a good parent
>He's kind of fat
>I take him every week and toss around a football, teach him how to lift small weights, teach him some boxing behind his mom's back because she's an annoying soccermom, take him movies
>Year is almost over, he looks like mini Chad, talking about all these girls in his class who always want to pair with him during projects and how tiring it is trying to keep them all happy (fucking kek, what a little champ)
>Girls start to say "Hi Logan! Bye Logan!" when they walk past him after school
>He's doing well in school cause self-esteem issues are gone
>No one fucks with him anymore
>Last day of the school year, I just straight up give him my boxing gloves and baseball bat and everything, and mom just kind of says "fine" because it's free stuff, and also she can't refuse my gift cause it's the last day of the school year
>We do our little handshake thing that we made up
>Promise I'll meet up with the kid in a few years
>Finally get into the pace of college and working part-time
>Call up the kid's mom
>Kid is now in middle school
>Decide to take him to movies cause he loved movies
>Drive to pick him up
>He's suddenly fat again
>His face is in his phone
>Doesn't even look up to say hi
>"Oh, uh, I see your mom bought you a smartphone..."
>That's it
>On the drive over, he just keeps playing some videogame and says "dang it!" every time he dies
>For every 100 words I say, he replies with 5
>He only cares about his stupid phone
>Saw him few more times, same shit
>Didn't want to play basketball or go hiking
>Didn't want to go to the beach or go on the annual camping trip (cause no wifi)
>Just wanted to play phone games, eat, and sleep
>Mom and him moved states and I never saw him again

I'm honestly fucking heartbroken, it's so sad

user, 2001 was 18 years ago.
So it is true that 4channel.org affects attention span

If you aren't atleast 30 years old in the current year you are eternally underage and an eternal newfag.

My daughter was singing this after I picked her up from my mother's place after she had to watch her for a few hours. What the fuck is this??

Imagine the smell

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I’m fucking laughing at the image of some old Indian dude that doesn’t know shit about technology getting a job where he just makes Spider-Man dancing to nursery rhymes videos

nice dodge there, count Dyscalcula

Jesus dude, that's tragic.

Why would you even want to have kids in this age? You wont be able to raise them yourself due to work. The mother will spoil them, the grandparents will spoil them, the state will spoil them, internet will spoil them. You are better off getting a dog

i've had some drug problems, particularly pharmaceutical amphetamines which stimulates dopamine directly, and i can confidently say the phone is just as bad as anything to me in terms of overall mental fuckery and time wasted. and again, that's in my twenties. the overall mental damage is so so similar. and swathes of these kids are bathed in it day in and day out as early as they can poke a screen.

I don’t have kids so I guess it’s easy to complain. But seriously, is it not impossible to not give phones and tablets to babies? Fuck that, the only kid I know not using any of these is from a tight ultra radical Catholics.
I don’t know, I will have kids some day, I don’t think I’ll ever give them any of these. My partner works in computing field, but both of us don’t obsess over trivial technology shit. Maybe just a good ol’ console for about an hour a day at most.

Single mum?

Dont let her near your mother ever again

Lol get fucked gramps, the future is here. I will never be sorry for not being a millenial AKA snowflake generation.

Sounds rough user.

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Explain further.

Seems like you are letting your daughter freely use smart phones. Bih mistake user...
Anyone have the pipe smoking pasta about having daughters?

This. Reminder 2012 was newfag central and had around 50 million users, by 2018 Yea Forums was getting 300million, all of them migrants from reddit.

A real man would have beat the shit out of him, with appropriate restraint of course.

I for one am not bringing a white English kid into this country and world. It's only going downhill from here.

Your mom just probably gave her phone to your kid and let her watch this shit.
Remember, our parents never gave a shit about cartoons or video games, it’s all the exact same kiddy shit to them.

I'm guessing it's a royalty free song that plays during those brain drilling sessions

Yep, THATS why you're a virgin. Got it.

>Shitxar animation studios

Woman have no place in the rearing of children. With all the birth control and shit I wouldn't even trust them to breatfeed.

After you were gone, the stressor which made him fat remained.

I have never made a single post in Reddit, I have never actively browsed Rdddit and I only visit that place when it pops up in my search results. Just because I came here at peak Reddit immigration doesn't mean I am one of them :3

Yep. At the time I didn't know about the "single mom" redpill. After they moved, I read about "single moms" on /r9k/, and everything just started to make sense. All the pieces of the puzzle came together.

Fuck her, dude. He honestly could've been somebody. When I first got him, people called him a "lost case" and thought he was actually, legitimately, medically retarded. After his self-esteem came back, he became one of the smartest kids in his class. Now he's back to being bullied, being a shut in, and getting shit grades. Honestly, fuck that mom, she's fucking useless as a human being.

And American kids are speaking British because of Peppa Pig


People have always complained about technology destroying children's minds, but have we finally reached the point when it actually happens? This youtube shit is an endless 24/7 dopamine stream with no commercial breaks or pauses, specifically designed for a specific demographic in mind.

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So what you are saying is, I should educate my parents to the dangers of YouTube shit in the hope they would listen and be more strict towards my own children and deny them access..

Never going to work.

that would just traumatize him and retroactively taint whatever small good was ever done by the previous help and make him retreat further. but at least you get to feel like a big man

All I see is green and purple

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She is not useless, women are literal brain parasites

Theyll get locked in, like a moth with a stupid long probosis and an orchid with a stupid long flower. Sad but interesting

Isn't it glorious? And pretty much nobody opposed the advance of the greatest social engineering ever.

thanks doc

Then deny them access to your children, grow a spine, or not, maybe you dont really care

the kids who get the worst of it will be the most pathetic dependent fiends ever. ideally, they will be looked back on like we now look back on crazy things they did 100 years ago not understanding the consequences. or maybe there are no brakes.

have sex

It was the mom. She's fucking worthless. All she cared about was sustaining her party-girl lifestyle, buying junk food with her benefits, and letting TV and smarphones raise her child.

At the end of the school year, the kid actually cried because we wouldn't be seeing each other for a long while. I used my own money from the part time job I had to make this kid into somebody worth being proud of. I spent hour sand hours with him, doing the shit a big brother would have done, talking about girls he liked, talking about what he wanted to be when he grew up, teaching him that if he wanted, all he had to do was try.

All that, and at the end of the school year, she simply said "thanks, but I don't think you're right for him". Fuck her, dude. It's been 2 years, but I still get FURIOUS when I think about it. She's fucking garbage.

You know what the sad part is? He still loves her. How could he not? How can a kid not love his own mother? Every time I taught him something, like how to throw a football, or how to touch the floor on the deep end of the swimming pool, he couldn't wait to tell his mom. First fucking priority for him was making his mom proud.

I think the one lesson I forgot to teach him was that even the people you love can still somehow be poison.

dont even need to click it to remember that awful voice

*even the women you love can still be poison.

I think denying access to my kids because they let them use a tablet is a bit extreme. Obviously I care, since I want what's best for my kids. The smart solution would be to do some research on this YouTube bullshit and what the kids can find and do on a tablet and show my parents that it isn't healthy for their development and that it isn't what it used to be when they or I was growing up. If the videos and whatnot are as bad as I think they are, then I'm sure we'll find common ground and be able to come to a solution as adults.

Removing kids from loved ones is never the answer, unless in extreme cases.

Good thread though, gave me food for thought.

what, you think cancerous daddies don't exist?

Oh for sure. But the cult(ure) of the mother and the female means that their insidious influences go completely unchecked. A bad father will neglect or abuse you until stopped, but not rot your brain with no legal or social repercussion.
Different kinds of cancer I guess.

Just give kids good books to read or some interesting hobby. Idle hands are devil's play things.

anyone you love can be poison if they're poison, no need to "correct" it to only include femoids. fathers can do all kinds of things.

The way you helped the boy reminded me of parts of Loving Boys by Edward Brongersma except without the erotic element.

Why not? Don’t they trust you? Don’t they trust you more about technology in general?
I told my parents about the stupid shit my niece is watching on Youtube and how there are studies showing that it ruins kids. They now never dare giving her a phone. Just toys even if she throws a tantrum.

My 4 year old nephews first words and sentence were in english. We're in Scandinavia.

My brother and his wife were proud because "oh, so international", meanwhile everyone around them fucking cringes because we all know that it's due to neglect and just sticking the child in front of an iPad all day long.

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I've actually worked with kids for a long time now in very personal 1-on-1 settings (about 4 years).

The truth is, if you're generally handsome, mature, cool, and laid-back, then yes, both boys and girls will develop crushes on you. Not because they genuinely love you, but just because you're older, in a position of authority, more mature, and you represent a lot of positive traits that they want to see in themselves. Not really a lot you can do about it.

I remember when I was still a senior in highschool, I bought it up with the other volunteers (who were all boomers and middle-aged or seniors), and they just laughed because everyone in the field of childcare has gone through that same experience one way or another when they were my age.

I know for a fact my kid wasn't gay, because he'd always talk about girls, and he really liked one girl in particular, but every single boy I've mentored has developed some sort of platonic, or even mildly homoerotic crush on me. It used to freak me out, but nowadays I just let them do what they need to do until they find an actual girl to fall in love with or until they calm down. For girls it's a bit trickier, because it seems like everyone's looking at you when you're a college-aged dude hanging around with a 12 year old girl who's clearly not your daughter, so when they start to develop a crush on you, you actually have to actively force it away by being polite but firm about where your relationship stands.

Of course they do, but eliminating shitty father kid's life is very easy for a mother. Especially if the kid is young and they aren't married. She pretty much just says a word and he has to pack up and pay for mum's wine parties.
Eliminating shitty mum is absolutely impossible if she doesn't physically beat the kid to a pulp every day.

>the kid got hysterical not like a kid normally cries but an insane wail

I might be wrong about some specifics here, but a friend who studies neuroscience said that many of the childrens youtube shows has such an impact on the toddlers brain that the withdrawal symptoms are similar to mild heroin withdrawals. It isn't just a child throwing a tantrum. The child is in both mental and physical pain because the addictive element is removed.

We all know marketing firms have perfected techniques to impact our psyches, which is why commercials aimed at children is against the law in most developed countries, since it's considered unethical to quite literally brainwash impressionable children. But the creators of many of the childrens youtube shows have utilized many of the same techniques that are used in marketing, to get the children hooked.


Water in Homes goes to a wastewater treatment plant where it goes through multiple fields of screens to get out large particles, micro particles, and ion nets/radiation blasts to kill all living organisms in water and to make it safe to drink again. Shit toilet paper and and pee and food scraps all get filtered out. Read your local water report. There are still microscopic amounts of stuff in the water at like 1-10 parts per BILLION but it Varys a lot from town to town.

>mfw india really is a superpower now

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sneedpill the masses user

What did he say?

what is this brain belly thing?

>so when they start to develop a crush on you, you actually have to actively force it away by being polite but firm about where your relationship stands.


You meme, but he's right as fuck. Don't you remember being kids? Weren't your favorite books shit like "Scary Stories To Tell In the Dark" and shit? The ones with fucked up images? When I was a kid, I fucking HATED goosebumps because it was the most milquetoast, boring "horror" literature I'd ever consumed. I craved ACTUAL, ADULT horror; not this Mickey Mouse bullshit. Wasn't just me too. Me and my friend's favorite book in elementary school was "The Legend of Momotaro", because it always had illustrations of samurai warriors cutting off demon's heads and stuff.

Either you were sissy fucks or you're honestly just not remembering your childhood correctly. Honestly; how many times have you played "soldier" or "cops" with stick and twigs for guns? How many times did you relish overplaying your dramatic death scene when your buddy called out "Hey, you got shot"?

I fucking KNOW it wasn't just me. I KNOW for a fact you guys experienced that same shit too. Kids are much, much, much, MUCH more inclined towards mature situations than our current pissy society gives them credit for. If you ever have a daughter, listen in when she's playing with Barbie. Chances are, she's making Barbie kill her slut friend for cheating with Ken, all before she takes the baby and burns the house down.

Animals play fight and wrestle to prepare them for actual combat in the natural world. You think human children aren't the same? What the fuck do you think rough housing is? It's preparing them for adulthood when they actually need to fight. What the fuck do you think dolls are for? It's for giving girls a safe outlet for projecting complex social situations in a risk-free environment. Kids care a LOT about "grown up" things. You guys just don't know he's right, either because you're ignorant to the truth, or because you guys are all underage faggots.

and now you see the grand masterstroke of the plan. i have to give it to them, they played the game very well

>In the grocery store
>Kid next to me starts humming the family finger song

Never felt so uneasy buying chicken thighs in my whole life, goddamn

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>Not because they genuinely love you,
Of course they're in love with you.
>I know for a fact my kid wasn't gay
Boys in relationships with men usually find a girl around 15-16.
>you actually have to actively force it away
That's disturbing and I'd hate to be in that position. Adults should be allowed to reciprocate the child's feelings.

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Most parents don't realize that children under the age of 10 get addicted very easily to stimulations. If they don't have anything else in their lives other than smartphones and videogames then removing them hurts them very much because in their minds those are the most important things in their lives.
Babies don't understand that if you take something away from them that the thing still exists but babies see it in a way that the thing just disapperead and now their life is bad. Most kids under 10 still have remnants of that sort of behavior and that probably partially explains why they get so emotionally attached to video games, smart phones and kids shows. Because their subconscious thinks that if they aren't constantly watching videos or playing video games then video games/smart phones might disappear.

A man of taste I see

a certain word, i think you know what it is...

Yeah dude CHEMICALS are scary. Have you heard of Dihydrogen Monoxide? I heard everyone who uses it DIES

was it Sneed

Yeah, dude. I'm not gonna get fired and arrested over some 12 year old cunny. I don't want to go to prison THAT badly.

>So you probably had low IQ (grand)parents that had children by accident in their 20s.
Literally fucking what? Everyone in those generations had kids in their 20's, that's normal as fuck.

I'm 32 and my grandparents are still alive and to put that into perspective my mother had me when she was 30 and she was the youngest of six sisters and her mother had her at 30 as well.

t. shitty parent who sticks his kid in front of a tablet and doesn't want to stop because it would require actual effort on his part


they must have had shit parents/been only childs in solitary. i was creating warzones and horrific deaths in my imagination when i was fucking 2. i told a waitress she was disgusting when i was a little older. kids are edgelords at heart and need to experience that.

its like how young venemous creatures release all their venom at once cause they cant control the flow. kids are natural predators and need to satisfy that instinct

when you increase estrogen the body tries to balance it out by increasing testosterone, and vice versa. its while your balls shrink and you start lactating on steroids

Most parents really are nothing but lazy shits


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I never encouraged you to do so. I was arguing that it should be permitted.

dunno about a crush, more that they just idolize you

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>1-10 parts per BILLION
problem is, there are hundreds of chemicals with those effects, it's not just from water, but even things like supermarket receipts.
squeeky toys (phtalates) are the absolute worst and kids lick and chew on them daily
The sum is actually worrying and the problem is with chronic effects in small doses, it's not like you drink tap water and it's like HRT. The issue is with gradual long term effect on brain chemistry and epigenetics, which isn't even close to being fully understood. Studies are inconclusive because there is no real control available.
And that's not even taking synergistic effects into the equation

And people wonder why sperm counts are dropping and sexual confusion is rising.

Yo where the white hos be at?

Playing cowboys and indians or war is pretty different than needle insertions, scat and other fetish stuff you see in those "kids videos"

Unfortunately they need to be at least 12 (you) to be able to handle the goat trading board morbidity like that of Yea Forums.

Ever notice how almost all big tech executives say that their [young] children gets little to no screen time? That's because they're very much aware of the effects it can have on children.

that's not the point, the point is that kids have a visceral reaction to things of that nature and it's now being scientifically exploited to the maximum degree. it's not that kids like those things per se, just that they'll be blown away and transfixed by them on a screen, and they'll tell all their friends about the crazy shit they saw.

Wasn't that just bill gates?

>don't forget to subscribe

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That's fine as long as it doesn't go overboard. Some slang is normal in smaller countries with lots of foreign influences so long as the kids are actually able to speak the proper language if need be. My country is also very small and we have loads of words taken from other languages. Even all of our curse words are taken from other languages because our one doesn't have them

Imagine a kid listening to this shit for 35 mins non-stop. And then when the video ends the next video plays right after because auto play is turned on. Even Guantanamo inmates don't have to endure that kind of torture.


Not every place has to be kid-friendly retard.

Off the top of my head, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, that pajeet Facebook executive Chamath Palipayayaya, and I remember there were two execs at Youtube but can't remember their names.

Now I see the funny side.

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You mean her, right?

it's not torture if it's all you know. they don't mind. actually, they get deeply upset if it's taken away. honk honk

Brain parasites?

Right? I remember in pre-school (around 3-4 years old), me and my friend's favorite game was "prison", where we would get this child-sized doll and lock it in a closet and abuse it by fake feeding it gruel and taking it out every now and then for beatings. Nowadays I think "wow, that's fucked, that poor doll", but back then, we just didn't have a mental filter. We just did what came naturally, and kids are VERY fucking creative.

I also remember being in preschool, and I wanted to play "Jaws" after watching the movie "Jaws" with my dad, but I forgot what the title of the movie was, so I ended up calling it "Joker". So for that whole year, we'd always ask the teacher why the shark was under "S" instead of "J" in the picture books, and then we'd laugh and run away because we knew she'd scold us for saying it.

nope. if you let your toddler watch youtube unattended for hours at a time you're a bad parent, full stop


But why do the videos have to be disturbing? Its not just a money scam its malicious

How do we stop this?
My 4 year old nephew can't string 2 sentences together. And he rarely speaks, not autism by any means but kids at his kindergarten are way more fluent than him.
He probably spend more time with YouTube than talking with parents.

You're fucking retarded, YouTube was never intended to be a website for children. Eat shit, find other ways to entertain your children than putting them in front of a fucking glowing rectangle you stupid fucking cunt. When your kids grow up half brain dead and leech money off of you until you die don't blame me.

tell that to achmed

Ah sry I must've misunderstood the point. But I still doubt that kids would come up with stuff like syringe insertions in the ass and think it as fun. Stuff like war, murder and crime is natural in humans but literal blood baths are more of a fetish thing that kids wouldn't come up with themselves. But it still seems that they like that kind of stuff when it is fed to them.

>Tweets: 146K

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Smartphones and wider access to internet were a mistake

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A ton of the these videos are produced in China. Who the fuck knows, could be the Chinks looking to fuck up the next generation of Westerners, since it's mostly our kids who are stuck in front of a tablet all day.

just indians and russians. no conspiracy

i think it's going to be the long, brutal game of seeing the damage done long term as the zombie toddlers grow up and we'll look back on it the same way we did on things like giving your kid non-addictive heroin cough medicine to shut up and sleep

>it’s a comedy

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OK, Susan

There is no master plan or master planners, we literally have no idea what we are doing

That is like Pavlov with his dogs. Kids don't understand why they like something but get angry when they don't get it. Infants, babies and young kids really are among the dumbest things in planet. But then again most mammals infants are helpless after birth and the longer life span of humans just means that we are helpless for a longer time.

Or a couple of pajeets who are angry at Westerners because their repeated requests for bobs and vagene on social media were denied.

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That works out to roughly 43 tweets a day.

>prove me wrong
Go back to twitter with your hot-take-speech, fag.

>his name is Ali-kun
his life must feel like an anime. not gonna lie, I'm a bit jelly.

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it's not them coming up with it. and they don't think it's fun in the sense of it being a good thing to do, that's crazy. it's having a strong reaction to seeing something insane which can be addictive, the rush of the forbidden and unknown, that's what that stuff is meant to exploit.

That wasn't my point. My point was that parents like to give their kids "sanitized" baby videos because it's the educational equivalent of sugary breakfast cereal. REAL kids crave drama, intrigue, action, adventure. It's okay to show your kid movies like Jaws, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, etc.

They won't die.

They won't turn out fucked up.

Kids are much more inclined towards watching that sort of shit than we give credit for.

We show them pajeet videos because it's "stimulating", but it's not ACTUALLY stimulating. It catches their attention. That's it. REAL stimulation is shit that makes them think and imagine. Movies with high-diving action that they can dream about, movies with heroes and vixens they can look up to.

Me and my friends watched Saving Private Ryan at my house during a sleepover at the age of 8, and we all thought it was the coolest shit ever. We wanted to play soldier for WEEKS afterward. We all went over to my other buddy's house because he DVR'ed 28 Weeks Later at the age of 9. Shit like that is actually interesting and gives children something to work with.

Don't put your kids up in front of a screen filled with mindless junk. Put them up in front of something that will challenge them. If you want, go from milder movies, and slowly start to make it more mature as they get older, but absolutely NEVER subject them to that mindless horse shit.

>american education

Not him but it's true that grandparents and their grandkids won't have much to talk about. Old people need other old people for company. That said kids should still talk to their grandparents to tell them about school and hobbies and shit like that. Grandparents like hearing that their kids were able to produce decent kids of their own because it validates their own parenting skills

all the people with sense dont want to bring children into this shithole, while all the retards will continue. easily controlled and easily molded while you and i wither and become not but ash

I read it wrong, it would actually be like 38 a day.

>american education

And that's a conservative estimate, I doubt she was tweeting a lot back around that 2009 join date. it definitely ramped up around 2012 at the earliest.

I'm setting up a little starter catalogue of movies for my 6 year old nephew. I've tried to add a healthy mixture of things and not repeat too much. Thoughts on this?

>The Dark Knight
>Pulp Fiction
>The Matrix
>Fight Club
>The Silence of the Lambs
>Taxi Driver
>Terminator (1 & 2)
>Reservoir Dogs (considering removing this)
>Blade Runner
>Blade Runner 2049

Fucking this. It's so obvious yet people are less terrified believing lizards are pulling the strings than nobody.

Women live in your head rent free thanks to evolution, wanting to protect and provide women is NPC behaviour 101

Just imagine how many of those tweets are just inane bullshit without any real meaning.
Sometimes I wonder how much electricity is wasted on that kind of tweets.

I did watch Saving Private Ryan as a child also and it was pretty interesting movie. I just understood that you thought these youtube fetish videos were comparable to real interesting and stimulating material.
It is actually pretty sad how much children's stories have been changed so they are "child friendly". Stuff like Grimm Brothers' stories are pretty gruesome.

Also want to add some WW2 / Vietnam War movies to this list.

Really unsure what fits a kid best though. Apocalypse Now, Platoon, The Deer Hunter, Full Metal Jacket?

Must be pretty weird for a 14 year old to have a 6 year old nephew.
Also young people don't give a fuck about their elders' obsessions.
Just let him figure it out for himself instead of trying to forcefeed him.

he's 6 user, i appreciate what you're trying to do but those are really autistic out of touch choices unless you're planning ahead to when he's a teenager. the silence of the lambs, are you shitting me? taxi driver, must he know the doomer plight? come on. think lord of the rings or something.

I...actually agree with you on this one. I don't really see anything wrong with it, as long as you genuinely love them and can provide a good life for them and it's consensual. Yes, this is coming from an actual child-care worker in training. I'd never do it myself because I already have a girlfriend and we're going to get married pretty soon...and also because I have to keep professional and not get arrested, but yeah, I see where you're coming from.

People shit on "grooming" kids, but grooming is only fucked if you groom them into literal sex slaves or soldiers or something. If you groom them into bright, intelligent, strong people, then what the fuck is so wrong with that? Just makes sure you don't take away their childhood and make sure you're ACTUALLY being a good caretaker for them first and foremost. Hell, my 4 years of child-care makes for better children I've raised than 10 years of parenting by some negligent fuck up.

Definitely a bit of both. I've no-shit seen and heard girls talking about "love" and other weird stuff that kind of makes me cringe when they think I can't hear them (or sometimes they purposely talk loudly because they want me to hear it). They're getting to "that age", so you can't really do anything about it other than be stoic and professional, while maintaining a level of care and understanding.

you're like that guy who plays death grips for a tinder date

The Silence of the Lambs is a great movie but it is filled with fetish shit, like transvetism and body cutting shit. Not that healthy for a child under 10 that doesn't understand anything but violence and pleasure.

>It's okay to show your kid movies like Jaws, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, etc.
>"Okay, how about these movies?"
>RRREEEE, don't forcefeed him movies. Let him figure it out for himself

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>6 year old kid forced to watch silence of the lambs, seven, alien, platoon
yeah, you're in the process of creating a real life buffalo bill.

my doggie. people actually forget what its like to be a child, and while there are definitely a shitload of little underage shits here they too do not know what it is like to be a child. they wont understand that magnetism and intense feeling you get when you see something fucking killer as a child and go emulate it with your friends, or that pinpoint laser focus you have when enthralled by something engaging and mentally stimulating, or that creative spark you get when trying to figure something out and you achieve it then continue to work on it.

much easier to sit on the phone and tap the screen, or shitpost online. they are so dumbed down by this they dont understand basic critical thinking. take that young girl with the gameboy gif that keeps floating around here. the one thing that actually makes me autistically seethe on this site. the fact that there is not even a fucking inkling to try to press the dpad or a button that isnt the screen speaks volumes as to how little shes actually using her brain

how fucking autistic do you have to be to not understand the difference between those two lists, holy shit

that...wasn't me though

What are you talking about? My parents were orphaned at 10, both of em, and raised by hard illiterate and tenacious mothers who made sure they got the education they never received to make the leap from poorfags to upper middle class. When they raised me and my siblings they were as loving as they were strict, despite growing up non sheltered in 3rd world shitholes. I marvel, at first world parents who have little, to no affectionate relations with their spawn and are eager to kick them out of the house once they turn 18. I don't understand if that's the way it really is or it's just some shitty stereotype backed up by Hollywood. Still, there's endless stories online about western children and their fraught relations with their parents.

Do you think a 6 years old child understands what happens in Matrix or do you think he would just enjoy action scenes?

kek. when have men ever raised their kids?

for most of civilization

Half your list is some cringy teenage shit and the other half is totally inappropriate for a kid, you dumbass. Grow up yourself, then we can talk.

>unky, what's a lady suit?

>making youtube unwatchable for kids

It was never kid-friendly. I mean, how do you even expect toddlers to search videos when they can't read, leaving only thumbnails to choose from? The sanitization crowd are the ones starting the trouble by wanting to change it. Editing kids shows to be gruesome can be called a site tradition since its inception with stuff like Youtube Poop.

>cringy teenage shit
Cringy teenage shit for a child, since that's what they enjoy. I'm not going to add Lawrence of Arabia or Citizen Kane for a kid to watch.

I think most adults dont understand whats happening in the matrix

>You see Timmy when a boy visits /lgbt/ and /r9K/ too much he starts to get these feelings that something is wrong in him so he must change the way he is
>Now lets watch Blade Runner 2049 for the 9th time

Thank goodness. I see this as a serious and worrisome issue but everyone else either makes crass jokes about cunny or gets irrationally mad.

A reputable scientist also said that it turns the frogs gay!

user, I...



What am I doing wrong?

Not just gay. Male frogs are unironically turning into hermaphrodites. Just because Alex Jones or some other nutjob repeats something doesn't mean it isn't real.


Age of consent was basically put in place to destroy the good grooming, what you see today is the result of children being groomed by the state and most recently by corporations

Fuck this. Parents shouldn't give smart gadgets to their kids esp if they're wired to the net. If they have compulsive traits (uh me) they'll end up getting addicted to media consumption. I got my first laptop when I was 13, and still managed to get so obsessed with the internet that I threatened to throw myself out the window when my parents confiscated it. Now that I'm 21, I switched to a dumb phone because I was spending HOURS on the internet doing jack fucking shit. People really underestimate the heinous long term effects of smart phones/tablets on the youth.
>inb4 we live in a society
It is pretty cheesy to claim that all technology is bad, but if your kid comes with an addictive streak, it's best to shield him from phones until he's older/more mature.

The Eternal Yankee strike again!

It happens in other languages as well. In Spanish, most dubs are done in a "neutral accent" and many kids speak with this accent until they get to primary school.

Just imagine if casinos were allowed to market their games to children...
Now the kids only have loot boxes :(

>the withdrawal symptoms are similar to mild heroin withdrawals
This. God. People underestimate internet/tech addiction. That dopamine hit you get upon watching a nice YT video, or getting a reply on social media, is incomparable to IRL drug consumption, but when it happens many times a day, every fucking day, it becomes akin to heroin dependency

When I was your age my primary school had cigarette claw game machines outside the canteen.

Giving Internet to Poos and Arabs was a mistake

You had claw games in college?

>Studies show that men’s testosterone levels have been declining for decades. The most prominent, a 2007 study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, revealed a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, with average levels declining by about 1% per year. This means, for example, that a 60-year-old man in 2004 had testosterone levels 17% lower than those of a 60-year-old in 1987.

Testosterone levels are dropping every year, essentially turning the average modern male closer to a 1960 female than a 1960 male in hormonal equivilence. And people are genuinely scratching their heads and wondering why there's a transgender epidemic going on, or an ever increasing amount of males who shoot blanks.

How about (you)s?

Well no shit, people who either work in tech field or use a lot of screen at some point in their life for anything other than normie shit like Facebook or Fortnite are those who are least likely to check their screens very often.

I am almost 30 and I grew up with a lot of tv. My mom is bluepilled and naive, she was very strict but she basically let me spend almost my entire childhood with cartoons. I was only allowed to play video games on week-ends though. But yeah, I was exposed quite early to the internet and I saw it evolving to what it is today. I no longer crave as much as I did before because I am one of these whiners who think it was much better before.


>tfw addicted to sneed posting
Hiro better start Sneed posters Anynonymoys soon

Especially (You)s

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Thread is autosaging, someone make a new one

Yeah my niece only started talking when she was 5.
Check this out sciencenews.org/blog/growth-curve/toddler-screen-time-speech-delays-lost-sleep

Is this supposed to teach the kids colors or something?
Whatever happened to buying different sets of colored legos, or educational card games, and being a hands on parent?

Is there something left to talk about?

Half my friends are parents already and they spend more time on their smartphones than their kids

This is art.

they don't have time, daddy plays Mario Kart and Mummy is busy browsing Instagram

I'm at a point where I'm ready to concede, because Western civilization really doesn't deserve to survive. Nor will it.

I welcome my Chink overlords.

The best period in a child's life is toddler-hood. They're small and cute enough to cuddle and give kisses, dumb enough to not give you a snarky attitude and their love for you in this time is boundless and knows no limits. One day, those parents will wake up to the fact that they've missed the best times in their children's lives and they will regret it.
My mother was very hands on parent, and she still wishes I'd stayed a toddler forever. Or so she says.

There has got to be a reason why parents are neglecting their children.

why do you think people force memes and spam have sex, incel, onions, cuck, fucking whatever. they cant stop or their brains hurt