Your ancestors stayed on the boat, dumbfuck.

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bury me in the potato fields with my ancestors

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Imagine if all nogs did this. We would not have to pander to them or even care about them.

His ancestors jumped off the boat and drowned you fool.

You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.
Why don't you take your superhero movies and go back to playing fortnite?
>He unironically watches capeshit
I think it's time for mommy to change your diaper.
I bet you buy every lego set that has an avenger in it. Just kys retard.
Manchildren will deny this. Seriously all of you capeshitters need help.

His ancestors never even got on the boat you double dummy

No, he's wakandan. His ancestors sold the other niggers into slavery.

if african americans are so angry about slavery a century later, why do they not return to africa. a century of bitter resentment and hatred for a foreign host helps no society

They should have called it "nigger panther"

I didn't know Bill Maher frequented Yea Forums

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>going back to africa after they literally built america with their hard work

>"Tie a noose around my neck, like my ancestors"

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Imagine if America did what Arabs did and just castrated every Sub-Saharan African male so they'd be incapable of breeding.

blacks don't have a history, they have a series of traumatic events

>Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt on boat
>Uncle and Aunt, Dad jump off
>Mom still alive and pregnant
>gives birth after arrival in new world
>ancestors are dead but bloodline is maintained
Do you ever think about stuff before you post it?

You didn't refute his point even if what you said was true. He's talking about dindus upset over slavery which no one alive today had anything to do with either as slave or slaver. If they think slavery was so wrong and they can't get over it then it makes sense for them to move to Africa since that's where they'd be today if their ancestors hadn't have been enslaved.

The average American black has far more generations of their family in the America than the average white
If anything most whites should go back to Europe

based potatonigger subhuman poster.

Great mistake we ever made.

When are you gonna build Africa?

A man can dream...

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>His ancestors jumped off the boat and drowned you fool.
Then how was he born if all his ancestors died before getting to murica?

Buurry dem fishes in my ass, like my ass-sisters nigga

>if you die then that means all your children and grandchildren also die
the IQ of this board

But he's Wakandan?

>Uncle, Aunt
Those aren't his ancestors

Why do white girls break their retainers from biting their lips so hard around Michael B. Jordan?

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Did you watch the movie? They say his mom was American

does all their relatives instantly die when one guy jumps ship? use that lump of grey shit you dare call a brain

Yeah, but the farmers got greedy and wanted them to breed so they'd have more slaves to use/sell.
The ones who shipped them over shoulda castrated them, cause then the only way to get new slaves would be to buy niggers fresh from Africa rather than breeding your own.

>black fathers abandoned their children
I guess some things never change

Major KEK

>during his shirtless black panther scene

Didn't he look like he was covered in smallpox?

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well done

Which is what they deserve and need

So wait he had kids before he got on the boat, or after?
Cuz I think they took pretty young guys.

They have an history of mostly not doing jackshit on their continent for millenias while everyone else was busy developping

Based lazy africanoids. They would have gotten around to it eventually.

>negros build shit and farm a while

lets not talk about those wars, the economic instability and inventions by whites that changed the world

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whites couldn't have done shit if someone else wasn't farming for you
easy to waste your time doing "scientific research" if you don't have to worry about finding your own food and all the other stuff

>someone else wasn't farming for you

Man literally anyone can do that shit, eat shit nigger. We even abolished slavery and you kneegrows still came back. Shit we even gave you a fucking country and you enslaved your brethren.

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The north didn't have slavery (or at least they cancelled it sooner) and it was more developed than the south. Because more jobs were done by whites. Because they were actually capable

>romanticizing dead slaves
Who wrote this garbage.

Show me a single negro with engineering knowledge capable of producing a skyscraper.
One, single, negroid


>ah ah dude, farming is not time consuming!
>I am sure scientists would be able to do their job fine if they have to produce their own food, clothing, taking care of their house etc.

His ancestors were the ones jumping once they heard they knocked up some chained poon.

"oh lawd yous is pragnant? Seeya bitch"

Muh daddy done killed himself radder dan be a slave

>NEET attempts Ebonics
>mixes a century of slang together

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Farming is time consuming, but not every white person is fit to be a fucking scientist. Some are dumber and would do dumb people jobs like farming. These jobs aren't any less important for a functioning society, but they could be done just fine by whites instead of blacks

I don't speak welfarekanns

Then stop pretending to. You sound even more retarded than them.

"Muh eubonics"
"Muh street slang"
"Muh rich african ghetto culture"

explain europe where slavery was banned?

I wonder if leftards realize they are insulting indios when they say this crap.

Wtf are you talking about ape? Whites had instituitionalized intraracial farming.

>Europe didn't have slaves

He's right though. A lot of europe (although not all) banned slaves in the 17.-18. centuries iirc

thats not how slavery works m8, you get slaves to do the stuff you know how to do but don't want to do.

Blacks in America crying for land and reparations meanwhile more and more native tribes people are still having to deal with the reservations shrinking

hell most of the indigenous people along the Mexican border should have rights to land in the US since they were pushed south into Mexico. Native American tribes in the US have better rights than their Canadian and Mexican counter parts. At least they can marry between tribes and still retain their tribal status, where as in Canada you marry between tribes you lose your protected status and in Mexico you're just lucky they ignore you.

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The line was figurative, are you people retarded?