This actually happened...
Boy in the striped pajamas
>Anglos won't apologize for Dresden
>they rather make shitty propaganda tear jerker to show how they were in the right
more people died in Nanking.
you should have kept your asian dog on a leash.
but you didn't so you got cucked.
enjoy your migrants, kraut.
>Anglos won't apologize for Dresden
Nothing to apologize for.
What do I care about a bunch of dead ants. Germanic brothers killing each other for the jew was the real tragedy of WW2.
go to bed hans
>neetsoc complaining about propaganda of all things
never seen it, but like, nigga could fit through that fence. just fuckin leave wtf are you doin?
never happened
Does this film cover why the Nazi's were so gay?
He literally fought to protect the white kids in his neighborhood, who the media now openly wants to destroy, though.
A shame
Hey look who it is again!
how ya been bud?
Hitler was fighting to protect his drugs
I don't care, I'm not defending Hitler. I'm pointing out that WW2 veterans would fucking hate what America did to their descendants.
ironic that he's saying "Germans are fucking psychopaths", and therefore categorizing an entire group of people based on a few that lived 80 years ago. And by ironic, I mean obviously a /pol/ falseflag
pic related
>This actually happened...
Dilate Tranny
Doesn't the fact that his grandson is literally a mutt prove that he fought on the wrong side in WWII?
What makes incels so attracted to nazism anyway?
because we hate you and want you out of our lives and countries
>"death" camp
>surrounded by wire and minefields
>guards let some rando kid wander right up to the fence to talk to a yid right on the other side of the fence
They were both mutts in original image
Why can’t you just have sex and exercise? It’d get rid of all that sad angst
What makes everyone hate Jews so much? In 2014, some Guatemalans expelled Jews from their village. So how are you going blame antisemtism? These people never even heard of a Jew, all they knew was these greasy rat people were kidnapping and fucking their kids, so they got BTFO. The Jew will Jew, I guess.
Oh no no no no.....
Fucking my gf and going to the gym doesn't cause jews to disappear.
Incels get so mad when you name them then they start screeching about Guatemalan Jews
Nobody cares lmao have sex you goblin
You don’t have either of those you won’t know until you try it
Trust me. Lose that weight and get a girlfriend and get a job and socialize. You’re angst over Jews will disappear
i don't know. why can't jews stop occupying the palestinian territories and sign the non-proliferation treaty?
>being so pathetic you have to steal insults from Vox
Amerigoys will step in to die for Israel
then why are gym rats always mad and insecure?
And why are whores always crying and cutting themselves?
Yeah but that's just a meme. Americans in the 40's were pure White.