Looks like Ben is no longer Justed

Looks like Ben is no longer Justed

Attached: D36K0YIUYAAlMtK.jpg (800x1200, 225K)

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damn he looking daddy af

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Gays are gross

Still my favorite Batman aesthetics wise after Keaton. Bale was shit.

>gets in good shape AFTER quitting the role of Batman

What the fuck did he mean by this?

He unironically looks like Bruce Wayne.

Why do famous people dress worse than /fa/?

He is dressed like a guy 30 years younger then him.

>Unironically thinking people on /fa/ dress better.

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You can't be criticized in earnest if you do not do anything in earnest.

As a fellow alchoholic, all it takes is one drink. I hope he doesn't relapse for his kids sake. But he is a giant piece of shit and has relapsed many times so I am sure he will.

Don't put words in my mouth faggot i never said any such thing.

No one said he's dressed better than /fa/gs. Still, the dude should just dress his age.

>black sun logo on the cripple

Accidentally quoted the wrong post. Meant to quote this one.

Do I spy kingdom of hearts shoes?

I like how most of them just bought the newest brand of shoes and thougt they're fashionable.

whenever some retard posts that a guy is /fa/ as fuck i just assume he means dressed like a schizoid with autism

Bale is a good actor, but he was too pretty to play Bruce. Batman needs to be a depressed ex-chad.

>Akatsuki cloak
>6ix9ine meme pussy nigga shirt
>hobbit with moon boots

Attached: jennifer-garner-5[1].jpg (1540x2000, 524K)


Damn I'd fuck the shit out of her

not a single one is even normal looking

Garner is starting to look like Bruce Jenner(I'd still fuck her though) and her daughter is looking good. Ahhh, the circle of life.

Dude she's like 12.

Jesus get your mind out of the gutter weirdo

The only based user there.

Attached: based fa.png (115x141, 32K)

In awe of the width of this lad

Because they don’t give a shit. Bieber can look like a trailer trash hick and still get pussies

they look good, especially crippler

I just OD’d on cringe

I wish they'd get back together


How many hair transplants you think he's had?

>no longer Justed

but still the biggest douche bag in the industry

latest /pol/ meet up?

it's the queue to bang your mum

Too bad he doesn't have an athletic cape shit hero to play

The green shirt sperg looks good, the yellow jersey guy looks normal.

Kek at the fucking twig

Nigga in the middle is based

Jesus Tittyfucking Christ

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>cripple with Hitler mustache
>Akatsuki cloak + katana


youd still fuck bruce? gay

He's seen the Bloatman memes and he's doing what an Affleck always does.

He's rallying.

Good for him.

>The green shirt sperg looks good
Unironically looks worst of all of them

Was there any doubt?

DC is losing ALL it's biggest stars because it wants to lean more into gay projects like Doom Patrol who just did an episode on "What if a whole town turned into transvestites and our gay hero sang with them?"


Attached: doom-patrol-danny-street-episode-8-lgbt-review-dc-universe.jpg (750x422, 41K)

Looks like an autism group meetup. None of them looks mentally sane.

nice tits Ben

The 20th (You) and nobody has commented on Jew Fro Bangs Over Eyes Kill Bill Katana like it's litty.

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>Doom Patrol who just did an episode on "What if a whole town turned into transvestites and our gay hero sang with them?"

You mean the plotline they took from a comic written in the fucking 90s?

This is the shooped version

That's shopped but the original is still pretty cringe

That makes it OKAY.

kys DCfaggot. And btw, was a whole episode of Cyborg surfing Tinder also from the 90s? Or the 00s? Or it doesn't matter cause the show fucking sucks and you cannot defend it.

You sound like some middle-aged house frau who gets upset at the tiniest of things. It's a fun show, maybe loosen up ya loser

Me in the back

Nah, too many whites to be /pol/.

Goddamn Big Dick Energy. It just makes everything easier for those Chads!

this. he looks like the bruce wayne from the dark knight returns (the comics story)

/fa/gs are true fedora incarnates
>I dress so much better than chad how can't I get a gf

Kid inherited the wrong genes

That's Matt Murdock.

That's the episode that broke the camel's back?

I woulda said how they had an entire episode where they discussed eachother's feelings and the female character got raped one time.

DCfags will defend this as the best capeshit series ever.

Attached: preview-dpl107a023820v1-1553876346750_1280w.jpg (1000x667, 137K)

He looks more like Bruce Wayne than Bruce Wayne himself.

>none of their pants aren't autistic
>hitler mustache cripple with clown shoes
>ripped shirt wide hips lady pants
>dwarf with moonboots and earpods
>twink with meme glasses and anime hair
>uncomfortable brown dude
>autist with way-too-tight pants
>pussy nigga 69
>anime hair, anime jacket, samurai sword
such a kino picture

Attached: goodfellas kek.webm (412x314, 1.16M)

Honestly, the only character I paid attention to in that episode was Robotman. Everyone else was just not interesting.

Now THAT´S some wholesome parent-child interaction AND great boy behavior towards the annoying enemy paparazzi.
Nice to see after the Shriver/Watts freakshow thread, thank you.

This pic keeps giving and giving!

> after I drop these kids off I’m going to have a drink...just one drink

Manjaw at before even she had a chance, poor girl.

>maybe if I just drink half I'll be half buzzed for half of the time

>that manlet compensting

Accountant 2

>bunch of normies have a laugh and wear deliberately retarded clothes for an injoke
>autistic on tv think its real and use it to build their confidence
lmao lads honestly this board

DC picked the correct actors (except for Ezra) to play the characters. Most of their movies just have shitty directors and writers.

>How can we make this look awkward as fuck.jpg

He's still a huge Muslim loving Trump bashing cringelord and one more tweet from Trump will trigger him to relapse and do it all over again.
This just shows how easy it is for people with connections to transform their body and even then he can't keep it up all the time when it's so easily accessible. Probably one of the worst people on the planet. Feel bad for his kids.

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>just have shitty directors and writers

Well I wonder (((who))) picked (((those))).

All of their casting choices are good and with the correct script/director the Flash movie will be great

Man, what a braphog

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Ok, I give him that.
It IS like watching a constant car crash.


>he is a terrible person because he doesn't like Trump

Usually a good indicator.
There may be hope, but chances are slim.

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This was the best part of the episode shut your whore mouth.

this nigga up and down like bale

What is he supposed to be wearing then?

/fa/ is literally one of the worst and most useless boards on Yea Forums, and that's saying something. It's Yea Forums in fashion form.

Post outfit.

They unironically think this is "based" and good.

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But that looks based

honestly i'd rather have 57 minutes of rita trying to fuck larry and 3 minutes of cliff punching cyborg, I'd even buy the subscription.

>only 1 non-white
it isn't /pol/

I mean it is based but it's not good

Extremely based.

You can tell by his reaction, that made his day.

>leather jacket
>leopard pattern
>anime shirt

The day Nic went too far. Oof.

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Looks like Austin is no longer JUSTed.

Attached: 56310286_2121410104606463_5963666191913320448_n.jpg (768x960, 93K)

Hmm... Really makes me wonder....

Attached: ben-with-without-gf.jpg (1600x1338, 1.35M)

Imagine being rich and famous and being impressed by that sad ass. Alcohol is the worst.

You didn’t notice the toothbrush stache and combover?

Looks like he still has gyno bad

I don't really get it, the only difference is the beard?
I would kill to look like Ben on the left, it'd still be a million times an upgrade of my current self (with or without GF).

>t. Knows nothing about fashion

Man what the fuck

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He was clearly just reading what the shirt said


>facebook tier meme pic that makes no sense

>with gf
abit chubbier but he looks fucking happy.

>without gf
looks depressed.. probably went to gym to lose weight and find a gf

You can tell the pap is making that little girl uncomfortable, pretty fucked up.

>looks depressed.
He doesn't

Feel bad for the dude in the white hoodie, he could actually be normie if he weren't such a mega manlet

good on him, drinking fucks people up, good to see his getting back on track

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That does make it okay

if you don't think this is based and good you don't know SHIT about fashion

As much as I love Bale that's a fair point

>tfw I'll never have that much confidence

He'll fit in his suit soon.

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I too "lose weight" whenever I wear dark baggy clothes and sweaters.

Yeah I'm thinking he's back.

>Adolf Crippler on the right

What did JASON the ORIGINAL RED RANGER mean by this?


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Look, Austin. I love you, but you need to fuck off from here. You are not gonna make yourself into a meme. You are not gonna get the alt-right to start supporting you as some counterculture alternative to JDF. It is just not going to happen.
Just keep doing cons, and living your best life. Maybe Hasbro will reach out to you now Saban is not calling the shots. If they do, it won't be because these chucklefucks like you.

Fuck yeah dudes, I think Joker 2 will do Robins death and Affleckino is still on the menu

If he stops eating carnitas then maybe he'd lose weight.

Attached: Carnitas.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

Affleck was a fatass slob.
Bale was perfect.



gays not welcome

Uneducated fashion plebs think any shoe with a heel = heels. When those are clearly boots.

Jennifer Garner truly saved his life. Otherwise he would still be drinking, drunk in self pity.

Absolutely based

They look short. They should drink more milk.

Not sure how autistic you'd have to be to not see this is intended to be funny.

Oh, you're a retarded zoomed. Never mind.

the guy in the middle looks so shit but also looks the most natural in comparison to the rest


>that absolute manlet
is he even 5'-0" lmao

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I like Bale but only when his face is all gaunt.

Which one?

The guy in the white hoodie is a qt though

you're one of the people in the picture arent you

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based in a post-ironic way

>this is what going to Dunkin' Donuts everyday looks like

did someone say dunkaccino?


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Stop posting this.

God I wish.

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it's based af on Cage. Normal guy would look like a tool though.

>8head poo in loo looking scared
>pussy nigga 69
>A fucking katana

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Childhood is idolizing Jason David Frank. Adulthood is realizing that Austin St. John made more sense.

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Did Austin St. John (JASON the ORIGINAL RED RANGER) star in gay porn?

Attached: nBAgsEo.jpg (640x632, 125K)

That literally makes it OKAY. If it's an adaption of an actual comic then it isn't some forced SJW shit by definition. You honestly sound like a teenager lashing out because you got made to look stupid by showing how ignorant you are to the comics. Embarrassing.

He really does. Bruce Wayne absolutely needs to be a Big Guy.