Will it be kino?
Will it be kino?
color our of space is fucking boring and gay. they should have done dunwich horror or shadow over insmouth
>Richard Stanley's first film in decades
>Nic Cage
I'm thinking kino.
I want the horror at red hook
But Annihilation already exists
Rats In The Walls god dammit
But will it beat this adaptation?
>it’s actually real
God fucking damn it
It's likely not to be kino.
H.P.'s works turned to film become shit because the the original works are a type or "retelling/recollection" type narretive, and for whatever reason this is too complex for film makers so they just shit the bed and make up a bunch of dumb made up shit.
I totally expect the well to come to life and for Nic Cage to kill it with a grenade or something.
Not gonna lie, Nicky Cage is pretty Lovecraftian
is that why that meme won't die?
the only reason lovecraft got so popular in the last decade is because his stuff went in the public domain.
This. Part of the vibe is that you're hearing a frantically told story. Dagon does this quite well.
Also, I would be concerned how you could turn most of his stories into feature length productions. There's not really that much there. It would invite film makers to start adding their own ideas to the script, likely ruining it.
mutts still can't spell
What a stupid fucking idea. This is a story that can only be told in a book because it's a colour that can't be seen my the human eye.
Making everything neon with lens flares and 80's synth is getting really fucking old, too. You can tell the director is going to bank on it. Why not go for a different story?
LE cthulhu-tard
Fuck off.
They should've funded Del Taco to make At the Mountains of Madness.
With strange aeons even Sneed may die.
lovecraft was tied into the new religion group, he's being pushed hard primarily because his work fits the narrative:
>humans vs X
>cycles of civilization
>multi-dimensionality, old earth antarctica/atlantis
if you're an empiricist who refuses or rejects spiritual transcendence or religion, but you still have a desire for something like that, you turn it into the most horrific thing possible - you go insane when you touch the edge of reality and mess with inhuman intelligence that is immortal and universal.
in the modern context lovecraft is pure scientism, the rationality and curiosity of man (this is the new religion) hitting up against the boundary of his own mental and physical limits (this is the new devil).
>LE cthulhu-tard
>Fuck off.
>They should've funded Del Taco to make At the Mountains of Madness.
>calling someone Cthulhu tard
> schilling toro’s shit adaption
the irony is astounding
Del Toro actually gives a shit about the source material and bothered to read more then only the meme stories that all the zoomers are talking about, which is clearly more than you'll ever do, Rebbit.
his script is available to read. it has Christianity themes, Cthulhu rising out of the ocean and sailors fighting it, a love story - all the things that are not Lovecraft, particularly Mountains.
i can’t tell if you’re fucking with me because you can’t get more reddit than “Del toro mountains!!! Del toro mpunrains! Eeeeeeeee! Ridley stole Prometheus idea from toro that’s why we won’t get Madness!!!!!”
Ridley Scott already made Prometheus.
Very nice post. You're onto something.
>confirms having not read Mountains
the Prometheus comparison is the best pleb filter
Whisperer in the Dark would be up Stanley's alley.
Judging by the font it'll be 60s-70s, not 80s. This could work.