Tfw your partner walks in on you watching your guilty pleasure

tfw your partner walks in on you watching your guilty pleasure

mine is odd squad. what is yours?

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never heard of it. what is it? comedy, drama?

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Yea Forums

Yea Forums or /movies/ whatever your guilty pleasure is
just kinda curious. kinda feel like im the only one that watches pbs kids at my age.

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Its hot as fuck is what it is. A chick just whoring out on dicks.

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>when your girlfriend sits down and finishes watching the movie with you unironically.
>6 years together

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The highlander tv show from the 90's

Yea Forums is my guilty pleasure, I would never admit to posting here with a bunch of pedophiles

how old are you and how did you come about this show? Its from 2014 only apparently

Sweet Jebus.

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dicks? i dunno if id want to see two dicks rubbing each other as they attempt to penetrate a birth canal. sounds very minority

speed racer is kino

A man of taste I see!


so many pedophiles on this board, damn.

so uh, how old is she user

Goodness, what a comely young lass :)

Anime cum tribute videos.

She looks cute and funny


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Enough. Old Enough. Soon she'll be too old, she already looks fugly in her headshots.

There is a lot of good talent out there fellows.

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I love odd squad. Otto and violet were best duo. The chief is a really good actress. I didn't stick around for s2

Yeah two went downhill. The movie was OK for what it was. For those kids to have that to look back on is pretty cool tho

>PBS video is restricted to the United States and its territories.

Well fuck you then.

It's actually fairly clever and makes good use of side characters, environment and plots. For what it is. I swear sometimes this show has more FX going on than some episodes of the Walking Dead

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I like wrestling where the woman overpowers the man and humiliates him.

sleepover club

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I really enjoyed watching this when I was a teenager.

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Looks cute.

8tv got me hooked on that one chick that ruined herself with surgery. shes like a blond, used to have pigtails. shes solid fapkino

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yeah this board is mostly men

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no pedo but little girls give me erections haha

you know you can appreciate beauty without sex?
and youth without envy?

also a pedo is attracted to cabbage patch doll shit. girls on or in the cusp of womanhood have always been lauded and celebrated by the men of the west.

shh I know. i'm just trying to rile up the normans

I forget I am among men of taste and nuance. I've been shit posting on /an/ and /pol/ for a few weeks.

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Duncan's main squeeze looks so much like Gina Carla I had to stop watching.
the catalog adverts were more memorable than the show and i only remember the one were Joan Jett gets Quicken'd

I loved that show. I also miss MANTIS and Sliders

Hank Zipzer odds pretty kino

>between these six
user there's sev