It's a comedian guest

>it's a comedian guest
>it's an mma fag
>it's a female of any kind
Seriously, who even likes these episodes? And it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many.

Attached: joe-rogan-experience-podcast.jpg (789x460, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's joe rogan
that's a nope from me bro/ and that's coming from someone who watched probably every episode of news radio 6 or 7 times when it was in reruns in the late 90s, early 00s.

comedians can be good guests
every other category, I agree

have sex

>comedians can be good guests

They can be, but having one on the podcast means Joe is gonna start talking about "the craft" of standup and holy fuck is he terrible at it.

>Joe Rogaine
>not watching superior podcast

I like MMA so I like the MMA guests

comedians are the worst. i skip those everytime

Every podcast seems the same with Joe. He always goes off on tangents about shit he wants to talk about.

>its a DMT episode

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If the Comedy Store is mentioned three times I turn it off

Yea those are even worse sometimes. It's the same shtick with Joe for years now. The comfy episodes were when he did it from his house and Redban was still there.

Agree with the comedians, I always skip them.
But the mma episodes are sometimes good, like when they're talking about the sport in general rather than specific fights I didn't see in detail.

comedy/mma are at least within his wheelhouse even if it isn't terribly interesting, trying to be some sage-like figure who can regularly hold 3.5 hour conversations is where he goes wrong

I'm certain there have been good female guests, but I can't remember an example.

Gianna Michaels

i only watch joe rogan when he has MMA related guests on tbqh

>It's a Joe just heard about something so get ready for 2 weeks worth of discussion on it with people even less knowledgable than him

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What are the best DMT episodes?

>it's a joe argues how great weed is to someone who doesn't care or have anything against it episode

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UFOs, cryptids, and flat earth tier bullshit.

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>it's a racist alt righter episode

Tim Pool, JBP, Sam Harris, Ben Shapiro and any other fascist scum are an instant DROPPED from me.

>it's a chimpanzee
Jesus, those things always rip Joe to shreds

Comedian guests can sometimes be good, like Joey Diaz and a couple of others. I agree with everything else though, OP.

Yea Forums in a nutshell

>It's a Joe admires the male body episode

I like the comedian guests and some of the science/politics guys but honestly i prefer your moms house and bert cast now.

>usually hate joe diaz
>watch his recent appearance on your moms house
>laugh my ass off

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Best recent episodes? Haven't watched in a while except Alex Jones.

>Seriously, who even likes these episodes?
normies who want to feel like they are supremely "normal" and want 3rd person friendship

It's just an AI making threads at this point

Ben Shapiro

Andrew Yang


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I liked Joey Diaz a lot more when I first saw him because I thought his stories were real

Dr. Rhonda Patrick you plebeian.

Link or it didn't happen.

This. Even if you don't like the guy, it's good to at least get a perspective on one of the bigger conservative thinkers.

he sucks up to whoever it is anyway

Dr. Rhonda Patrick is cute and they have some interesting conversations.

rhonda patrick is based but you don't want a competent femoid to remind you you're a fat sack of shit